May 23, 2020 - After weeks of incompetence, the Kings of Accidental Tourism seemed to have finally got some coherent information and an efficient system to answer tourist travel questions. But what happens when you contact the email address?
The Minister of Tourism is apparently not very happy with me. I am apparently making his life very uncomfortable at the most inconvenient time. No, I am not talking about the tourist season, but rather the upcoming elections.
I am glad if I make him unhappy (although it is nothing personal, I have never met the guy), even more so if I make him uncomfortable. For finally, it seems, he has started to do his job. Kind of.
For the latest travel info, bookmark our main travel info article, which is updated daily.
Join the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community.
The minister has been the minister now for 4 years. The only memorable thing I can remember of his term so far are him saying 'This is not accidental tourism' when he catches my eye at press conferences, and for his award-winning pandemic tourism slogan, Croatia Breathes Tourism.
Oh yes, apart from that incredible moment in Vinkovci at Days of Croatian Tourism last October when he announced - to thunderous applause from the party faithful:
"Croatia is the best tourism destination in Europe."
No facts to back up the claim. No numbers. Which is odd because The Capp loves his numbers. 40 million tourists, a record year. This is not accidental tourism. 3 billion overnights. This is not accidental tourism. That kind of thing.
He also has a fondness of some other numbers, as our colleagues at informed the nation recently - fax numbers.
Four years into his reign in the Kingdom of Numbers, Numbers, Numbers, our esteemed minister decided to upgrade from the fax number (the year is 2020) on its homepage - email is a concept the Ministry of Tourism was just hearing about, to a sudden change of communications strategy just over 2 weeks ago. Out with the fax and in with 4 emails. I am not sure what brought on so much bold and dynamic change after four years of blissful fax heaven.
I could go on at length about all the other changes that have happened after the Croatian media covered my story, but I want to get to the point of this article, which is to explain to tourist businesses now that many tourists will not come to Croatia this year because they cannot get any information on the situation.
On paper, after weeks of ineptitude, it seemed that there was finally a coherent message. TCN has been doing travel updates throughout the crisis (and you can bookmark our daily update here, now available in 12 languages), and we recently started a Viber community called Total Croatia Travel INFO.
The Viber community concept is completely out of my comfort zone and I will return to it in a minute, but one of the recurring comments from community members has been the lack of response from the official central email tourists are encouraged to send questions.
A few examples.
This comes at a time that we have 319 tourist boards in a time of nothing happening, and 75% are too busy to open an email with an offer of a free destination article form an award-winning travel writer. That is not 75% who did not respond, that is 75% that did not even open the email. Of those that did, 68% were too busy to click on the link.
This is not just another Uhljebistan story. This is an issue which will cost many jobs and closed businesses in the next few weeks. Croatia's private tourism providers are on their knees. The next two weeks are crucial, and while Greece is doing INCREDIBLE PR and clear communication, life in the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism goes on as before.
As we explored recently in Jebote! As Greece Restarts Tourism, Croatia Lauds Conference Success, in a Pandemic, our heroic Ministry website was reporting on a meeting with truck drivers, while the national tourist board director was congratulating himself on Croatia being the 34th best conference tourism country in the world, and number 1 in the region.
"After various world associations held 114 conventions in Croatia in 2018, even more conventions were held in 2019, 123, and Croatia went up four places in the ICCA rankings, to the 34th place globally by the number of conventions held. That is the highest position Croatia has taken to date, which also confirms its status as the leading conference destination in the region," said HTZ director Kristjan Stancic.
He thinks this is great news for Croatia's conference tourism, which is on an upward trajectory, as well as for Zagreb, which has taken the 48th place in the ICCA rankings for conference cities, jumping up by 20 places compared to 2018.
Conference tourism on an upward trajectory in the Zoom and Corona Age. Clearly, the gurus of the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism are ahead of their time.
While The Capp was coming out with his breathtaking corona-era slogans, and a 17-year strategic plan was put out to tender to the cousins, nobody was answering the emails.
And so the tourists - who LOVE Croatia and contribute 20% of its GDP - are looking elsewhere.
With only 319 local tourist boards, 20 regional tourists boards, 1 national tourist board, a ministry of tourism AND a dedicated tourism body within the fabulous Croatian Chamber of Economy, who could possibly find the manpower to answer questions from tourists?
