Monday, 24 October 2022

SuperSport HNL Round 14: Hajduk and Dinamo Draw at Poljud, Varazdin Shocks Osijek

October 24, 2022 - The SuperSport HNL 14th round was played from October 21 to October 23, 2022. This round featured the always anticipated 'Eternal Derby' between Hajduk and Dinamo at Poljud, while Varazdin shocked Osijek 4:1, preventing Osjiek from catching up to Hajduk in 2nd place. Here's our SuperSport HNL round 14 recap. 

Hajduk v. Dinamo (1:1)

Hajduk and Dinamo opened the 14th round on Friday, October 21, at Poljud Stadium. Just over 32,000 fans were in attendance. 

Marko Livaja scored first to put Hajduk ahead at 1:0 in the 26th minute. While Hajduk was better in the first half, Dinamo woke up in the second. A more aggressive and hungry Dinamo team went after the goal in the second half, and Hajduk's Awaziem fouled for a Dinamo penalty. Petković routinely scored for 1:1 in the 72nd minute, which was the final score. The match did not go without fan club banter, as Torcida set fire to stolen BBB flags in the north stands, and Dinamo set fire to the seats in the south. 


Hajduk is in 2nd place with 27 points, while Dinamo is in 2nd with 35. Both teams have a game in hand. 

Lokomotiva v. Gorica (2:1)

Lokomotiva and Gorica met on Saturday, October 22 in Zagreb. 

Kulenovic put Lokomotiva ahead for 1:0 in the 32nd minute. The game remained 1:0 at the half before Fruk found the back of the net or 1:1 in the 52nd minute. Then, Gorican retook the lead for Lokomotiva, scoring in the 74th minute for the final 2:1. 


Lokomotiva is in 8th place with 13 points, while Gorica is in last place with 6 points and a game in hand. 

Varazdin v. Osijek (4:1)

Varazdin and Osijek met on Saturday, October 22, in Varazdin. 

Osijek was the first to score after Kleinheisler made it 0:1 in the 18th minute. However, it didn't take long for Varazdin to come back, scoring three goals in less than 10 minutes to make it 3:1 before halftime. Varazdin almost made it 4:1 in the 74th minute, but Brodic's goal was called back after consulting VAR. Varazdin did get the final goal at the end when Domjanic scored in the 4th minute of stoppage time or 4:1. 


Varazdin is in 5th place with 19 points, while Osijek is in 3rd with 24. 

Istra 1961 v. Sibenik (0:0)

Istra and Sibenik met on Sunday, October 23, in Pula. 

A relatively uneventful match ended without goals. Istra had 59% possession in the game, with three shots on target compared to Sibenik's 0. 


Istra is in 6th place with 14 points and a game in hand, while Sibenik is in 7th with 13. 

Slaven Belupo v. Rijeka (2:1)

Belupo and Rijeka closed out the 14th round on Sunday, October 23, in Koprivnica. 

Hoxha put Belupo ahead from a Krstanovic assist for 1:0 in the 45th minute. Vuckic equalized 1:1 in the 49th minute, though Rijeka's hopes diminished after Alvarez received a red card in the 79th minute, forcing them to play with a man down. Krstanovic stored the penalty for 2:1 a minute later, which was the final score. 


Belupo is in 4th place with 23 points, while Rijeka is in 9th place with 12. 

**Hajduk and Gorica will play their 4th round makeup match on Wednesday, October 26, at Poljud Stadium. 

You can see the full HNL table HERE.

To follow the latest sports news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Fuel to Get More Expensive on Tuesday, Government Won't Intervene

October 23, 2022 - After the last week's Government intervention which stopped the inevitable increase in fuel prices, the media reports that this week there will be no such intervention.

Last week, the prices of fuel at all gas stations in Croatia were to go up significantly and the media already reported on the increase. However, the government stepped in and prevented that from happening. However, today the media reports that it was only a postponement of the inevitable, as the government has reportedly decided not to step in again this week.

Unofficially, the prices will be 13.44 kn for a litre of diesel (1.14 kn increase), 11.10 kn for a litre of eurosuper (0.38 kn increase), while the price for the so-called "blue diesel" should increase by 1.31 kn.

Supposedly, reliable sources explain that this decision by the Government was greatly influenced by OPEC's announcement that they plan to further reduce production, which will inevitably increase the prices further. Thus, there seems to be only one measure left to the government to prevent additional fuel price increases: the eventual decrease of the excise tax. However, there is no indication yet whether the Government is considering such a move to help the citizens. Some reports suggest that the move might come earlier than expected and that there is a possibility that we might see this type of intervention as soon as tomorrow.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Traffic Problems Expected in Zagreb on Monday, Tuesday

October 23, 2022 - Zagreb is hosting the first meeting of the newly-established International Crimea Platform, and that meeting is expected to cause a lot of traffic problems in Croatia's capital.

