Saturday, 20 August 2022

From Serbia to Liberland, Seaplanes Fly by Croatian Borders Again

August 20, 2022 - Liberland seaplanes, whatever next? As discussions on seaplanes returning to the Croatian Adriatic continue, meanwhile on the Danube...

It is 6 years since the Croatian seaplane operator, European Coastal Airlines, was grounded before filing for bankrupcy. Since then, there have been plenty of announcements and initiatives from interested parties about the return of the seaplane service connecting the Croatian coast and its islands. But so far, nothing concrete.

But a new seaplane service came VERY close to the Croatian border a few days ago, but some distance from the Adriatic - on the Danube. 

The self-proclaimed Free State of Liberland, an unclaimed pocket of 7km2 on the Croatian side of the Danube, was claimed by Czech citizen Vit Jedlicka back in 2015 under the claim of terra nullius. Croatia promptly arrested Jedlicka and interned him overnight and ever since has done all it can to prevent Jedlicka from realising his ambitions.Serbia, on the other hand,  has been a little more hospitable, and the Apatin region across the Danube is reaping some economic benefit as a result, including the construction of the Eco Village, ARK Resort

If you haven't come across the Liberland story before, it is truly nuts, and I highly recommend this video about the first anniversary conference in 2016 (including an appearance of me speaking Croatian). Or you can read my report on TCN - Liberland Conference: Reflections of a Weekend in Alice in LiberWonderLand.

Freedom for Liberland! from David Freid on Vimeo.

As for why there are Liberland seaplanes but not Croatian... 

More information in this translated report from the Tango Six portal:

The first ultra-light hydroplane in Serbia: the amphibious "Legend" as the beginning of a new segment of domestic ultra-light aviation

Last week, the first ulta-light amphibious hydroplane of Czech production, registered in Italy, landed in Serbia. After modification, i.e. installation of floats in the Italian city of Cremona, the ultralight "Legend" (an interesting aircraft that irresistibly resembles a Cessna 172) was delivered to a customer in Serbia. As owner Aleksandar Zubac tells the Tango Six portal, his idea is to further popularize this segment of ultra-light flying.

Milorad Matić, the owner of the Aero East airplane factory, helped Aleksandar (whose record-breaking flight with a Tango Six motor kite he wrote about earlier) in the acquisition of the aircraft and the overflight. Since the aircraft is still under Italian registration and that Matić, in addition to their license, also has authorization to fly this type of aircraft, it was a logical choice for, as he tells our portal, a very interesting first flight:

- We flew from Cremona to Portorož, from there to Belgrade and Zemun Polje. The plane spent the night and had its first water baptism at Lake Pavlovačka. Since there are currently no registered water airports in Serbia, we submitted a flight plan for landing at the "operational site", i.e. a privately owned lake, which was approved. After that, we flew to a specially constructed pontoon near Liberland on the same principle for the recent Floating Man Liberland Summer Festival. - says Matić. As he says, the Legend is an amphibious vehicle with retractable landing gear, and the plan is for the SILA planes to also get floats and to modify three of them starting next spring.

The owner of the aircraft Zubac tells us that after kites, ultra-light aircraft and helicopters, a hydroplane is a logical evolution for him, since he deals with water tourism, which he has combined with aviation:

- To begin with, until I complete retraining, the plane is re-registered, and other regulatory prerequisites are taken care of, it will be based at the May 13 airport near Zemun Polje. The plan is for the aircraft to be based in a complex on the Sava called "Progar Cabin House", with direct access to the river. A hall of one thousand square meters is currently being built there, where Legend will be based. The plane cannot be used for commercial purposes; it will be intended to popularize flying from the water. I am engaged in the construction of facilities mainly on the water, the production of catamarans, and it will be interesting to combine these two types of transport.

I am currently in discussions with Aero East for additional purchases of two forces with floats. - said Zubac for our portal.

Help for the whole endeavor was provided by two veterans of hydro aviation from Italy, Graciano Macolari and Oracio Frigino, who have decades of experience in this interesting segment of general and ultra-light aviation. As Matić says, they are crucial both for the process of retraining and support during modifications with floats, as well as for the transfer of experience from Italy and the European Union when it comes to water operations.

