Tuesday, 12 April 2022

EIB Group Invests €760m in Croatia in 2021

ZAGREB, 12 April 2022 - The European Investment Bank (EIB) Group in 2021 secured €760 million to support Croatia's economy, and in 2022 and the years to come emphasis will be put, among other things, on increasing energy independence with investments in renewable energy sources and liquefied natural gas.

In 2021 the EIB invested €113 million and the European Investment Fund (EIF), as the other component of the EIB Group, a record €647 million, with total investments by that EU bank in all key economic sectors in Croatia since 2001 having thus reached €7.2 billion, it was said at a working breakfast organised by that financial institution in Zagreb on Tuesday.

The so far biggest volume of EIF activities in Croatia is based on guarantees issued to state and commercial banks as part of the European Guarantee Fund, worth €650 million.

This has supported the launch of new credit lines for small and medium businesses, with the aim of preserving jobs and helping businesses recover from the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, it was said.

The EIB invested €63 million in the Croatian Power Company (HEP), thus supporting the company's programme of investment in renewable energy sources, which are considered crucial for building energy independence at an accelerated pace, both in Croatia and the EU.

The EIB also secured an additional €50 million in EIF guarantees for the Croatian Reconstruction and Development Bank (HBOR) to improve financing conditions for medium-capitalised and big Croatian companies.

EIB Group Croatia office head Anton Kovačev said the EIB's emphasis in Croatia this year and in the years to come would be on the European Green Deal and the fight against climate change, notably financing of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and new energy sources.

In the context of Russia's aggression on Ukraine, Kovačev particularly underlined the importance of energy independence, both for Croatia and the EU.

He said that intensive talks were already underway on new projects for renewable energy sources, saying only that they concerned hydrogen.

Asked about the nuclear power plant in Krško and the possible construction of a new plant block, Kovačev said the EIB could finance such energy on the condition "the highest level of safety" was secured.

Considering the role of the EIB as the EU's climate bank, since early 2022 the bank has not been participating in financing projects based on fossil fuels.

In line with the strategy of increasing energy independence as much as possible, Kovačev said that the EIB was willing to finance the construction of new LNG terminals, both in Croatia and in other EU countries.

He also noted that the group would not neglect other priorities, such as digitalisation and innovation.

Kovačev said the bank wanted to help all enterprises opting for investments in new products and services or the improvement of the existing ones, as a way of helping to boost the competitiveness of the Croatian economy, but that it would also provide support for the state and public sectors. 

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Croatia Logs 699 New COVID-19 Cases, Eight Deaths

ZAGREB, 12 April 2022 - In the last 24 hours 699 coronavirus cases, out of 5,004 tests, and eight related deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national COVID-19 crisis management team said on Tuesday.

There are 5,329 active cases, including 551 hospitalised patients, 27 of whom are on ventilators, while 3,461 persons are self-isolating.

Croatia has registered 1,109,847 coronavirus cases to date and the death toll is 15,702.

To date, 59.46% of the population, that is 70.72% of adults, has been vaccinated, including 68.63% of adults fully.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

EIB Supports Projects of Renewable Energy Storage Capacities in Croatia

ZAGREB, 12 April 2022 - Olga Pascenco, the European Investment Bank's Global Relationship Manager in Croatia, said on Tuesday that this European Union bank would finance and support projects for the construction of storage facilities for energy generated from the renewables.

Addressing a news conference at which the EIB presented its results in Croatia in 2021, Pascenco said that there was great potential for the construction of renewable energy storage facilities.

The EIB is ready to offer financial, technical and advisory support to the private sector in such projects, she said.

The EIB representative spoke about the importance of developing rail and maritime connectivity and about transport connections between islands and the mainland.

Concerning the rail sector, she pushed for improving train services between Zagreb and Rijeka, having in mind the great potential of the seaport of Rijeka.

The EU's lending arm will place emphasis on direct financing of local communities, that is cities, in a set of essential projects such as affordable housing, improvement of energy efficiency and the post-quake reconstruction, she added.

