Tuesday, 21 December 2021

PM: Signatures for Referendum on COVID Passes Should be Checked Transparently

ZAGREB, 21 December, 2021 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković said on Monday that he wanted signatures for a referendum on COVID passes to be checked transparently.

Plenković said this in response to the statement by President Zoran Milanović that the government would most likely try to declare some of the signatures invalid and thus rob the MOST party, which initiated signature collection.

Commenting on Milanović's statement after a ceremony marking the 145th anniversary of the existence of the Croatian Fire Service, Plenković wondered how Milanović knew whether MOST had collected enough signatures for a referendum, ironically adding that the President must be "a clairvoyant".

Plenković called on the MOST party to present the signatures and show whether they had collected enough of them. He said he wanted the signatures to be checked "in the most transparent way possible."

MOST MP Nikola Grmoja announced on Sunday that the party had collected enough signatures, saying that the results of the signature collection campaign would be presented on Wednesday.

Grmoja, however, stopped short of specifying the number of collected signatures, and in his statement to Hina on Sunday evening, he said that they were still gathering data and information from local teams that had collected signatures in the last 14 days. For a referendum campaign to be successful, its organisers must collect the signatures of 10% of the electorate, or 368,446 signatures.

If the referendum petition is supported by the required number of signatures, the proposed referendum questions may also be tested by the Constitutional Court.

Raspudić and Milanović are twins

Asked to comment on the statement by MOST MP Nino Raspudić that the timing of the Constitutional Court session was connected with the information that they had collected a sufficient number of signatures for the referendum, Plenković said he did not know what Raspudić was talking about.

"Raspudić and Milanović are twins. I guess anyone who hasn't realised that before can see it now. This is a case of symbiosis. We can hardly speak about two persons here, they are one person. Does the Constitutional Court schedule its sessions taking into account other events? I doubt it," the prime minister said.

He said that the government would submit its opinion on the mandatory use of COVID passes to the Constitutional Court as soon as it was prepared.

Two-frame operation

Asked to comment on Milanović's claims that regardless of the Constitutional Court's ruling on digital COVID passes, Plenković wondered how the president could have attended the ceremony marking the 145th anniversary of the Croatian Fire Service if he had not produced the certificate.

In his ironic comment, Plenković went on to say that "we as thieves and traitors abide by regulations and show certificates on our full vaccination, and he does not."

He added that Milanović's accusations against the best Croatian diplomats, his baffling statements about the euro adoption and his accusations against the government and the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) only exposed problems with "south winds, common sense and the contribution to the Croatian general public and interests".

 "It is only a parasitic activity," said Plenković.

That activity consists of two frames, and in one of them political actors keep claiming that the HDZ is a thieving, corrupt and criminal organisation, which is the basic claim of all who have the problem with the HDZ approval ratings, and in the other frame, profiteers and parasites on the deaths of Croatian citizens are making a charade of COVID certificates, said the PM.

Those claims are perpetuated by their mouthpieces in the media and they try to push that on the front burner, Plenković said.

As for the opposition to COVID passes, Plenković noted that in all EU member states, there are those who are making a charade of the topic of COVID certificates.

"Those profiteers now even claim that the government will be toppled. However, the government is in good shape and alive, and according to the Croatian National Bank's(HNB) forecasts, the Croatian economy will grow at a rate of 11%. Has the government been toppled? Of course not. Do they have enough signatures? I do not know. Is this a politically orchestrated charade with the sole purpose of destabilising the HDZ and the parliamentary majority? Yes, it is," Plenković said, adding that those who are making this charade do not care about other citizens.

As for Milanović's speech at the ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of the Croatian National Bank, Plenković said that what the president had said there was "gibberish".

