Wednesday, 2 March 2022

New Superology Office in Zagreb - A Neighborhood within a Neighborhood

March 2, 2022 - In the Vrbani district of Zagreb, the office space of Superology, an innovative tech company, has been extraordinary in many ways.

One of the key demands of the new office was to intertwine space and culture that promotes openness, transparency, and directness but also provides space for privacy and focused work, leading to creative synergies with the Brigada agency signing the concept and design of the office. Although pandemics, telecommuting, and hybrid work have acted as catalysts for global change in work habits and office organization, the IT industry has known, promoted and lived in such ways for more than a decade.


Superology and Sportening, Zagreb tech companies of the same founder - Ivan Klarić - are rushing forward, after all, as well as the products they are working on research and development. Although Superology, the former Score Alarm, has been present on the IT scene for almost ten years, while Sportening is a young and promising startup, the two companies share core values ​​and work methodologies. In an environment that encourages innovation at all levels, without the typical corporate constraints, these young people enthusiastically develop mobile applications in the sports entertainment industry. After years under various roofs, both companies' principles of work and growth determined the direction of their joint, tailor-made office in Vrbani district.


"The decision to build a 'neighborhood within a neighborhood' was quite logical," said Damjan Geber, Creative Director of the Brigada agency. In this way, we have realized a space that strives for democracy and inclusion without dividing into several floors that divide teams into separate groups, often without mutual communication and interaction.


The heart of the office is the main square, the central place of social gatherings for all in Superology and Sportening. Together with the large lecture hall, it is open to the atrium along its entire length and regularly turns into a space for interaction.


"As in the development of our product, so in the design of the workspace, we don't do anything just to do it. We know that open space is not for us because the balance between team and individual work is important to us from day one. The result of common thinking is an office that reflects our daily needs and our culture. It is based on flexibility, autonomy and empowerment of people through the so-called cross-functional teams composed of various experts' profiles, conceived as a 'small firm,' to allow complete autonomy in developing a particular part of the product. Therefore, we needed office space that will not limit their potential in any way ", says Ivan Lulić, managing director of Superology.


A number of office spaces are interrupted by meeting and video call rooms, while the central area that connects everything is a representative zone of large conference halls and think tanks, a space with an office library that serves as a kind of idea laboratory.


"The principles of biophilic design have been applied throughout the space by arranging green oases with plants specially selected for the quality of the microclimate and as a rest for the eyes after a long look at the screen. We paid special attention to the lighting designed by Zumtobel, which uses a smart system to adapt to the specific needs of each zone, time of day, or current activity. The sound system extends through all common areas and unobtrusively creates an ambient soundtrack, which makes the space even more pleasant to stay in," says Geber.


As Superology and Sportening deal with the development of technologies related to sports and the development of the sports fan community, the entire space is imbued with sports motifs, and broadcasts of sporting events revolve around the screens in the common areas. Because companies are highly data-driven, data on how their products work in the field, in the real world, is also visible.


"People are the ones who fill offices with life, determine their dynamics and atmosphere, but also develop inventive products. It is also important that all their needs in the workplace are met - from unlimited vacations and budgets for education and equipment to state-of-the-art offices, working hours adjusted to their life schedules, and, of course, financial compensation above the industry average. Of course, the responsibility is primarily towards themselves and the product they develop. In that sense, we can say that our office is inspired by our people, our meetings, and our ideas ", concludes Dina Rukavina, People & Culture lead at Superology. 


For more, check out our business section.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Farmers Say There is Enough Wheat

ZAGREB, 2 March 2022 - Agriculture Minister Marija Vučković and farmers, who held talks on the  stocks of cereals, concluded that there were sufficient amounts of wheat and that there was no need for concern in light of the Ukraine crisis, the ministry said in a press release on Wednesday.

Farmers reported that there are sufficient stocks and there is no need to worry about any possible shortage of wheat.

Noting that Ukraine is the fifth largest wheat exporter and the biggest exporter of seed oils, participants at the meeting agreed that due to the crisis in Ukraine the sowing season will be particularly challenging and the survival of other agricultural products is an important factor for farmers.

The meeting also discussed the impact of the increased price of gas and mineral fertilisers on the sowing season and also the autumn sowing season.

Representatives of the meat industry commended the ministry's measures so far but expressed their fear over current challenges facing the livestock breeding sector.

Vučković underscored that she shared their concern over market disruptions, assessing the further interest in the investment cycle as positive, which began with a call for applications to invest in repro centres and continued with investments in fattening facilities.

She added that during 2021 Croatia managed to notify a large number of measures before the European Commission, and will continue to do so with the objective of finding a solution to these specific circumstances.

