
Croatia Coronavirus COVID-19 Health, Stats & Travel Update: March 17, 2020

By 17 March 2020

For the latest March 21 update click here.

March 17, 2020 - There are 69 confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Croatia and 13 new cases. A fifth patient has recovered. There are currently 64 active cases in Croatia.

Foreign nationals entering Croatia from infection hotspots will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, while a 14-day self-isolation is required for Croatian citizens. Information on countries and areas under travel restrictions for passengers arriving in Croatia was updated on Sunday March 15:

All foreign nationals entering Croatia from the following countries/territories:

– People’s Republic of China: Hubei Province
– Italian Republic
– FR Germany: Heinsberg County in the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia
– Republic of Korea: Daegu City and Cheongdo Province
– Islamic Republic of Iran

will be informed about their compulsory 14-day quarantine, while all Croatian nationals will be issued a decision requiring them to go into a 14-day self-imposed isolation.

All foreign and Croatian nationals entering Croatia from the following countries/territories:

– People’s Republic of China (except the Hubei province)
– Hong Kong (People’s Republic of China)
– Republic of Korea (except Daegu City and the Cheongdo Province)
– Japan
– Republic of Singapore
– French Republic
– Federal Republic of Germany (except Heinsberg County in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia)
– Republic of Austria
– Swiss Confederation
– Kingdom of Spain
– Kingdom of the Netherlands
– Kingdom of Sweden
– United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
– Malaysia
– Republic of Slovenia
– Australia
– Republic of the Philippines
– Socialist Republic of Vietnam
– Kingdom of Cambodia
– New Zealand
– Kingdom of Denmark
– Kingdom of Norway
– Czech Republic
– Republic of Finland
– Hellenic Republic
– State of Israel
– Ireland
– Republic of San Marino
– Republic of Island
– Republic of Poland
– Romania
– Portuguese Republic
– Slovak Republic
– Hungary
– Republic of Belarus
– Republic of Bulgaria
– Republic of North Macedonia
– Kingdom of Thailand
– Republic of India
– Republic of Indonesia
– Republic of Maldives
– Kingdom of Bahrein
– United Arab Emirates
– Republic of Iraq
– Arab Republic of Egypt
– Lebanese Republic
– Islamic Republic of Pakistan
– Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
– United States of America
– Canada
– Federal Republic of Brasil
– Republic of Chile
– Republic of Costa Rica
– Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria
– Republic of Cameroon
– Republic of Peru
– Republic of Ecuador
– Principality of Andorra
– Republic of Albania
– Republic of Cyprus
– Montenegro
– Principality of Liechtenstein
– Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
– Republic of Malta
– Principality of Monaco
– Republic of Turkey
– Ukraine

will be issued a decision requiring them to go into a 14-day self-imposed isolation.

The list will be updated in accordance with recommendations and the epidemiological situation.

*Follow this page for updates on the coronavirus in Croatia from Total Croatia News. Contact numbers for epidemiologists, travel advisories and measures for preventing the spread of the coronavirus can be found here. For some of the most commonly asked questions, check out our TCN FAQ Guide here.

Sixty-Nine Coronavirus Cases in Croatia

As of March 17, 2020; sixty-nine coronavirus (COVID-19) patients have been reported in Croatia: 30 in Zagreb, 10 in Rijeka, 7 in Osijek, 6 in Pula, 5 in Varaždin, 3 in Sisak, 1 in Karlovac, 1 in Slavonski Brod, and 1 in Zabok (the location of the 5 other cases to be confirmed later, map to be updated).

More than 7,949 people are dead from the virus, which originated in Wuhan City, China; and over 197,187 cases have been confirmed globally. There are 116,306 cases outside of mainland China and 31,506 in Italy. 

