Friday, 7 August 2020

10 German Graduates Infected with Coronavirus During Excursion to Pag

ZAGREB, Aug 7, 2020 - The German portal on Friday reported that 10 German graduate students who had been on Pag island for an excursion had returned infected with the coronavirus and are currently in self-isolation.

According to a spokesman for the Goppingen district, north of Stuttgart, ten school leavers developed symptoms with respiratory problems.

Fifteen school leavers and 50 other people who have been in contact with them are also in self-isolation.

The head of Goppingen's public health institute, Heinz Pohler, underscored that more and more people returning from the Balkans were being diagnosed with the coronavirus disease.

Earlier in the day Slovenia's health authorities reported that despite controlling local transfers of the virus, recently "imported cases" had been detected again.

"In the past week, of the 21 imported cases, a little more than half were from Croatia," Marta Grgic Vitek from Slovenia's national public health institute said, adding that most of these cases were detected among young people, noting that one of the epicentres was Zrce Beach on Pag island, a popular spot for clubbing with often large gatherings of young people.

Friday, 7 August 2020

ECB: Entry Into ERM II Will Prompt Institutional Reforms in Croatia

ZAGREB, Aug 7, 2020 - By joining the European Exchange Rate Mechanism II, Croatia has pledged to make additional moves to mitigate the risks on its journey to the euro area and create conditions for a more efficient allocation of capital to productive firms instead of rent-seekers, shows a European Central Bank analysis.

The Croatian National Bank (HNB) said on Friday that the ECB published an analysis on its website, on the occasion of Croatia and Bulgaria's accession to the ERM II, which says, among other things, that Croatia has pledged to implement additional reform measures with the aim of preserving economic and financial stability and achieving a high degree of sustainable economic convergence.

Those reforms should mitigate risks under ERM II with a view to subsequent euro adoption because a key lesson learned from the global financial crisis is that, in the run-up to euro adoption, a high level of institutional quality and good governance help to reduce the risk of a build-up of excessive imbalances, the HNB says in a press release.

The ECB analysis also underlines that the reforms conducted within ERM II create preconditions for allocating capital to productive firms instead of rent-seekers.

The HNB notes that the ECB analysis also stresses that Croatia is catching up in terms of income levels relative to the rest of the European Union and that its price levels relative to the euro area are now well in line with its income levels relative to the euro area. While such levels remain significantly below those of the euro area, this does not in itself constitute an impediment to participation in ERM II, the HNB says quoting the ECB analysis.

In this regard, a more important prerequisite for successful participation in ERM II is that price levels are commensurate with income levels and, more generally, with the economic fundamentals of the country, reads the analysis.

Friday, 7 August 2020

EC Approves Extension of Concession Agreement for Istrian Y Motorway

ZAGREB, Aug 7, 2020 - The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules a Croatian plan to prolong the Istrian Y motorway concession agreement between Croatia and the company Bina-Istra. This will allow €197 million of new investments by the concession operator to go ahead, while limiting distortions of competition.

The EC says in a press release that the Istrian Y motorway is a 145 km long motorway linking the Istrian region with the rest of Croatia. The motorway is operated under a concession agreement from 1995, which was awarded to the company Bina-Istra until 2034.

In June 2020, Croatia notified to the Commission a prolongation of the concession agreement until 2039.

The prolongation will allow Bina-Istra to finance the construction of a second carriageway (one more lane in each direction) between Vranja Interchange and the Ucka tunnel/Kvarner portal - an 8km stretch on the north-eastern side of the motorway.

The aid takes the form of a prolongation of the concession, the EC says, adding that this will allow the €197 million investment, which will mainly be used to construct a new 5.63 km-long second tube to the Ucka tunnel, which is necessary to meet the minimum safety requirements, as well as several new viaducts, underpasses and overpasses. Bina-Istra will also renew the Kvarner rest area.

The Commission examined the measure under EU State aid rules on services of general economic interest (SGEI) and EU public procurement rules, notably the EU Directive on the award of concession contracts (Directive 2014/23/EU), according to which companies can be compensated for the extra cost of providing a public service on certain conditions.

The Commission found that, under the Croatian plan to extend the Istrian Y motorway concession agreement, all compatibility conditions are fulfilled.