The bank's assistance to Ukraine

The EIB Board of Directors has recently approved a EUR 668 million loan as immediate financial support for Ukraine.

"This initial support package for the war-torn country benefits from the EU guarantee under the External Lending Mandate and complements other initiatives announced by EU institutions," the EIB says on its website.

In addition, the Board agreed that the EIB should pursue further initiatives under the emergency Solidarity Package for Ukraine, worth four billion euros. It includes help to countries in Ukraine's neighbourhood and within the EU that are welcoming refugees from Ukraine or are affected by the war in other ways.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Russian Diplomats Have Until 25 April to Leave Croatia

ZAGREB, 12 April 2022 - The Russian diplomats expelled by Croatia have until 25 April to leave the country, Ambassador Andrey Nesterenko told the Rossiya-24 broadcaster.

They have been given until 25 April to leave the country, the TASS news agency quoted the ambassador as saying.

"That is a serious blow to our bilateral relations because the expelled diplomats are upstanding people," he said.

Croatia on Monday said that it would expel 18 Russian diplomats and six members of the administrative and technical staff.

By doing so Croatia has joined a number of European countries that have done the same "due to the brutal Russian aggression against Ukraine," the Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Ministry said.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told TASS on Monday that Russia would respond accordingly, from which it can be concluded that Russia is preparing a reciprocal measure.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Over 700 Kilos of Waste Removed From Beaches and Seabed Around Šolta

ZAGREB, 12 April 2022 - Participants in a "green" regatta on Monday removed abandoned waste from beaches and the seabed around the island of Šolta.

During the cleanup, over 700 kilos of waste was collected and most of it was plastic, which poses the biggest threat to marine life.

The "Cleaning Sailing Race Regatta", held on that Adriatic island off Split, included 12 divers who removed the waste from the seabed.

The partners in this campaign are the Split-based Sunce association and the Biotherm cosmetics and healthcare items brand.

Gabrijela Medunić Orlić, the executive director of the Sunce association, said that nowadays, public beaches are kept in good shape by local utility companies, however, other beaches are often full of litter and the utilities do not have enough workers to clean them up.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Pressure of Illegal Migrants on Croatia-BiH Border Decreasing

ZAGREB, 12 April 2022 - The number of illegal migrants trying to enter Croatia from Una-Sava Canton in the west of Bosnia and Herzegovina has been steadily decreasing as migrants have been looking for other routes to reach EU countries, according to estimates by government bodies and local police in west Bosnia.

According to police data, there are currently slightly more than 2,800 illegal migrants in that part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and they are mostly from African and Asian countries.

Around 850 of them are accommodated in three reception centres and slightly more than 1,800 are staying in makeshift accommodation in Bihać, Cazin and Velika Kladuša or in illegal camps along the border with Croatia.

UNA-Sana Canton ministry of the interior spokesman Adnan Beganović has confirmed to the Banja Luka-based Nezavisne Novine paper that local police still control roads leading to that part of the country to prevent the arrival of new migrants.

He said that that way in 2021 police prevented the arrival of around 17,000 migrants, which is why the number of those trying to reach Croatia along that route has been declining.

"Currently the number of migrants leaving Una-Sana Canton is higher than the number of migrants arriving here. Those who do not manage to cross the border into Croatia are returning to Sarajevo or Serbia and looking for another route to reach Western European countries," Beganović said.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Destination Dubrovnik: Meet Sarah Hawley from Growmotely

April 12, 2022 - With just under a month to go until the innovative Work. Place. Culture. remote work conference in Dubrovnik, TCN continues its look at the list of high-class international speakers who will be sharing their wisdom in the Pearl of the Adriatic. Up next, we talk with Sarah Hawley, who recently founded Growmotely, the world's first remote work marketplace, placing professionals into long-term and full-time positions at companies they love.

