Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Croatia Logs 812 New Coronavirus Cases, 7 Deaths

ZAGREB, 5 July 2022 - In the last 24 hours, 812 coronavirus cases, out of 3,323 tests, and seven related deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national COVID-19 crisis management team said on Tuesday.

There are 5,690 active cases, including 310 hospitalised patients, 11 of whom are on ventilators, while 2,673 persons are self-isolating.

To date, Croatia has registered 1,152,335 coronavirus cases, the death toll is 16,089, and 70.82% of the adult population has been vaccinated.

For everything you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, bookmark our dedicated section and select your preferred language if it isn't English.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

European Parliament Supports Croatia's Accession to Eurozone

ZAGREB, 5 July 2022 - The European Parliament supported Croatia's accession to the euro area by a vast majority of votes on Tuesday.

With 539 votes in favour from 632 MEPs in attendance, the European Parliament adopted the report on the introduction of the euro as legal tender in Croatia as of 1 January 2023, saying that Croatia met all the criteria for accession to the euro area.

Forty-eight MEPs abstained form the vote and 45 voted against, mostly those from right-wing political groups who criticised Croatia's euro-area membership bid during discussion at a plenary session of Parliament on Monday.

Before an EU member state joins the euro area, the European Parliament gives its opinion on the recommendation from the European Commission. The last step is the adoption of the proposal at a meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council on 12 July. The European Council has already endorsed Croatia's euro area entry.

By adopting the euro, Croatia will join the Eurosystem, which comprises the European Central Bank and the central banks of the euro-area member states. The Croatian National Bank governor will sit on the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.

The Croatian finance minister will participate in Eurogroup meetings and the prime minister will attend euro-area summits. Croatia will also automatically become a member of the banking union, a bank supervision and resolution system.

The report by European Parliament rapporteur Siegfried Muresan of the European People's Party (EPP), which was adopted on Tuesday, says that "Croatia fulfils all the criteria for adopting the euro as a result of ambitious, determined, credible and sustainable efforts by the Croatian government and the Croatian people."

The report notes that Croatia’s accession to the euro area is the first significant EU integration process after Brexit and that it should enhance the positive image of the European Union in the Western Balkans region.

"Notwithstanding the difficult socio-economic situation generated by the health crisis and the most recent increase in energy prices, Croatia's adoption of the euro and the fulfilment of the necessary criteria represent a strong political signal of the viability and attractiveness of the single currency of the Union," the report says.

Adoption of the euro will strengthen Croatia's economy and benefit its people and companies, as it will make the country's economy more resilient, attract more foreign investment, increase the confidence of international investors and cut down currency exchanges, that will have a relevant effect in the country's vital tourism sector, the European Parliament predicts.

The Croatian government was called upon to ensure that the introduction of the euro does not lead to artificial price increases.

"Croatia joining the euro area represents a strong political signal of the viability and attractiveness of the single currency of the Union. Twenty years after the introduction of the first banknotes, the euro is a symbol of European strength and unity. Thanks to its great commitment in its efforts to meet the conditions for adopting the euro, Croatia is now ready to join the euro area on 1st January 2023, less than a decade after joining the EU. The euro area as a whole will then welcome its twentieth member," the European Parliament said in an explanation of its favourable assessment of Croatia's readiness to adopt the euro.

For more, check out our politics section.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

FM: Croatia Ready to Assist Ukraine in Post-War Recovery and Reconstruction

ZAGREB, 5 July 2022 - Croatia is ready to provide Ukraine with support for post-war recovery and reconstruction, and has so far sent emergency humanitarian and technical aid worth €7.3 million and received more than 20,000 refugees, Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman said on Tuesday.

Grlić Radman participated on Monday and Tuesday in the International Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano, organised by Swiss President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ignazio Cassis and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in order to start the process and agree on a plan for the reconstruction of that country as well as its recovery and development, the ministry said in a press release.

"As a country that experienced war on its own territory in the recent past, Croatia has a unique experience in post-war transition and peaceful reintegration. We are ready to provide support for the post-war recovery and reconstruction of the independent, sovereign and democratic Ukraine, which is a priority country for Croatia in terms of development cooperation," Grlić Radman said addressing the conference.

He added that in response to the current crisis in Ukraine, Croatia has sent emergency humanitarian and technical aid worth €7.3 million and received more than 20,000 refugees, who have been provided with adequate education, access to the labour market and social welfare services.

