Saturday, 10 April 2021

The Mirror: British Tourists Soon to be Able to Travel to Croatia

April the 10th, 2021 - British tourists will soon be able to travel to Croatia for tourism and leisure purposes, according to a recent report from the widely read British publication The Mirror.

The United Kingdom is one European country which is still only very, very cautiously easing its lockdown restrictions which have been firmly in place for months now. Despite their seemingly harsher measures, the UK is one country in Europe which has done exceptionally well with its vaccination rollout, having vaccinated many millions of its inhabitants with at least the first dose.

As Morski writes, the British daily The Mirror, which is followed by about 32 million readers per month, published an article stating that, after easing travel restrictions in the UK, Croatia will be open to British visitors, and this was stated by the director of the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ) in the United Kingdom, Daria Reic.

''The British are very eager to travel and it's only a matter of time before they can do it again. The United Kingdom has one of the most successful vaccination rates in Europe, which is certainly a promising factor for restarting international travel, and timely information on the conditions of entry into Croatia, as well as continuous communication on everything Croatia does to make sure it remains safe for tourists will certainly influence the decisions of many people when choosing holiday destinations this summer,'' said Daria Reic.

The Mirror's article states that British tourists could soon travel to Croatia without any hindrance, if they meet one of the prescribed conditions, ie attach proof of their vaccination, bring a negative PCR or antigen test or a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 which isn't older than 180 days.

In addition, The Mirror's article states that all tourists must enter the confirmation of their previously booked accommodation and fill in the online form before travelling when entering Croatia. As it was emphasised in the text, these are new rules according to which tourists from non-EU countries can also visit Croatia, which are valid from the 1st of April.

These rules will apply after the travel restrictions in the United Kingdom are finally relaxed. Namely, a measure according to which international travel is banned is currently in force in the United Kingdom unless you are resident abroad (and can prove it) or have other pressing reasons you can also prove. This restriction is expected to ease after the 17th of May.

The author of the article additionally states that, in addition to short tourist stays, British citizens without residence in the EU or Croatia can spend the whole year in Croatia using a "visa" for digital nomads, more about which can be read here.

It's worth adding that the information about the new measures to travel to Croatia is also being transmitted by the British publication The Independent and the travel platforms TTG Media and Travel Weekly. Jet2 has indeed announced flights, and Brits are set to travel to Croatia, a little later on.

For more, visit our travel section. For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, including border and travel rules, as well as testing centres located across the country, make sure to bookmark this page.

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Sibenik-Knin to Finance Croatian Mountain Rescue Service Work in 2021

April the 10th, 2021 - Dalmatia's Sibenik-Knin County is set to finance the praiseworthy work of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS) throughout the year 2021.

As Morski writes, the Sibenik-Knin County administration has been supporting the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service and their hard work rescuing both people and animals from sticky situations, as well as their members, financially and in every other way possible since their very foundatio.

For twenty entire years now, Sibenik-Knin County funds make up about 25 percent of the total budget at the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service's disposal.

''I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the members of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service who have to work in extremely difficult conditions and who are often willing to risk their own lives to save those of others,'' said Sibenik-Knin County Prefect Goran Pauk.

Mislav Cupic of the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service thanked the county prefect for his ongoing support, emphasising that their station has been achieving an exceptionally high-quality level quality of cooperation with the county since the very beginning.

The Croatian Mountain Rescue Service is otherwise an entirely public service that ensures readiness, drive, the availability of both people and equipment, as well as the maintaining of knowledge, skills and expertise of the members in a very demanding, high-risk and responsible rescue activities 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

You may remember the service for their amusing posts on both Twitter and Facebook, in which they frequently warned tourists against trying to tackle the likes of Biokovo in the boiling summer months with no water and in flip flops.

Trying to swim or float on a gigantic inflatable flamingo from the mainland to that island ''that doesn't look that far away'' is also listed among the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service's ''no go'' summer ideas.

For more, follow our lifestyle section.


Saturday, 10 April 2021

Brits are Coming... Later: Jet2 Flights to Dubrovnik, Split, Pula Postponed Until End of June!

April 10, 2021 - Jet2 flights to Dubrovnik, Split, and Pula have been postponed until the end of June, as the British low-cost airline blames the UK government's lack of clarity over travel plans this summer. 

Croatian Aviation reports that the well-known British tour operator has postponed traffic to tourist destinations in Europe, including previously announced flights to Croatia.

Due to constant changes in some countries related to the free movement of passengers (which directly affects passenger demand), Jet2 has decided to cancel all announced flights to well-known European tourist destinations, including flights to Croatian airports - Pula, Split, and Dubrovnik.