UPDATED: March 17, 2020 22:00 CET (Central European Time)


National Civil Protection Headquarters Evening Press Conference: 18:00 CET

In Croatia, 4 more cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed this afternoon, with a total of 69 now infected. At their evening press conference, which began at 18:00 CET, the National Civil Protection Headquarters for tomorrow announced new measures that include limiting public gatherings and shutting down hospitality facilities and other service activities as reported by Index.

Six doctors are also infected. So far, 1109 samples have been tested and 50 are ongoing.

"More testing indicates that epidemiologists are treating all cases that you know of, and they are sending the closest contacts (of these cases) in for testing. The expected epidemiological situation will be different in the next few days," Beros said. Considering the number of patients in Europe, the situation in Croatia provides a certain level of optimism. It indicates that our measures are effective and that we have implemented them in a timely manner and that the situation is "even more than a controllable," Health Minister Vili Beros said at the press conference.

"We are entering the third phase of our defense, we are about halfway through, the healthcare system is mobilizing, extensive organizational and logistical prerequisites for establishing primary, secondary and tertiary centers are ongoing, this is not an easy task, there is a lot of manpower and material technical equipment that must be mobilized, "Beros said.

Sanctions for Doctors from KBC Zagreb

He also announced sanctions for doctors at KBC Zagreb who did not listen to the recommendations of the hospital administration not to go abroad, and said that the responsibility of doctors was far greater than that of other citizens and that he did not expect them to behave in this manner.

"They will bear legal responsibility and are likely to be sanctioned within professional organizations. I hope and believe that this is an exception and that it will not violate the confidence in the largest number of healthcare professionals who do their jobs responsibly."

The facility currently has 128 staff in isolation, including 28 doctors, but that will not disrupt the functioning of the system, Beroš said, once again urging colleagues to act responsibly.

Director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic “Dr. Fran Mihaljevic” Alemka Markotic said that most who were infected with coronavirus had mild symptoms, and only one patient in the clinic was in a medium to severe situation with no change in his status for better or worse.

No Epidemiological Changes Suggest Local Transmission

The director of the Croatian Institute for Public Health (HZJZ), Krunoslav Capak, said that after the four newly diagnosed patients, there were no significant changes in the epidemiological situation, and the infected were now detected in two other cities - Slavonski Brod and Zabok. He referred to patients who had returned to Croatia or had close contacts so that there were no epidemiological changes that would indicate local transmission.

Considering that there are more than 10,000 people in self-isolation and 670 contacts, he pointed to the hard work of epidemiologists to keep the spread of the coronavirus under control and urged citizens to stick to self-isolation measures, quarantines, avoid going out, and having contact with families and others.

Restaurants, Service Facilities and Public Gatherings Suspended 30 Days

The head of the National Headquarters, Davor Bozinovic, announced tomorrow the presentation of measures related to restriction of public gathering, temporary suspension of catering facilities and other service activities.

"We will implement these measures tomorrow. We will temporarily limit them to 30 days, hopefully we will not have to extend them, all with the primary objective of reducing the possibility of social contacts, minimizing situations where the virus may spread further among the population. Especially among the elderly citizens for whom we are preparing, it is not only advised that they not leave their homes, but a whole set of measures will be implemented to provide them with medical care, given the situation they might find themselves in," Bozinovic said.

Freight Transport Moving Smoothly Across Borders

He stressed that convoys which ensure the smooth flow of goods as one of the vital measures are currently doing well. "Today, 711 trucks have passed through Croatia. When the crisis broke out at the Italian-Slovenian border, there were 700 trucks. This is being done in a co-operation with neighboring countries."

"A common agreement has been reached with Slovenia to close 27 border crossings for traffic, while the main arteries will remain open for freight traffic, in order to cope more easily with the epidemiological situation in both countries," Bozinovic said.

He added that measures to limit the entry of third-country nationals into EU territory and topics related to the creation of certain stocks and production will be discussed at a meeting of EU Heads of state and government, which also includes the Croatian Prime Minister,. reserves of medical and protective equipment for member states, and we will also have some additional information on this.