He underscored that Croatia and Ukraine are already cooperating closely in areas such as demining, care for war veterans, protection of displaced persons, reconciliation and building trust.

He in particular underlined that Croatia is ready for stronger engagement in demining, given the fact that Croatia has experience in demining which is highly applicable in Ukraine. He further stressed that the protection of cultural heritage is also an area in which Croatia can provide support.

In his speech, the minister said that Russia's aggression against Ukraine showed a complete disregard for the principles and beliefs of the international community, on the basis of which decades of peace, cooperation and progress were achieved.

"There is no place for a neutral attitude towards this brutal violation of international law, especially international humanitarian law. Together with our transatlantic and European partners, we are focused on a concerted multilateral response."

Grlić Radman met on the margins with the manager of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Achim Steiner and his Danish counterpart Jeppe Kofod, and during his stay in Switzerland Grlić Radman will also meet with representatives of the Croatian community, the ministry said.

For more, check out our politics section.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

TripAdvisor Lists Plitvice Lakes National Park Among Top Attractions

ZAGREB, 5 July 2022 - American travel website TripAdvisor has listed Croatia's Plitvice Lakes National Park among top attractions and top destinations for nature lovers.

Plitvice Lakes National Park has been recognized by Tripadvisor as 2022 Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best Award winner for Top Attractions – Croatia, Europe, ranking second out of 10 and for Top Destinations for Outdoor Enthusiasts — World, ranking 22 out of 25, the national park's management said in a statement.

With these awards, Plitvice Lakes National Park has been included among the 1% of best sites to visit worldwide.

"In a year of heavy competition and changing traveler priorities, Plitvice Lakes National Park exceeded expectations and has been lauded as one of their favorites. Based on a full year of Tripadvisor reviews, the Travelers’ Choice Awards honor the best in travel, recognizing the places that delivered the most exceptional experiences," the statement said.

"Congratulations to the 2022 Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Best of the Best Winners," said Kanika Soni, Chief Commercial Officer at Tripadvisor. "The Travelers’ Choice Awards recognize the best in tourism and hospitality, according to those who matter most: your guests. Ranking among the Best of the Best is always tough — but never more so than this year as we emerge from the pandemic. Whether it’s using new technology, implementing safety measures, or hiring outstanding staff, I’m impressed by the steps you’ve taken to meet travelers’ new demands. You’ve adapted brilliantly in the face of adversity."

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Women's Independence Day Protest Rally Held in Zagreb

ZAGREB, 5 July 2022 - The Solidarna Foundation, the Parents in Action (RODA) association, and the Centre for Education, Counselling and Research (CESI) organized a protest rally in Zagreb on Monday evening to demonstrate their opposition to attempts to deny women their rights.

The protest was held out of solidarity with women in the United States, where the Supreme Court has abolished the constitutional protection of the right to pregnancy termination, devolving the issue to federal states, the organizers said.

"This is our common struggle. Whenever there is a regression of women's rights in one country, it spills over to other countries. It is our duty to stand in solidarity and resist the forces seeking to deny women their rights," said Sanja Cesar of the CESI.

 Although constitutional experts say that there cannot be a total ban on abortion in Croatia, Cesar noted that Croatian women still cannot rest easy on this issue, despite the law which she described as liberal.

"For thirty years we have witnessed information being withheld, manipulation, a large number of gynecologists invoking conscientious objection, the cost of an abortion reaching a monthly salary. We can see the highest authorities and the Catholic Church colluding in exerting pressure on women," Cesar said.

The protest rally was held on US Independence Day and was called Women's Independence Day.

For more, check out our politics section.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

City Confirms: Everything Ready for 8th Ultra Europe Festival in Split

July 5, 2022 - The City of Split has confirmed that everything is ready for the 8th Ultra Europe festival, held at Park Mladeži this weekend from July 8 to 10. 

On Tuesday, the Split City Administration held a coordination meeting about the upcoming ULTRA Europe festival, which was attended by representatives of the organizers, city services and utility companies, emergency services, and other institutions necessary for the successful organization of the event this weekend at Park Mladeži (Youth Park). The festival thus returns after a two-year break caused by the pandemic, reports Dalmatinski Portal.

All segments of the organization are covered, and the emergency services are ready and at the highest level of readiness. Communal and traffic police will have extended working hours and will work in coordination with the police. In agreement with the organizer, the Split Tourist Board implements the Respect & Enjoy campaign aimed at the participants of the Festival to maintain public order and peace. In addition to the orderliness of public areas, Čistoća is also focused on waste recycling, so a complete disposal infrastructure will be installed in the festival area, and the director of the city company promised that by 8 am, everything will be clean and recycled. 