Although the flights were originally planned for the end of March, then postponed to the beginning of May, the latest decision is that there will be no flights to Croatia until the end of June. A significant number of routes have been announced only from July!

This company has the largest number of operations to Dubrovnik Airport. These are direct lines from Belfast, Birmingham, Edinburgh, East Midlands, Leeds, London, Manchester, and Newcastle. Four of the eight lines have now been announced from the end of June, while the remaining lines will start operating only from July. Given that British guests are traditionally the most represented in Dubrovnik, this is a rather strong blow to the local tourism of Dubrovnik and the region. It is expected that other companies from Great Britain will start flights to Croatia much later than planned, with a smaller number of weekly operations.

Postponed operations to Pula and Split

Six lines to Split Airport (from Birmingham, East Midlands, Edinburgh, Leeds, London, and Manchester) have also been postponed to the end of June, while the line from Edinburgh will start operating only in July.

According to Pula Airport, Jet2 is planning only one line this year - from Manchester. The start of traffic on this line has also been postponed to the end of June.

Jet2 chief executive Steve Heapy said in a statement on Friday:

“We are trying to run a business so that we can take customers away, but we need the Government to provide us with clarity to achieve this.

After several weeks exploring how to restart international travel, with substantial assistance and input from the industry, the framework lacks any rigorous detail about how to get international travel going again. In fact, the framework is virtually the same as six months ago.

Following the publication of the framework today, we still do not know when we can start to fly, where we can fly to and the availability and cost of testing. Rather than answering questions, the framework leaves everyone asking more.

Because of the continued uncertainty that the framework provides, it is with a heavy heart that we have taken the decision to extend the suspension of flights and holidays up to and including 23 June 2021.

Where customers yet to travel are affected by any programme changes, we will automatically cancel their booking with a full refund, and our team of travel experts will be in touch to help them to book their summer getaway for later in the year."

Recall, UK ministers announced a new traffic light system for international travel from May 17, which will categorize countries based on risk.

Follow the latest on flights to Croatia HERE and the latest travel updates and COVID-19 news from Croatia HERE.

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 10 April 2021

ATP Challenger Split Open 3rd Edition Begins on April 12!

April 10, 2021 - The ATP Challenger Split Open 3rd edition, which starts on Monday, April 12, was announced at a press conference on the Firule Tennis Center's terrace.

Tournament director Ismar Moralić said that this week's tournament, which is still in progress, is going great, and he also revealed that three invitations for the main tournament go to Croatian tennis players Borna Gojo, Duje Ajduković, and Nino Serdarušić.

"The first tournament is taking place in a nice atmosphere so far. It is disturbed only by bad weather and low temperatures that we struggle with every day. We are bravely going to the second week," said Moralić, expressing satisfaction that all the players, their entourage, and the tournament staff are negative for Covid-19.

"This is actually a key thing because only one infected person can knock down an entire tournament like a domino. Tests are according to the ATP protocol every Wednesday, and I hope that next week we will all be negative."


Veljko Martinović

Like this week, Duje Ajduković and Nino Serdarušić will receive two invitations for the main tournament. The third will be given to Borna Gojo, who skipped the first tournament due to a back injury.

"Borna worked hard, went through therapy, and we believe that he will achieve a good result in the next tournament, just like Duje and Nino. Duje returned in an incredible match against Brown, and Nino defeated Clarke in conditions that were more similar to polar ones, and that certainly took away a lot of his strength for the next match," said Moralić.

The list of players will remain similar to this week.

"The 'cut' for the main tournament is 202nd place, and for the qualifications 220th, so even a little lower than this week. We hope for a slightly better weather forecast," Moralić added.

Borna Gojo, who was also at the press conference, spook about his back problems.

"It started in Australia when I was quarantined for 14 days. The day after I went out, I played with Popyrin and carried those problems ever since. It's taking a while. I expect to win every tournament, so do Duje and Nino."

Unfortunately, there will be no audience in the stands next week either.

"The audience will be missed a lot. I wouldn't be the first to play in the semifinals last year if it weren't for the audience. They pushed Duje and me. Home is always a special feeling. From what I hear from other tennis players, the impressions are positive. They are satisfied with the club, organization, and accommodation," said Gojo.


Veljko Martinović

Ajduković, on the other hand, hopes for a better result than this week when he was eliminated in the second round. However, he’s happy to be playing at all, given that he recently got over the coronavirus.

"My fight and effort brought me back to the match against Brown, and against Role, I chose the wrong tactics, and after that, it was difficult to come back. I had COVID-19, because of which I spent ten days in isolation in Zadar, and now it is not easy to regain my old form. I didn’t even know if I would play, so these two matches will help lift my form. I will definitely be better next week," said Ajduković.