The ministry recalled that it is preparing a programme for agriculture and fisheries, valued at HRK 250 million, and recalled the government's package of measures to buffer increased energy prices, including the lowering of VAT on food and agricultural inputs to the 5-percent rate.

For more on the Ukraine crisis and Croatia, as well as breaking news, follow our news section.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Croatian Visual Artists' Association Joins in Condemnation of Aggression on Ukraine

ZAGREB, 2 March 2022 2022 - The Croatian Association of Visual Artists (HDLU) strongly condemns the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine and supports Ukraine's territorial integrity, the HDLU has said on its website.

Expressing its support to the Ukrainian association of artists and cultural workers, HDLU underscored that it will not cooperate with institutions and individuals from the Russian Federation and Belarus until the aggression ends and Russian occupying forces are withdrawn from the entire internationally recognised territory of Ukraine.

"HDLU will not issue its members who continue to individually cooperate with institutions and individuals from the Russian Federation and Belarus, with HDLU certificates regarding such cooperation until those individuals or institutions sign a statement on the condemnation of Russia's aggression against Ukraine and support to Ukraine's territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders," HDLU said in a statement.

Last Thursday, the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts (HAZU) expressed its solidarity with Ukraine in a letter to Ukraine's National Academy of Science in the wake of Russia's aggression on Ukraine.

The Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC) together with states that "they stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people following the invasion of Ukraine which violates the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation."

Croatian cultural associations and associations of artists and cultural professionals are joining in the condemnation of the Russian aggression and in the support to Ukraine.

For more on the Ukraine crisis and Croatia, as well as breaking news, follow our news section.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Istria Russians' Association Against War in Ukraine

ZAGREB, 1 March 2022 - The Russian Home association of the Russian national minority in Istria County said on Tuesday it was "against war and any war events."

"Our business is the Russian language and nurturing Russian culture among those living outside their homeland," the association said in a press release.

It has about 200 members, not just Russians, but also other nationalities from the former Soviet Union, including Ukrainians.

"We feel pain because thousands of innocent people are suffering and blood is being spilt. We feel despair because it seems as though this war was started on behalf of all Russians, which is absolutely incorrect," the association said, appealing to "everyone not to link the Russian language and culture with politics and aggression."

It added that "a peaceful coexistence in a multicultural area is a way to open to the whole world, that's tolerance and respect for people from different countries and of different faiths."

"We are for peace and friendship between peoples," the association said.

For more on the Ukraine crisis and Croatia, as well as breaking news, follow our news section.


Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Government to Closely Examine Request to Strip Labour Minister of Immunity, Prime Minister Says

ZAGREB, 2 March 2022 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Wednesday that the government would examine in detail the request by the State Attorney's Office that Labour Minister Josip Aladrović be stripped of immunity before making a decision, adding that this is the first such case in the government's history.

The government received the request yesterday so that a procedure could be launched for a crime, that if convicted, is punishable with up to five years' imprisonment.

Speaking to the press, Plenković dismissed the interpretation that stripping the minister of immunity was a routine move. "There is nothing routine about this."

According to the media, Aladrović is suspected of illegal hiring at the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, which he headed before becoming a minister.

Asked if a candidate for the new minister of physical planning, construction and state assets, after the resignation of Darko Horvat, would be known this week, Plenković said, "We'll see. Consultations are under way."

For more, check out our dedicated politics section.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Nomadbase Croatia Launch Tonight: Conference Location to be Revealed

March 3, 2022 - Join the Nomadbase Croatia webinar tonight to find out the location of the May 9-15 conference on the Croatian coast.

The Croatian digital nomad story is gathering pace, and one of the biggest endorsements so far is the decision of the world's first digital nomad business and travel club to base their next event in Croatia. 

After successful events in Cyprus and Mexico, Nomadbase Croatia will be welcoming an expected 500 members of its community to its next conference from May 9-15, 2022. 

Founder and owner Johannes Voelkner has just returned from a week on the Adriatic coast checking out possible locations, and he has announced that the location will be revealed during a live webinar tonight at 18:00.

And, rather than give a spoiler alert, may I just say that it is a very interesting choice. 


And there are plenty of reasons for those from the Nomadbase community to stay a little longer. We will shortly be announcing full details of two more nomad conferences - Work. Place. Culture. in Dubrovnik (I am very excited by this one) in early May, and Zagreb Digital Nomad Week 2022 in June. And, as you can see in the infographic above, that is not all. 