"He attended the ceremony, talking gibberish, so that no one can say whether he is in favour of or against the adoption of the euro... If you are in favour, say it clearly, if you are against, say it clearly, just be brave and say what you think," Plenković said referring to Milanović's speech.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Plenković Downplays Alleged Security Threats Cited by Milanović

ZAGREB, 20 December, 2021 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković hinted on Monday that there had been no serious security threats that would have justified President Zoran Milanović's decision to cancel his visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Milanović on Sunday cancelled his visit to Travnik and Nova Bila for unspecified security reasons. His decision was preceded by severe criticisms from Bosniak politicians over his statement concerning the qualification of the 1995 massacre of Bosniaks at Srebrenica as an act of genocide.

"I don't know why he did not go to Nova Bila. If there had been anything of relevance to security, anything dramatic, a warning sign, I am certain that I would have been informed about it. And I didn't get any information in that regard," Plenković told a press conference.

Asked if this meant that Milanović lied, the prime minister said. "I don't know. You have to ask him that. I am not his spokesman."

He accused Milanović of running a detrimental foreign policy antagonising other countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina and causing damage to the Croats living there.

Plenković called Milanović "a big ostensible protector" of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, after the president earlier criticised him for not blocking the adoption of recent conclusions by the Council of the EU on enlargement, in which there was no reference to the status of the Croats as a constituent people.

Plenković defended the conclusions, saying that they included everything important for the status of the smallest constituent ethnic group in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that Milanović's statement can only do damage to them and to Croatia.

"Things are very simple: what I am doing is good, and what he is doing is bad. I will continue doing the right thing as I have for the past five years. How long will he continue doing his thing, I don't know," Plenković said.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Croatian Health Official Says First Omicron Virus Isolated

ZAGREB, 21 December, 2021 - The head of Zagreb's "Dr Fran Mihaljević" hospital for infectious diseases, Alemka Markotić, said on Monday that the first SARS-CoV-2 Omicron virus had been isolated in Croatia, which would enable new neutralisation tests and was important for international cooperation.

"Dr Željka Mačak Šafranko has isolated the first Omicron virus in Croatia. That will enable new neutralisation tests and is exceptionally important for us and for international cooperation," Markotić said in an interview with the HRT public broadcaster.

She reported that the hospital was full of COVID patients and that the pressure on intensive care units was not abating either.

Commenting on the delivery of 1,800 doses of a COVID-19 medicine in Croatia, Markotić stressed that the medicine was a combination of two monoclonal antibodies that neutralise the spike protein, preventing the virus to multiply and spread. The medicine can be administered as a treatment drug, in a single dose, or preventively, to persons who do not require oxygen but are at high risk of severe COVID-19.

Markotić said the medicine was an expensive drug that had shown good results in the testing phase and that she believed it could be effective also in the case of infection with the Delta variant.

As for the Omicron variant, she said that unfortunately the medicine did not have a more significant effect and stressed that vaccination was still the best prevention.

"Preliminary findings show that a third, booster dose protects against the Omicron variant, almost the entire Western Europe has stepped up vaccination with the third dose. It seems that that could stop the virus," she said, noting that there was still no sufficient information on the new variant and calling against on citizens to get vaccinated.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Rijeka Civic Museum Invites Everyone to Take Part in Legendary Galeb Ship Exhibition

December 21, 2021 - The Rijeka Civic Museum has sent a public invitation to its citizens, but also to Italian, German, Austrian, British, and other citizens to join the last phase of preparation of the museum display dedicated to the legendary Galeb ship, which in other countries is also known under other names.

The Invitation has been published on the website of the Rijeka Civic Museum, on the website of the City of Rijeka, and on the website of the Tourist Board of the City of Rijeka and concerns all those who own and wish to share items, photos, videos or simply vivid memories of the ship Ramb III, Kiebitz and Galeb with the wide audience. These are the three names under which this ship sailed during its long and rich history. The Rijeka Civic Museum collects physical memories by borrowing or permanently using them, and also intangible ones, available in the testimonies of people linked with the ship in various ways. Various items will be taken into consideration, and also human stories that can relate to any period of the ship's life.

All interested parties can respond to the Public Invitation via the online form available on the website https://www.rijeka.hr/en/online-application-form-for-the-public-invitation-of-the-museum-of-the-city-of-rijeka/ or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by calling the phone number: +385 51 351 092

The restoration of the ship Galeb is financed with European funds as an integral part of the project "Tourist Valorisation of Notable Industrial Heritage Monuments of Rijeka".

