Saturday, 14 May 2022

Government Approves Telascica Nature Park Substation Construction

May the 14th, 2022 - The government has approved the construction of a substation located within the boundaries of the much loved and truly stunning Telascica Nature Park.

As Morski writes, the Croatian Government has given the green light to the sale of the plot on which HEP will build a substation at Telascica Nature Park. This will replace the hitherto rather non-ecological way of obtaining electricity from three oil generators with a more acceptable and sustainable solution for all, including the environment.

Last year, consent was given for the sale of a 79-square-metre plot to HEP for 11,850 kuna. As the stipulation is that the consent for the alienation of property should be given by the Croatian Government alone, the decision was made at the session and was signed by Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, as reported by

The importance of electrification of the gorgeous Telascica Nature Park is far reaching, both for the the park and its management itself and for about forty individual consumers who will be connected to the electricity network. The current need for electricity has been being provided for with three large oil generators that significantly pollute the surrounding environment and produce noise, which is incompatible with the basic function of preserving and protecting the environment in Telascica Nature Park.

Previous efforts to provide electricity in this area have not been realised due to the fact that no agreement was reached between HEP ​​and the owner of the plot, although most of the project documentation was prepared for the location and the project was actually completed back in December 2019.

The special significance and importance of electrification lies in the fact that the construction and commissioning of the Grpascak Visitor Centre, financed from the European Regional Development Fund and co-financed by the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, will be completed soon.

The fact that the government has readily given the construction of the substation the green light proves its dedication to greener energy sources and promotion care for the environment as paramount.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated politics section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Zadar Archaeologists Discover Emperor Trajan's 2000 Year Old Legacy

May the 14th, 2022 - Zadar archaeologists have discovered an utterly incredible find in the form of the almost 2000 year old legacy of former Roman emperor Trajan.

As Morski writes, a hugely unusual discovery has been come upon b Zadar archaeologists in that popular coastal Dalmatian city. Construction in an industrial zone was stopped by conservators, assuming that the route of the former ancient aqueduct of the Roman city of Jadera (modern day Zadar) is located on that very site.

The investor had to hire archaeologists, and they did find the remains of the 40-kilometre-long ancient Zadar aqueduct, RTL reports.

Trajan went to war against the Dacians

So far, the longest section of the Roman aqueduct, which fed Zadar from the Biba spring near Vrana Lake, was found in the middle of the industrial zone at the eastern entrance to Zadar, and the head of Archaeological Research Smiljan Gluscevic said the following:

This aqueduct is thought to have originated sometime in the early second century when Emperor Trajan came from Italy, more precisely from Ancona, to Zadar with his army. He went to war against the Dacians, and we know this from a partially preserved inscription from Trajan's time that the plan was to construct that aqueduct.

Today's Five Wells Square (Trg pet bunara)

The plateau is a castellum aquae or fortress of water. It is assumed that all the water that used to come from Vrana Lake eventually arrived at this place, that is, to one large cistern that had five well crowns, which is today's Five Wells Square, a well known point in the City of Zadar.

After all of the necessary research is fully conducted by the present team of Zadar archaeologists, the conservators will decide whether and how the aqueduct will be presented or whether it will be protected and re-covered with earth once again.

For more, check out our lifestyle section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Dog DNA Testing in Dubrovnik: Pet Owners Could be Fined for Droppings

May 14, 2022 - Dog DNA testing in Dubrovnik could be introduced in the city soon, wth hefty fines for pet owners who do not pick up after their pets.

Dubrovnik City Councilor Krešimir Marković complained at a City Council session that more and more negligent pet owners do not clean their dogs' droppings from public areas, pointing out the problem of 'landmines' in many neighborhoods. Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Franković agreed, saying that it also irritates him and that the City of Dubrovnik will likely need to establish a dog DNA database to detect and punish irresponsible pet owners, reports Dubrovacki Vjesnik

Detecting negligent owners through dog DNA is not new and is becoming more common in Spain or Mislata, a city the size of Dubrovnik. Once introduced, the number of negligent owners quickly dropped by 90 percent. DNA dog testing was free, and owners who ignored the call were threatened with a fine of 300 euros. According to publicly available data, the cost of testing in Croatia is not small, about 200 kuna to take, prepare, and send a sample and 160 for analysis. Such a project was announced in Zagreb in 2016, though there has been no update on it in a very long time. 

