Monday, 29 November 2021

CNIPH Publishes Press Release on Omicron, New Covid Variant of Concern

November the 29th, 2021 - The Croatian Institute of Public Health (CNIPH) has published a press release on the new variant of the novel coronavirus, Omicron, deemed to be a variant of concern (VOC).

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Omicron, the new coronavirus variant is currently being considered potentially more dangerous because it has almost twice as many mutations as the Delta variant. Variant B.1.1.529, named Omicron, was declared a cause for concern by the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Friday, placing it in the same category as the Delta variant, they said.

''Variant B 1.1.529 has more than 30 mutations on its spike protein alone. If these mutations are seen as a new possibility of increased infectivity and transmissibility, which gives the virus a greater ability to bypass immunity, both from vaccination and acquired, then it is a very complex variant with mutations that haven't been previously recorded, so it is difficult to predict the implications for the course of the pandemic and immunity. Nevertheless, experts believe that vaccines will continue to offer a high level of protection against the severe clinical picture that leads to hospitalisations and death,'' they stated.

They pointed out that the new variant is most often found in younger people (ages 18 to 34), and it is in these age groups that the lowest vaccination rate in the Republic of South Africa was recorded.

''British experts emphasise the need for vaccination based on reports received from South Africa, according to which a larger number of hospitalisations are recorded in groups of unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated persons. In addition, vaccine manufacturers have expressed the view that they will be able to quickly adapt their vaccines to the Omicron variant,'' they wrote.

The CNIPH also stated that the European Commission (EC) is proposing a procedure for a coordinated approach in limiting the spread of new variants within and across the EU.

''From an EU perspective, the emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 remain a cause for concern and should be closely monitored. In order to obtain timely and accurate information on the origin and circulation of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern or interest, it is essential that EU member states maintain or achieve a sufficiently high range of sequencing. Such a coordinated approach should include circumstances in which member states impose restrictions on movement for certain areas where the epidemiological situation is expected to deteriorate rapidly, and especially for areas that are currently seriously affected by the epidemic,'' the CNIPH said.

''In conclusion, this is a real reminder that the pandemic is far from over yet. If there’s one thing everyone can do now is this: choose your vaccine, whether it’s your first dose or second,'' the CNIPH appealed in conclusion.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated section and select your preferred language if it isn't English.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

HLK Launches Proceedings Against Doctors Making Misleading Statements

ZAGREB, 28 Nov, 2021 - The head of the Croatian Medical Chamber (HLK) said on Sunday that he was surprised that participants in protests against COVID certificates included doctors, confirming the HLK had launched proceedings against doctors making claims not based on science at those protests, thus misleading the public.

"Certain steps have been taken against six doctors... sanctions range from a warning and a reprimand to the revocation of the licence," Krešimir Luetić said in an interview with the Sunday issue of the Novi List daily.

Asked if such doctors should have their licences revoked, Luetić said the HLK's Ethics Board was an independent body that would make its decision.

Doctors embittered by protests against COVID-19 certificate mandate

Asked about his view of the protests against epidemiological restrictions, vaccination and testing, Luetić said that he shared his fellow doctors' resentment about the protests.

He said that after the protest held in Zagreb last weekend, he was contacted by dozens of colleagues who were embittered as the event was in direct violation of epidemiological restrictions but also because of the messages that could be heard at the rally.

95% of doctors vaccinated

Asked about the fact that among the protesters there were also doctors and that not all protesters were uneducated people, Luetić said that he was shocked by the fact that any intellectual, particularly a doctor, would make comments that were not based on science, medical profession and statistics.

He noted, however, that around 95% of doctors had been vaccinated against coronavirus, thus showing their view of the pandemic and vaccination.

Speaking of vaccination, Luetić recalled that the HLK had already taken the position that vaccination should be mandatory in the health system.

As for the mandatory vaccination of the general population, which Austria has already opted for and some other European countries are considering, Luetić said that it would be a political decision.

"As a doctor and from the point of view of the medical sector, I think such a decision would definitely make the situation in the health system easier, and reduce the number of seriously ill people and fatalities," he said.

If you compare countries like Croatia, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands, you see that they have roughly the same number of daily infections per million inhabitants, however, compared to Croatia, those three countries have three times fewer hospitalisations and up to five times fewer fatalities, Luetić stressed.

"That is a clear indicator of how important vaccination is, and as to whether our citizens understand that, I think the answer is both yes and no," he said.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Human Rights Film Festival Starts on 5 Dec

ZAGREB, 28 Nov, 2021 - The Human Rights Film Festival, which focuses on human rights issues and auteur films in general, will be held on 5-12 December in Zagreb's Tuškanac and Kinoteka cinemas, with part of the accompanying programme taking place at the MAMA and KIC cultural centres.