Surely everyone knows that in the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism, tourists simply come.
I decided to try. As an experiment.
Last weekend, I called PR guru and champion of orange shoe fashion, Kresimir Macan, suggesting he take me in his Porsche to the main border with Slovenia at Bregana. With information so hard to find, a little first-hand reporting might be useful. MUP were extremely responsive by email with the media permission and very helpful at the border. You can see the realities of life on the Croatian-Slovenian border on May 17 here.
"We have that really good Viber account, for corona updates. Why doesn't the Ministry of Tourism have the same for latest travel advice?"
"Why don't you make your own Viber community?" asked Macan.
"I wouldn't know where to start."
Two days later...
I have known Kreso for 6 years. And I have known many who have worked for him. They are some of the brightest minds who go on to do incredible things in the public and private sector. So when he suggested I come to the office and have a chat with his two interns, I knew it would not be just a chat.
After we got over the initial embarrassment that I did not know how to download Viber to my desktop (thanks, kids!), we - or rather they - got to work. In precisely 22 minutes, we were live with my Viber community Total Croatia Travel INFO (and you can join too - but you need to download the app).
Nobody has helped me more in the last 5 years than Macan. He is a controversial chap and a polarising figure (he is the erstwhile Communications Director for current Prime Minister Plelnkovic), but he is a master of his craft. I sat and watched, and within an hour, we had an infographic with the relevant info that people needed to know.
An infographic that was available in multiple languages thanks to the generosity of the Viber community we had created, as people volunteered their time to help others.
I built a master travel info article, which I pinned to the top of the Viber community, so all could see. I update it daily.
Meanwhile our travel update page, which links to all the relevant official pages, is now available in multiple languages - the translation is not perfect, but then it never is when the budget is zero:
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We had LOTS of engagement in on our little Viber community. We decided to invest some time to answer the questions in real time. For free. This is a community after all.
The community is growing quickly and is VERY helpful, with people sharing experiences (including no response to emails by the Kings), and I have learned a lot.
(Answering tourist questions in real time, making their choice to come to Croatia on holiday an easier one. Join the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community - you will need to download the app).
This is what Macan, two interns and a fat Irishman have managed to do as a part-time extra to our working days since Tuesday.
Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of Accidental Tourism, the minister is breathing tourism, the national tourist board director is feeling pleased with the upward trajectory of his conference tourism strategy, and business after business is going out of business.
Because nobody has time to answer the emails.
To learn more about the brilliance of the Kingdom of Uhljebistan, follow the dedicated TCN section.
ZAGREB, May 23, 2020 - Economy Minister Darko Horvat has said that following analysis on the profitability of open shops on Sunday, the government will propose that 14 Sundays in a year will be working days and employers will choose on which 14 Sundays they will open their shops.
This proposal of 14 Sundays in a year when shops can be open is the result of an analysis which has been conducted for more than two years and also of a high amount of consensus reached with social partners and the segments of the public interested in this matter, said Minister Horvat in the northern city of Cakovec on Saturday.
Also, the position of the chambers of commerce and trades as well as a great number of members of the Croatian Employers' Association (HUP) is that they agree that 14 Sundays are profitable, while working on other Sundays is not profitable, he added.
The pertaining changes of the relevant legislation on trading will be put for public consultation. as soon as epidemiologists give a green-light and rescind their ban on trading Sundays, imposed for health safety reasons.
Asked by the press how all that could be regulated during tourist seasons, Minister Horvat said that the trade sector in the regions where tourism is the main business activity also considered that working on 14 Sundays brought a profit.
He said that being aware of the fact that trading on Fridays, Saturdays and on Mondays each, made up 16% of the total volume of trading, while trading Sunday contributed with 8% to that volume, then there is "a clear economic connotation" why Sunday should be non-trading.
In addition, the last three months have shown that trading on Fridays, Saturday, and Mondays can offset the non-working Sundays, Horvat said, refuting claims that the latest proposal was made for the sake of campaigning before the July 5 parliamentary elections.
As for the criticism made by Social Democrat leader Davor Bernardic that Prime Minister and HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic was indecisive whether to have working or non-working Sundays, Horvat replied that he had not heard any constructive proposal from Bernardic.