The Croatian Parliament is hosting the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform in Zagreb this week. Among other dignitaries, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of Representatives is expected to be in Zagreb during those two days. The Zagreb Police Department issued a statement regarding the traffic in the city, which will be significantly impacted because of the safety precautions.

On Monday, October 24th and Tuesday, October 25th, the First Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimea Platform will be held in Zagreb. That will bring a large number of parliamentary delegations from all over the world, as well as many international organizations to Zagreb and Velika Gorica.

Temporary traffic regulations will be established in that area due to the implementation of special security measures. Those regulations might also include occasional short-term interruptions of traffic, managed by the police officers. Additionally, on October 25th, from 6 AM to 10 PM, a temporary ban on parking will be established in the area of ​​the inner city of Zagreb, in locations marked with "Stop - policija" tape. The residents of those areas have already been informed of this.

The police urge the citizens, and especially the drivers and pedestrians to show understanding and patience during the temporary traffic regulations on the specified days. The citizens are also asked to consistently comply with the instructions of the police officers and comply with the rules specified in the temporary regulation of traffic on certain roads.

To help drivers and pedestrians navigate Zagreb in the next two days, the police have issued four maps showing where the biggest traffic problems and interruptions are to be expected. In all four maps, the roads marked with red are where the problems are to be expected, while those marked with blue are the proposed detours.





Saturday, 22 October 2022

Croatian Trains Made You Late? Here's How to Get Compensation

October the 22nd, 2022 - Have you been made more than an hour late getting into work because of Croatian trains arriving late? You could be entitled to compensation from HZ. Here's how you can get your hands on it.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, owing to maintenance works being carried out at this moment in time on the railway section from Okucani to Strizivojna, Croatian trains running along it are unfortunately being delayed by up to 50 minutes at a time. As a result, passengers are also being made late for work, school or scheduled medical appointments. Such people can count on a payout for their lost time.

Croatian trains are often late and therefore so are their passengers. At the station in Slavonski Brod, Marica was waiting for a passenger to arrive from Novska, so far, that passenger is about 20 minutes late, but last time, she explained, it was like this: "They announced that the train would be half an hour late, then it was 60 minutes, then 50 minutes, then 70, in the end it was 60,'' explained Marica from Zadubravlje.

There are still irritated and anxious passengers boarding Croatian trains, but also those who are already for issues to arise and those who are more than used to delays. "It causes issues throughout the day for everything for me when this happens, it's a disaster. This has been going on for some time now, too,'' stated another annoyed passenger, refering to an accident in Novska which be believed caused additional stress and problems.

HZ Infrastruktura (Infrastructure) has denied this. Croatian trains are late, they note, due to the maintenance of the railway infrastructure on the Okucani-Sibinj and Strizivojna-Slavonski Brod sections.

"The accident that happened recently happened between Novska and Okucani. We're working to exclude construction work and that has nothing to do with signalling," said Darko Barisic, a member of the HZ Infrastructure Management Board, on October the 6th, 2022. While the aforementioned works are in progress, Croatian trains will continue to run more slowly and be delayed by around fifty minutes at a time.

Everything should be finished at the beginning of next month, and  passengers were asked if they think HZ should compensate them for lost time.

“Well yes, they should. People are being made late for work, what can people do about that?'' they commented.

"HZ Infrastructure must do its work and there will be no compensation", is the message of Darko Barisic, but that isn't quite the case. There is compensation of sorts to be had, but only if the train is delayed for more than an hour.

For a delay of 60 to 119 minutes, compensation is paid in the amount of 25 percent of the ticket price. For delays longer than 120 minutes, compensation is paid in the amount of 50 percent of the ticket price. Along with the request to exercise this right, it is necessary to attach a certified ticket and send everything by post, email or hand it over at the cash desk.

For more, make sure to keep up with our dedicated news section.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Owing to Filming in Zagreb, Certain Roads to be Blocked Yet Again

October the 22nd, 2022 - Croatia is often the backdrop of a variety of films, hit series and commercials, and filming in Zagreb is once again causing problems for those of us who live here, especially road users who are growing a bit tired of important roads being blocked off.

Owing to the filming of the likes of high speed car chase scenes, some roads are going to be off limits once again, with problems beginning for the capital's drivers as soon as today.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, filming in Zagreb currently involves famous actress Kate Beckinsale who plays the main role in the upcoming film, according to a report from Dnevnik.