National Civil Protection Headquarters Morning Press Conference: 9:00 CET

Croatia Health Minister Vili Beros reported at that 9 new coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been confirmed. The total number of cases in Croatia is 65. Details to follow later today. Four patients have recovered. At 9:00 CET the National Civil Protection Headquarters held a press conference and provided an update the coronavirus in Croatia as reported by Index.

Stricter Rules for Elderly and Chronically Ill

"Our concern is for the elderly and the chronic, and we urge them to stay in and only go out in an emergency. We will arrange to deliver whatever they need. The e-prescription system, it is possible to administer medications for a month. We will organize through organizations to have medications are delivered to the elderly and infirm. A health card will be required. Food delivery should be ensured - and that is what we are working on. We must look after the elderly and infirm," Beros said.

Borders with Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro Closed

Bozinovic also announced new border measures. "Cancel travel abroad, the same goes for entering Croatia. We are in contact with Slovenia and will soon close 27 border crossings with Slovenia," the minister said.

Because of the coronavirus, border crossings with Serbia and Montenegro are closed to all but their citizens and truck drivers, HAK (Croatia Automobile Association) reports.

Details on Location of 5 New Patients Later

Alemka Markotic said there were no seriously ill patients among the infected. She says that she has no information about the details and that she only received the number of new patients. That information will be released throughout the day, she added. There are currently 17 people at the Fran Mihaljević Clinic for Infectious Diseases, she note.

Stricter Self-Isolation Enforcement

We will strengthen our self-isolation controls. Ninety-three people have violated these orders and will be sanctioned.

"From day one, the headquarters has done everything according to the protocol. Every measure will be enacted at the appropriate time. We must organize the system in such a way that everything is accounted for and must function. Croatia can serve as an example here, there will certainly be problems and that is why we need legal adjustments," Bozinovic said when asked whether restricting the movement of the elderly would be a ban.

"It is not difficult to be smart now, but one has to determine when it’s necessary to move to the next phase," Bozinovic responded to Kalinic's allegations (about reacting to COVID-19 outbreak two weeks too late).

Croatia and Regional Daily Updates

(Updates provided by Index)

21:53 - The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has introduced special working hours.

"The Department of Radiology, Ultrasound Diagnosis and Physical Therapy is CLOSED to external patients.

Surgery, Orthopedics and Ophthalmology Clinic receives ALL patients under a special admission regimen.
Opening hours: MON - FRI 9:00-11:00 and 16:00-18:00, SAT 9:00-18:00, SUN 9:00-11:00

Patients are admitted under a special waiting room entry regime, so that up to five patients with owners can stay in the waiting room. Visits to inpatients are not allowed.
The Obstetrics Clinic and the Internal Medicine Clinic as well as the Departments of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and the Poultry Disease Institute receive EMERGENCY ONLY.
Opening hours: MON - FRI 9:00-11:00 and 16:00-18:00, SAT 9:00-18:00, SUN 9:00-11:00

Until then, no specialist examinations are performed, except in individual cases at the discretion of the ordinarius. Triage of patients will be performed in front of the Clinic's outpatient clinic, and only one patient with the owner is admitted to the waiting room," the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine said.

21:15 - Plenkovic tested for coronavirus, finding negative. A government spokesman has released details.

21:00 - The EU closes its external borders tomorrow at noon. The decision was made by EU leaders at a video summit.

19:35 - Croatian Caritas has made the equipment for emergency and humanitarian care available to the National Civil Protection Headquarters.

"We have made available certain resources that we have," said Caritas Croatian director Fabijan Svalina, adding that - if there was a need for these resources - they would be mobilized and put into service for those who need them throughout Croatia.

We will make available everything the Civilian Headquarters tells us they need, said Msgr. Svalina. He emphasized the importance of listening to the needs of the most vulnerable and added that volunteers are always welcome.

18:21 - Beros also spoke to infected doctors at the Zagreb Clinical Hospital.