The Ministry of Agriculture submitted data according to which 1,707 dogs were vaccinated in the Dubrovnik area since 2020. In 2021, 209 were chipped and 1,406 vaccinated. This year, until May 10, 49 dogs were chipped, and 372 were vaccinated. A total of 477,304 dogs were chipped in the Republic of Croatia, continuously growing from year to year. In 2015, 76,099 dogs were chipped, 355,979 dogs were vaccinated, and in 2021, 89,964 dogs were chipped, and 371,226 were vaccinated. They have no information or estimate of the number of un-chipped pets in Croatia.

"It is possible to establish a dog DNA database to sanction irresponsible owners who do not clean feces from public areas for their dogs, but the Ministry of Agriculture is not the competent body in the Republic of Croatia for communal order in public areas in local self-government units and therefore is not able to comment on local government plans, policies or their implementation," the Ministry said.

Establishing a dog DNA database is not cheap, warns Dubrovnik veterinarian Branko Širok. However, penalties have always been effective, so a more significant action by municipal wardens in punishing irresponsible pet owners would quickly become known, and many would think twice about not picking up after their pets.

The penalty in Dubrovnik for pet owners is already high, but few pay it.

"In 2021, municipal wardens in nine cases punished irresponsible owners, i.e., owners who released dogs without supervision in public areas that would be polluted. When acting in these cases, municipal wardens apply the provisions of the Decision on the conditions and manner of keeping pets and the manner of dealing with abandoned and lost, and wild animals, and the fine for irresponsible owners is 2,000 kuna. These violations were determined by direct observation of municipal wardens and the use of a device that would read the chip on the dog whose code would later be checked in the registry to connect with the owner," says the city's municipal department.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Varaždin to Host Over 1,000 Young Europeans in November For Ø BORDERS Event

ZAGREB, 14 May 2022 - More than a thousand young Europeans will attend the Ø BORDERS youth programme in Varaždin in November, comprising workshops on democratic processes as well as various concerts,  the European Parliament Liaison Office in Zagreb has recently reported.

The two-day programme, known as  Ø BORDERS will be held on 25 and 26 November and will focus on youth, their knowledge, curiosity and innovativeness, the organisers said. 

The programme includes workshops on democratic processes and public policy as well as concerts.

The event is being organised in Croatia by the V.U.K. association of Varaždin youth and the P4 Centre. The organisers have been issued a grant from the European Parliament for this purpose.

"We have followed and always follow the events in Europe and the rest of the world so we created a programme that will address topics related to democracy and the importance of election processes, migration, green policies and geopolitics in general," one of the programme leaders, Nino Preložnjak said.

The event is being organised in partnership with the Network of Croatian Youth and the Croatian Scouts Association with full support from Varaždin city authorities, said Preložnjak.

The European Youth Event (EYE) is an event initiated and hosted by the European Parliament with the aim of stimulating active citizenship amongst young Europeans.

The Varaždin version will also provide a series of activities and debates, interactive workshops, plays, entertainment and educational programmes.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Plenković: Tuđman Played Crucial Role in Croatia's Efforts to Become Independent

ZAGREB, 14 May 2022 - Prime Minister and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) leader Andrej Plenković recalled on Saturday that the basic principle of the policy of the first Croatian president and the HDZ founder, Franjo Tuđman, was "always and everything for Croatia".

Addressing a scientific conference in Zagreb on the occasion of Tuđman's 100th birth anniversary, Plenković said that Tuđman had played the key role in Croatia's efforts to become an independent state.

Plenković highlighted the achievements of the first Croatian president in the establishment of democratic institutions, the defence of Croatia's territory against the Great Serbia aggression from 1991 to 1995 and against the Slobodan Milošević regime as well as Croatia's return to the community of European and world nations.

 All that makes Tuđman the greatest Croatian politician and statesman, said Plenković.

Condemning the undemocratic movements in the modern Croatian political history and strong advocacy of Croatians' right to sovereignty and modern democracy are some of Tuđman's most important ideas, Plenković told the gathering.

Tuđman's advocacy of the democratic right to express one's own opinion and his struggle for the Croatian cause exposed him to repression during the Communist  regime, Plenković recalled.