County Center 112 has provided translators for communication with festival visitors in six world languages.

Promet Split will work at total capacity, both technical and human, from Thursday to Monday. Parks and plantations have also completed all preparatory work and will intensify the cleaning of green areas. The organizer made a schedule of chemical toilets in a ring around the stadium, in agreement with the representatives of the neighboring city districts. Inspectors from the State Inspectorate, Customs, and Tax Administration announced increased surveillance during the festival. It should also be noted that the City will not extend the working hours of catering establishments during the festival this year, since they can work up to 2 am on weekends.

Joe Bašić, the owner of the company MPG Live and organizer of the ULTRA Europe festival, pointed out that organizationally everything will be ready even before the official start of the festival and announced a higher quality of production, better access to guests, and higher attendance of the festival held in Split so far. The organizer will pay special attention to the tenants of the neighboring buildings he will meet tonight. The Commissioner of the Government for the affairs of the Split mayor, Mirna Veža, expressed her satisfaction with what was done, thanked everyone for their seriousness in the preparations, called on the citizens to be hospitable and patient, and for everyone to have maximum engagement during the ULTRA Europe festival, noting that all events during this manifestation have implications for the image of Split.

For more, check out our lifestyle section

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

AmCham Proposes Further Tax Relief in Croatia

July the 5th, 2022 - The American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia (AmCham) organised a business breakfast called "Tax Policies during Challenging Times".

AmCham has been working for years and is actively involved in recommendations for the reform of the tax system. Through five rounds of tax changes, AmCham actively participated with proposals, a significant part of which was accepted.

At the event, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Zdravko Maric referred to the role of tax policies in contemporary economic events, the effects of the previous 5 rounds of tax reform and the Government's plans for further tax relief.

"After we implemented significant tax changes, the goal of which was to simplify the tax system and relieve both companies and citizens, we're now in the final phase of the process of introducing the euro in Croatia, so Croatia will, after a number of years, have numerous implemented measures and fulfilled obligations. On January the 1st, 2023, the country will become the twentieth member state in which the euro will be the official currency.

Conducting a responsible fiscal policy allowed us to start this entire process in the first place, and its finalisation, along with the further control of expenditures, the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which also includes numerous reforms of the public sector, efforts aimed at creating a positive business environment and, ultimately, an internationally competitive economy will make Croatia even more desirable for work, life and new business ventures," said Minister Maric.

Despite significant progress related to the tax relief of labour, in the Business Climate Survey presented by AmCham at the beginning of 2022, labour taxation is still among the three limiting factors of doing business in Croatia. Therefore, AmCham believes that there is still room for further tax relief for labour in order to make it more competitive compared to other countries in Central and Eastern Europe and aimed at retaining the workforce in Croatia.

This year, the American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia also published "Recommendations for the reform of the tax system in 2022", which was also presented at the event. The opinion proposes a series of recommendations for further tax relief aimed at even stronger investment attraction and the greater competitiveness of Croatian employers in attracting and retaining the domestic workforce.

AmCham proposes three key measures:

- An increase of non-taxable personal deduction to 4,900 kuna (650 euros);

- The reduction of the tax rate from 20% down to 10% for income tax and the tax rate from 30% down to 25%;

- The application of the maximum monthly and maximum annual base when calculating health insurance contributions

The aforementioned measures would ensure that with the same cost to employers, employees receive higher net incomes, which increases their economic power and consumption capacity, which increases the standard of living, and which indirectly has a positive impact on economic growth in Croatia.

In addition to three key measures, AmCham advocates the implementation of option plans in limited liability companies ('d.o.o.').

AmCham's proposal is an amendment to the Law on Income Tax, in which it would be prescribed that, in addition to the allocation or purchase of own shares, the allocation and acquisition of shares in a limited liability company would be considered income from capital. If the legal framework were to be adjusted in this sense, it would help the development of small and medium-sized companies, as well as start-ups in Croatia.

AmCham also proposes a non-taxable allowance for working from home of 360 kuna (50 euros) per month, as well as an increase in monetary benefits and awards, such as an increase in the non-taxable amount of compensation for the use of a private car for official purposes, per diems for business trips both within the country and abroad, occasional awards, a flat-rate allowance for a meal in money, a gift in kind, a gift for a child, benefits in case of death, etc.