The prolongation of the concession is proportionate to the amount needed to finance the required works and Bina-Istra is not overcompensated. The Commission concluded that the measure will promote growth and unlock investment, without unduly distorting competition and trade between Member States in line with EU State aid and public procurement rules.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Successful Karla Curin: Deaf Student Who "Doesn't Hear" Discrimination

August 7, 2020 – Karla Curin is a Faculty of Graphic Arts student in Zagreb, one of the recent speakers at the Tedx in Koprivnica, and creator of a prototype for an application that helps youth with depression.

„You were just born under a lucky star.“

This sentence follows a 23-year-old student whose path was slightly different. Karla is deaf from birth, but she can hear with a hearing aid and understands people through lip reading. That didn't stop her from expressing herself in the way she wanted. From the very beginning, Karla was a child with a vivid imagination, who loved to draw and make new creations. Although she wanted to become a doctor and was into science, a creative side prevailed.

At the age of 14, Karla enrolled at the School of Applied Arts and Design, where she worked on metal design. Just a year before high school graduation, fashion design came to mind and didn't let her be at peace. But it was too late, the Faculty of Textile Technology waited. "In my final year of undergraduate study, a crisis arose again: I knew what I didn’t want, and I didn’t know what I wanted. I needed and wanted something more, stronger, more challenging, and I discovered that graphic design was calling," said Karla, who was often called indecisive. Her mother was, and still is, her biggest support.


High school days

As Karla highlights, crises sometimes occur, so her mother is there to remind Karla who she is and that it is normal to be 'down' sometimes. "When I was preparing for an entrance examination at the Faculty of Graphic Arts, I was afraid of competition, wasn't satisfied with my work, and constantly asking myself 'what if?'" But her mother showed Karla she believes in her. "And she didn't make a mistake," said Karla proudly.

When Karla mastered fashion design, she enrolled in graduate school at the Faculty of Graphic Arts, where she heard about UX/UI design, and that was finally what she wanted. “I felt that all my passion was where it needed to be, in the right place." A passion made of science and art, just like she dreamed about it once as a child.

Karla is currently working on her master thesis, and as she said, a decision about the topic was clear from the beginning. The SUVAG polyclinic is a health institution where specialists-consultants provide health care for people with speech difficulties. But the irony is that its website is outdated, inaccessible to people with disabilities. "As a deaf person, I can’t order a hearing test on my own, which isn’t just a problem for me," said Karla, whose master thesis is about improving the accessibility of SUVAG's website with the help of redesign.


Promotion at TTF, Bachelor of Fashion and Textile Designer

As everyone, Karla would like to work in her profession. Her volunteering experiences filled out her CV and gave her wind in her back. After a year of volunteering in the eSTUDENT association, as a part of Visual communications, she worked on several projects simultaneously, participated in workshops and events organized by the eSTUDENT. Besides that, while studying textile and fashion design, she volunteered at URIHO as a versatile designer with an emphasis on fashion design. She got there through the competition 'Iskustvo zlata vrijedi', and it was a springboard for her. As a freelancer, she also designed visuals for the newly opened trade "Simply Design", and for FER's project "DroneDays," she designed graphic and web visuals.


URIHO, bag design

After Jutarnji List opened the competition "Student Digi Award 2020," selecting the best Croatian young innovators, versatile Karla didn't think twice about the application. She wrote down every idea that came to her mind, but one was strongly pointing out. Aware of depressed young people, and unfortunately, also inspired by a tragic event of a friend, Karla created a prototype that helps people struggling with depression, anxiety, and dark thoughts. "It does not change the psychologist, but encourages conversation, connects people with similar problems, and monitors moods on a weekly, monthly, and even annual basis," said Karla. She understands that most young people today live on mobile devices, so the idea was to help them acceptably, through communication and technology that they understand. She hopes that her "Oaza" (Oasis) application would help depressed people, with no one to talk to.

After she was secretly daydreaming of appearing on a TEDx to tell people her story on the red carpet, her dreams came to life. "I was so excited and scared at the same time. But, as I have a fear of talking in front of people, I decided to see that as an opportunity to beat that fear," said Karla, whose first Tedx was recently in Koprivnica. She was supposed to tell people about her life, but she also wanted to convey her light motive: Your life will be what your thoughts are - a lot of hard work included. "I wanted to show people with a disability through my example that they can limit them, but they cannot prevent them from realizing their dreams," said Karla.

"Yes, I intentionally have one black and one white shoe. It’s kind of my thing, “life is both black and white, and it’s up to us which color will dominate,” as I said on TEDx talk. It's clear which color dominates in my case."