This year's 19th edition will feature new films by some of the world's most important directors, including Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Céline Sciamma and Sergey Loznitsa.

Admission to all festival screenings is free, and attendees are required to present a valid EU digital COVID certificate, other appropriate proof or a negative test by an authorised institution or laboratory.

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Sunday, 28 November 2021

More Than Half of Croatians Drink Liquors, Liqueurs and Brandy Most Popular

ZAGREB, 27 Nov, 2021 - More than half of Croatians drink strong drinks, the most popular being liqueurs and brandies, the Ja Trgovac magazine, which together with the Hendal market research agency conducted a survey in October covering a representative sample of citizens aged above 16, said recently.

The survey shows that 56% of those polled drink spirits while 44% do not.

As for the frequency of consumption, 30% consume hard liquors several times a month while 29% drink them several times a year.

Twenty-four percent of those polled drink strong drinks on a weekly basis, 16% drink them several times a week, and slightly more than 2% do so on a daily basis.

Liqueurs are the most popular type of strong drinks, and 35% of those polled drink them most frequently, while the second most popular type of liquor is brandy (23%).

They are followed by gin (preferred by 15% of those polled), whiskey (11%), vodka (10%), and rum and tequila (2% and 1% respectively). Slightly less than 3% of Croatians drink other types of hard liquor.

Sixty-three percent of those polled prefer drinking strong drinks unmixed while 37% prefer mixing them with juice or other types of drinks.

The survey also shows that most Croatians, 53%, drink liquor at home while 29% do so in cafes and restaurants. 18% consume strong drinks equally frequently at home and outdoors.

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For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Commemoration Held for 20 Ethnic Hungarians Killed in 1991

ZAGREB, 28 Nov, 2021 - The Democratic Union of Hungarians of Croatia on Sunday held a commemoration in Dalj Planina in tribute to 20 ethnic Hungarian civilians killed by Serb paramilitaries in November and December 1991 during the occupation of that Slavonian village.

The civilians were killed by Serb paramilitaries led by Željko Ražnatović Arkan from the then Territorial Defence Training Centre in Erdut.

Hungarian minority MP Robert Jankovics said the crimes committed in Dalj Planina had characteristics of genocide because entire families were killed there.

Asked about the perpetrators of the atrocity, Jankovics said that in June 2020 the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague convicted Serbian security service members Franko Simatović and Jovica Stanišić for the crime.

As far as I know, also indicted were Slobodan Milošević, Željko Ražnatović Arkan and Goran Hadžić but, unfortunately, they died before the verdict was delivered, Jankovics said.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

MBA Croatia Awards Held in Zagreb to Honor Those that Promote and Live MBA Croatia Values

November 28, 2021 - The 2021 MBA Croatia Awards were held at the Westin Hotel in Zagreb to honor those that most promote and live MBA Croatia values.

Celebrating a successful year, MBA Croatia traditionally presented awards to those we believe most promote and live MBA Croatia values. This year we held our awards ceremony in the Crystal Hall of the Westin Hotel. The awards were presented at the traditional MBA Croatia Gala evening.

As every year, the MBA Croatia Gala dinner had an educational character and two lectures were held. Krešimir Profaca, President of the MBA Croatia Association, gave an introductory lecture where he spoke about the work of the MBA Croatia Association and the role of MBA Croatia in the development of leadership in society. The main lecture was given by Francois Delion, CEO of Renault Nissan Adriatic with a very current topic on how the automotive industry can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.

MBA Croatia awards were given to Sergio Galošić (CEO of Klimaoprema dd), Dajana Mrčela (President of the Management Board of Saponia d.d.), Damir Sabol (founder of Photomath), Miroslav Vrankić (founder of E-GLAS), and Lada Tedeschi Fiorio (member of the Atlantic Grupa board).


At the MBA Croatia Awards in Zagreb, the MBA Croatia Association traditionally awarded prizes to people whose work and commitment were recognized in 2021.

"Recognitions awarded by the MBA Croatia association are recognitions given by our members. By selecting candidates and awarding prizes, we try to give encouragement to all those who have done something good in the categories for which we award prizes", explained Krešimir Profaca, President of MBA Croatia at the introductory lecture.


The award in the Category Manager of the Year was given to Sergio Galošić, executive director of Klimaoprema d.d.