Responding to Bernadic's claims that a vote for HDZ is a vote for corruption, Horvat said that many more members and officials from the ranks of the SDP were convicted of corruption.
He went on to say that in the last three years, this government had stabilized public finances, increased the ability of the Croatian economy to produce added value, boosted exports and made a budget surplus, which proved that this government could control well the budgetary money and invest it where it was most needed.
ZAGREB, May 23, 2020 - Former HDZ leader and deputy prime minister Tomislav Karamarko said on Saturday that the accusations against his wife Ana Karamarko made by the prosecutorial authorities who are probing nine companies and 38 persons on suspicion of tax fraud are "the theatre of the absurd".
In his lengthy Facebook account on this investigation against his wife and other 37 persons believed to have committed tax evasion and other murky dealings, Karamarko said that "this theatre of the absurd" was another attempt to find anything that could incriminate him.
Karamarko criticizes the media coverage of the whole case and also wonders how come those reporters of the Jutarnji List daily arrived in front of his flat at the same when the police officers who then arrested his wife.
He also criticizes media outlets for insisting on and highlighting that one of those 38 suspects in this operation was the wife of Tomislav Karamarko.
Karamarko associated in an ironic comment that with speculations that "some elections will be held soon and I will reportedly be some sort of candidate."
He said that all those developments resembled the political showdown in 2016 when he resigned as the leader of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) after the Bridge party used "infantile moves" to topple down the government and accuse him of the conflict of interest and of advocating the interests of the Hungarian side in the INA-MOL case.
He went on today that he was exposed to all those attacks due to "his ideological structure and policies" which he was trying to pursue and implement.
In this context he said that he had tried to strengthen domestic production, limit the power of lobbies of importers, strengthen SMEs, create an implementable population policy, conduct lustration, and prosecute communist crime.
His wife Ana Karamarko was arrested last Wednesday as one of the suspects in an investigation into the suspected financial crime. After she was questioned by the authorities she was released in the evening that day because anti-corruption investigators did not ask that she be remanded in custody.
The investigation covers nine companies and 38 persons, one of whom has been in prison from before while six are currently beyond the reach of Croatian police.
Tomislav Pavkovic and Oliver Kolobaric are believed to have led the group suspected of conspiring for the purpose of evading taxes and customs duties, abuse of trust in business operations, and aiding and abetting the commission of those crimes.
The group, suspected of using fictitious contracts to siphon HRK 20 million from a number of companies, defrauding the state of HRK 11 million in the process, was allegedly put together by the two men.
The persons in question and their companies are suspected of charging non-existent services via fictitious invoices and tax fraud from 2017 until 2019.
May 23, 2020 — A black streak of spray paint strikes through the name of Nerežišća, a village on the island of Brač, replaced by “WUHAN” in block letters. The reference to COVID-19’s launching point seemed appropriate 15 days ago when a coronavirus outbreak struck Dalmatia's largest island and home to its most famous beach.
Authorities declared the outbreak over after new infections dropped to zero. The island is now easing back measures meant to stem the spread of the virus. It might be time to take the “WUHAN” graffiti down.
“We have won all the significant battles against the coronavirus, but caution still remains,” said the Brač’s chief epidemiologist, Dr. Nađan Šerić, who was on the front line all the time. “A lot of knowledge, effort, and love was invested in breaking COVID-19 and all those who participated in the actions deserve thanks.”
The island off the coast of Split became a hotspot with 22 new infections emerging on May 8. The announcement fueled an exodus from the island, with even wild boars heading for the exits. Authorities tested 564 residents, with 41 testing positive in the first two rounds and none afterward. The steady stream of negative tests makes local authorities comfortable reopening the island.
The potential for an outbreak emerged when several workers at the Sardina factory were infected with COVID-19, raising questions about the 160 employees inside the plant. Fortunately, the infection didn’t spread within the company.
Brač residents can now roam without seeking permissions or passes. The orders to stay in place expired, with no need for renewal, said the head of Brač’s Crisis Staff Nikola Martinić.
Ferry service connecting the island to Makarska resumed as well. Schools will reopen on May 27.
In two days, the National Civil Protection Directorate’s ban on restaurant and retail businesses will also lift, ending the island’s perilous two-week stint as Croatia’s coronavirus hotbed.