AmCham's "Recommendations for the reform of the tax system in 2022" were presented by Hrvoje Jelic, partner, PwC Croatia (Tax authorities as partners of the business community), Paul Suchar, partner and Petra Megla, director, KPMG Croatia (How to retain and reward employees) and Kresimir Lipovscak, partner, Crowe Croatia (Added value for employees).

The presentation of AmCham's Recommendations was followed by a panel discussion attended by Bozidar Kutlesa, director of the Tax Administration; Josip Funda, Chief Economist, World Bank; Stanko Krslovic, member of the Management Board, Philip Morris Zagreb and Bojan Poljicak, director, Adcubum.

"In the short term, it's difficult to expect any additional tax relief, especially if we take into account the growing uncertainty surrounding economic developments towards the end of the year. In the medium term, however, we should go in the direction of more uniform taxation of income from different sources, the reduction of the tax burden on labour, especially higher incomes, and the stronger tax stimulation of investment in research and in the development and innovation of companies," concluded Josip Funda, Chief Economist, World Bank.

For more, check out our politics and business sections.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

Europa Bridge: Famous Croatian Journalist Suggests Name for Pelješac Bridge

July 5, 2022 - Retired HRT journalist Branka Šeparović believes that the Pelješac Bridge should be named 'Europa Bridge'. Here's why.

Retired HRT journalist Branka Šeparović once connected the mainland with the Pelješac peninsula with a convoy of boats and thus sent a message to the authorities in Zagreb and Brussels that it was high time to unite the 'split' Croatia and the European Union. Šeparović's ideas shook the structures, and the idea was finally initiated with joint money from the EU coffers, reports Slobodna Dalmacija

Branka Šeparović warned for a long time on behalf of the association 'Pelješki Most' that Croatia is the only country in the world whose land territory is split in two and that constructing a bridge is of strategic interest to Croatia but also to the EU because Croatia will through further integrations become part of the Schengen area.

Branka Šeparović now points to another problem. According to her, 'Most Pelješac' is a complete misnomer that does not carry any message. On the contrary, it is a project of exceptional importance for the local population, Croatia, and the continent.

"Pelješac is not even a toponym in that sense; it is just an ordinary board placed until the right name is found. Technically and bureaucratically, 'Hrvatske ceste' has all business contracts and technical documentation under the name 'Most kopno - Pelješac.' Therefore, the location of the construction is indicated, and not the name of the bridge, which was chosen for some reason. The name of the bridge, which belongs to public projects, is not given by the state companies that participated in its realization, such as 'Hrvatske ceste', but by the Government of the Republic of Croatia," says Šeparović, who believes that such an important project for the entire European Union, all the more so because next year Croatia will undoubtedly become part of the Schengen area, to which the construction of this essential infrastructural facility contributed in the first place, must undoubtedly be seen in the name of the bridge.

"That's why my suggestion is to name the bridge 'Europa.' It is a land raised from the sea and a union of differences in mutual harmony, understanding, and acceptance. Europe, with two percent of the world's population and 11 percent of the planet's territory, welcomes and transmits the further reaches of human genius with wide-open doors," explains Šeparović, who disagrees with the name Most Pelješac, which, she points out, is not even grammatically correct.

"'Pelješki most' is logical and correct, but everything points to the fact that the 'Europa' bridge has no alternative. Europe is the wider homeland of the Croatian genius Faust Vrančić, who, from the end of the fifteenth to the sixteenth century, gave it, among other inventions, the suspension bridge. All the bridges that have been built so far, including this European bridge in Croatia, remember their constructor that way, as well as the one that should be called Europa because it is placed in the five most strategically important points on our continent," claims Branka Šeparović.

The European Union has already paid respect to this colossal project, so it is time to reciprocate, added Šeparović.

"All paper bills have a picture of a bridge on their back as a symbol of connection. Europe means freedom, justice, and peace. This was written back in 1949 in Pax Europa. There is no alternative for Croatia in this sense. The great European visionaries Alcide de Gaspari, Conrad Adenauer, and Robert Schuman are quite clear: Europe is an alliance in which no one loses, and every part of it, in this unity of diversity - gains. That is why the most beautiful Croatian bridge deserves to be named 'Europa,'" Šeparović is convinced, and once again warned that the current name is technical and that a mature decision must be made as soon as possible. In her opinion, the bridge's name after the Old Continent - has no alternative.

She adds that Croats will travel to the world through that bridge, and Europeans will arrive here in large numbers and continue further south, which will be the case already this summer.