As far as hydroplanes in Serbia are concerned (outside the ultra-light category), there is currently only one aircraft on the YU registration. Cesna 206 YU-DNZ owned by Gas Aviation from Smederevska Palanka. We saw her recently at the air show in Prijedor.

Check out the Legend in action taking off from the water by Liberland - video courtesy of the President of Liberland, Vit Jedlicka.  


What is it like to live in Croatia? An expat for 20 years, you can follow my series, 20 Ways Croatia Changed Me in 20 Years, starting at the beginning - Business and Dalmatia.

Follow Paul Bradbury on LinkedIn.

Croatia, a Survival Kit for Foreigners will be out by Christmas. If you would like to reserve a copy, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject 20 Years Book

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Bjelovar Gets New €3.2m Stadium

ZAGREB, 19 August, 2022 - A new stadium, worth 24 million kuna (€ 3.2 million) has been finished in Bjelovar, the mayor of that city 80 kilometres east of Zagreb, Dario Hrebak, told a news conference on Friday.

Apart from this new stadium, also a stadium in the suburbs of Ždralovi is being renovated and upgraded.

The mayor thanked the Croatian Football Federation (HNS) for the support in the construction of the new stadium.

The first match on this pitch will be played on Saturday between the city's club and the NK Trnje from Zagreb.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Croatia's Safe Place wins Heart of Sarajevo for Best Feature Film

ZAGREB, 20 August, 2022 - The film titled "Safe Place" by Croatian author Juraj Lerotić was declared the best feature film at the award-ceremony of the 28th edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival on Saturday.

This year, the eight movies were screened in the competition programme of feature films.

The film is based on a true story about a family in which the mother and one of the sons are trying to help the other suicidal son.

"Safe Place" was produced by the Pipser company and made in cooperation with Slovenian production company December. It was financially supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC), the Croatian HRT public broadcaster, and the Slovenian Film Centre.

Lerotić, who also plays the main role in that film, won the Heart of Sarajevo for the best actor.

The Heart of Sarajevo for the best actress went to Vicky Krieps for her role in the film "Corsage".

Ukrainian filmmaker Maryina Er Gorbach won the award for the best director for her film "Klondike".

Croatia's film "It's not Cold for Mosquitoes" by Josip Lukić and Klara Šovagović won the Heart of Sarajevo for the Best Student Film.

A total of 235 films were screened during the 12-19 August festival, and 51 of them were shown in competition categories. 

Saturday, 20 August 2022

19 Injured in Tuheljske Toplice Spa Centre Sodium Hypochlorite Accident

ZAGREB, 19 August, 2022 - Sodium hypochlorite, a chlorine compound often used as a disinfectant, which was misplaced by a supplier, was the cause of Friday evening's accident at the Tuheljske Toplice Spa centre where 19 people sustained injuries due to the chemical reaction caused by that substance.

Some quantities of sodium hypochlorite were left in the wrong container by the supplier, and as soon as the chemical reaction started to occur, supplying of this compound ceased, the spa centre's director Vasja Čretnik said.

About 15 users were in the sauna facilities at the time of the start of the chemical reaction, and they were immediately evacuated as they were exposed to the chemical reaction.

Later, the visitors at the swimming pool were evacuated for precaution, although the consequences of the chemical reaction did not reach that part of the spa centre.

On late Friday evening, the spa's director, accompanied by reporters, toured the facilities concerned to reassure them that everything was restored back to normal thanks to the swift response of the relevant services.

"We managed to prevent serious injuries, and 11 people were ambulanced to hospitals. Only one injured person is in the intensive care unit but is not in a serious condition, and another five injured people are also still in hospitals, while the remaining five have already been discharged," said Čretnik.

He said that nothing wrong had happened with the water in the swimming pool, and the chemical reaction had occurred in the containers for chemicals.

He also explained that other guests in the hotel within the Terme Tuhelj premises were served their dinner according to plan in the evening.

The swimming pool at this spa in northwestern Croatia was evacuated at 1810 hrs Friday.

Krapina-Zagorje County Prefect Željko Kolar said after the accident that a total of 19 patients were provided with medical aid, and most of them had respiratory problems.