Serdarušić also dropped out in the second round, but that is also a shift compared to last year when he was knocked out in the first round.

"Thanks to the director for the invitation, it's great that we have three Croatians in the main tournament. For me, this week was positive because I didn't really play this year. I also went through COVID-219 and quarantine. The situation is certainly not normal because we are quarantined almost every week, we have to get tested, and we don’t know if we will cross the border, but at least we are lucky to be able to play. A lot of players are under stress, and no one is in great shape. It’s great for us that we don’t really have to travel outside the country every week, and now we’re home for two weeks. These conditions on Firule can only be compared to Monte Carlo, in that the terrain is immediately at sea."

The draw for the qualifiers, singles tournament, and doubles tournament is scheduled for Saturday.

"I hope that we will have at least one Croat in the final. Let Borna, Duje, and Nino agree on who it will be!" concluded Ismar Moralić. 

To follow the latest sports news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

To learn more about sport in Croatia, CLICK HERE

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Nikolina Brnjac: State Will Cover Part of Testing Costs for Tourists in Croatia

April 10, 2021 - According to the Minister of Tourism and Sports Nikolina Brnjac, the State will cover part of the testing costs for tourists in Croatia.

With a good epidemiological situation, we can expect a higher percentage than last year, said the Minister of Tourism and Sports Nikolina Brnjac for HTV's Dnevnik, answering what percentage we could achieve in the season compared to 2019.

On Friday, it was announced that 70,000 tourism workers would be vaccinated in mid-April. Brnjac told Dnevnik that a survey revealed that about 68,000 tourist workers would like to get vaccinated.

"Tourist employees are in direct contact. It is an epidemiological measure by which we can prevent further outbreaks," said Brnjac.

Germany also put Croatia on the list of high-risk areas. Will it affect tourists?

"First of all, we will look at the epidemiological situation. After that, of course, tourists will look at the vaccination coverage of tourism workers. The segment of the Safe Stay in Croatia project is also important to them, where we have developed all epidemiological standards, protocols, together with the CNIPH, which should be adhered to by all of us in the tourism sector," said Brnjac.

She stated that so far, about 12,000 facilities have received the Safe Stay in Croatia label. Three levels of control have been introduced - one will go from the Ministry, and the other will be professional associations. The third and most important is the guest themselves - the tourist will see how someone behaves and whether they adhere to all measures and protocols, said Brnjac.

"They will see through the QR code in the facility about the protocols are, the standards, whether everyone adheres to them and will be able to send a direct e-mail with their comments, which goes directly to the Ministry, If it is negative, that facility will not get that label," said Brnjac.

When asked about the price of antigen tests at mobile testing points for foreign guests returning to their countries, she could not give a concrete answer, but she said that the state would cover part of the cost.

"The state will cover part of the cost; it will participate in a rather large amount as far as the price of the antigen test is concerned," said Brnjac.

Follow the latest travel updates and COVID-19 news from Croatia HERE.

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Meet Dubrovnik's Digital Nomads-in-Residence: Kelsey Kay Love from Texas in L.A.

April 10, 2021 - The 10 winners of the innovative Dubrovnik Digital Nomad-in-Residence (DNiR) competition have been announced. Meet them one by one, starting with Kelsey Kay Love from Texas, but currently in Los Angeles.

The DNiR programme, which has been designed by Saltwater Nomads, in partnership with Total Croatia News, the CIty of Dubrovnik and the Dubrovnik Tourist Board (and financed by the latter two), is an innovative direction for the Pearl of the Adriatic, as it looks to diversify its tourism strategy away from overtourism and in the wake of the pandemic. 


My name is Kelsey Kay Love, and I am a Travel Writer and Brand Manager who believes in traveling randomly, moving frequently, spontaneous dance parties and daiquiris with a view.

1. You are a DN-i-R winner. Congratulations! How do you feel?

Have I fainted? Did I fall in a manhole and wake up in a fantasy land?! Have I grown 6 inches and finally learned how to make carbonara?! Okay well no, but it does feel a lot like a travel fantasy come to life. I mean, it's been about a decade since I won so much as a free hot dog, so this is definitely a step up in life.

I am still a little in shock, and also obviously beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to not only live in Croatia for an entire month, but meet and work with a variety of fascinating folks to make Dubrovnik the next digital nomad hotspot.