Growing up with a disability made Karla aware she has to give three times more than the rest. Not everyone believed her, and she was often told that professors conduce her on the exams - as she isn't capable of learning something better than them. But surprisingly, the most discrimination she experiences is from deaf people. "There were situations when they would tell me that I am not allowed to speak, that I have to use only sign language and that I actually can hear," said Karla, pointing out that not every deaf person told her this. But people often see Karla as she sees herself - as a confident person without complexes and always a cheerful character. Karla says there will always be jealous people. Envy is more significant when a person with a defect succeeds and does more than a person who does not have any defects/difficulties/disabilities. "As for the people who hear, I don't remember any particular discrimination, and even if there was something, 'I didn't hear them'," said Karla wisely.

The main thing about her speech on TEDx was motivating people to do and be better - just like she finds motivation in others. "I wanted everyone to ask themselves what they could get the most out of themselves - to dream, be passionate in life, and leave their little mark on this world."

Friday, 7 August 2020

Everything Ready for 305th Sinjska Alka!

August 7, 2020 - Everything is ready for the 305th Sinjska Alka, which will be held this Sunday in Sinj, under special epidemiological measures and corona rules.

Due to the epidemic, the Alkars trained separately, and the number of spectators in the stands has been reduced. The knights' competition is preceded by the Bara, which is scheduled for today, and the Čoja, which runs on Saturday.

There are no tickets on sale this time around, and the only hotel in the Sinj region is almost completely filled with guests. Small renters in the Sinj region, which lives for the Alka, are also satisfied with the reservations. This year is no exception.

The last dress rehearsal before the competition was held on the Alka track in Sinj on Thursday. RTL's Jelena Tešija was there with one of the organizers. You can see the video here.

Sinj claims they will not become a new coronavirus focus.

"Not at all, because we implemented all the recommendations and agreements we had with the national and county headquarters so that we had two groups in the preparation of the Alkars themselves, and we reduced the number of spectators to one quarter at the track. Therefore, it will be very small, almost impossible to spread infection," said Stipe Jukic, president of the Alka Knights Society Sinj.

"We divided Alkars into two groups: groups A and B of 15 each, so we adhere to the measures. If one group becomes infected and ends up in self-isolation, there is another that can do Alka to the very end, because according to the statute, the minimum number is 11 to do Alka," said Ivica Filipovic-Grcic.

In the end, 17 of the best were selected, among them one debutant.

To be sure no corona spreads, there will be no reception or a traditional celebration.

"All events that are otherwise in preparation of the Alka, and lead to gathering a larger number of people, have in some way been canceled," said Jukic.

The Sinjska Alka has run since 1715, both in war and in peace, but rarely in such circumstances.

"It was rescheduled once during an epidemic, as it was during cholera in 1855, so instead it took place in October," said Monika Vrgoc, director of the Sinj Tourist Board.

The 305th Sinjska Alka will be held on Sunday and will be followed by the entire state leadership.

Source: Dalmacija Danas, RTL

To read more about Inland Dalmatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Conde Nast Traveler Names Nugal and Zlatni Rat Among best European Beaches

ZAGREB, Aug 7, 2020 - The prestigious US Conde Nast Traveler magazine has included the Nugal beach on the Makarska riviera and Zlatni Rat beach in Bol on the island of Brac among the top 25 best beaches in Europe, the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) said on Friday.

Conde Nast Traveler highlights the beauty of Nugal beach with its spectacular view and crystal clean sea, adding that a 40-minute walk to the beach was well worthwhile.

The magazine notes the advantages of Zlatni Rat, saying that it stands out because of its shape and that it is ideal for water sport enthusiasts, notably sailing or board sailing.

HTZ Director Kristjan Stanicic underlined that the latest report by this prestigious American magazine is confirmation that Croatia has retained its visibility and positive image on the US market.

"Despite the current situation, because of which we are not expecting a large number of American guests, it is important to continue maintaining their interest and the perception of our country as a safe and attractive tourist destination," underlined Stanicic.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Zagreb Councillor Says Adoption of Reconstruction Law Taking Forever

ZAGREB, Aug 7, 2020 - Zagreb City Councillor from the ranks of the Croatian People's Party, Tomislav Stojak, on Friday told a press conference that the law on Zagreb's reconstruction after the March earthquake is taking too long and that citizens are still waiting for quality living conditions four and a half months later.