''It is a great honor and pleasure for me that my colleagues have chosen me as the winner of the award. What is behind this award is a lot of sacrifice and stress. In this regard, I am especially pleased to receive this award from colleagues who understand what it takes to succeed. I would like to dedicate this award to all employees of Klimaoprema and my team, without whom this would not be possible'' said Sergio Galošić. The award was presented on behalf of the association by Ivan Franičević, a member of the presidency of MBA Croatia.


The Business Woman of the Year award was given to Ms. Dajani Mrčela, CEO of Saponia d.d.

"I am extremely honored to be the winner of this award. When I received the notification, I felt great pride that the profession recognized me and my work. This is a special honor for me and I would like to thank MBA Croatia, my team, and everyone else" said Dajana Mrčela.

Promoting diversity, along with excellence, ethics, and responsibility is one of the main values of the MBA Croatia association. The association brings together business people with an MBA degree and other leaders who promote the values of the association. Its mission is to inspire in creating a better and more advanced society. The award for Business Woman of the Year was presented on behalf of the association by Stephanie Trpkov, a member of the presidency of the MBA Croatia association.

Damir Sabol, the founder of Photomath, received an award for connecting science and business. MBA Croatia awarded this award to Mr. Sabol for his continuous work on promoting science in business.


"I am especially glad to receive this award from the group of leaders gathered by the MBA Croatia association. At this time, we have the opportunity to participate in the world market with our knowledge and work, and we should make the most of it'' said Damir Sabol.

The MBA Croatia award for social contribution through business in 2021 goes to Miroslav Vrankić, the founder of the company E-GLAS, which is making life easier for people with disabilities.


''It is a great honor to receive this award. E-VOICE has been around for 20 years and helps children with speech difficulties. This award is a confirmation that we are doing a good job and an incentive to continue even better" said Miroslav Vrankic. This award was presented to Mr. Vrankić by Ognjen Bagatin, Deputy President of MBA Croatia.

One of the most important activities of the MBA Croatia association is the transfer and dissemination of knowledge, and we do this through our lectures, workshops and other educational and networking events. That is why the award for the best lecture is extremely important and we are proud that the members of MBA Croatia have chosen a member of the management board of Atlantic Grupa, Mrs. Lada Tedeschi Fiorio as the winner of this award.


''I don't know how to thank everyone. I am especially glad that the award came from people who value knowledge, who want to progress, and who are interested in further development. Maybe it's because I've shown what it's like to be a manager and to be a leader, I've been able to reach people so much" said Lada Tedeschi Fiorio.

The award for the best lecture was presented by a member of the presidency of the MBA Croatia association, Marko Ćosić.

MBA Croatia awarded the winners with unique awards, statues that represent the logo of the association.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Croatia To Have Access to €36M Under Erasmus+ 2022 Programme

ZAGREB, 28 Nov, 2021 - The European Commission has published a call for the submission of applications for the Erasmus+ programme and has allocated as much as €3.9 billion for its implementation in 2022.

Of this amount, more than €36 million has been set aside for Croatia, which is an increase of €8 million compared with 2021, when Croatia had at its disposal over €28 million, the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes said in a statement.

This more generous budget for 2022 will bring greater opportunities for Croatian citizens to study abroad, pursue their internship and professional practice, exchange experience and engage in international cooperation in the areas of education and training, youth and sport, the agency's director Antonija Gladović said.

The Croatian budget for Erasmus+ 2022 includes €30.2 million for education and training and €5.2 million for projects that will give young people better opportunities. Mobility and cooperation projects will support the green and digital transition and promote active citizenship and participation in democratic life. Such projects have already increased the resilience of the education and training system during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Inclusion, which aims to give as many people as possible access to learning and international projects, remains one of the fundamental principles of the Erasmus+ programme, which celebrates its 35th birthday next year, the statement said.

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For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

First Round of Elections in SDP Completed, Zagreb Branch To Hold Another Round

ZAGREB, 28 Nov, 2021 - The first round of intraparty elections in the opposition Social Democratic Party (SDP) was held on Saturday, and the leader of the SDP Zagreb branch will be known next Saturday, with the two main contenders being Viktor Gotovac and Matej Mišić.

SDP members on Saturday elected presidents, vice presidents and members of party presidencies at the municipal and county levels.

The second round of intraparty elections for the Zagreb SDP branch will be held next Saturday, when SDP members will choose between Gotovac and Mišić.

Gotovac, a labour law professor at the Zagreb Law School, won 524 votes and Mišić 261.

In the first round of party elections the leaders of SDP town branches were elected, with Rijeka Mayor Marko Filipović having been elected the new president of the SDP branch in Rijeka, while the SDP branch in Osijek elected Milan Blagojević its leader and the branch in Split Damir Barbir.