Plenković also recalled that 23 years had passed since Tuđman's death, 33 since the establishment of the HDZ party, 32 since the first democratic multiparty election, 30 years since Croatia's international recognition and the country's admission to the United Nations.

Tuđman's "Always and Everything for Croatia" should be a guiding principle to all of us  policymakers who work responsibly for the benefit of the Croatian people in the homeland and for the benefit of the Croats as an equal constituent people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ethnic Croat minorities in the neighbouring countries, said Plenković, recalling Tuđman's commitment to permanent ties between Croatia and Croatian expatriate communities.

He praised the era of the first Croatian president as a period of Croatian national renaissance.

For more, check out our politics section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

7th Walk For Life Held in Zagreb

ZAGREB, 14 May 2022 - Several thousand people gathered in central Zagreb on Saturday for the 7th Walk for Life, demanding legal protection of unborn children and their families and protection of the right to conscientious objection.

Demonstrators marched through the city centre carrying banners saying "Let's protect the most vulnerable minority in Croatia," "Every human being has the right to live" and "I've noticed that all abortion advocates are already born."

Organisers said that the existing law on pregnancy termination was adopted in 1978 and should be changed to protect unborn children and their families.

"There are members of Parliament who advocate that it should be allowed to put unborn children to death. That's why we think the law needs to be changed and a legal framework established based on science that says that life begins at conception," said Željka Markić, the head of the In the Name of Family NGO.

She said that society should treat all sick persons in the same way, both those born and those unborn, and that every mother should be entitled to psychological assistance and economic support when her child is diagnosed with a serious disease.

"The care of an unborn child requires its mother's love and the support of the family, local community and entire society," said Andreja Duvančić, a member of the Walk for Life organising committee.

Luka Holjevac, a member of the organising committee, said: "This year, too, we give our support to all doctors, nurses and pharmacists who invoke conscientious objection. In that way they do their job and take care of both patients - the mother and child."

This year's Walk for Life takes place in 11 cities across the country. It already took place in Varaždin, Vinkovci and Slavonski Brod, and the next two Saturdays in May and the first two Saturdays in June it will be held in Split, Imotski, Zadar, Ploče, Sisak, Osijek and Rijeka.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

HDZ Marks 100th Anniversary of Birth of First Croatian President And HDZ Founder

ZAGREB, 14 May 2022 - A delegation of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) led by Prime Minister Andrej Plenković laid a wreath and lit candles outside the house in Veliko Trgovišće, 40km north of Zagreb, where the first President of Croatia and founder of the HDZ, Franjo Tuđman, was born 100 years ago.

"I think that President Tuđman achieved all the goals he set out in his speech in the Croatian Parliament on 30 May 1990 after the first democratic election. It is up to us to improve them in new international circumstances and new economic circumstances in the face of global challenges. We should do all we can for the benefit of Croatian society and Croatian citizens," Plenković said, describing Tuđman as "a Croatian great and the biggest Croatian statesman in history."

Plenković said that Tuđman's political legacy is the obligation of all those who have won the trust of the Croatian people.  Thanking all Croatian defenders and citizens for supporting Tuđman in crucial times, he said that the situation in the 1990s was indeed difficult, given the military aggression by Serbia's Milošević regime, and required the courage and boldness of Croatian defenders as well as statesmanship and the wise leadership of the state.

The prime minister said that Croatia has been internationally recognised for 30 years now and has achieved all its strategic goals.

"It is a member of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. We have a democracy and developed institutions and are making continued progress on what was his goal and that is that we fight and work together to ensure a better life for every Croatian," Plenković said.

He also highlighted Croatia's care for the Croats abroad, saying that the great value of Tuđman's policy was to maintain ties between the Croats at home and abroad.

Presidential special adviser Mate Granić said that Tuđman had made historical moves that led to the creation of the modern Croatian state and pursued a policy that helped bring an end to the war in neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina and achieve the peaceful reintegration of Serb-occupied territories in Croatia.