A busy season for Croatia's digital nomad story is about to begin. Last year's highlights included the introduction of the digital nomad permit on January 1, 2021, and destinations such as Zagreb and Dubrovnik attracted global interest with award-winning events such as Zagreb Digital Nomad Week and Dubrovnik Nomads-in-Residence project.

Both Zagreb and Dubrovnik will continue their push to position themselves in the market in 2022, with Zagreb Digital Nomad Week 2022 set to take place in June, and a news conference before that in Dubrovnik, as previously reported on TCN: Work. Place. Culture.

Work.Place.Culture is the conference which brings work from anywhere to absolutely everywhere. Join remote professionals and destinations from around the world as they inspire a global workforce that has greater location flexibility than ever before, and the destinations which are reinventing to support them through policy, infrastructure, and community.


Additionally, as part of the Work.Place.Culture Conference, the Dubrovnik Tourist Board is launching its official workation program pilot, in conjunction with Saltwater and Sun Gardens Dubrovnik. The winning team will enjoy a 1-week stay (between 1 and 9 May 2022) at the 5 Star Sun Gardens Dubrovnik and have the chance to partake in a specialty workshop – strategy planning, team building, wellbeing, and leadership are among the options available. The all-star team will also present at the Work. Place. Culture. Conference on 5-7 May 2022. Applications are open until this Friday, April 15! Click HERE to apply.

Total Croatia News continues to present the elite lineup for the Work. Place. Culture., this time with Sarah Hawley. Sarah launched the Growmotely platform during the pandemic, with the goal of connecting professionals with their dream jobs at companies they love, and to date, Growmotely has already placed 100 professionals in remote jobs that will help them find the balance they seek between travel and professional development. Sarah will be one of the ambassadors at the Work.Place.Culture Conference and she will share all of her wisdom regarding the evolution of work culture with the attendees.

Just reading the About Us page on your personal website put a smile on my face. You clearly are in a great personal space at the moment. Tell us about that and the journey to get there.

Ah thank you! I do have a wonderful life (filled with all the usual ups and downs related to being human!) and I'd say I've very intentionally created it. In 2014, I decided to turn all my businesses remote and move to the USA from Australia. I spent most years pre-pandemic traveling for 8+ months, and built a large global community. During the pandemic I met my now husband, and had a baby (along with launching Growmotely!) so there were lots of very shiny silver linings for me during this time.


Your new project is called Growmotely, which launched about a year ago. Introduce it and tell us how it is going.

Growmotely is the world's first remote work marketplace, placing professionals into long term and full-time positions at companies they love. We firmly rooted in culture-matching and helping candidate and companies find alignment and culture fit. We're a community co-creating the future of work together, and it's an incredible, passion-fueled journey. We're currently crowdfunding, which is also very exciting to be providing deeper ways for our community to be a part of building this together, investment starts at just $150.


Interestingly, you say that you have moved away from traditional advertising in favour of community generated PR, an interesting move. How is that working?

So well! It took us just three months to be growing organically at the same rate as we were previously having to pay for growth. We feel really proud of our conviction in making a tough decision, and staying true to our values and integrity. Our community is our top priority, and growing from such a strong core of committed professionals is incredibly rewarding.

The concept of work is clearly changing rapidly. What advice do you have for people who are interested in exploring more, but are a little afraid to take the leap?

In this case, I promise you... the grass IS greener on the other side! While it may seem scary at first to step into the new world of work, you won't look back. The freedom to build your lifestyle exactly how you'd like it, to have the freedom to move around and travel, and to work with a globally diverse group of people everyday is worth overcoming any lingering fears!


How many job placements have you achieved so far at Growmotely, and do you have a favourite story?

To date we've placed almost 100 professionals (not including our own team) into meaningful, remote work at companies they love. Just last week two sisters from Nigeria were placed into (different) companies in the same week! Seeing two women, sisters, who were committed to creating a better life for themselves, go on that journey together and support each other was really powerful, and the fact the both received offers within a matter of days felt like divine timing.   