He said doctors who failed to report the trip and were then confirmed with a coronavirus infection would bear the consequences and would likely be punished by the professional organization. He added that health professionals are expected to be even more responsible than citizens are being asked to be.

18:13 - The number infected in Croatia has increased to 69. A total of 1109 people have been tested and 50 tests are in process.

"The contacts of the sick are still being tested. We are entering the third phase of defense, the health system is mobilizing," Health Minister Vili Beros said at the cross-section of the National Civil Protection Headquarters.

Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic has announced that a special set of measures will be adopted tomorrow, lasting 30 days. The measures will primarily target senior citizens, Bozinovic added.

The director of the Clinic for Infectology, Dr. Alemka Markotić, reported that there were no changes in the clinical status of those infected with the coronavirus.

CES Director General Krunoslav Capak pointed out that a large number of people are in isolation, that epidemiologists are following their health status. He urged everyone to abide by the rules of self-isolation.

16:15 - Two more cases in Zabok.

"In the Krapina - Zagorje County area, on Tuesday, March 17, 2020; two more people tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. They are in isolation at Zabok General Hospital and the Croatian Veterans Hospital. The patient (born in 1939) and her son (born in 1967) were received today at OB Zabok, both are residents in the Krapina - Zagorje County," the KPZ press release said.

15:50 - The director of the Institute of Public Health of the County of Istria, Aleksandar Stojanovic, said today that Istria still officially has six people infected with coronavirus, and cited the return of more workers from winter resorts in Italy and other countries which have higher rates of contagion.

"These are people connected to Italy, but also to Austria and Germany, where they worked in catering. Now they are returning home," Stojanovic said at a news conference, adding that there was no free spread of the virus in Istria, or that is the vast majority of suspected cases related to foreign countries.

15:01 - There are still five people in Varaždin County infected with coronavirus - four with mild symptoms and one with no symptoms, according to the Civil Protection County Headquarters on Tuesday, adding that the National Headquarters has not yet responded to their request to tighten measures regarding yesterday labor restrictions.

15:00 - Manufacturing companies of the Forten Group are operating normally and are providing sufficient quantities of products, and Konzum has goods for several months of demand, the Forten Group announced on Tuesday.

14:50 - No one has been infected at the pediatric outpatient clinic at Ogulin Health Center, which a person from Ogulin had visited with a child last Friday, the day before his coronavirus infection was confirmed. The doctor and nurse are preventively self-isolating, and the children and parents who were there then are being epidemiologically monitored in the infirmary.

"So far, none of them have contracted the disease," said Zlata Kurelac, Director of the Ogulin Health Center to HINA. He added that the health center was disinfected and that ambulances were operational.

14:49 - Instead of 16:00 CET, the press conference of the National Civil Protection Headquarters will be held today at 18:00 CET.

14:24 - Finance Minister Zdravko Maric says that bridging the 'liquidity gap' will go to the state budget, and local self-government units will be left with the opportunity to make it easier for citizens and entrepreneurs.

14:10 - The biggest domestic passenger ship Jadrolinija on Tuesday called on all passengers to buy tickets online or through the 'mJadrolinija' mobile application in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

"We urge travellers to buy tickets through online sales or the 'mJadrolinja’ mobile app to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Passengers who are unable to use digital channels of sale are asked to use cash payment agencies as little as possible and to use contactless card payment instead." read a statement from Jadrolinija.

14:00 - WHO does not recommend ibuprofen for the coronavirus. They say they recommend paracetamol (acetaminophen).

13:47 - From the Teaching Institute of Public Health, Dr. Andrija Štampar said that, apart from testing the causes that come from the epidemiological service, they are also taking swabs from patients suspected of coronavirus infection, while the closure of the city is still pending thinking.

 "The Institute of Public Health, Dr. Andrija Štampar, has been testing the samples forwarded to him from the epidemiological service or from the Infectious Diseases Clinic by Dr. Fran Mihaljevic for three days, and from today he has been taking samples from patients who have been sent as indicated by the epidemiologist," Jasmina Vraneš, Head of the Department of Clinical Microbiology of the Institute.