2. How did you hear about the competition, and why did you decide to apply? 

While on lockdown in my very loud, very unfortunate-sized studio apartment in LA last year, I came across an article about Bermuda, Barbados and Estonia creating new visa opportunities for digital nomads. Shortly after, I found an article on LinkedIn about Jan de Jong, a Dutch entrepreneur, who was trying to make the same thing happen in Croatia. Croatia has been on my list for a long time, so I set up a Google alert with the words 'digital nomad visa Croatia', which eventually paid off by leading me directly to this competition via Total Croatia News. And now here we are! Wild stuff.


3. Which particular skills and ideas will you be bringing to the party?

Since I've lived in a few different countries previously as a digital nomad, the most valuable skills I bring to the table are likely experience, perspective, and a way with words. Also cocktails. I make excellent cocktails. My years in digital marketing, branding, and travel writing should also come in handy. And southern hospitality and easy laughter go wherever I go, which are always welcome party guests at any party worth attending.

4. What are you most looking forward to about DN-i-R?

In every place I've lived, even after just a single month, I feel like I'm able to pick up on so much of what makes it a liveable destination, even if it's for someone that ultimately isn't me. I'm most looking forward to finding out what those things are in Dubrovnik, especially, as I normally show up in a country without the faintest clue as to which specific area I will end up. This time around, it will be a unique opportunity to put those skills to use in such a concentrated location of a country I've never been to. I'm also very excited to work with people from such different backgrounds and areas of expertise, as I'm sure we will all learn so much from each other.

And last but not least, I am ecstatic about the mere possibility of floating in the sunshine on the Adriatic Sea.

5. Let's get you involved in the Dubrovnik community. Who or what would you like to connect with?

If there is a local marketing community, digital or otherwise, I'd love to meet them. I'd also love to meet those involved in the wine and spirits industry, food and beverage industry, and anything to do with dance, performing arts, and live music! And if the local catamaran community is currently accepting new friends, please also point me in their direction. Thank you!

Here is Kelsey's application video.

You can learn more about the programme here

Saltwater Nomads' Tanja Polegubic on Dubrovnik Digital Nomad-in-Residence Programme

Dubrovnik Mayor Mato Frankovic on Digital Nomads, US Flights, 2021 Season

For the latest digital nomad news from Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN section.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Agriculture Minister Marija Vučković Delivers Three Rural Development Programme Contracts

ZAGREB, 9 April, 2021 - Agriculture Minister Marija Vučković on Friday presented three contracts from the Rural Development Programme worth HRK 8.5 million to beneficiaries in Jarmina municipality in eastern Croatia.

She also attended the opening of "Jarmina", the first kindergarten in the municipality in which HRK 7 million was invested from EU funds and her ministry's Rural Development Programme. It will be attended by 75 children.

Vučković told the press this was the 12th kindergarten in Vukovar-Srijem County built with funds from the Rural Development Programme, for which HRK 56 million was ensured, adding that 200 kindergartens would be opened in Croatia thanks to over HRK 1 billion from the programme.

The 12 kindergartens have been opened in communities with a population of below 5,000.

Vučković said kindergartens were important for keeping young families in villages, adding that her ministry would soon advertise calls for the construction of more kindergartens, farmers' markets, firehouses and community culture centres.

Last year the Croatian EU presidency secured the support of the member states for a transitional regulation to enable continuity of financing until "the whole common agricultural policy reform is adopted," the minister said, adding that the reconstruction and construction of the social infrastructure in rural areas would continue.

Over €5 billion for Croatian agriculture

Vučković announced that Croatia would receive over €5 billion for agriculture in the EU's 2021-27 budget.

She said 12.9% of Croatian farmers and over 20% in Vukovar-Srijem County were under 41.

(€1 = HRK 7.5)

For more about politics in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Croatian PM Andrej Plenković Extends Condolences on Prince Philip's Death

ZAGREB, 9 April, 2021 - Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Friday extended his condolences to Queen Elizabeth II, the royal family and British people on the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

"On behalf of the Croatian Government, I express my most heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Queen @RoyalFamily and the British people on the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip will be remembered for his lifetime of service to the United Kingdom," Plenković tweeted.

The Queen's husband died in Windsor aged 99, Buckingham Palace said.

For more about politics in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.



Friday, 9 April 2021

Zagreb Stock Exchange Main Indices End Week in Opposite Directions Amid Low Turnover

ZAGREB, 9 April, 2021 - The Zagreb Stock Exchange's Crobex index went up 0.06% to 1,889.05 points on Friday, while the Crobex10 dipped 0.07% to 1,185.06 points, and regular turnover was only HRK 3.5 million.

