Thursday, 28 October 2021

PM Says 56% of Adult Population Vaccinated With First Dose

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Thursday that 56% of the adult population in Croatia had received the first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine and warned that in the past week 750 of 1,000 hospitalized patients were people who had not been vaccinated.

Today we have reached the vaccination rate of 56% of the adult population who have received the first dose, which is close to 1.9 million citizens, Plenković said at a government session, calling once again on citizens who are fully vaccinated to have themselves vaccinated with the third shot and on those who have not got vaccinated to do so.

Over the past week, of 1,000 hospitalized patients, as many as 75% were not vaccinated, he said.

Of the 15 people aged 40-59 who died over the last seven days, only one had been vaccinated, he said, appealing to all to protect themselves considering the increase in new infections in the past few days.

In the last 24 hours, Croatia has registered 4,154 new coronavirus cases, 26 patients have died and 11,320 vaccine doses have been administered, it was said on the government's website earlier today.

There are currently 22,382 active cases, including 1,231 hospitalized patients, of whom 160 are on ventilators.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

MP Reports Croatia to European Commissioner Over Violation of Citizens' Rights

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - Independent MP Karolina Vidović Krišto has sent a letter to European Commissioner for Values and Transparency Věra Jourová, warning her about "systematic disregard for laws to which Croatian citizens have been exposed", which, she says, causes poverty and injustice in society.

"Croatian citizens' rights are constantly violated by the ruling structures, and politicians and the judiciary openly and publicly demonstrate arrogance and them being untouchable. Such conduct is not possible in stable democracies because it causes social chaos, which, in turn, causes poverty and injustice," Vidović Krišto said at a news conference.

In her letter to the European Commissioner, Vidović Krišto "cited a number of examples that bear witness to overt violations of laws by political structures, judiciary, and media."

The MP pointed to the main media outlets such as Hanza Media and Styria Media Group, saying they organize thematic conferences that are always held under the auspices of the ruling structures, the prime minister or the president, ministries or state agencies, and are sponsored by state monopolists such as JANAF, Plinacro, HC, HAC, HZ or HŠ, which, she said, is undoubtedly harmful to taxpayers.

DORH acting contrary to law, common sense

Vidović Krišto said that the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor (DORH) knowingly acts contrary to law and common sense, thus creating insecurity among citizens, tolerating corruption, and violating human rights on a large scale, and she cited a number of cases in that context. She said that those cases were downplayed by the government, DORH, the judiciary, and the media.

"The ruling structures in Croatia do not violate laws in a sophisticated manner, they do it arrogantly and openly, showing contempt for all citizens," she said among other things.

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Government to Extend Deadline for Population Census Until 14 November

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - The Croatian government will extend the deadline for the completion of the population census, which should have been finished by 29 October, until 14 November because of difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said at a cabinet meeting on Thursday.

"Considering the present circumstances of the coronavirus pandemic, where our census-takers are encountering certain difficulties on the ground, and following consultations with the director of the National Bureau of Statistics, the government will today extend the deadline for the completion of the census until 14 November," the prime minister said.

Plenković said that the extension would give enough time for the census to be completed in the remaining small pockets of the country and to be done in the best possible way.

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

HKMS Wants Health Workers to Be Granted Status of Officials

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021- The Croatian Chamber of Nurses (HKMS) on Thursday asked the Ministry of the Interior to deploy police patrols around medical institutions more often and the Ministry of Justice to amend the criminal code and grant health workers the status of officials.

That would increase security for health workers and provide them with a safe working environment, the HKMS said in a statement prompted by a recent assault on patients in the accident and emergency area of the KBC Zagreb hospital.

"The incident at KBC Zagreb is not an isolated case of attack on nurses in the course of their duties. Cases of psychological harassment, shouting, and threats directed at health workers by patients, their families, and other people have become part of everyday life for many health workers," HKMS president Mario Gazić said.

He warned that violence against nurses and other health workers was an increasing problem that might escalate to the point of becoming a threat to their lives.

Citing the results of an HKMS survey conducted in 2018, Gazić said that 95 percent of nurses considered the present physical protection and security in medical institutions to be inadequate and that 73 percent of institutions reported attacks on nurses.

The survey revealed that 89 percent of nurses had experienced verbal or physical violence in the course of their duties, half of the institutions did not have a 24-hour security service and nine percent had such a service only during the night.

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

ECDC Map Shows Entire Croatia Dark Red

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control's (ECDC) latest COVID map shows that Croatia is entirely dark red as are large parts of Eastern Europe.

Dark red signifies a very high risk of COVID-19 incidence.

Last week the capital Zagreb and Pannonian Croatia were dark red on the ECDC map, while Adriatic Croatia and North Croatia were red.

The ECDC estimates COVID-19 risk according to the bigger statistical regions within a country (NUTS 2).

