It amazes me, how much can I actually blog about this. But, here we go again. Why? Because, they celebrated and I was there and it was actually really nice..
It is not easy to win the Hvar football league. With so many teams, for so many years now, the sporting rivalry between towns and villages goes deep and provides for a good part of the winter topics to discuss over coffee. Everyone wants to win.

(photos: Ivana Župan)
And although, the league has all it takes to be a proper one, with all needed paperwork, stamps, club flags, jerseys, referees etc., it still is an amateur league, where these guys have day jobs (or two jobs) and play in rain and bura. because they love it. It is an honour to be on the team, but it is not always easy to combine the busy weekend-game schedule with the every-day life on the island. And so, usually, you win some and you lose some, hoping to keep up with the rest and still have a chance to win the league.

But it was a bit different this year in Jelsa. NK Jelsa had an amazing season this year. Not one lost and only 4 tied games made them this year´s winners. They have every right to be proud of this achievement and they celebrated accordingly this Saturday.

Smiling faces before the game, a relaxed atmosphere after the first goal in the first minute of the game made another 3 possible. Even some of the "retired" players would not miss this opportunity to get in for a few minutes at the end of the game.

It was nice to watch them not yelling at each other, not cursing and having fun. And they were actually playing better than ever before. Would be nice to have it all the time. Would consider coming more often and bring the kid to such an atmosphere..

Anyway, apart from the firecrackers, it was a really nice game. A bit emotional for my husband as he always declares "this season to be his last", but we all know better than to believe him. He is entering his best years being almost 46 and playing all games full time. There is no reason for him to stop. Ever.

I would say, that this title was a team work. They all worked together as a team to made it happen. But, there is one thing, which needs to be mentioned. It is the performance of the talented goalkeeper Jure Goić, who takes credit for a big part of the success. Jelsa has longed for a goalkeeper of his qualities for years and it would not surprise me, if Jure would not return for next season to Jelsa. Fingers crossed for Jure to find a professional club somewhere in the world.

The celebration was loud and lasted until early morning hours. It was nice - thank you NK Jelsa and congratulations, again!!