Asked if Tuđman would have been pleased with present-day Croatia, Granić said: "From a strategic point of view, absolutely yes. This government of Prime Minister Andrej Plenković runs a modern, sovereignist policy. This government was also among the first to recognise what would happen in Ukraine and supported Ukraine and the Ukrainian people in their defence against the brutal and unprovoked Russian aggression. This government cares for the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unfortunately, after Tuđman's death, 15 years had to pass before a government came into power than put focus on the status of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

The HDZ delegation included Minister for Veterans' Affairs Tomo Medved, Interior Minister Davor Božinović, Health Minister Vili Beroš, Transport Minister Oleg Butković, Defence Minister Mario Banožić, Economy Minister Davor Filipović, Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Koržinek and former HDZ Secretary-General Ivan Jarnjak.

The HDZ delegation also laid a wreath at Tuđman's grave at Mirogoj Cemetery in Zagreb.

For more, check out our politics section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Bleiburg Tragedy Commemorated at Zagreb's Mirogoj Cemetery

ZAGREB, 14 May 2022 - Delegations of the Croatian Parliament, Government and the Bleiburg Guard of Honour laid wreaths at Zagreb's Mirogoj Cemetery on Saturday to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the Bleiburg tragedy and the Way of the Cross of the Croatian people at the end of the Second World War.

The commemoration was organised by the Bleiburg Guard of Honour and co-organised by the Croatian Bishops Conference under the patronage of the Croatian Parliament and the co-patronage of the Croatian National Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The joint wreath of the Parliament and Government was laid by Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman. The delegation included Deputy Speakers of Parliament Željko Reiner and Ante Sanader, member of the European Parliament Karlo Ressler and about 20 members of the Croatian Parliament.

The wreath of the Bleiburg Guard of Honour (PBV) was laid by Deputy Chairman Milan Kovač. He was accompanied by Honorary Chairman Vice Vukojević, Chairman of the PBV Supervisory Board Vladimir Šeks, member of the PBV Court of Honour Anton Sujić and treasurer Zlatko Goršanić.

Addressing the press after the commemoration, Jandroković said that this tragedy of part of the Croatian people, which occurred in May 1945, had been suppressed for 45 years.

"This crime, committed by the communist authorities of the former Yugoslavia, has been kept secret for 45 years and could not be discussed in public. This is logical because the perpetrators of this crime were those who represented the communist system.They suppressed the truth about this event and protected those responsible," Jandroković said.

Tens of thousands of Croatian civilians and soldiers of the defeated pro-Nazi Independent State of Croatia (NDH) surrendered to allied forces at Bleiburg, Austria in May 1945, but were handed over by British troops to Yugoslav forces. Some were executed on the spot, while many perished during so-called death marches, known in Croatia as the Way of the Cross, on their way back to Yugoslavia in the second half of 1945.

Tens of thousands of people were killed "brutally and without a trial". "We are here today to remember those events, commemorate and pay tribute to the victims and express our sympathy with their families," the Parliament speaker said.

Noting that the crimes were committed in the aftermath of the Second World War, he said that "we remember those people regardless of their faith, nationality, party or ideological affiliation."

"As a civilised democratic society, it is our duty to keep the memory of anyone who was killed without a trial and without evidence. We are doing it now and will continue to do so in the future," Jandroković said.

As part of today's commemorative ceremonies, Mass will be held in the Church of Croatian Martyrs in Udbina, about 200 kilometres south of Zagreb.

Responding to questions from the press, Jandroković said that police would certainly take action against anyone who might display Ustasha symbols at the Mass.

"I believe that everyone attending the Mass today will be there to commemorate the victims, remember those who were killed in a cruel and perfidious way. We are not commemorating or celebrating the defeated ideology and regime but are remembering the victims. We have a duty to do so, that is a civilisational achievement, and that is what every democratic and civilised country does," he added.

PBV Deputy Chairman Kovač also emphasised that they were paying tribute to the victims who were killed "brutally and without a trial when there was already peace in Europe."

Kovač recalled that the commemoration was taking place at Mirogoj because the Austrian authorities had banned it from taking place in the Bleiburg Field. He rejected the explanation of the Austrian authorities that commemorations at Bleiburg had celebrated the pro-Nazi Ustasha regime, expressing hope that this false accusation would be disproved on appeal.

"We did not celebrate any ideologies or regimes there but prayed for the souls of our ethnic kin as pilgrims, with rosaries in our hands," Kovač said.

For more, check out our politics section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Grlić Radman Says Life of Croatian National Taken Prisoner by Russians Is Priority

ZAGREB, 14 May 2022 - The life of the Croatian national who has been taken prisoner by Russian forces is our priority, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman said on Friday.