The ship is currently being restored at the Dalmont shipyard in Kraljevica, a small town on the north Adriatic coast. Most of the ship's furniture has been restored and the furniture awaits its return to the original premises where it once stood. At the same time, the Rijeka Civic Museum, in cooperation with Nikolina Jelavić Mitrović, a multiple award-winning Croatian designer is preparing a permanent museum display that will show the rich and incredibly interesting European and world history of this ship.

Three names and three roles of one ship

The ship Galeb is best known to the general public as the maritime residence of former Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito, who travelled aboard the ship around the world making visits to member countries of the Non-Aligned Movement. However, this ship has a history that goes beyond it. It was built in Italy as a transport ship, then became a warship and afterward a German minelayer. The ship was badly damaged twice but was saved both times. Galeb was Tito's ship, and after the breakup of Yugoslavia, the ship was sold to a Greek ship-owner who wanted to turn it into a yacht but was unable to do so due to financial difficulties. This ship has found its last refuge in Rijeka, where it will become the first Croatian museum - ship. We remind you that in 2020 Rijeka was the European Capital of Culture.

Under the name of Ramb III, this ship was built and launched in 1938 at the Ansaldo shipyard in Genoa. The role of the ship was then intended for transport. The ship was to transport southern fruit to Europe and for this purpose, the construction of the ship was commissioned by the Italian company Regia Azienda Monopoli Banana (RAMB). It was the third of a total of four ships of this company.

Immediately after the launch, at the beginning of the Second World War, Ramb III was transformed into an auxiliary cruiser of the Italian Navy and carried food for Italian soldiers in Africa. During one of those voyages, in 1941 in the Libyan port of Benghazi, the ship was torpedoed on the bow by the British submarine Triumph and nearly sunk. Thanks to the ability and skills of the Italian captain and crew, the ship was nevertheless saved in such a way that from Benghazi to Sicily it travelled 900 sea miles in reverse after which it was towed for restoration works to the San Rocco shipyard, near Trieste.

After the capitulation of Italy in 1943, the ship was captured by the German Navy and turned into a minelayer by mounting minelayer rails. The Germans renamed it: Kiebitz. As a minelayer, the ship laid more than 5,000 mines in the northern Adriatic. In November 1944, in the bombing of the port of Rijeka, it was sunk by Allied planes. It spent three years on the bottom of the port, at the end of the war, in 1947, it was recovered from the seabed by the company Brodospas from Split.

The ship was then towed to the Uljanik shipyard in Pula, where it was dismantled and reassembled and completely rebuilt. Under the new name - Galeb - it was used as a training ship of the Yugoslav Navy. But the ship owes most of its fame to the fact that it was the maritime residence of former Yugoslav president Josip Broz Tito during his state travels. It thus became a symbol of the Yugoslav role in the Non-Aligned Movement. During its first trip abroad, Galeb set sail in 1953 for London. That trip was also a sign of Yugoslavia's political turn towards the West after retreating from Stalin and the Soviet Union. After London, and Tito's meeting with Winston Churchill, followed numerous state trips to countries in Asia and Africa with the purpose of promoting the ideas and policies of non-alignment in the world affected by the division into eastern and western blocks.

After Tito's death, and after the breakup of Yugoslavia, in the 1990s, the ship was sold to a Greek ship-owner. He wanted to turn the ship into a yacht, however, due to financial problems, the refurbishment project never came to life. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia declared the ship a Croatian cultural good in 2006, following this, the City of Rijeka bought it with the intention of turning it into the first Croatian ship - museum. With the accession of Croatia to the European Union, Galeb has become an integral part of the EU project "Tourist Valorisation of Notable Industrial Heritage Monuments of Rijeka". In 2019 the ship was towed to the shipyard in Kraljevica, a small town on the north Adriatic coast, where its reconstruction is underway.