According to Kolar, 11 patients were ambulanced to the hospital in Zabok, another two to hospitals in Zagreb, and six more visitors arrived at the hospital in Zabok on their own.

The head of the Zabok hospital, Tihomir Vančina, said that none of those patients had been in a life-threatening condition. The "Sveti Duh" hospital in Zagreb confirmed the admission of the two patients from Tuheljske Toplice spa.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

21 People Fined for Illegal Gliding in Sibenik in One Single Day

August the 20th, 2022 - In just one single day, the maritime police fined 21 people, all of whom were different nationalities, and all of whom were caught illegally gliding in Sibenik using speedboats recently.

As Morski writes, three vessels of the maritime police took part in the action, which was carried out from 10:00 to 18:00, and 21 people were sanctioned for gliding along the coast  in their vessels. These were four Croatian citizens, seven German nationals, two from Slovenia, two Italy, two from Hungary and two from the United Kingdom, one from the Czech Republic and one from distant Australia. Of the 21 vessels caught engaging in the violation of gliding in Sibenik, nineteen of them were speedboats, while two were jet skis.

Since the beginning of this year, a total of 179 people have been caught and fined for illegal gliding in Sibenik, ten of them were on jet skis, and rest were using speedboats to commit the unpermitted act. In addition, two of the people caught didn't even have a license to operate a boat, and one person was under the influence of alcohol when caught.

The highest amount of violators were caught and sanctioned during the month of June - as many as 67 of them, in July there were 66 such offences recorded, while 47 have been sanctioned so far in August. Back in May this year, three violations of illegal gliding along the coastline were recorded. The fine for violators stands at 500 kuna if the only offence being committed is illegal gliding and until now, 89,500 kuna has been charged in such fines during 2022.

In addition to citizens of the aforementioned countries caught gliding in Sibenik, perpetrators were also recorded from Poland, Austria, Belgium, Slovakia, Serbia, France, the Netherlands and Mexico.

Police officers of the Maritime Police Station will continue to be present in the entire marine area, in addition to their daily tasks, and in the future they will monitor illegal gliding within 300 metres of the coast, as well as monitoring for other violations at sea.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Rijeka Hospital Dismissals as Expensive Items Found Hidden in Cellar

August the 20th, 2022 - Dismissals have taken place at Rijeka Hospital (KBC Rijeka) following the discovery of expensive items ranging from perfume and jewellery to cancer treatment being hidden in the facility's cellar.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Rijeka Hospital has confirmed the termination of the contracts of three staff members, stating that "they were forced to terminate their contracts due to the protection of patients' interests and the necessity of preventing further material damage to the institution and to the state budget". Unofficially, it has been circulating that the value of the drugs which had been hidden and stored is in the millions.

The former president of the Clinic, a former head nurse and a nurse from the departmental pharmacy all allegedly received extraordinary dismissals.

Regarding the above, the appropriate reports were submitted to the competent judicial authorities. That is why at this moment in time, the directorate of Rijeka Hospital explained, they're unable to provide additional information.

Unofficially, it has been circulating that a large quantity of expired cytostatics was found not in the ward pharmacy, but in the cellar warehouse of the Clinic. According to the rules, these drugs, some of which are very expensive and are procured specifically for an individual patient, would have to be returned to the hospital pharmacy and properly stored if not used. Where did such quantities of drugs, the value of which is still being assessed, come from in the cellar? Whether they were being given to patients or simply hidden away down there is not yet known. However, the hospital has stated that this is completely illegal.

According to Rijeka Hospital, the treatment and lives of the patients were not endangered by these very serious violations of obligations of the employment relationship.

Material damage

Inadequately stored and hidden medicines undoubtedly point to the negligent doing of business and severe material damage. Rijeka Hospital's directorate has stated that "During the internal procedures undertaken to properly determine the condition, the directorate prepared a proposal for one nurse, due to her age, to be transferred to an easier position (in which she will not be responsible for medicines and consumables). That employee cancelled the agreed meeting with the administration right before the start. We had no knowledge of the employee's serious illness," they said from the directorate.