"Yes, I am optimistic, especially after we have seen the pictures," the minister told Nova TV, which broadcast footage of a conversation between a Republika Srpska Television reporter and the Croatian national.

"Croatia still has an embassy in Moscow and is invoking conventions, assistance under international law and bilateral relations, and it expects cooperation," Grlić Radman said and added: "The life of the Croatian national is our priority."

The Croatian national said in the footage that he was being treated well in Russian prison. He advised Croats wishing to fight for Ukraine to first check where they were going.

Grlić Radman will be in Berlin this weekend for an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers. He said that on that occasion he would express Croatia's support for the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO.

The Croatian government disagrees on this matter with President Zoran Milanović who wants to make the two countries' NATO entry conditional on the reform of electoral legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Rejecting media reports that Croatia was disunited abroad, Grlić Radman said: "We speak about our country abroad in such a way that we protect the Croatian institutions."

Speaking of relations with the new government in Slovenia, he estimated that it would not block Croatia's accession to the Schengen passport-free travel area. "I don't believe in that. The word blockade appeared in the media."

Slovenia's Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon said that rules defining Schengen accession should include the implementation of the arbitration ruling on the border between Slovenia and Croatia.

"I am sure that my Slovenian counterpart will support Croatia's accession because it is in Slovenia's interests, and I am confident that it will be in a European spirit," Grlić Radman said.

For more, check out our politics section.

Saturday, 14 May 2022

Pula Airport to be Connected to 30 European Cities This Year

May the 14th, 2022 - Pula Airport is set to be connected with an impressive thirty different European destinations this year, which is excellent news not only for Istrian tourism but for the height of the main summer season across Croatia as a whole.

As Morski writes, in addition to scheduled and charter flights to Pula Airport, some very well-known low-cost airlines are flying this season: easyJet, Ryanair, then the German low-cost airline Eurowings, the Czech Smartwings, the Swiss Edelweiss Air, Norway's Air Shuttle and the Dutch low-cost airline Transavia Holland.

Pula Airport plans a traffic of about 400 thousand passengers this year, which is one hundred thousand passengers more than last year or almost five times more passengers than the initial pandemic year of 2020, when only 83 thousand passengers were recorded passing through the airport.

When it comes to the record-breaking, pre-pandemic year of 2019, Pula Airport had a traffic of almost 778 thousand passengers, which is a good example to look at when comparing the expectations when it comes to passengers this year.

According to the director of the Pula Airport, Nina Vojnic Zagar, these are the current plans for the announced flights, which are subject to change because the situation in the area is unstable owing to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

''During the month of May, we expect an increase in the activity of air companies, with more intensive operations (an increase in terms of frequencies) and the remaining flights of low-budget companies starting at the end of June. Last weekend (Saturday, April the 30th and Sunday, May the 1st), there was a turnover of 825 passengers and 23 rotations of regular and general aviation,'' said Vojnic Zagar for local portal Istra24.

Owing to sanctions, Pula Airport has been left without the impact of the Russian market

When asked how much air traffic will suffer due to the war in Ukraine following Russian invasion, especially given the fact that Pula Airport was connected to Russia by planes that landed there every weekend, Zagar said that last year there were 50,834 passengers from Russia and 21,670 passengers from Ukraine, which accounts for about 27 percent of the airport's total turnover.

Last season, Pula Airport had the largest number of airlines to and from Russia, and from this market there were as many as 12 weekly flights offered by five different airlines.

''Before the invasion of Ukraine, the expected number of passengers from the Russian and Ukrainian markets in 2022 was about 92,000 passengers,'' said Vojnic Zagar. It is obvious that this year we will be left without these emitting markets.

This year, Pula will be connected with 13 different European countries and about 30 cities by air, regular and charter lines.

For example, Great Britain with London, Manchester, Bristol, Glasgow, Doncaster, the German cities of Frankfurt, Munich, Duesseldorf, Stuttgart, Cologne and, in France, Paris.

The planes will also fly to Poznan, Poland, Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands, Vienna in Austria, and there are as many as four Swiss cities included as well: Zurich, Geneva, Basel and St. Gallen. As for the north of Europe, Pula will be connected with Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Gothenburg and the Finnish capital of Helsinki.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.