The fourth life of the ship Galeb will be a museum life. Thus, after a turbulent past, it awaits a peaceful berth in the Rijeka port and visits by numerous tourists. Through the museum display, the ship will tell the story of its rich history, and the Public Invitation sent by the Rijeka Civic Museum enables all interested parties to include part of their memories that link them with this ship in the museum display.

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

India-Croatia Startup Bridge Initiative Presented: Connecting Startups More than Ever Before

December 21, 2021 - To strengthen international cooperation and innovation, India and Croatia have launched the India-Croatia Startup Bridge, an initiative that enables startups, investors, incubators, corporations, and entrepreneurs from both countries to connect more strongly, expand business and position themselves in the global market.

This digital platform forms a bridge between entrepreneurs with the technological infrastructure to run joint projects. It is the basis for all future bilateral programs to improve the startup ecosystem between India and Croatia.

On this occasion, the Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovation and Investment (HAMAG-BICRO) and Startup India presented the India-Croatia Startup Bridge to strengthen Croatian-Indian cooperation, i.e., trade and economic cooperation between Croatia and India. The initiative was presented on Monday, December 20, at the BIRD Incubator, moderated by Željko Krizmanić, BIRD leader.

Participants were addressed by the Indian Secretary of the DPIIT (Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Government of India), Shruti Singh.

"Indo-Croatian Startup Cooperation is the first step between our two countries to promote technology and share knowledge jointly. This bridge will act as a reference point for startups in any country to expand into another market and provide a platform for startups to show their innovations to a global audience.


The Ambassador of India to Croatia, Raj Kumar Srivastava:

“It is a wonderful feeling to achieve something as planned, despite the challenges of this pandemic. We embarked on this journey exactly one year back to start connecting the Indian and Croatian innovation ecosystems from the bottom up, today reaching an important milestone in establishing something tangible to ensure future growth. This startup bridge between India and Croatia would enable Croatian startups to take advantage of 3S (speed, scale, sensitivity), defining the Indian ecosystem and strengthening cooperation within 3T (talent, technology, and trade) between our two countries. There is also great potential for building partnerships while promoting innovation for the global good."

Aastha Grover, Head of Startup India, stated that she is convinced that India-Croatia Startup Bridge will strengthen cooperation between the startup ecosystems of the two countries.


From the Croatian side, Vjeran Vrbanec, President of the Management Board of HAMAG-BICRO, addressed the gathering.

"I believe that the India-Croatia Startup Bridge will be the foundation for all programs to improve the startup ecosystem between India and Croatia. Creating a network of startups, mentors, entrepreneurs, business investors, and support institutions will enable us to jointly highlight the importance and potential of the growing startup community in Croatia and thus enhance the innovative potential of the region in partnership with India.

Bojan Batinić, Director of the Directorate for Internationalization, Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development (Croatia), said that Croatia recognizes that startups have a critical role in the economy.

“They create new products or services and new business models. Therefore, it is essential to continuously improve the ecosystem to enable the creation and growth of startups. This event will enhance the possibilities of partnership between Croatia and India and open space for further cooperation between Croatian and Indian startups."


Držislav Škeljo, Minister Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in India, said that this initiative, to launch a bridge of cooperation between new Croatian and Indian companies (Croatia-India Startup Bridge), is a valuable step forward in opening new ways of collaboration and deepening current Croatian-Indian economic relations.

"For Croatian companies, this could create many business opportunities in one of the world's fastest-growing large economies."

Finally, the guests were addressed by Matija Ražem, Senior Vice President of Infobip, who has worked with the Indian startup ecosystem for many years and offered Infobip's experience for future initiatives organized within the India-Croatia Startup Bridge.


More information on the India-Croatia Startup Bridge initiative is available at the following link:

The main goals of the India-Croatia Startup Bridge initiative:

- Knowledge sharing: comprehensive guides and tools to help startups assess technology expansion and transfer opportunities
- Networking opportunities: connectivity between startups, mentors, investors, and incubators in relevant sectors from both countries
- Organization of joint programs: one-stop-shop: the platform will host all ecosystem programs; from lectures, panels to exchanges of startup experiences
- Capacity building platform: access to and registration for events, competitions, and workshops in both countries in partnership with coworking spaces

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Calling All Travel Writers and Vloggers: Animare Villas Croatia and TCN Offering 5 Free Nights!