NUTS 2 regions must have a minimum of 800,000 inhabitants and a maximum of three million. There are only four NUTS2 regions in Croatia - Pannonian Croatia, Adriatic Croatia, Northern Croatia, and the City of Zagreb.


ECDC Map for October 28th, 2021

Unlike during the summer months, when the epidemiological situation was worst in the west of the EU, now regions in the east of the EU are mostly marked red or dark red.

All regions of Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovenia are dark red, as are the largest parts of Slovakia and smaller parts of Greece. Hungary and Germany are entirely red, while neighboring Austria is partly red and partly dark red.

The epidemiological situation is better in the Czech Republic, where two regions are orange and the rest are red. The situation is similar in Poland, while all Baltic countries are entirely dark red.

Of the Scandinavian countries, Sweden has the best situation, being entirely orange, while Finland is completely red.

The Benelux countries as well as Ireland are red or dark red, while France is completely orange.

Italy and Spain have the best epidemiological situation, being green and orange, while Portugal is orange.

The ECDC updates its epidemiological map every Thursday.

Red means the number of active cases in the past two weeks has been between 75 and 200 per 100,000 population and that 4% or more of the COVID tests have been positive.

Dark red are those countries where the total number of cases in 14 days has been over 500.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Opposition Says Not Against Minimum Pay Rise, But Employers Shouldn't Pay for It

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - Opposition MPs said on Thursday, ahead of a debate on changes to the Minimum Wage Act, that nobody was against the minimum wage being raised but not in such a way to make employers cover the cost. 

Marin Lerotić of the Istrian Democratic Party (IDS) said his party was against employers covering the cost of a higher minimum wage, wondering when the serious discussion would begin about tax reliefs and stimulation of industries, notably export-oriented ones.

Davor Bernardić of the Social Democrats said PM Andrej Plenković's announcement of a HRK 350 increase in the minimum wage was a show, adding that people live poorly and noting that 200,000 people have left the Slavonia region.

Peđa Grbin of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) said that realistically, nobody could be against the PM's announcement but that the entire wage policy should be discussed.

Generally, wages are low, and when inflation is added to that, it is clear that not even the average wage suffices for a normal living, let alone the minimum wage, Grbin said.

Marija Selak Raspudić (Bridge) said the prime minister was "feeling generous" yet wanted somebody else to pay the bill. That is what the minimum wage bill is about, she said.

"If the prime minister really wants to be generous... he should raise the non-taxable income to HRK 5,000, as suggested by entrepreneurs," she said.

Katarina Peović of the Workers' Front said that the bill, under which the minimum wage would have to be agreed in its gross amount and employers who fail to do so would be penalized, would not bring anything good to 52,000 workers receiving the minimum wage.

The bill is unconstitutional and the amendments will only serve to improve the statistics, she said.

Hrvoje Zekanović of the Croatian Sovereignists said that employers were avoiding the government's measures, citing the example of a woman from Šibenik whose minimum wage did not increase at all after it was raised for the last two times. However, on paper her working hours were first reduced from eight to six and then to four, he said.

Employers are avoiding compliance with the government's measures by registering their workers as working six or four hours a day, so we are doing those workers a disservice instead of helping them, Zekanović said, calling the government's measures as 'cosmetic ones'.

Majda Burić of the ruling HDZ party said that the institute of minimum wage was a very sensitive one and had to be approached seriously, which, she said, the government was doing.

The gross minimum wage amounts to HRK 4,250, and the net amount is HRK 3,400, she said, adding that as of January 2022 the net amount would rise by HRK 350. Annually, that is an increase of 10.3%, the highest so far, she said.

She recalled that during the Andrej Plenković governments' terms in the past five years, the minimum wage had been raised by a gross amount of HRK 1,567 and a net amount of HRK 1,254.

During the term of the SDP-led government, it was raised by HRK 179, she said.

(€1 = HRK 7.521247)

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

President: Euro Adoption Will Have More Pluses Than Minuses for Croatia

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - President Zoran Milanović said on Wednesday that Croatia would have more benefits than disadvantages from the euro adoption and that Malta could help Zagreb with its experience in the euro area.

Malta has been in the euro area since 1 January 2008, and today when Milanović met with his Maltese counterpart George Vella, he said that he believes that country can help Croatia with its experience.

"This is a country which has been inside for a long time, it has the experience and that experience is good," said Milanović and added that the Maltese economy is "exposed to the services sector and in particular to tourism," and has several common points with Croatia's economy.

"Our economy, unfortunately, or luckily, or just as a point - is not exceptionally export-orientated. We are a service-based economy and that is one of the reasons why I think the euro would be better for Croatia than it would be worse," said Milanović.

The president underscored that introducing the euro "isn't pittance" and that "it seems we will relinquish our national currency forever."

"That is not done with an excited heart, but with a sober head."

Milanović asked Malta to support Croatia, as the youngest EU member state, and its accession to the Schengen Area and criticized the Union for "procrastination and delay."