The action thriller "Canary Black" was supposed to be filmed in the Czech capital city of Prague, but since that failed, the most similar locations were searched for. "There weren't many options, we considered Greece, Turkey, Serbia... but we chose Croatia," said producer Carsten H.W. Lorenz, who revealed that parts of this film will also be shot in Rovinj, which will "play" Tokyo.

Lorenz apologized in advance that he would have to block traffic for certain scenes being filmed in Zagreb, such as car chases.

"A lot of preparation and safety measures are necessary when shooting action scenes, we have to take care of every detail, not even a dog is allowed to run onto the set because it is too dangerous," he said.

Judging by the permit that the City of Zagreb gave the production company for the use of several of the city's often busy public areas, filming will last until the end of January 2023. Until then, residents of the capital can once again expect occasional road closures and problems with transportation on a number of important city roads.

As of today (Saturday, October the 22nd), there will be a change for the 150 bus like, ZET reported. "From 07:00 until 19:00, that bus line will run along the Tuskanac Garage - Ilirski trg route, due to the filming in Zagreb and the current ban on traffic in Radiceva street". Bus users were asked for their understanding of the change.

You can see the entire list of Zagreb city streets and public areas where the film will be shot until January the 31st, 2023, by clicking here.

The City of Zagreb will receive compensation in the amount of 103,000.00 kuna, or 13,670.45 euros, for the service of assigning filming locations across the city, it was announced.

For more, make sure to keep up with our dedicated news section.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Croatian Cafe Charging Extra for People to Sit by Outdoor Heaters

October the 22nd, 2022 - One Croatian cafe in the City of Zagreb has decided to start charging customers extra to sit by their outdoor heaters on the terrace, citing inflation and energy costs as the reason behind the unusual move.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, one Croatian cafe in Zagreb wants extra if you plan to be sitting and drinking your (probably) coffee outside on the terrace under the outdoor heaters. Coffee by the outdoor heater will cost you 14 kuna, and it will come at a cost of 12 kuna if you don't need warming up as well. In short, every guest in this particular Croatian cafe who wants to sit on the terrace under the outdoor heater must pay an additional two kuna for heating in addition to whatever their bill is for their order.

"I think that heaters are a luxury outside, in winter. We have enough interior space, if someone really wants to be outside in the fresh air, we'll turn the heaters on, but we simply have to pass that part of the cost on to the end user," said Ivan Oreskovic, the owner of this particular cafe. Oreskovic eventually decided on this move because of higher electricity bills, which grew by 200 percent and are now around three times higher than they were before. One kilowatt came at a cost of 55 lipa last year, it costs one kuna and 65 lipa this year.

"People sit outside for 30 minutes on average, so far we've borne that cost. Each heater consumes approximately 2 kilowatts per hour, that would be 2 times 1.6 which is 3.2 kuna - we used to pay one kuna for it. We passed the difference on to the customers, and we keep the main part of the cost to ourselves", explained the owner.

This is the only cafe in the entire country that includes a heater on its price list, at least so far, and people are divided about the idea. Some are ready to pay two kuna extra if they are satisfied with the service and the cafe, but others think that it isn't fair. As things stand, this kind of recipe for cost reduction and survival will be applied by many business owners working in the catering and hospitality sector, writes RTL.

"As for the amounts themselves - whether it's 2, 5 or maybe even 50 kuna, it definitely depends on the decision of the company owner who is responsible for the organisation of the business. I'm equally sure that business owners are definitely also taking into account the amounts that people can actually afford to pay,'' pointed out Ivan Tadic, secretary of the Association of Caters in Zagreb.

While this Croatian cafe has chosen this somewhat controversial model and others will likely follow, for most, charging extra for heating is the last thing on their minds.

For more, make sure to keep up with our dedicated news section.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Exploring Croatian Recipes: Queen of Autumn, the Apple Pie

October 22, 2022 - In this old new series, we shall endeavour to explore one of the best parts of living in Croatia - the food. We're bringing recipes for everyday and special occasion meals and desserts, which may be traditional or more recent but always delicious. It is only fitting to start with the queen of autumn, the ubiquitous apple pie.

If you don't have your apple tree in Croatia, you will probably know someone who does. The old "eat an apple" when you're craving something sweet is almost like a rule of life, and there's plenty of them to keep your doctor away. Much like zimnica, when the time is right, and the apples are ripe, you know your life will revolve around them for a few days. You'll want to ensure that you have stored the good ones, handed out the ones of acceptable quality, and used whatever was edible from the dodgy batch. Then ignore the good ones until it becomes more urgent to use them up. That's where the Croatian version of apple pie comes in.


