Summer is close and everyone is looking forward to spend more time outside. Getting out of the office, letting the traffic and smog behind, to be outside in the sun, breath in all those wonderful scents and listen to the peaceful sounds of nature, is what most of us need to regain our strength.
Jelsa is the place to be, when in need of re-connection with nature. Whether it is swimming in the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean sea, hiking in the woods, visiting vineyards and olive groves or cycling through the island enjoying the most beautiful views of the Adriatic, everything and more can be found in Jelsa and its surroundings.
When looking for the most natural swimming options in Jelsa area, you might want to drive a bit to the east and visit the Gdinj bays. You can even find great lodging options located as close to the sea as possible. Renting a small house on the beach, a bit separated from the rest of the world is what many of us dream about.
Bay Skozanje is where we choose to open the season last Sunday. A perfect southern beach, plenty of sun and no wind was ideal for the first swim of the season. Bay Smrska, Bay Kožija, Bay Veprinova, Bay Rapak, Bay Tvrdni dolac, Bay Torac, Bay Lučica, Bay Skozanje, Bay Jedra, Bay Srhov dolac, they are all beautiful, just choose one and enjoy the peaceful natural experience of the Gdinj Bays (more info and pictures at
And while swimming is fun, many of us would prefer a quiet walk in the woods. One of my favourites is the very old road towards Tor and Galešnik near Jelsa. We actually never managed to get to the top, as it is not so suitable for little children, but just the path towards it is lined by low stone walls, vineyards and olive groves, very enjoyable. If you decide to give it a try and reach for the top, here is the most helpful blog from with great pictures. Otherwise, you can stay on the road below the hill, which leads all the way to Pitve.

After such a great hike, how about a picnic somewhere under an olive tree? You could easily end up setting your picnic basket under the oldest olive tree on Hvar. There is one over 2000 years old in Zastražišće..
When talking about nature of this area, we definitely have to mention Humac. It is the only place on the island, where you can run into a herd of horses kept free in this area by the owners of the Konoba Humac restaurant. Getting close to these free spirits, to be able to watch them and to pet them is an unforgettable experience for all generations.

There is plenty to choose from, when it comes to enjoying pure nature in Jelsa. Bare in mind, that looking for a quiet piece of paradise will be much easier during pre- and after-season, while the sea temperature is at its best during July and August. Enjoy!!