“It wasn't easy. There were difficult and uncertain moments, but our Brač togetherness and determination once again won,” the mayor of Supetar and a member of the Crisis Staff Ivana Marković said.
ZAGREB, May 23, 2020 - Social Democratic Party (SDP) leader Davor Bernardic said on Saturday in Dubrovnik that voting for the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) meant voting for corruption.
Responding to Plenkovic's statement in an interview that a vote for Miroslav Skoro was a vote for the SDP, the opposition leader thus reiterated his accusations against the HDZ.
He went on to say that during the four-year of the term of the current government Plenkovic "has hidden behind Brussels, his aides, various task forces, the virus, and crisis management teams."
Commenting on Plenkovic's statement that the ban on Sunday work will be lifted if it is established that it is no longer required epidemiologically, but that he is for Sunday to be a non-working day, the SDP chief said that Plenkovic could not decide whether to have working or non-working Sundays.
"He could not take a position on important decisions for Croatia. Therefore, he cannot be at the helm of Croatia, and he will not be after 5 July," Bernardic said at a news conference in Dubrovnik before an SDP meeting.
Bernardic accused the Plenkovic government of lack of care for the tourism sector and promised that as soon as the SDP won the election, that party would reduce Value Added Tax in tourism and hospitality to 10%.
ZAGREB, May 23, 2020 - Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic on Saturday extended greetings on the occasion of Ramadan Bayram to the head of the Islamic Community in Croatia, Mufti Aziz Hasanovic, and all Islamic believers.
Ramadan is a holy month for all Muslim believers during which you reinforce the values of Islam through fasting, abstinence, prayer, solidarity, and care for the fellow man, Jandrokovic said in a note sent on his and parliament's behalf.
Unfortunately, you lived this year's Ramadan time of spiritual well-being in different circumstances because of the pandemic. I am convinced that, despite the absence of traditional joint prayers and sharing of iftar, you managed to find sufficient interior spiritual strength, patience, peace, harmony, and joy, Jandrokovic said.
"May the holy day of Ramadan Bayram, therefore, reward you for all the abstinence and sacrifice and bring you blessings, serenity, family community, and love as well as joint hope for a better tomorrow. Bayram Serif Mubarek Olsun!"
ZAGREB, May 23, 2020 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has said the ban on Sunday work will be lifted if it is established that it is no longer required epidemiologically, but that he is for Sunday to be a non-working day.
"The ban on Sunday work was an epidemiological measure introduced at a moment that was quite different from today's circumstances, when we have single-digit numbers of new (COVID-19) infections. The objective of the measure was to reduce the intensify of the population's mobility one day in the week. If it's now concluded epidemiologically that it's no longer necessary, the measure will be lifted," Plenkovic said in an interview in Jutarnji List's Saturday issue.
"As far as Sunday is concerned, I'm for it to be a non-working day. That's the political position of the government and the HDZ."
He said the effects of the economy's reactivation would be carefully analysed.
In the first 20 days of May, retail trade dropped only 5% on the year, he said. We will continue with the support measures for the real sector but target them, he added.
Speaking of opponents in the coming parliamentary election, Plenkovic said voters would elect those who they thought could cope with crises and run the country in the best way. "Those who create chaos and are irresponsible can't run the country in difficult, challenging circumstances."
He said he was prepared to participate in debates and that he still thought, as he did in the presidential election, that a vote for Miroslav Skoro was a vote for the Social Democratic Party (SDP).
"When (Mislav) Kolakusic, supported by Human Shield, gave up the campaign, enabling the consolidation of the left's votes, and when some people in our party were more engaged on some other side rather than for Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Skoro wins 24%. And what was achieved by that? Not only was (Zoran) Milanovic first in the first round, but 100,000 ballots were made invalid in the second round, which was obviously sabotage. I believe people see that now and that the same scenario won't happen twice. Such a scenario repeating would help (Davor) Bernardic and the SDP."
As Novac/Kresimir Zabec writes on the 22nd of May, 2020, Croatia can't miss out on taking advantage of the opportunity to increase its share of energy production from renewable sources. It should use what it has, namely the solar, wind and geothermal sources, to increase energy independence and contribute to the European Union Green Deal, according to the conclusion of the fourth HANZA HUB online panel, which was dedicated to energy this time.