One of your aims is to visit every country in the world. How is that going, and is Croatia already on the list?

I've already visited Croatia, yes! However VERY excited to return. I'm at around 60 right now, and the past couple of years definitely slowed my pace. I also have a one year old now, so it might continue to evolve at a slower pace, however life is long and I'm excited to continue on this adventure.

And so to the Dubrovnik Work. Place. Culture. conference. Why does it appeal to you, what will you be speaking about, and what do you hope to get from your time in Dubrovnik?

I'm excited Croatia understands the importance of the shifts work has made, and are making such a beautiful effort and intention to welcome people in and open up this conversation for a more integrated work and life experience. I'll be sharing my own experiences, specifically how remote work opened up for me a path into conscious leadership. I'll share with our attendees how work culture is evolving, and how to step into a more conscious leadership space, turning our organizations into vehicles for transformational healing, growth and evolution for the people we work with.


You obviously follow global trends in remote work. How do you assess Croatia's efforts so far, and what does it need to do to move things forward?

Croatia seems truly invested in welcoming nomads and building a thriving hotspot for global workers to come and experience Croatian life. I'm excited to watch how this evolves. From our perspective, work is being uncoupled from nation-state, and in effect becoming more simplified. It's my hope we can move toward a much simpler regulatory environment for both workers, and small businesses, allowing individuals to personally arrange their own taxes and companies to simply engage people without having so much local legislation to comply with.

Sarah's new book Conscious Leadership is available now. You can listen it FREE on Audible.

If you have not yet registered your team to participate in a luxury workation in Dubrovnik, you can do so through this LINK. Applications are until this Friday the 15th!

You can download the full programme of the Work.Place.Culture Conference in Dubrovnik here.

Work. Place. Culture. is a collaboration between the City of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik Tourist Board, Saltwater Nomads and TCN, with support from the Digital Nomad Association Croatia and Dubrovacka Bastina. Zagreb Digital Nomad Week is a partnership between Zagreb Tourist Board, Saltwater Nomads, and TCN. 

To learn more about magnificent Dubrovnik, check out the Total Croatia Dubrovnik in a Page guide, in partnership with Sun Gardens Dubrovnik.  

For more news and features on digital nomads in Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

4 Islands MTB Race on Krk, Cres, Lošinj and Rab Becomes Part of Ironman Epic Series

April 12, 2022 - The 4 Islands MTB Race is a five-day mountain bike race whose primary goal is to promote mountain biking as a recreation, hobby, sport, and lifestyle.

This year differs from events in the past in that the Ironman group bought the Kvarner race and presented the "4 Islands MTB race" as part of their Epic series. Thus, Croatia and Kvarner will stand alongside Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Wales, Andorra, and South Africa. The additional value of this event is the promotion of the Croatian islands of Krk, Rab, Cres, and Lošinj as cycling destinations and improving cycling tourism as an alternative form of tourism in Croatia.


Vedran Metelko

In five days, the cyclists will cover 270 kilometers of trails and over 5,000 meters of total altitude. The race takes place every day on a different island, which is a demanding logistics and an unforgettable experience for competitors and companions. It gathers about 600 competitors from more than thirty countries worldwide, and thanks to the professional and intensive organization, participants can enjoy events in a family environment and concentrate only on their competition.


Ivan Sardi

Thanks to the top initiative of the hosts and their pleasant welcome, hard work of the organizing team, and excellent cooperation with partners, the synergy of sports and off-season tourism is achieved in Croatia, which is at its peak, and returning competitors have recognized this for several years. The race is held at the beginning of the cycling season, so it is conceptually arranged to extend the tourist season and open the cycling season of training and outdoor racing after winter.


Ivan Sardi

It is possible to compete in several categories, thus enabling fair participation of competitors of different age groups and combinations. Furthermore, racing side by side with the professionals of this sport is something that makes this race and cycling itself exceptional. It is an amateur race side by side with professionals that allow the interaction of amateurs and lovers of the sport and their idols.