13:45 - The epidemiological situation in Vukovar-Srijem County is stable and there are no coronavirus infected persons, and there are about 300 people in self-isolation, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported, urging citizens to act responsibly and comply with the prescribed measures.

"The epidemiological situation in the county is stable, and in order for them to remain, we all need to adhere to the measures that have been adopted and to be implemented. It is crucial that our population remains calm, listens to recommendations and adheres to the maximum," the county director said. Public Health Institute Kata Krešić adding that in the current situation, the citizen as an individual is no longer responsible not only to himself but also to others.

13:43 - No cases of coronavirus infection have been reported so far in Imotski Krajina, but currently 47 people are in home isolation, confirmed the Mayor of Imotski Ivan Budalic.

Budalic told Hina that they were persons who came from abroad, but he could not specify from which countries, noting that such data were taken by epidemiologists.

13:40 - Tourism Minister Gary Capelli has commented on the measures taken by the government. He also said that some hotels were still in operation, but that most were closed.

13:31 - Relocation of Križina hospital is in progress. The entire hospital will be relocated to the nearby Firule Hospital. Krizina will become the regional center for the fight against coronavirus.

13:30 - Minister Beros sent a letter to all hospitals to return all employees who have been abroad for the last 14 days as soon as possible, and no later than 15:00 CET today.

13:10 - Minister of Regional Development and EU Funds Marko Pavic said that HAMAG-BICRO will immediately double the funds for small business lending at very low interest rates, and so-called corona loans at favorable interest rates.

13:09 - Relocation of patients from the Križine site has begun to the hospital in Firule, which is preparing to become the central health care facility for coronavirus infected patients for four Dalmatian counties.

13:07 - The head of KBC Rebro clinic Ante Corusic says some of the doctors that he had been skiing in Austria for the weekend are infected with the coronavirus.

"They will be punished. So far, three are infected, another is suspected. Three percent of the KBC Rebro employees are in isolation, that's 140 people. It happened because of irresponsibility," Corusic said.

12:50 - There are currently 506 confirmed patient contacts in Zagreb, and four are quarantined under 24-hour surveillance. This was reported at a press conference in front of the Public Health Teaching Institute, Dr. Andrija Štampar.

Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic defended Pavel Kalinic, for whom the opposition is seeking resignation.

12:30 - Another person in Rijeka has recovered. It is the fifth overall, and the second in Rijeka. In Rijeka hospital, 4 people are infected with coronavirus, and 5 are in home isolation.

12:19 - Opening hours of all post offices will be adjusted according to the location, and in all of Croatia they will work no longer than 18:00 CET, the Hrvatska Posta (Croatian Post) confirmed today.

11:53 - Index has unofficially confirmed that three doctors are among 9 newly infected, two from Rebra and one from Vrapce.

11:51 - "The Ministries of Construction and Physical Planning are at the forefront of human health, and we are aware that it is not easy to adapt to this new situation. On the other hand, we have young people who call us every day and fear that they will suffer financially, because many of them have signed agreements. We will monitor the situation, are in constant communication with the Civil Protection Headquarters and we will adhere to their instructions," the Ministry said.

11:27 - In Varaždin, there is an agreement with restaurateurs and artisans who continue to work.

 At the City Hall of Varaždin, Mayor Čehok and his deputy Zlatan Avar, Chief of the City Staff of the Civil Protection, held an emergency meeting with representatives of the Association of Croatian Craftsmen and the Association of Catering and Tourism Workers of Varaždin. The topic of the meeting was the organization of hospitality and service activities during the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection

11:24 - City of Zagreb on payment for kindergarten and school meals:

"Due to the implementation of preventive protective activities against the spread of the coronavirus infection since Monday March 16, 2020; education in kindergartens and elementary schools in Zagreb has been suspended. We are informing you that parents will not have to pay school expenses for the entire year. "The amount of payment will be reduced for those days that children will not spend in kindergarten or school. The same provision applies to the payment of school meals," reported the City of Zagreb.