Julije Domac, Special Adviser for Energy and Climate to Zoran Milanovic, Ivan Androcec, Head of the Investment Strategies and New Technologies Department of the Strategy and Development Sector of Hrvatska Elektroprivreda, Marijan Krpan, President of the Management Board of the Hydrocarbons Agency, Tomislav Čorak, partner and executive director of BCG in Central and Southeast Europe, and Dalibor Pudić, president of the Croatian Professional Gas Association, all took part in the debate.
Just a few months ago, there were many discussions at the level of the European Union on how the new Green Plan of the European Commission will be implemented in reality, how much money will need to be allocated for its implementation and how it will affect the member states of the EU. Today, such matters regarding the European Union Green Deal are no longer so much in focus.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences on the global economy, the focus in the energy sector is currently on the historically low price of oil, the decline in energy consumption and the recovery of nature due to the reduction of economic and other daily activities.
''This, of course, isn't the way we want to reduce pollution. We want to reduce it with economic growth, which is the foundation of the European Green Deal. The good message to come out of this crisis is that we can change much faster than we thought we could. I'd like this recovery to be linked to green recovery, new technologies, technological progress, and green energy sources. Information from all over the world shows that investments in renewable energy sources are progressing faster than they are in fossil sources, and that's a good indicator in the coronavirus age,'' said the president's advisor, Julije Domac.
Recalling that the latest crisis has led to a large drop in demand for oil in Southeast Asia, which has led to the fact that currently the most attractive business in the world is owning oil depots, Marijan Krpan estimates that this is only a temporary situation and that with the departure of the coronavirus, it will alter and rise again.
''Our position on the relationship between hydrocarbons and the Green Deal is defined by the relationship between production and demand. Europe produces 23 percent of its oil needs and 46 percent of its gas needs, but that does not guarantee us a future. And that's why there is a transition and the inclusion of renewable energy sources and large investments in solar and wind power,'' claims Krpan.
According to Tomislav Čorak, the shock being experienced by the oil industry will last for several years, which at the same time opens up some excellent opportunities for renewable energy sources, which includes large European oil players who didn't stop investing in this segment. In contrast, American oil companies have drastically reduced all of their investments in green technologies due to the same oil shock.
''It's possible that this is a turning point in the history of mankind and the world will turn more towards new green technologies,'' Krpan pointed out.
Unlike the oil business, so far, electricity and gas have not suffered too much damage due to the coronavirus crisis.
''This crisis has so far only slightly affected the situation in the power industry and this shock hasn't been so huge. The drop in demand stands at about ten percent. It's been primarily in businesses, and in households, because people were staying at home much more, we've even recorded a small increase in consumption. Given that we're a country that imports, the fall in energy prices has had a positive impact on electricity imports, which we're forced to do because we're facing arid hydrology. So, there was a drop in demand, but there was also a drop in prices so all of that together had a slight impact on our business. It's difficult to say what will happen by the end of the year,'' pointed out Ivan Androcec from HEP. Dalibor Pudic claimed that the coronavirus crisis didn't affect gas consumption either and that the demand for gas was the same as it has been previous years during the same period.
Androcec also made sure to emphasise that HEP's investment plan for renewable energy sources hasn't changed or been reduced due to the coronavirus crisis.
''This year, twice as many investments have been planned in comparison to last year, and there have been no changes to that. We're working according to a set plan and I believe that we'll achieve what we've planned,'' he pointed out.
The topic of HEP's investments initiated a heated discussion between the panelists about the technologies in which it is necessary to invest. Dalibor Pudic believeed that world's gas consumption will increase because the trend is to replace coal-fired power plants with gas-fired ones.
''In the last decade, we've had an increase in electricity production with energy from coal by 1700 terawatt hours, and from wind and solar power by 1050 terawatt hours. That coal was replaced by gas. In Europe, the largest reduction in CO2 emissions took place in the United Kingdom, which replaced oil with gas. Croatia must continue to explore any possible gas fields. The future of gas is not in question in the next 50 years in Europe and the rest of the world,'' said Pudic, adding that if you develop a new technology for energy production, you have to sell it to foreign markets, and as it is expensive, whether or not you have customers is questionable.