No stock crossed the million kuna mark and the most traded one was the Valamar Riviera tourism company, turning over HRK 888,000. It closed at HRK 29.50 per share, the same as on Thursday.

Forty-one stocks traded today, with 13 increasing in price, 14 decreasing and as many staying the same.

(€1 = HRK 7.569904)

For more about business in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.


Friday, 9 April 2021

Highlights of the Week: 5 Big Events in Croatia from April 5-11, 2021

April 11, 2021 - An overview of the big events in Croatia from April 5 to 11, 2021. 

The first week after Easter saw Croatia bitter on the tragic death of a 2-year-old girl, followed by a shock of heavy snow fastly coming and fading in Croatia's capital. Dinamo fans were disappointed by the Europa League loss at Maksimir stadium, while Pula is finally starting a big project of connecting its underground tunnels with an important surface site. Citizens of Split saw two candidates coalition together to unify liberal and progressive election bodies.

Highlights of the week: New headmaster of Social Service in Nova Gradiška marija_jugovic-c-Ivica_GalovicPIXSELL.jpg

© Ivica Galovic / PIXSELL

Following the tragic death of a 2-year-old girl who was heavily beaten by her mother and neglected by her parents resulted in Marija Jugović taking the position as the new headmaster of Social Welfare Centre Nova Gradiška on Monday. Jugović replaced the former headmaster Branko Medunić, following the controversial decision of returning the girl from her foster family back to her biological parents, who previously neglected and abused her, which ended fatally.

As Večernji List reported, Medunić is still employed in the Centre, and Jugović said on Monday that the investigation by the ministry would show if there were any misconducts in handling the case.

„Medunić is a social worker, and he is currently doing the job according to his occupation“, said Jugović.

Pending the results, Jugović announced lay-offs in the Nova Gradiška Centre. The investigation was expected to be complete by Wednesday.

„It's determined that there were mistakes in the procedure, which was the mistake of the headmaster. We are still waiting for professional findings from Croatian Social Workers chamber and Croatian Psychology Chamber“, said Josip Aladrović, Minister of family and social policies, on Wednesday as a guest On National Croatian Radiotelevision (HRT).

He added that restrictions in the Centre were done immediately based on those findings, and other results are expected to be complete by the end of the week.  

Highlights of the week: April snow in Zagreb brought shock and traffic 


© Bruno Fantulin / PIXSELL

The heavy snow, which was announced but still surprised the citizens of Zagreb thanks to its intensity, caused chaos on Zagreb streets on Tuesday. Traffic was jammed and several accidents occurred. Still, the snow quickly melted away and meteorologists announced warmer weather by the end of the week.  

Citizens of Zagreb were in disbelief of such heavy snowfall in early April, a day after it was a little under 20 degrees Celsius.

Highlights of the week: Ivica Puljak and Bojan Ivošević competing together in Split local elections


© Ivo Cagalj / PIXSELL

Mayoral candidate of Centre Party Ivica will compete in the upcoming local elections for Split Mayor with the independent candidate Bojan Ivošević who aims to be his vice-mayor. As Večernji List reported on Tuesday, the pair said this decision was easy for them as neither one had to betray their beliefs when agreeing to this collaboration.

„In this election, the civil, progressive Split we represent is waking up like never before. We united our teams, Split has a chance it didn't have in decades, and if we don't use it, we won't get another opportunity for four years, maybe even longer. We have to take this chance“, said Ivica Poljak.

Bojan Ivošević is confident they will win elections and „return freedom to the citizens of Split and end trading authority in Split“.

Highlights of the week: Construction of connecting Kaštel fort with underground tunnels ongoing in Pula


© Sasa Miljevic / PIXSELL

One of the most interesting tourist projects this year is taking place in Pula. Fort Kaštel is being connected with a network of underground tunnels that date back from the Austro-Hungarian times when Pula was the main military port. After the project was announced as early as 2019, the shaft where there will be a tourist elevator that will connect the fort with tunnels was finally been pierced last Friday.

Highlights of the week: Dinamo defeated by Villareal


© Goran Stanzl / PIXSELL

After the brilliant victory against Tottenham, Dinamo's luck and skill took a blow in the clash with Villareal on Thursday.  

Despite Dinamo handling well against the first attempt of Villareal and few risky shots aimed at Zagreb's gate, it all went well until the very end of half-time when Moreno scored for the Spanish club, taking advantage of a penalty Dinamo received for Theophile's handball.

Dinamo didn't manage to level the result or turnover the game but reduced the loss to the lowest possible outcome. Whether Dinamo is able to come on top against Villareal will be known next Thursday when they visit Villareal in Spain.

For more about politics in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

To read more about sport in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

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