Romania and Bulgaria have been members of the EU since 2007 and are still waiting for a green light to access that area.

The time has already ripened for them to join the Schengen Area, however, political mainstream in the largest countries simply have a problem, which I understand, and that is the problem of right-wing voters hence they need "to tread on eggs cautiously," as the saying goes, he said.

For more, check out our politics section.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Dražen Oreščanin Opens Adria Business Network's 3rd Season

October 28, 2021 - Adria Business Network's 3rd season was opened with a lecture by Dražen Oreščanin, a partner in the company Poslovna inteligencija and the Executive Director of the Voice of Entrepreneurs Association.

The event was organized by entrepreneurs Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency (, and Lee Kosović, owner of LOL Event Management ( at Aspira High School, which is a partner of the event. The event's goal is business networking in Croatia and the region, creating business opportunities, and encouraging continuous education. In addition, the event offers the opportunity for all participants to get to know each other better and network better and in a targeted way.

Dražen said the following about his participation in the event: “It was relaxed and inspiring, an interesting audience, we talked about many topics from the spectrum of entrepreneurship. We should definitely support events of this type that encourage the entrepreneurial climate in the country, and I am grateful for the invitation and the opportunity to share my business experience."


"I am extremely pleased with the opening of the third season of our successful event. Our guest looked back on his business journey, gave us important entrepreneurial lessons, and talked about UGP's plans and his candidacy for the Croatian Chamber of Commerce president. In short, we enjoyed it. However, the most important message for the end was - dream big," said Željka Barišić, owner of Forca Digital Agency and one of the founders of Adria Business Network, after the event.

Lea Kosović, owner of LOL Event Management and also the founder of Adria Business Network, said: "Dražen was a complete refreshment for the start of the third season. I am really looking forward to the next edition, and I am glad to be a new part of this beautiful entrepreneurial story."


The diamond partner of the event is A1. The silver sponsor is ManpowerGroup. The event is sponsored by the Bagatin Polyclinic and the Aspira High School. The event partners are Vladimir Abicic Photography, Kupinovo vino - Kupilek, and Planet Art Theater.

The media partners of the event are the magazine and portal Poduzetnik, the magazine and portal Zaposlena, Netokracija,,,, Glas Istre,, Moja Domovina, Total Croatia News, Fama, ZgExpress, Akademija Art and Radio 92 FM.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated business section.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Petrokemija Sees Net Profit Plunge By 94%

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - Fertilizer manufacturer Petrokemija generated a net profit of HRK 19 million in the first nine months of 2021, down from HRK 315 million in the same period of 2020, the company's financial statement shows.

Petrokemija's result for the first nine months of this year was affected by increased prices of natural gas, higher carbon emission allowance prices, and lower demand. The negative effects were partly offset by higher selling prices of mineral fertilizers and the efficiency measures implemented, CEO Davor Žmegač said in a comment.

Operating revenue totaled HRK 1.5 billion, up by 7.0% over the same period of 2020. Sales revenue rose by 6.0% to HRK 1.49 billion, fuelled by the increase in prices of mineral fertilizers, which in turn was due to higher prices of natural gas on the European markets.

The company said that prices of natural gas on the European markets had gone up by 249 percent on average, while carbon emission allowance prices had increased by 129 percent following a new EU directive aimed at further reducing CO2 emissions.

Operating expenditure rose by 38% to HRK 1.49 billion. EBITDA without one-off items was HRK 141 million, down by 65 percent, and net profit fell by 94 percent to HRK 19 million. Capital investment rose by 217 percent to HRK 91 million.

(€1 = HRK 7.521247)

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated business section.


Thursday, 28 October 2021

Croatia Logs 4,154 New COVID-19 Cases, 26 Deaths, 11,320 Doses Administered

ZAGREB, 28 Oct 2021 - In the last 24 hours, Croatia has registered 4,154 new coronavirus cases, 26 patients have died and 11,320 vaccine doses have been administered, it was said on the government's website on Thursday.

There are currently 22,382 active cases, including 1,231 hospitalized patients, of whom 160 are on ventilators.

The number of new cases in the last 24 hours is lower than on Wednesday when Croatia registered 4,571 new cases, the second-highest daily number of new infections since the start of the epidemic. That number was nonetheless higher than on the same day last week when there were 3,053 new infections.

Since the first registered case of the infection on 25 February 2020, a total of 458,090 people have become infected and of them, 9,142 have died.

A total of 426,566 people have recovered, including 2,391 in the last 24 hours.

Currently, 34,954 people are self-isolating.

So far a total of 3,073,618 people have been tested, including 12,300 in the last 24 hours.

A total of 3,586,560 vaccine doses have been administered and 46.78% of the total population has been vaccinated while 52.83% of the adult population has been fully vaccinated.

On 27 October 11,320 vaccine doses were administered, including 4,327 that were administered as first shots.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.