December 21 - Calling all travel writers and bloggers! Animare Villas Croatia and Total Croatia News are offering 5 nights of free accommodation in one of the new luxury seafront Animare villas in Dalmatia (Rogoznica)!

The offer is valid for 5 travel content creators (writers, bloggers, vloggers, social media influencers) from January 26 to 31, 2022. 



The competition is open to travel content creators (with preference given to content creators experienced in luxury travel writing) that have a solid presence on one of the following mediums: travel-oriented news platform, own website, YouTube channel, and that is already in the area or can travel to Split on 26.01.2022, on their own expense. A strong Facebook/Instagram presence is a plus.



Send a short email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, the link of the website/YouTube channel where you would publish, and a phrase about yourself and your highlights as a travel content creator.


  • 5 nights of luxury accommodation at Animare Villas Croatia
  • Welcome drinks
  • Transport from Split Old Town to the villas on January 26 and back to Split Old Town on January 31


(Travel to Split and any other expenses related to the stay in the villa are not covered).


The winners of this competition will commit to writing 3 minimum 1000-word articles / creating 3 minimum 3 minutes long videos, during their stay in the Animare Villas, with the following topics:

  • Why Dalmatia in the winter is a good idea
  • Your experience staying at Animare Villas Croatia
  • A topic of your choice that relates to luxury travel in Croatia and/or things to do in the Trogir-Rogoznica-Sibenik area



Applications are open until December 28 at midnight (CET). Successful candidates will be contacted to confirm they will be able to attend the retreat, and the list of winners will be announced publicly on the Animare Villas & Total Croatia News Facebook and Instagram accounts, on December 31, 2021! 


For more, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Animal Friends Croatia Celebrates 20 Years (VIDEO)

December 21, 2021 - Animal Friends Croatia, a non-profit, non-governmental organization founded in 2001 to promote animal protection and animal rights as well as veganism and an ethical, ecological and healthy lifestyle, has celebrated 20 years. 

A word from the Zagreb-based association on their big anniversary. 

"Well, we certainly hope you are, because in front of you is a film that celebrates no more and no less than TWO FULL DECADES of our struggle for animal rights in Croatia! The film is accompanied by an infographic, i.e. a timeline showing the greatest achievements we are proud of, together with all of you!

When we founded our association 20 years ago, breeding and killing animals for fur was allowed in Croatia and abandoned animals were being killed in shelters. Tigers and lions jumped through hoops and were terrified of whip sounds in circus performances, the practice of microchipping of dogs did not exist, and almost no one heard of the words "vegan" or "veganism." Today, it is unthinkable for us to even understand that some of these practices took place in as recently as the last decade…

We tirelessly did numerous activities, projects and campaigns and managed to accomplish many achievements that are today the pride for all the Croatian folk. Those changes did not happen overnight and it took a lot of dedication and effort. This is our way of giving thanks to everyone who was the wind beneath our wings along the way.

Given that we are a non-profit association, our work would not be possible without the support of goodwilled and bighearted people, and every donation and every little bit of help is precious to us and greatly appreciated. We would also appreciate it if you could inform us about any funds you may be offering or even about any grants you yourselves are applying for.

We don't want to take up too much of your time (because who would know better than you how precious time is), so, the film and the timeline speak for themselves!"

You can watch the 20th anniversary video below:


To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Ryanair Connects Naples-Zagreb, Turkish Airlines Zagreb-Istanbul Flights Boosted in January

December 21, 2021 - The latest flight news to Croatia as Ryanair operates between Naples and Zagreb, and Turkish Airlines Zagreb-Istanbul flights are boosted in January! 

Ryanair has been operating regularly between Naples and Zagreb since Friday, December 17, reports Croatian Aviation.