The project organizer, Tomislav Zobec, revealed that the vision of the project is to position the 4 Islands MTB stage race as one of the most recognizable stage mountain bike races in the world and achieve a sustainable project for the company and the local community.

"We want to promote mountain biking and provide users with a unique cycling experience in unique locations and become a race with the world's strongest names in the sport."

"We are delighted to participate in such an event because this is another opportunity to position ourselves as an important destination for cycling tourism. Both Baška and the island of Krk and the whole of Croatia are still insufficiently discovered pearls for tourists looking for adrenaline, rest, and great experiences of the destination. We have just all of that, and that is why we are big supporters of such events, and I hope that there will be more and more of them. It is an honor and pleasure to be a part of this beautiful and truly inspiring story," said Ivana Topic, the Baška Tourist Board director.


Ivan Sardi

It is important to emphasize that the trails on all four islands are cleaned and prepared every year. After the race, they are enjoyed by many walkers, runners, and cyclists. Most of the trails that were or are part of the race today are part of the island's tourist offer.

The race takes place from April 19 to 23, 2022. 

Baška, 19.4.2022.

STAGE 1: Krk, 20.4.2022.

STAGE 2: Rab, 21.04.2022.

STAGE 3: Cres, 22.04.2022.

STAGE 4: Lošinj, 23.04.2022.

To follow the latest sports news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Two Croatian Easter Recipes from Acclaimed Massachusetts Chef Johnny Sheehan

April 22, 2022 - A look at two Croatian Easter recipes paired with Dalmatian Zinfandel and Plavac Mali by Chef Johnny Sheehan of Salt Raw Bar + Fine Cuisine and Leena’s Kitchen in Plymouth, MA.

Chef Johnny Sheehan of Salt Raw Bar + Fine Cuisine and Leena’s Kitchen in Plymouth, MA, the town where the Mayflower landed on Plymouth Rock, was so inspired by wines from Croatia that he created several wine pairing dinners with Croatian wines, the most recent one with 9-courses and wines. 

Here are two of his recipes to pair with Tribidrag (aka Zinfandel) and Plavac Mali (descendant from Zinfandel), both from the wine region of Dalmatia, known for 83 indigenous varieties. 

Both recipes are perfect for Spring and so festive that they can be used as Easter recipes – Lamb Assiette and Beef Cheek Ravioli. We also added a wine that he paired with his fairly complex dessert. All three wines are from the fully-organic appellation of Komarna, Croatia’s newest appellation with a perfect view of the Pelješac bridge. Živjeli!

Lamb Assiette

Chef Johnny uses multiple parts of the animal and multiple cooking techniques to create this lamb assiette. The dish is comprised of three many components – the tenderloin, strip loin, belly, plus the bones for broth. The tenderloin is pan-seared and basted with butter. The strip loins are rubbed in a compound butter of roasted garlic, pureed anchovy filets, shallot, fresh herbs of thyme and rosemary, and dried mushroom powder. The belly is fried. The bones are roasted and made into a stock with wine, tomato paste, herbs, spices, and mirepoix.

In the restaurant, each plate gets a portion of tenderloin, seared strip loin, fried belly, and a serving of blitva na lešo (smashed potato with swiss chard and olive oil), lamb demi-glace, fresh herbs, fried potato, and crisp onion rounds. 

Learn how to make a simplified version of this restaurant dish below – pair with this Tribidrag from Rizman! Živjeli!
A plate of food

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  • 8 lamb chops, salted and peppered
  • 2 oz. vegetable oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • half of a small shallot, minced
  • ½ cup good red wine
  • 2 cups chicken stock
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 1 sprig thyme
  • 1 half stick of unsalted butter

Photo:  Croatian Premium Wine Imports, Inc. 