Of course, there is more than one recipe, depending on where you go and how old the grandmother is. But the one most people will know and love is the Lazy Pie (Lijena Pita). It owes its name to the fact that you can prepare it with just a few ingredients, a simple technique, and in a short amount of time - perfect, right?

For the crust, you will need the following:

 400g of flour (all-purpose)

- 180g of sugar (generic white)

- 180g of lard (traditional Slavonian) or butter (unsalted, store-bought, sad)

- 2 eggs

- 1/2 pack (5g) of baking powder

- a dollop (1tbsp) of sour cream (optional, but the old ladies say it makes all the difference)


- apples (measured with your heart, 7-10 should be plenty)

- sugar (measured according to how sweet your apples are, 1-2 tbsp per apple)

- cinnamon (optional, definitely measured with your heart)

- ground walnuts (optional, but desirable, a sprinkling of)


- icing sugar

How to:

Start by peeling and grating your apples. You will leave them on the side for the juice to drain - for this; you can use a colander, a cheesecloth, or, let's be real, your hands. Drink the juice, and save the apples. 


Next, you will knead your dough for the crust after combining all the ingredients. If you're using butter, we suggest crumbling it with your hands before adding everything else. No such problems if you're using lard, which is another reason it is superior to other fats. Knead into a homogenous ball and divide into two. Roll one out to fit your baking vessel. For the Croatian version, which is usually baked in a rectangular tray, you do not need to cover the sides, but if you want it to be a round pie, that could also work. Transfering your crust into the baking tray might be slightly clumsy since it tends to be soft, but don't worry if it breaks, just patch it up. No one will know.


Once your bottom crust is nice and comfortable in the tray, mix your filling of apples with sugar, cinnamon, and a couple of tablespoons of ground walnuts, whose purpose is to soak up any extra juice and prevent sogginess. Spread evenly on the bottom crust and roll out the other bit of dough to form your top crust. If you're feeling adventurous, you can try cutting out shapes or weaving your top crust, but the most common way is just a sheet in which holes would be poked using a fork. This is done to ensure your pie is free to breathe and let out any extra steam that could accumulate in the middle layer. 


Bake at 180 °C / 356 °F for 30 minutes or until the crust is a fashionable golden brown.

Leave to rest and cool completely before dusting with icing sugar and cutting into squares. Best served on a crisp autumn day, with a cup of coffee and three hours of catching up.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.


Friday, 21 October 2022

Osijek Centre for Missing and Exploited Children Receives Prestigious International Award

October 21, 2022 - The Osijek Centre for Missing and Exploited Children is the winner of the prestigious international award of the "Care About the Children" Foundation of Queen Silvia of Sweden. It thus became the first organisation from Croatia to receive this award, the Centre reported.

As Index writes, and as announced by the Osijek Centre, among more than 130 nominated organisations in Europe that deal with the protection of children from abuse and exploitation, the Expert Court of the Foundation has chosen ten to award the prestigious award to associations whose protection of children's rights is imperative.

The Queen Silvia Foundation in Sweden "Care About the Children" aims to meet the most basic needs of children, based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Osijek Centre points out that the award was presented on October 18, on the European Anti-Trafficking Day, at the Swedish Royal Palace, to prominent organisations for the fight against child trafficking and sexual abuse of children via the Internet.

The award was received from Queen Silvia by the head of the Osijek Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, Tomislav Ramljak, who commended the fact that such a highly positioned institution recognised the work of the Osijek institution, and the award of 10,000 euros, he added, will be an additional incentive for further investments in preventive programs.

Ramljak pointed out that educational institutions, the police, specialised associations, companies, and state bodies must work together to make the Internet a safer place.

"We must do everything in our power so that children feel safe to report any form of violence on the Internet if they experience it. This requires the joint work of the entire society," said Ramljak.

The Osijek Centre for Missing and Exploited Children reminds us that their long-term work resulted in the launch of the National Centre for a Safer Internet and the telephone number 116 000 - the international hotline for missing children in the Republic of Croatia.

Lectures in schools, education for experts, campaigns to raise awareness, and numerous preventive activities are recognised as of great value in the fight to protect children from abuse and exploitation on the Internet; the Osijek Centre points out.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.

Friday, 21 October 2022

Climate Change and Wind Danger - Do not Build Next to Adriatic Sea

October 21, 2022 - At a two-day conference on climate change in Split on Thursday, it was pointed out that nothing should be built right next to the sea because the Adriatic area may be hit by floods that will be a consequence of climate change and a raised mean sea level.