As part of the latest expansion at the new Zagreb base, Ryanair made its first flight on the new line between Zagreb and Naples on Friday, December 17. Recall, Ryanair has announced 10 new lines from the Zagreb base - nine of them were introduced in the first days of December, and as of last Friday, the line to Naples is also in operation.

A320 aircraft with a capacity of 180 passengers from the partner Lauda will fly between Zagreb and Naples twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays.

Next year, flights are also on sale for the summer flight schedule until October 28, 2022. More than 33,000 seats are on sale between the two cities until that date.

Until 2019, Zagreb had a regular seasonal route to Milan (Malpensa) and a year-round route to Rome (via Split) on Croatia Airlines.

On Friday, Zagreb has regular lines to three Italian cities - Milan, Rome, and Naples.

Furthermore, Croatian Aviation also reports that Turkish Airlines will increase the number of weekly operations on the Istanbul-Zagreb route in January.

From the beginning of the new year, Turkish Airlines will operate between Zagreb and Istanbul 13 times a week, three extra flights than in December this year. This will bring Turkish Airlines almost to the level of operations before the global pandemic, when it flew to Zagreb 14 times a week, twice a day. 

From the first of January, two flights a day are available between Zagreb and Istanbul, in the morning and the evening, except on Wednesdays, when Turkish will have one flight to Zagreb.

A321 and B737MAX8 aircraft (occasionally MAX9) will operate on this route, which will offer Turkish Airlines almost the same number of seats between Istanbul and Zagreb as before the pandemic.

In addition to flights to Zagreb, this airline will also operate between Dubrovnik and Istanbul in January. Every Wednesday and Saturday, two flights a week have been announced with A320 aircraft.

For more on flights to Croatia and other travel announcements, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Team Captains Name Marko Livaja Best Footballer in Croatian First League

December 21, 2021 - Marko Livaja is officially the best footballer in the Croatian First League (HNL)!  

In a selection chosen by the Croatian Frist League captains, the Hajduk striker received 20 more points than Josip Drmić from Rijeka.

1. Marko Livaja - 76 points
2. Josip Drmić - 56 points
3. Bruno Petković - 50 points
4. Arijan Ademi - 30 points
5. Petar Bočkaj, Luka Ivanušec, Ivica Ivušić, Marin Jakoliš, Ramon Mierez - all 10 points each

"This is also one big motive for me. I want to thank the captains who voted for me, my teammates because without them, this award would certainly not have taken place, then the president, the director, and everyone at the Club. I hope that we will all continue on this path and that next year will be even more successful. We still have room for improvement, our preparations will be good, and I believe that we will be even better in the continuation of the championship. Finally, I want to dedicate the award to my family, who is always by my side," Livaja said after being awarded the trophy.

The award was presented to Marko in the Hajduk Salon at Poljud by Silvijo Škrlec, a journalist from Tportal, and the initiator of this traditional election, which has been held for 19 years.

The Hajduk striker is the first from the Split club to win the best player award since 2003, while Arijan Ademi won the title last season. In the past, names like Niko Kranjčar and Marija Mandžukić also had this honor.

The importance of Marko Livaja for Hajduk is much greater than the 17 goals and seven assists he has recorded in just 22 games this season. In the history of the HNL, several players created an advantage on their own - Luka Modrić and Niko Kranjčar did it with their play, Eduardo da Silva with a brutal goal-scoring performance. However, no one has ever put all the segments together like Hajduk's Livaja. 

Source: Hajduk.hr

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Monday, 20 December 2021

Winter Sailing in Croatia: Why the Offseason Has its Perks

January 06, 2022 - Imagine this: The air is sharp and crisp. The sun is bright and brilliant. Looking out over the Adriatic Sea, it feels like you have the entire place to yourself. When the breeze whips up, it is exhilarating learning to harness the power of the wind to get the boat really moving. You can feel it on your face, and the adrenaline pumps through you as the yacht cuts through the waves. IMG 6073 copy min

Way before we came to Croatia, we began sailing just north of Wellington, New Zealand, in a place called Mana. The main sailing that we did was in races that took place in the thick of winter when the rain and the wind would join forces to whip your face raw and do their very best to freeze your fingertips off. The exhilaration of trimming your sails to catch the 25-knot southerlies was unmatched. Sure, the weather was a challenge. A challenge that most local sailors rose to, as long as conditions were safe and allowed us to get out of the harbour! A little cold or rain certainly never stopped us.