And the timing leads nicely to the end of June, when many nomads will be heading to the Bansko Nomad Festival in Bulgaria. And with Ryanair flights from Zagreb to Sofia currently 35 euro one way, why not stay a bit longer and experience the magic of Croatia in May and June?

Tonight's Nomadbase Croatia launch will be streamed live on YouTube at 18:00, where you will be able to learn a lot more about the event. You can follow the event on the YouTube link above. 

We look forward to welcoming the wider Nomadbase community to the Croatian coast, as well as having the opportunity to showcase a little more of Croatia. More details will be posted shortly on the Nomadbase Croatia dedicated page

For more news and features about digital nomads in Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Europe Facing Refugee Influx Unseen Since WWII, Interior Minister Says

ZAGREB, 2 March 2022 - Interior Minister Davor Božinović said on Wednesday Europe would be faced with a refugee influx unseen since WWII, and that no country could deal with that alone.

According to last night's numbers by Frontex, more than 600,000 people from Ukraine have entered the EU, he said on Croatian Radio.

The influx is not big yet because the UNHCR and other agencies estimate that five million people could leave Ukraine, Božinović added.

This is a humanitarian situation that is becoming dramatic, and can be dealt with only if everyone stands together, he said.

Speaking of meetings of EU interior ministers and what they had to agree on, Božinović said it was necessary to resolve the status of refugees first as more and more would be coming. "This is an exodus for which an adequate response will have to be found."

545 Ukrainian refugees in Croatia to date

Božinović said 545 Ukrainian refugees had arrived in Croatia and that 39 were in reception centres, while the rest were in private accommodation.

He said Croatia must prepare for a major influx as almost 100,000 had entered Hungary. It is difficult to expect Russia to stop at the moment as it is preparing a bigger escalation with attacks on Kyiv, Kharkiv and Mariupol, he added.

Božinović said the entire Civil Protection system was getting ready, together with the health and education systems, so that the arrival of refugees passed with as little difficulty as possible.

Accommodation capacity will be expanded as needed, there are plans for using numerous state-owned facilities, and meetings are being held with the Croatian Tourist Board, hoteliers and the Tourism Ministry, he added.

Božinović went on to say that Croatia's first relief convoy left for Ukraine at 3 am today and that such things should be organised well by the institutions in charge.

Europe has no alternative but to defend its values

Commenting on Russia's threat that the countries donating military equipment to Ukraine, including Croatia, would be held accountable, he said not only NATO member states but neutral ones as well had decided to do that.

"Today we are seeing a change of the paradigm that has been in force in Europe since World War II and determination that everything that Europe has achieved must not be brought into question," Božinović said, adding that in that time the EU has become the most developed part of the world alongside the US, an area where human rights are protected and technology and living standards progress.

"If someone threatens that, and this is a threat, they will face a very clear and harsh European response because Europe has no alternative but to defend its values."

Speaking of fears that some might use the Ukraine crisis to destabilise Southeast Europe, Božinović said there were always some who were interested in destabilisation, those thinking their only trump card was force and armament, and that one could see in Ukraine that stability did not suit them.

As for Southeast Europe, he said the most important stakeholders had sent messages to every country in the region and that he was sure they would consider them well.

To be in Europe and not head for integration is not smart

Commenting on the stand of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who has not imposed sanctions on Russia and is accusing Croatian politicians, Božinović said "it's a rhetoric we are used to." 

"Now is the time for states which have doubts to make the best long-term decisions for the future of their citizens because to be in Europe and not head for integration is not the smartest thing to do", he added.

Božinović also said he expected the political unity of the opposition and those in power on Ukraine to continue in Croatia.

The government's position is clear and one of Prime Minister Andrej Plenković's first visits was to Ukraine, which is just one sign of knowing the situation and Ukraine's importance for Europe and our bilateral relations, he added.

Speaking on coronavirus, he said there were about 2,500 new cases today, 33% fewer than a week ago, a sign the steep decrease was continuing.

"If such trends continue, we will consider further relaxing restrictions", said Božinović, who heads the national COVID-19 crisis management team.

For more on the Ukraine crisis and Croatia, as well as breaking news, follow our news section.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Croatian Ambassador Has Left Kyiv, Prime Minister Says

ZAGREB, 2 March 2022 - Croatian Ambassador to Ukraine Anica Djamić has left Kyiv and is en route to Lviv, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Wednesday.

"Given the deteriorating security situation in Kyiv and the attacks on Ukraine's capital, yesterday I instructed our Ambassador Anica Djamić to leave Kyiv," he told the press.

The ambassador is en route to Lviv, where she will stay and do her duty, helping Croatian nationals and following the situation in Ukraine.

"She is fine and we are believe that in Lviv, a city in western Ukraine, she will be safe," Plenković said.