11:07 - Two more doctors have been infected with coronavirus, Minister Beros confirmed. One infected doctor works at KBC Zagreb and another is from the Vrapče Psychiatric Hospital.

10:56 - One of the 9 newly infected is from Slavonski Brod. On Sunday, a person who came from Austria with fever responded to the local ebrod portal at the Institute for Public Health.

"Before that, she was in isolation from Thursday to Sunday, after which she was admitted to the hospital where findings were confirmed the coronavirus. She is in good health. It is good that she was isolated, and she is between 45 and 50. She had contact with another person in Austria who had similar symptoms. The other family members were contacted, and all were healthy without any symptoms, "said Dr. Ante Cvitković, Director of the Teaching Institute.

10:55 - There are no confirmed cases of coronavirus infection in the Split-Dalmatia County. There are 51 people quarantined, none of whom show any symptoms of infection and feel well. There are 530 people in self-isolation.

10:50 - Scientist prof. dr. Ph.D. Ivan Djikic appeared on the HRT program Dobro jutro Hrvatska (Good Morning Croatia) today. He shared a video link from Germany and commented on the work on the coronavirus vaccine, among others subjects.

10:45 - The rules of what you can and shouldn't do while you are in self-isolation are clear, and the most important point is that "you are not allowed to leave the house." Moreover, a fine will be imposed for those who choose to do so. Even if you are in self-isolation and those in your household are not; the rules are clear.

10:22 - There are currently 12 patients suspected of being infected with the coronavirus in Istria. Two more patient samples from Istria were sent for coronavirus testing in Zagreb yesterday evening and overnight. Along with the 7 samples sent earlier, that's a total of 9 suspected Istria patients who were discovered yesterday. If they are added to the three from the day before, the findings of which are not yet known, this is a total of 12 suspected cases.

10:15 - The online school still has problems with cyber attacks.

"Due to cyber-attacks on central AAI @ EduHr systems, access to computers from non-ISP networks in the Republic of Croatia to those systems under the jurisdiction of Srci and CARNET that rely on AAI @ EduHr system has been further disabled," the Srce web site reported.

9:45 - Minister Bozinovic also revealed that the civil protection staff will soon introduce restrictions on movement for the elderly.

9:18 - The head of the Croatian Employment Service announced that we should stick to the measures now more than ever.

9:00 - One of the newly infected is a young man from Zagorje who became infected in Austria.

8:36 - The number of coronavirus patients in Croatia has increased. Minister Vili Beros confirmed on N1 this morning that 9 new cases have been confirmed and so the number infected in Croatia is 65.

8:13 - There are still 7 confirmed infected in the Osijek-Baranja County. 16 samples were sent for testing yesterday and all are negative, the Osijek hospital director told HRT this morning.

8:09 - Government Session at 15:00 CET

A government session is scheduled for 15:00 CET. The agenda will be announced by the government throughout the day. The Ministry of Economy has announced that rescheduling and moratoriums on loans, the granting of new liquidity loans and a guarantee under the Export Guarantee Fund are some of the top ten measures to help the economy fight coronavirus damage. These measures from the Ministry of the Economy are to be established at a Government session, and they come after a decision preventing the rise in prices of key products for supplying the Croatian market and exporting those products for which there is a possibility of shortages in Croatia. You will be able to follow the government session on Index.

8:08 - Closed border crossings with Serbia and Montenegro

Because of the coronavirus, border crossings with Serbia and Montenegro are closed to all but their citizens and truck drivers, HAK reports.

"In view of the numerous inquiries regarding travel to neighboring countries, especially Italy, we advise drivers and passengers to be well informed on the website of the Civil Protection Directorate and Croatian traffic updates with the Croatian Automobile Association before traveling. All current information related to the coronavirus epidemic as well as traffic related information will be published there. Also try to delay your trips to risky areas. More information can be found at the Slovenian Information Center," HAK Reports.