  1. Heat a pan over medium-high heat.  Add vegetable oil and then sear the lamb chops seasoned with salt and black pepper.  Brown on each side to medium-rare (an internal temperature of 120°F). 
  2. Remove the chops and add the garlic, shallot, and herbs. Stir quickly to keep it from burning just long enough to soften the garlic and shallot and bring out the oils in the herbs.  Deglaze the pan with the red wine and reduce to almost dry, add the chicken stock and butter.  Reduce down, swirling the pan till a beautiful glossy sauce forms.  Do not over-reduce because the sauce will break and become greasy (if it does break, you can add a bit more stock and reduce again). Season with salt and pepper.

Blitva na lešo (smashed potato & swiss chard)A plate of food and wine

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  • 4 medium to large golden potato
  • 1 bunch swiss chard, washed and chiffonaded
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 shallot, small dice
  • 6 ounce olive oil, preferably Croatian
  • 4 oz. milk
  • salt and pepper to taste

Photo:  Croatian Premium Wine Imports, Inc. 


  1. In a large pot boil the potatoes with salt until they fall apart tender. Strain the water and set it aside. 
  2. Heat a large saute pan preferably with high sides over medium-high heat.  Add half of the olive oil and then the garlic and shallots.  Season with salt and pepper cooking till translucent. 
  3. Add the swiss chard, and season again with salt to pull the moisture from the greens.  Turn down the heat and cook till fully softened and the olive oil and natural juices blend together. 
  4. Add the potato, milk, and remainder of the olive oil.  Smash together incorporating all the ingredients.  Season with salt and pepper if needed.

Beef Ravioli with Plavac Mali

If lamb isn't your forte, maybe this braised beef pasta will be. For this recipe, the beef cheek is slowly braised in cherry juice, chicken stock, wine, aromatic vegetables, herbs, and spices. At the restaurant, the finished beef cheek is shredded and folded into fresh spinach ravioli then finished in a sauce made with the reduced braising liquid, sauteed garlic and shallots, and butter. When making the dish at home, you'll use thick-cut pappardelle.

Both dishes (restaurant dish and at home) are garnished with paški sir cheese from the Croatian island of Pag. Pair with Plavac Mali from Terra Madre!  Živjeli!

Braised Beef Pasta


  • 2 lb. beef short rib or shank
  • 16 oz. black cherry juice
  • 24 oz. chicken stock
  • 6 oz. dry white wine – Croatian Pošip
  • 1 medium size onion, diced
  • 1 small carrot, diced
  • 2 ribs of celery, diced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • spices: a sachet of thyme, parsley, bay leaf, 5 black peppercorns, 1 tsp fennel seed, 1 tsp coriander seed

Photo:  Croatian Premium Wine Imports, Inc. 


  1. In a dutch oven or braising pan of your choice sear the beef till browned on all sides.  Deglaze the pan with white wine removing all and any fond on the bottom of the pan. 
  2. Add vegetables, juice, stock, and sachet.  Bring up to a simmer. 
  3. Cover your pot and transfer to a 300°F oven. Cook for 1 hour 45 minutes. Beef should be cooked until fall-apart tender.  If the beef is not done, continue to cook in 15-minute increments till done. 
  4. Remove the beef and strain the liquid to reserve for the pasta sauce.

Pan sauce and pasta


  • 3 oz. olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • 1 small sprig of fresh rosemary, chopped
  • 1 sprig of fresh thyme, chopped
  • 16 oz. of reserved braising liquid
  • ½  of the shredded braised beef (reserve the remainder for another recipe or round two of the same)
  • 3 oz. unsalted butter
  • 1 Tbsp mascarpone cheese or creme fraiche
  • 1 lb. pappardelle pasta 
  • 4 oz. pasta water
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • grated paški sir cheese (or hard sheep’s cheese)
  • sprig of fresh basil


  1. Bring a large pot of salted water up to a boil to cook the pasta. Cook the pasta till al dente.
  2. At the same time heat, a large saute pan over medium-high heat. Add the olive oil and then garlic and shallot.  Season with salt and pepper and cook until translucent and aromatic. Put in the chopped herbs, stirring quickly. Add the braising liquid and beef, and heat to a simmer. 
  3. Place in the butter and mascarpone or creme fraiche, reducing the liquid to emulsify.  
  4. Add the al dente pasta and pasta water.  Simmer together working the pasta around in the pan until the starches from the pasta thicken the sauce into a beautiful creamy creation. Season again with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with freshly grated cheese and basil.