 So coming to Croatia, we did find it rather odd that there’s not much sailing to be found in the winter months. Especially with the incredible weather that prevails on the coast! Sure, sailing in summer is relaxing and highly Instagrammable. But let me tell you from personal experience, there is nothing quite like sailing here in Croatia in the winter. 

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Learn to Sail

Many hardy wannabe sailors tough out some pretty gnarly conditions in the UK and on the west coast of France to learn to sail. When those of us here on the Dalmatian Coast are cruising with sunny temps of 12 degrees Celsius during the day right now in December. We taught an American couple for a week at the end of November, and despite a couple of days of rain, the temperatures remained balmy. A little chilly out of the sun but nothing that good wet weather gear and a beanie couldn’t handle. And the comfortable charter boats that are aplenty out here on the coast mean that evenings spent down below in the salon with a warm meal and some local rakija are an ideal way to combat the cooler nights.

The swells in the Adriatic will also be a lot less serious than in more exposed seas, like the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Because the Adriatic is flanked by Italy and Croatia, with Slovenia right at the top, there isn’t as much distance (or fetch) for the wind to cover, meaning that the swells are smaller and less frequent. This makes tasks like learning to navigate from charts, making a three-point fix, and practicing how to tack and gybe a lot easier than doing these things in large, rolling swells! 

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There are several sailing schools here on the Croatian Coast. And keep in mind that the courses are designed to assess your skills. This is why we also recommend that, if you already have a sailing qualification or you are starting from scratch with sailing and want to work up to a qualification, spending a week on the water with an experienced instructor is recommended. This can either help you consolidate the skills you have already learned OR help you put together the building blocks to gain the qualifications you are working towards. With 45 Degrees Sailing, you can do this in a safe, supportive, constructive, and practical environment. And fun!

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What about a winter sailing holiday?

Most charter boats are booked for their annual haul-out and maintenance during the winter months. This is a pretty intensive process that includes removing the bimini, dodger, sails, and even the floorboards to get into those hard-to-reach places that the maintenance crew needs to access the most! Therefore, it is not easy to find a boat to charter in winter. You need to have a contact within the sailing industry in Croatia to find you a charter company willing to amend their maintenance schedule. 

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And, if you can find a charter company willing to charter a boat for you, then it is definitely possible to have a winter sailing holiday! Of course, with most of the restaurants and shops closed on the islands, it will look a little different from its summer equivalent. Provisioning before departure from the home marina is a must, as many supermarkets and markets on the islands, usually open in summer, are closed in winter. You need to ensure that you have enough for breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. There are still a select few restaurants open, and it is good to have a local liaison to find out where these restaurants are if you want to eat on-shore a few nights in the week. 

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Because the weather systems in winter do bring more challenging conditions, it is vital to have an experienced instructor/skipper who has local knowledge of the area and its many complexities that can often lead to winds that do not show up on the forecast apps! 

We highly recommend hiring a local skipper if you consider chartering a sailing yacht here in the Adriatic during the winter months. Local knowledge of weather systems, sheltered bays, and ports, as well as having contacts on the islands, is invaluable. And being in contact with your local skipper before your trip will enable you to ask questions, communicate your needs and expectations, as well as being able to get to know your skipper beforehand so that you feel more comfortable when you arrive and board your boat.

If you would like more information about sailing in Croatia during the winter months, whether as a learning exercise, a sailing holiday, or maybe a bit of both, feel free to contact 45 Degrees Sailing for more information.

If you want to travel in Croatia, check out our dedicated travel articles here: Travel.

 If you have questions on anything sailing in Croatia, feel free to ask below in the comments or check out Total Croatia, Sailing in Croatia: Your One-Stop-Shop for everything sailing.

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