Make sure to follow Total Eco Croatia for more on energy in Croatia and the European Union Green Deal.
May 23, 2020 - The latest news from around Croatia’s airports for flights to Croatia with updates from Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik.
Croatian Aviation reports that German leisure company, Condor, announced they'd be resuming regular international lines from several German cities to well-known tourist destinations across Europe, including Split.
Before the outbreak of the pandemic, this German airline regularly flew on seasonal routes from German airports to Rijeka, Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik, but in the current summer flight schedule, the lines have not yet started operating.
In its last announcement, the company announced the resumption of operations, and the first line to Croatia will be introduced from the end of June.
From June 26, Condor will fly on two routes to Split:
Frankfurt - Split, from June 26, twice a week (Fridays and Sundays),
Dusseldorf - Split, from June 26, twice a week (Fridays and Sundays).
For the latest travel info, bookmark our main travel info article, which is updated daily.
Join the Total Croatia Travel INFO Viber community.
In addition to these two direct routes, the company, in cooperation with Lufthansa, also offers flights to Hamburg and Munich with short transfers. The mentioned lines will be operated by A320 aircraft, with a capacity of 180 seats.
Tickets are already on sale on the airline's official website. Split will thus be connected to Dusseldorf 3 times a week, considering that Eurowings, as we announced earlier, will fly between these two cities from June 20.
The airline has not yet confirmed the start of traffic from German cities to Zadar, Rijeka and Dubrovnik.
Furthermore, Croatian Aviation reported that Aegean Airlines announced new start dates for operations to destinations in Croatia.
The Greek airline plans to fly to 3 destinations in Croatia: Dubrovnik, Split and Zagreb in the current summer flight schedule. The line to Zadar was canceled in 2019.
Athens-Dubrovnik will be in operation twice a week from June 25, wit A320 aircraft. Aircraft of this type at Aegean has a capacity of 174 seats. The increase to five-week flights is planned for July 3.
The Athens-Split line has been announced four times a week from July 6, with the A319 aircraft, with a capacity of 144 seats.
The Athens-Zagreb route will again operate from July 1, three times a week, on A319 and A320 aircraft (capacity 144 and 174 seats, respectively).
Finally, Croatian Aviation reports that Emirates, an airline from the United Arab Emirates, has additionally canceled the start of operations on the Zagreb-Dubai route.
Although this seasonal line was supposed to start operating on the first day of the summer flight schedule, this did not happen due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
After that, the company repeatedly delayed the start of operations on this line, and the latest information was that this well-known company would come to the Croatian capital again from July 1 this year.
Emirates usually flies on the Dubai-Zagreb route every day, but due to reduced demand, flights are now postponed until August 1, when the line should start operating with only four flights per week (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays). B47-300ER aircraft with a capacity of 354 seats have been announced on the route.
Given that this is the only seasonal Emirates route in the entire destination network, there is a high probability that this airline will not return to Zagreb this season.
May 23, 2020 - What was Split like in 1999? Enjoy this blast from the past by local cameraman Jere Gruic.
It was the year the Euro was introduced. The human population surpassed six billion. Napster was released. Bill Clinton was acquitted. Movie theaters screened The Matrix, and radio stations played Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys.
Times were simpler then, it seemed, especially if you were in Dalmatia.
This is confirmed by a video of Split, made back in November 1999, which was discovered on the YouTube channel of Split cameraman Jere Gruic. As you can imagine, it has quickly become a hit.
Various Dalmatian media, like Dalmacija Danas and Dalmatinski Portal, were quick to share the 90s nostalgia. Slavićeva, Vukovarska, Bosanska, Pjaca, Riva, Marmontova, Žnjan and many other famous locations are featured in almost 19 minutes of film of our beautiful city, some 21 years ago.
“Some other time. The video was created as an idea to send the recordings to my father, because he has been working in Australia for three years now and he longs for Split," Gruić wrote in the description of the video, which you can watch below.
"What a flashback, that winter I turned 20, I have a different life now, how time flies," reads one comment. "The red bus at Sv. Frane - what a flashback!" reads another. "It's nice that someone put this out! Do you have more?" the others say.
Join us in this walk down memory lane; let's pine for this simpler Split life together.
To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.