Made in Croatia

Makarska Promotes Mozambique as #CroatiaLongDistanceLove Goes Global

By 5 June 2020
A romantic dinner on a beautiful sandy beach in Mozambique
A romantic dinner on a beautiful sandy beach in Mozambique Facebook screenshot

June 5, 2020 - Summer is coming in the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism. A very nice gesture from the Makarska Tourist Board director to promote Mozambique.

One of the big positives of the corona era has been seeing the number of people volunteering their time and expertise to help others. I genuinely think the world became a little bit of a nicer place (readers from the USA, look away now), and that the sense of community has been strengthened as a result.

And what a lovely gesture from the Makarska Tourist Board director to promote Mozambique tourism rather than her own destination at this time of crisis.  

It could be that the director got a little confused by the message of a recent insipid campaign by the Croatian National Tourist Board called #CroatiaLongDistanceLove. Perhaps the director misunderstood the point of the campaign and thought that we were supposed to be showing love from Croatia by supporting destinations a long distance from Croatia. 

Or perhaps she was just being nice. 

Life and tourism promotion in the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism can look a little unconventional at times. 

Take golf. For many years - until I asked why and it was removed - the Croatian National Tourist Board was promoting an 18-hole golf course in the centre of Zagreb.

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Yes, really. 


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And Game of Thrones fans were advised to check out an exhibition of old fruits in Zagorje, rather than learn anything about Kings Landing by the official Croatian National Tourist Board. 

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And who can forget the epic slogan - Croatia will waste your time. Plastered all over the Croatia National Tourist Board social media during an official campaign.  

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Full of genius, and obviously too clever for the number of people who didn't quite get it.

Croatia will not waste your time, but (with some very notable exceptions - and you can see who in our Virtual Croatia series), the Croatian tourist board is a complete waste of time. It should be abolished by Act of Parliament, along with the Ministry of Tourism and the tourism sector of the Croatian Chamber of Economy. And the tourist structure should be rebuilt, using those talented directors who somehow function in this dysfunctional system, qualified experts and AI. 

It really is not that hard. 

And if the Makarska Tourist Board needs photos of Makarska beaches, may I recommend Makarska Riviera Beaches, run by the legend that is Vice Rudan. A private initiative, naturally.

For more examples of genius from the Mighty State of Uhljebistan, visit our dedicated shrine of appreciation

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CROMADS: Why You Should Move to Croatia, With or Without Uhljebistan

CROMADS: Zašto biste se trebali preseliti u Hrvatsku, s ili bez Uhljebistana