Ostojić, Hajdaš Dončić re-elected leaders of SDP county branches

In the first round of party elections, Ranko Ostojić was re-elected leader of the SDP branch in Split-Dalmatia County while Siniša Hajdaš Dončić was re-elected president of the SDP branch in Krapina-Zagorje County.

Also re-elected to their posts were Mihael Zmajlović as head of the SDP branch in Zagreb County, Barbara Antolić Vupora as head of the party branch in Varaždin County, Umag Mayor Vili Bassanese as head of the Istria County SDP banch, Mitar Obradović as head of the SDP branch in Požega-Slavonia County and Kristina Ikić Baniček as head of the SDP branch in Sisak-Moslavina County.

The newly elected heads of SDP branches in other counties are Ivica Lukanović in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Jure Zubčić in Zadar County, Ploče Mayor Mišo Krstičević in Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Krešimir Čulinović in Lika-Senj County, Mario Vučinić in Brod-Posavina County, Sanja Bježančević in Osijek-Baranja County, Goran Heffer in Vukovar-Srijem County, Tomislav Golubić in Koprivnica-Križevci County and Dalibor Domitrović in Karlovac County.

SDP members will choose between Karlo Klarin and Ivan Rajić for head of the SDP branch in Šibenik-Knin County in the second round next Saturday.

Elections for the SDP branch in Međimurje County were postponed due to a repeat of local elections in that county on 28 November, as were intraparty elections in Bjelovar-Bilogora County.

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Sunday, 28 November 2021

Croatia Logs 3,339 New COVID-19 Cases, 64 Deaths

ZAGREB, 28 Nov, 2021 - In the last 24 hours 3,339 coronavirus cases and 64 COVID-19 deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national crisis management team said on Sunday.

There are 34,326 active cases, including 2,538 hospitalised patients, of whom 330 are on ventilators, while 22,900 persons are self-isolating.

To date 3,433,761 persons have been tested for the virus, including 9,010 in the last 24 hours.

Croatia has registered 603,316 coronavirus cases to date as well as 10,759 related deaths and 558,231 recoveries, of which 3,502 in the last 24 hours.

To date 53.59% of the total population has been vaccinated against COVID-19, including 63.95% of adults, 57.01% of whom have completed vaccination.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 28 November 2021

KBC Sisters of Charity: One Person From the Zagreb Protest Hospitalized

November 28, 2021 - The director of the KBC Sisters of Charity, one of the most important hospitals in Zagreb, spoke about the new coronavirus strain, hospitals situation, and protests against epidemiological measures in the capital, confirming that one of those who protested is hospitalized, and another young man in Dubrava as well.

The director of KBC Sisters of Charity Hospital, Davor Vagić, commented for N1 the appearance of a new variant of the coronavirus called omicron. Scientists consider this variant the most significant so far because the vaccine could be less effective, and it also seems to spread faster than delta strains, reports

"I am not worried, but I am careful. We analyze all the new information we get and see what needs to be done next. It definitely shows that this virus is not harmless, it is very dangerous and one should be careful not to spread and not get worse and this is a very serious situation", said Vagić the appearance of a new strain.

The president of the Homeland Movement, Ivan Penava, said the other day that ''bioterrorists'' are entering hospitals with COVID certificates, but Vagić claims that the measures in the hospitals are appropriate at the moment.

"The system is under a lot of pressure. The biggest pressure is on employees, COVID patients are difficult patients, they have difficulty moving, they need special health care and what we see now is the biggest pressure on nursing staff because it is one of the ones we have the least. There is huge pressure on the doctor as well. These people are doing hard and responsible work and in these two years we can say that in a way they are our heroes. If we talk about doctors, about 95 percent of them are vaccinated in Croatia. There is very little transfer of the virus, we don’t even see it and we can say that in some way hospitals are safe. Occasionally a transfer may occur, but this is negligible. The COVID confirmations are absolutely good", thinks the director of KBC Sisters of Charity.

“The health care system will certainly endure, rest assured. But it will be a huge burden, that's for sure", he added.

As for another protest against epidemiological measures taking place, he says he is saddened by it. "I don't think such things are necessary and that endangers the health of people who are protesting. They endanger themselves and others. We hospitalized one person from the protest, one young person was hospitalized in Dubrava as well. People can have an opinion, and the task of the profession, media, is to report what is best, what is true, to give people key information. The patient, the person must have all possible information. In the end, they are the ones who decide. There is perhaps too little talk about responsibility'', Vagić said.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.