As Poslovni reports, the Split Mediterranean Institute for Life Research (Medils) is hosting a scientific conference on climate change that brought together Croatian and Italian experts who cooperate through the European Interreg project.

"The great length of our coast is a wealth, but we may also be cursed having such a long coast, which could become an expense in the future since there will be no protection for buildings that are built right next to the sea," said Daria Povh Škugor, senior program officer of PAR/RAC centre Split, which is part of the Mediterranean Action Program network as part of the UN Environment Program.

According to her, it is necessary to stop the construction of houses and buildings by the sea because there is no way to protect them from floods from the sea, whose level will rise. Referring to an expert study on flood estimates, she singled out the Bay of Kaštela as the most threatened.

"As for the population, the area of ​​Kaštela Bay and the cities of Kaštela, Solin, Split, and Trogir are the most threatened," said Povh Škugor. She added that this is one of the reasons why the two-day conference on climate change and the risks of flooding from the sea is being held in Split. "According to the latest information, the last time, the average temperature was two degrees higher than it is today, and what we all fear, the sea level was up to five meters higher than now. It is a bell that rings the alarm," warned Povh Škugor.

Dr. Natalija Dunić from the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, which deals with research into the physical conditions of the Adriatic, reported that the average level of the Adriatic Sea has increased by 10 centimeters in the last 30 years and could rise by 70 centimeters by the year 2100.

"When you have a large variety of seas, and when cyclonic disturbances occur and when the jugo (southern wind) blows on the sea, the water will penetrate to the coast - to Diocletian's cellars, on the Riva, in Marmontova Street to the HNK building," said Dunić, emphasising that high time something be done to prevent it.

She also said that by 2100, global mean sea levels are estimated to rise by more than one metre. According to her, expert estimates are that by the year 2600, the average sea level in the world could rise by 15 meters. In this regard, she mentioned predictions about the melting of the ice from Antarctica and that the rise in the level of the world's seas could also threaten the mountains in Europe.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Lifestyle section.

Friday, 21 October 2022

Digital Croatia: E-Consultation Open for Public Input Until 18 October

October 21, 2022 - The strategy of digital Croatia for the period until 2032 is based on timely information and involvement of the general public so that all citizens can participate and give their suggestions, proposals, and comments. The Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society (SDURDD) is in charge of creating the Digital Croatia Strategy until 2032. A Draft on e-Consultation was made with the consulting company Deloitte.

As Poslovni writes, digital transformation is a process that has been going on for some time. In Croatia, more than 1,700,000 citizens use the e-Citizens platform, which sets new standards for communication between citizens and public administration. In terms of digital literacy, which, along with connectivity, is a crucial element for a successful digital transformation, Croatia is above average, especially because young people in Croatia are at the very top of the EU in this category.

"There is no doubt that Croatia has a future, our young people are digitally literate and above average, and this guarantees that everything we're doing today makes sense. All the steps we will take in the next few years will transform Croatia and, through digital transformation, set new standards of communication, business, and learning," states Secretary of State Bernard Gršić.

Areas in which we are below the EU average, such as public services and connectivity, are challenges for which we have a clear plan, not only how to make up for the backlog but also to significantly improve Croatia's position.

"It is this Strategy that provides an answer to the question of "what" and "how," and I use the opportunity to invite all Croatian citizens to get involved to propose initiatives that can speed up and improve the process of digital transformation. This is a process that has no alternative, and its goal is to create assumptions that we can be agile, fast, and productive and, in this way, improve the standard of living of all Croatian citizens", notes Bernard Gršić, head of the Central State Office for the Development of Digital Society.

After the State Secretary, Gordan Kožulj, Director of the Business Consulting Department at Deloitte, addressed the media and pointed out: "With this Strategy, we want to set public policy priorities that stimulate technological development and innovation, the digital competencies of citizens and the increase in the number of experts in information-communication technologies and the application of advanced technologies in public and market activities. We want Croatia to be a country of digitally and economically competitive companies and digitized public administration with personalized public services in 2032."

In conclusion, fostering a participatory model of cooperation in creating the Strategy, more than 100 representatives from 41 organisations, including state institutions, the academic community, and the private sector, have contributed to the content of this Strategy through the Expert Working Group and four sub-groups. Through e-consultation, all other interested citizens can comment on the text of the draft Strategy before its finalisation.

The e-consultation can be found at the link Draft proposal of the Digital Croatia Strategy 2032.

For more, make sure to check out our Lifestyle section.


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