
Inland Dalmatia Named Best Rural Tourism Destination in Croatia!

By 25 October 2018

An incredible achievement for the inland Dalmatia region!

Croatian tourism has achieved a record season yet again. Unlike last year, when 100 million overnight stays were realized, this year will show a 4 percent increase in guests and a 6 percent increase in overnight stays, reports Slobodna Dalmacija on October 24, 2018. 

The Days of Croatian Tourism event is currently taking place in Hvar. 

The excellent season was crowned on Wednesday evening in Hvar at the traditional annual tourist gathering Days of Croatian Tourism, which awards and acknowledges the best individuals, companies and destinations in Croatia. The event is organized by the Croatian National Tourist Board, the Croatian Chamber of Economy and the Ministry of Tourism.

Inland Dalmatia was named the best rural tourism destination for 2018!

In the category for the most successful destination of rural tourism, the Croatian National Tourist Board awarded Inland Dalmatia as the winner for 2018! The area, as you know, includes the towns of Imotski, Sinj, Trilj, Vrlika, Vrgorac and Dugopolje and Klis. Inland Dalmatia beat out Motovun and Otočac to be the crowned rural tourism destination this year. 


The Mayor of the City of Sinj, Kristina Križanac, accepted the award on behalf of the entire Inland Dalmatian region. The Mayor congratulated the tourists, institutions and individuals who, through their work and dedication, contributed to this important acknowledgment.


Follow the latest from Inland Dalmatia on TCN's dedicated portal for the region.