According to Rijeka Hospital, the work of the Radiotherapy and Oncology Clinic is going smoothly.

Expensive drinks, jewellery, art...

Novi list has reported that hospital circles have learned that, among other things, 74 bottles of expensive alcoholic beverages have been found on the official premises of the Clinic for Radiotherapy and Oncology, the introduction of which is prohibited by the regulations of Rujeka Hospital from 2019. The drinks being there represents a serious violation of employee obligations, and other items that must not be stored in the Clinic premises, such as pieces of gold jewellery, art, and more than 150 used gift bags, were also allegedly dscovered.

It is estimated that the material damage amounts to more than one million euros in total, encompassing expensive medicines, othe types of medical equipment and materials that were improperly stored, i.e. hidden in the clinic's cellar in special locked rooms to which three female employees only had access. It had been very strictly ordered that no one apart from them may enter those hospital premises.

Extraordinary dismissals

As a rule, the extraordinary termination of an employment contract is done due to properly established serious violations of employment duties and comes into force on the day of delivery of the decision. In this case, workers don't have the right to a notice period and severance pay, all their work rights cease and they don't have the right to unemployment benefits.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Marjan Public Bike System Soon to be Reality for Cycling Lovers

August the 20th, 2022 - A brand new Marjan public bike system is soon set to take to the ''Green lungs of Split'' as getting around on two wheels as a more environmentally friendly and healthy way of getting from point A to point B continues being promoted.

As Morski writes, as part of the wider "Choose a Bike/Biraj biciklu" project, the City of Split has started preparatory work for the installation of a terminal in the area of ​​the Marjan Forest Park. Marjan public bike terminals will be installed at five different locations on Marjan in the following areas: Spinutska vrata, Bene, Kasjuni, ZOO vrt and on the Prva vidilica plateau.

Just a few days ago, the installation of the public bicycle system at the Spinut Gate began. This is the first of five Marjan public bike system locations where bikes will be made fully available at the Marjan Forest Park. It is otherwise the first and largest such system in Croatia and the entire immediate region. Bikes within this public system are available to users throughout the day, and can be rented via a terminal, mobile application (app) or by using a smart card (pametna kartica).

In addition to the City of Split, the public bicycle system is expanding across Central Dalmatia, more precisely spanning the areas of ​​Trogir, Kastela, Solin, Podstrana, Klis, Dugopolje and Dicmo with a total of 41 new terminals and 242 bicycles for public use.

The great value of the praiseworthy "Choose a bicycle/Braj biciklu" project is that a study of the potential of the development of proper and safe bike paths/roads will be prepared, as will a basic document for the development of an integrated system of bicycle paths in the area of ​​the agglomeration itself.

The total value of the entire project stands at an enormous 13,609,435.83 kuna. The project was co-financed by the European Union (EU) from the Cohesion Fund with 10,893,396.68 kuna as part of the ITU Call "Urban Mobility - The Development of the Public Bicycle System in the Split Urban Agglomeration".

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Big Brother is Watching: 1700 Cameras Placed Along Croatian Roads

August the 20th, 2022 - There have been 1700 brand new cameras placed along Croatian roads, and with numerous traffic accidents occurring every year, with that number heightened during the main summer tourist season, it's worth knowing about the systems put in place along Croatian roads.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, each and every tourist season, especially during its very peak, traffic accidents occur up and down the country on Croatian roads. This isn't remotely surprising given the intensity of the traffic at that time of year, it also shouldn't come as much of a shock because of the level of fatigue and the loss of concentration of drivers who sometimes sit behind the wheel without a break for much longer than they would otherwise. Accidents often occur because drivers put everything else aside, such as rest, in order to reach their destination as soon as possible. In such unfortunate cases, instead of enjoying the summer break, they often experience a tragedy on the road.

That's why it's good to know a little more about highway traffic camera systems that help respond to crisis situations along Croatian roads. Croatian Motorways (HAC) have now initiated the implementation of a new traffic information system on their roads, as part of which more than 1,700 digital cameras will be installed for a brand new video surveillance and video detection system, writes HAK

"As part of this wider project, analog cameras will be replaced by new digital and more technologically advanced ones. The new cameras will be able to detect potentially dangerous situations quickly and more safely, such as instances of people driving in the opposite direction, a car which had stopped, pedestrians on the road, and owing to that, there will be a faster reaction involved informing other road users about the event, the location, and the current road conditions.