7:30 - "If we stick very closely to the prescribed measures, we might be able to get through this without severe consequences," added the head of the Emergency Department.

7:20 - "It is hard to believe that we’ll be so lucky that something similar won’t happen to us as has happened in other countries. I think we have sensitized everyone enough and see that the level of awareness has changed significantly since we have started talking about this. When the virus was far away in China, we seriously prepared for everything. I am very glad to see that a lot of life habits have changed in these few days, we don’t see everyone shaking hands, hugging...I admire these people who are in self-isolation, it is not easy to be stuck at home for 14 days. Maintaining hygienic conditions in these conditions is vital," Emergency Room Director Grba Bujevic said this morning on Dobro jutro Hrvatska (Good Morning Croatia).

"We already have partially closed borders. No longer are the borders as open as they would otherwise be," she added when asked about border closures.

7:00 - The National Civil Protection Headquarters will receive new, greater powers, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced last night, announcing a package of 20 changes to legislation that the government would send to parliament as a matter of urgency Tuesday to minimize the negative effects of the coronavirus epidemic.

6:30 - The director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, appeared on Dnevnik Nova TV. Regarding the question whether cities and counties could make decisions without the consent of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, he said that at such times everyone should follow the decisions of the National Headquarters. He said that the epidemiological situation is such that cafes should not be closed, but if this situation continues, it will be their turn.

“Closing the cafe seems to me to be a rather mild measure of what is yet to come," he added.

6:20 - The County of Krapina-Zagorje has joined several counties with requests to close cafes and other facilities related to people's direct contact.

(Updates provided by Index)

Total Croatia News Coronavirus Coverage

  • Toilet Paper, Toilet Paper, My Kingdom for Some Toilet Paper - here.
  • Jadrolinija Kindly Asks Passengers to Book Tickets Online or Via App - here.
  • Free Dubrovnik Libertas Public Transport for Next Fifteen Days - here.
  • CNB Governor Boris Vujcic Explains Croatian Banking System Stability - here.
  • Croatian Coronavirus Self-Isolation: Countries on List, Measures Explained - here.
  • CNB Governor Boris Vujcic Explains Croatian Banking System Stability - here.
  • UEFA Euro 2020 Officially Postponed until 2021 - here.
  • Split's Hotel Park Carries On in Corona Crisis: "We Worked in All Wars" - here.
  • (VIDEO) Hajduk Fan Group Torcida Split Steps Up in Time of Need - here.
  • Saving Split Tourism: Mayor Opara Creating Measures to Rescue Sector - here.
  • Promet Split Announces New Timetable with Reduced Lines - here.

Total Slovenia News & Total Montenegro News Updates

  • Coronavirus & Slovenia, Night 17 March: Behaviour, Police, Taxes - here.
  • Coronavirus & Slovenia, Mid-day 17 March: Border Crossings Close - here.
  • Coronavirus in Montenegro: First 2 Cases of COVID-19 Confirmed - here.
  • Coronavirus in Montenegro: COVID-19 FAQs, Health & Travel Update - here.

Live World Coronavirus Updates

  • Live world updates from CNN here.
  • Live world updates from The Guardian here.
  • Live world updates from Al Jazeera here.

Live Health Organization Coronavirus Updates

  • Live updated international map tracking spread of coronavirus from Johns Hopkins CSSE here.
  • Live updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) here.
  • Live updates from the Croatian Institute of Public Health (daily updates at 15:00 CET in Croatian) here.
  • Live updates from Croatian Government at their dedicated website here.

UPDATED: March 17, 2020 22:00 CET (Central European Time)

For the latest March 21 update click here.

*Follow this page for updates on the coronavirus in Croatia from Total Croatia News. Contact numbers for epidemiologists, travel advisories and measures for preventing the spread of the coronavirus can be found here.