A glass of wine next to a bowl of ice cream

Description automatically generated with low confidenceAnd as if we had room for a dessert, Chef Johnny created a Chocolate Petit Gateau, with wild berry mousse, chocolate ganache, powdered strawberries, and fresh cream, and paired it with the Volarević Plavac Mali Gold Edition 2016. This recipe may be “a bit complicated” for home kitchens, so we suggest pairing this reserve and powerful Plavac Mali with dark chocolate – either the chocolate or a dark chocolate dessert.  

Remember to decant all reds from Dalmatia for an hour or two - particularly the ones you pair with desserts.

Enjoy the festivities with your family. Živjeli!

Recipes courtesy of Chef Johnny Sheehan, Salt Raw Bar + Fine Cuisine, and Leena’s Kitchen in Plymouth, MA.; photos courtesy of Croatian Premium Wine Imports, Inc.

Presented by Coravin. To purchase these wines, click on the Coravin Wine Shop links in the article.  

To follow the latest sports news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Adris Group Rapidly Working to Begin Hotel Marjan Renovation in Split

April 12, 2022 - The Adris Group is completing the necessary documentation for the Hotel Marjan renovation, after which work on the facility itself will begin!

The new tourist season is approaching, and Hotel Marjan is no different than the last fifteen years - or defunct since 2006 when entrepreneur Željko Kerum bought it. After the bankruptcy proceedings, it was purchased in 2017 by the Adris group from Rovinj, which plans to demolish it.

According to previous announcements, the hotel will be reduced by about 6.5 thousand square meters, which will try to get closer to the original form from the 1960s. In addition, they will try to neutralize the consequences of the never-completed renovation fifteen years ago, when the designer was Jerko Rošin, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.

As part of that, two extensive hotel annexes will be removed, and it was once speculated that they would be converted into apartments. Reportedly, there will no longer be a glass facade that has deviated from the surrounding view. The new facade should follow the original ideas during the original design of the West Coast, which includes the color of the stone. A sizeable inner courtyard or atrium should also be formed.

Hotel Marjan, the former pride of Split tourism, was bought sixteen years ago for 170 million kuna, three times more than the initially requested price. After the grand renovation was promised, a contract was signed with the Hilton chain. But, as is well known, this investment was the catalyst for, conditionally speaking, the collapse of the Kerum dynasty business empire.

At the end of 2017, Adria Resorts bought receivables from the Austrian Heta Asset Resolution Group over the Marjan Hotel. They had previously done the same with claims over hotel annexes and claims from 72 former hotel workers. At the end of 2019, Marjan was bought at an electronic auction for 3/4 of the estimated value, i.e., HRK 324 million. 

Slobodna Dalmacija spoke to Adris Group about the latest plans for the hotel and the dynamics of the works that will put it into operation. They said that this is a demanding project that will contribute to the further tourist affirmation of Split and confirm Adris as the leading Croatian company in luxury tourism. As for the reconstruction itself, their wish is to thoroughly renovate Hotel Marjan and join it to the group of Adris luxury hotels (Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, Monte Mulini, Lone, Hilton in Dubrovnik). 

They also confirmed that, in cooperation with the city of Split and the relevant institutions, they are completing the necessary documentation for the renovation of Hotel Marjan, after which work on the facility itself will begin. The project details (architectural solution, capacities, content), designed by renowned 3LHD architect Piero Lissoni, will be promptly revealed to the general public.

For more, check out our lifestyle section.