Automatic incident detection (AID) alert the employees at the Traffic Monitoring and Safety Centres (CNUP), located along the entire highway network, straight away. AID triggers an audible alarm in the event of an incident, automatically shows the location of the incident to the operator and records everything. In addition to the incidents already mentioned, AID warns of traffic congestion, slow vehicles and any loss of visibility. An alarm sounds in the tunnel when a loss of camera visibility due to the appearance of smoke due to a fire is detected," Croatian Motorways explained.

As stated by Croatian Motoeways, the new Crocodile 2 Croatia (Cro 2 Cro) traffic control and management system is part of the wider Crocodile project, which was launched at the European Union level. The introduction of this system will ensure the coordinated management and the proper control of traffic and see Croatia become part of the integrated ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) on European Union road routes.

What's the procedure from the moment the cameras record a crisis situation to its resolution?

"In the case of an extraordinary event, the operators at CNUP initiate the notification procedure in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure and call the emergency services (112, and if necessary, the police, emergency medical assistance, the fire department, the patrol service, the water authority inspectors, and hunting authorities). Upon the alarm being sounded because of an extraordinary event, and in accordance with its classification, an algorithm and scenario are automatically launched, which sets adequate traffic signals on light-changing signs in order to inform other road users who might encounter the event in a timely manner about it, telling them to adjust the speed of their vehicle. The public is then also informed about the state and conditions on the road through HAK and HAC's websites,'' they stated from Croatian Motorways.

Then, upon arrival at the scene of the event, the same is ensured by the patrol service with adequate temporary regulation of traffic, until the extraordinary event is declared over.

"In the case of the need to remove the vehicle, a contractual contractor will be called to come to the scene in question and take the vehicle away. In the event of the need to close a section of the nighway, a corresponding protocol will be initiated and mutual communication is carried out between the managers of public Croatian roads in order to activate the appropriate traffic boards to guide detour traffic as soon as possible and allow the same traffic to flow," they noted.

When asked how much time passes on average from the event being recorded by the cameras to the reaction of the appropriate emergency services and their arrival at the scene, they stated from HAC that upon receiving the sounded alarm, the emergency and operational services are called without delay and they arrive at the scene very quickly.

For more on driving in Croatia, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Friday, 19 August 2022

The Story of Drava - Dravska Priča Visitor Centre Gaining Popularity

August 19, 2022 - Croatia's natural heritage is vast, and you will find something to soothe your soul on every step. From the Adriatic Sea in the west, to the Danube in the east, don't miss what is in between. Drava is the second longest river in Croatia. Witness its beauty and discover the Dravska Priča Visitor Centre where you can learn some of its many secrets.

As Glas Slavonije writes, the visitor centre of the Public Institution for the Management of Protected Areas of Nature and the Ecological Network of the Virovitica-Podravina County, Dravska Priča in Noskovci, has become one of the most attractive visitor destinations in Slavonia in recent years.


Photos: Dravska Priča

This Sunday, members of the Gudovac Women's Association visited the centre. In addition to seeing all the contents of the Visitor Centre, the visit was also an opportunity to agree on further cooperation in the implementation of the activities planned by the association. During the previous two months in Noskovci, the visitors included the employees and users of the Borova Care Home, the teachers of Antun Gustav Matoš Elementary School from Čačinci, the students and their teachers from the elementary schools Petar Preradović in Pitomača, Matija Petar Katančić from Valpovo, Ivana Brlić - Mažuranić from Virovitica, August Cesarec from Špišić Bukovica and primary schools Suhopolje and Ferdinandovac. With the expert guidance of the employees of the Institution, all visitors were presented with the contents of the Dravska Priča Visitor Centre.