We have been waiting for months despite all the promises that it would be adopted before the summer, particularly since some political platforms advocated that during electioneering yet are now saying that it is necessary to hear all the arguments and that the law will be adopted in the autumn, underscored Stojak.

He underlined that citizens need to be ensured the same quality of life regardless of where they live, that those areas most affected by the earthquake have to be reconstructed, which would be a long process, but other suburbs need to be developed too.

Stojak assessed that as far as reconstruction is concerned, the state is doing a "relatively good job," however the City of Zagreb is not doing as much considering that its financial situation is not that good.

The city will not have the 20 percent of the funding required for participating in the reconstruction as it does not have any money, Stojak added.

He expects Mayor Milan Bandic and the city authorities to present the city's financial plan at the next meeting scheduled for September.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Croatia Has 62 New Coronavirus Cases

ZAGREB, Aug 7, 2020 - There have been 62 new cases of the coronavirus infection in Croatia in the past 24 hours, which puts the number of active cases at 533, the national COVID-19 response team said on Friday.

Among the active cases, there are 122 patients who are hospitalised, including seven who are on ventilators. There have been no new fatalities.

Since February 25, when the first case of the disease in Croatia was reported, a total of 5,466 people have contracted the virus. Of that number, 155 have died and 4,758 have recovered.

A total of 2,052 people are currently in self-isolation. To date, 126,410 people have been tested, including 1,093 in the past 24 hours.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Daily: HDZ Convincingly Most Popular Party, SDP Sinks to 18% in Approval Ratings

ZAGREB, Aug 7, 2020 - According to a poll by the Promocija Plus agency, there are changes in the balance of power among political parties a month after a parliamentary election but not at the top, Jutarnji List daily said on Friday.

The election winner, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), is the most popular party (32.9%).

The Social Democratic Party is second (18.1%) and the We Can! platform third (11%), replacing the Homeland Movement, which now ranks fourth (8.6%). Bridge is next (8.3%), followed by the Party with a First and Last Name (2.6%).

Pametno, the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS), and the Istrian Democratic Party (IDS) have a little over 1% in approval ratings.

The most popular politician is Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic for 24.5% of respondents, up from 19.4% in June, followed by President Zoran Milanovic with 11.3% (15.3% in June), Finance Minister Zdravko Maric with 4.5% (2.2% in June) and Health Minister Vili Beros with 4.3%(8.1% in June).

The poll shows that 15.3% of respondents have no favourite politician.

The most negative politician is President Milanovic, followed by Prime Minister Plenkovic and Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic.

(Hina) ha

Friday, 7 August 2020

Petra Martic Moves to Quarterfinal of Palermo Ladies Open

August 7, 2020 - Croatian tennis player Petra Martic advanced to the quarterfinal of the WTA tournament in Palermo - the Palermo Ladies Open. In the 2nd round match, after more than two and a half hours of play, she defeated Russian Ludmila Samsonova 5-7, 6-4, 6-2.

Martic, who was appointed the first seed of the tournament in Palermo for the first time in her career, had a tough match against the 21-year-old Russian, currently the 117th player in the world.

In the first set, Martic managed to deny Samsonova's eight set-points, but not the ninth. Martic then had a break point, which Samson managed to save. With a 6-5 advantage, the Russian again reached three consecutive set points, Martic saved the first two, but could not find the strength to save the third and lost the first set.

However, already in the first game of the second set, Martic finally took Samsonova's serve and certainly kept that advantage until the 4-3 lead. She then played a feeble service game and lost the edge without winning a point, but she did not let herself get down, and in the next game, she retaliated and served for the set. That game wasn't easy, either. Samsonova secured two new break points, but Martic then played four excellent points to level the score.

Martic had her first break in the third set for a 2-1 advantage, and in the continuation of the duel, she served better and better and did not allow the Russian the opportunity to return. With a new break for 5-2, it was clear that Martic would be the winner.

During the match, Martic scored six aces with a first-serve percentage of 69 percent and saved as many as 12 of her opponent's 14 break points. For her second WTA semifinal in 2020 (Dubai) she will play against another qualifier, Belarusian Aliaksandra Sasnovich, the 119th tennis player in the world.

"The struggle was real out there today. She's not the type of player I like to play. She plays really fast, flat, low, on this court it can be tricky with bad bounces. Overall I really didn't really enjoy myself. I was just going to have to fight," Petra Martic said for

The quarterfinal is scheduled for Friday at 4 pm.

Source: HRT

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