For more on the Ukraine crisis and Croatia, as well as breaking news, follow our news section.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Europe's Future Depends on Kyiv's Fate, Croatian Prime Minister Says

ZAGREB, 2 March 2022 - The future of Europe depends on the fate of Kyiv, Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said in the Croatian parliament on Wednesday, once again condemning Russia's aggression in the strongest terms and commending the Ukrainian army and people for a heroic resistance.

"A quarter century after the Homeland War, a war is raging on European soil again. To the shock of the whole world, Russia's unprovoked brutal aggression on Ukraine is in its seventh day. There has been no war of such force and such extent in Europe for 77 years," he said, presenting a report on the Ukraine situation.

The "gross violation of international law" already has "far-reaching consequences for the whole world" and this crisis will most likely last a while, Plenković said.

He reiterated that Croatia "condemns the Russian aggression in the strongest terms and extends full support to the Ukrainian people who at this moment is once again dying for European values."

He congratulated Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal on their courage.

Plenković said this was "a war between David and Goliath in which Russia is attacking the 28 times smaller Ukraine," adding that Russia is the aggressor and Ukraine the victim.

Croatia is sending Ukraine HRK 124 million worth of weapons, ammunition and protective gear for the infantry. The European Union (EU) has ensured €500 million for the procurement of protective and military equipment.

Ukrainians won't bow down

Plenković said that Croatia had shown, with its partners in the EU, determination, solidarity and unity, and that this war had identified the need for energy autonomy and strengthening defence capabilities.

He said Croatia had always advocated Ukraine's European perspective, recalling that he and Zelenskyy signed a Declaration on that perspective in Kyiv last December.

Plenković said the war in Ukraine revived memories of Croatia's Homeland War. "All those images revive in Croatia painful memories of the Milošević regime's Great Serbian aggression and the horrors of war that we went through."

He congratulated Croatian MPs on the unanimous condemnation of Russia and solidarity with Ukraine, saying he was pleased that the parliamentary majority and the opposition are "on the right side of justice and freedom."

Attending the parliamentary debate were Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Kyrylych and members of the Ukrainian minority. The Ukrainian flag was also displayed.

"By supporting Ukraine and respecting the courage of Ukrainians not to run away from tanks, not to give in to blackmail, not to bow down, to be inspired by love for the homeland like the Croats were in the Homeland War, let's stand with Ukraine and Ukrainians today. Glory to Ukraine," Plenković said to a round of applause.

For more on the Ukraine crisis and Croatia, as well as breaking news, follow our news section.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

13 Jet2 Split and Dubrovnik Flights Announced from UK this Summer!

March 2, 2022 - The latest flight news to Croatia as 13 Jet2 Split and Dubrovnik flights have been announced in the 2022 summer flight schedule!

Jet2, the third largest airline in the UK, this year announces 13 scheduled flights to two Croatian airports - Split and Dubrovnik, in the summer flight schedule, reports Croatian Aviation.

Namely, Jet2 announces its return to Croatia with 13 international routes to Dubrovnik Airport and Split Airport, with no plans to operate to Pula Airport.

In the peak summer season, this airline will have up to 30 return flights to Croatia, connecting it with numerous destinations in the UK. Dubrovnik and Split are traditional destinations of this airline, along with many other destinations in Greece and Italy.

Split flights

Birmingham, from 01.05., 2 times a week on Wednesdays and Sundays,

Edinburgh, from 15.05., once a week on Sundays,

Leeds, from 30.04., 2 times a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays,

London, from 01.05., 2 times a week on Thursdays and Sundays,

Manchester, from 30.04., 4 times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Dubrovnik flights

Belfast, from 30.04., once a week on Saturdays,

Birmingham, from 02.04., 3 times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays,

East Midlands, from 01.05., once a week on Sundays,

Edinburgh, from 17.04., 2 times a week on Wednesdays and Sundays,

Leeds, from 03.04., 2 times a week on Thursdays and Sundays,

London, from 31.03., 4 times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays,

Manchester, from 31.03., 4 times a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays,

Newcastle, from 01.05., once a week on Sundays.

Dubrovnik is traditionally the most common holiday destination for British tourists, so the number of lines is relatively higher than in Split. However, this is a smaller number of operations compared to the record 2019, but the announced program is significantly stronger than the previous 2021 when Jet2 waited until the peak of the summer season for the easing of restrictive measures in the UK to launch flights to Croatia.

Boeing B737-800 aircraft with a capacity of 189 seats have been announced on the routes to Croatia.

For more on flights to Croatia and other travel announcements, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.