As part of the study trip "Teci Dravo, teci...", organized by the Tourist Board of VPŽ and the Tourist Board of Dravski Peski from Kloštar Podravski, a group of journalists and bloggers from Croatia also visited Dravska Priča in Noskovci. Field teaching was also held there for students of the 1st year of the undergraduate studies of Hunting and Nature Protection of the Polytechnic in Karlovac, who got to know the ecosystem of floodplain and lowland forests along the Drava River through part of the program from the courses General Ecology and Zooecology, Applied Zoology, Geobotany, and Forestry. In addition, students investigated the presence of medium-sized and large mammals (otter, beaver, jackal, badger, fox, wild boar, deer...), the biology and ecology of bats, the ecology of grasslands, the presence of birds, etc. All this points to the different possibilities of the Centre, which also offers accommodation. Visitors can also prepare their own food, or have catering arranged.

In the first six months of 2022, the centre had 351 overnight stays, a total of 1,633 visitors, and approximately 500 more people participated in various activities, either as public institutions or as partners in various projects.


Given that many educational institutions, as well as other nature lovers and conservationists, have recognized the significance of Dravska Priča and its role in preserving the natural values ​​of the area, GS asked the director of the public institution, Tatjana Arnold Sabo, what Dravska Priča offers and why the destination should definitely be visited.

“The Dravska Priča visitor centre offers a different view of nature, understanding nature, and simply experiencing nature. The contents of the Visitor Centre and its thematic decoration have been adapted for this. Each room has its own little story of our complete story, nature is not presented to visitors in a classic, museum way, looking at thigns and having someone talk about them. There are also different sounds, the possibility of smelling, interactive participation, discovering what our multimedia display offers. There is also the scientific aspect where visitors, especially those who stay with us for several days, after collecting samples in nature have the opportunity to analyse them in our bioresearch station. In addition, we have had a recovery facility for storks in the park of the centre for six years, and since last autumn we have had aviaries for birds of prey and a shelter for invasive species of red-eared turtles, and a month ago we got hawksbill turtles, which have also become our residents”.

Director Arnold Sabo says that the Dravska Priča Visitor Centre is currently implementing six different projects, while in the recent past there were periods when twice as many would be implemented at the same time. “But we are also preparing new projects”, says the director.

How good is your knowledge of eastern Croatia? Take the CROMADS test above - how many places do you recognise?

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated Travel section.

Friday, 19 August 2022

US Cyber Operators, SOA Conduct Operation against Malicious Actors

ZAGREB, 18 August, 2022 - Elite experts of the U.S. Cyber Command have conducted a joint operation with Croatia's Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA) against malicious cyber activity on vital Croatian networks, SOA said on Thursday.

"This kind of partnership in cybersecurity is essential in today’s world as it expands our reach and capabilities," SOA director Daniel Markić said, according to a press release.

"International partnerships we built are crucial for preventing numerous state-sponsored cyber-attacks and attacks endangering our national security. The more complex the cyber security challenges become, the more comprehensive our response must be," he added.

A team made up of U.S. military and civilian personnel worked side-by-side with SOA's Cyber Security Centre experts, hunting on the prioritized networks of national significance and looking for malicious cyber activity and vulnerabilities.

"For the first time in U.S. Cyber Command history, a team of elite defensive cyber operators deployed to Croatia to hunt for malicious cyber activity on partner networks," the U.S. Cyber Command said on its website.

Its Cyber National Mission Force (NCMF) routinely conducts "hunt forward operations" globally with the purpose of learning adversary activities for homeland defense and enabling partner nations' collective cybersecurity, SOA said.

Until 20 August, the United States has conducted 31 hunt forward operations in 17 countries on over 50 foreign networks.

"For us, it isn’t just about hunting on our partner’s networks for similar threats to our networks and then bringing that back home to defend our Nation's networks," said the U.S. hunt forward team leader, whose name cannot be used for operational security reasons, per SOA's press release.

"It was also about the personal relationships we built and the partnership we can grow. I was personally impressed with the level of organization, visibility, and proactivity of the SOA Cyber Security Centre, as we sat side-by-side hunting for bad actors," he added.

U.S. Army Maj. Gen. William J. Hartman, commander of the CNMF, said the "best defensive operators" deployed to Croatia. "We want to bring both expertise and talent to our partner nations while seeing cyber adversaries who may be threatening our Nation," he added.