For more, check out our lifestyle section.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

A Short Guide to Independent and Art Cinemas in Croatia

July 5, 2022 - Summer is the time for major commercial movie releases, and you can see them at any mall in the country during your vacation. But if classic cinema or independent cinema (local and international), are your thing, you should check out these art cinemas in Croatia and their summer programs.

"The bad thing about cinemas in Croatia is that the movies have no subtitles," is frequently heard. Half true, half false. If they are local films, they will be shown in Croatian and without subtitles. If they are international films, they will be screened in their original language and with Croatian subtitles. For many, this can be demotivating, but as the director of movies like 'Parasite', 'Memories of Murder' or 'The Host', the great Bong Joon Ho once said: ''Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films''. Yes, it is true that if you don't speak or understand Croatian it will be very difficult for you to follow scene after scene of a local film. I say this from first-hand experience.

But all this is assuming that I am talking about big movie theater chains like Cinestar or Cineplexx. These cinemas have programming similar to the rest of the world, with the main Hollywood premieres, animated films, and the occasional independent film. However, there is a magical world waiting to be discovered in independent cinemas and art cinemas in Croatia. These cinemas not only serve occasionally as venues for important festivals or talks, but also have monthly programs rich in independent cinema and classic films. It may be that while you are in Croatia, one of these cinemas is screening a film in your language or even from your own country. If those stars do align, you should seriously consider living this experience!

Zlatna Vrata, Split

If there's one thing you really should brag about to your friends, it's that you saw a movie inside a 1,700-year-old Roman palace. Located at the north entrance of the palace, better known as the ''Golden Gate'', this small cinema bears the same name but in Croatian, ''Zlatna vrata''. If you walk down Dioklecijanova Street inside the Palace, it is very likely that you will come across its programming, posted on the same street. In June alone they had an excellent mix of films, such as a tribute to both Italian director Federico Fellini and French actress Isabelle Huppert, as well as an in memoriam to the late Greek composer Vangelis, and films belonging to the 15th Mediterranean Film Festival Split. 

Some of the films that the Kinoteka Zlatna Vrata will screen this week are the following:

- Tuesday 5, 20:00 ''Nowhere Special'', 2020. Uberto Pasolini, 96 min. UK/IT/RU

- Wednesday 6, 20:00 ''Parallel Mothers'' (Madres Paralelas), 2021. Pedro Almodovar, 123 min. ES/FR

- Thursday 7, 20:00 ''Never Rarely Sometimes'', 2020. Eliza Hittman, 101 min. US

- Friday 8, 20:00 ''House of Gucci'', 2021. Ridley Scott, 157 min. CA/US

- Saturday 9, 20:00 ''Goodfellas'', 1990. Martin Scorsese, 146 min. US


Image: Mediterranean Film Festival Split/Facebook

Art Kino, Rijeka

Art Kino literally translates to Art Cinema, and the one in Rijeka is one of the most recognized and respected in the whole country. Much loved by the local population, both young and old, Rijeka's Art Kino makes superhuman efforts to create weekly and monthly programs that, in addition to including workshops and talks, seek to promote films from all over the world and also from young filmmakers, with the objective of bringing its inhabitants closer to the seventh art. The Art Kino, in addition to constantly showing films, is also the venue for renowned festivals such as the History Film Festival, as well as the Students International Film Festival. Click here to see this week's program. 


Kino Tuškanac, Zagreb

It is difficult to choose just one cinema in the Croatian capital where people of all ages come together to enjoy the best of national and international cinema, even in its most unconventional forms. However, the Kino Tuškanac has positioned itself as one of the most important not only in Zagreb but throughout the country. And its importance is not only proven in its program, but in the events that take place there. Festivals such as ZagrebDox, Croatian Film Days, or the Zagreb Film Festival itself screen many films from their official program at Kino Tuškanac. Many young film students have also had the privilege of premiering their short films in this cinema, and I think this represents very well the value of this cinema in promoting emerging talent. Currently, Kino Tuškanac is screening films by the great Alfred Hitchcock as part of a special summer program. Click here to learn more about this week's program.


Image: Kino Tuškanac/Facebook

Kino Zona, Zadar

Dalmatia has little or nothing to envy the film industry in the north and center of the country, and this is evident in its growing festivals and art cinemas. One in particular that deserves a lot of attention is the Kino Zona in Zadar, which has movie programs throughout the year and special summer programs. Not only does it seek to popularize recent domestic and international feature films with proven success at festivals, but it also seeks to generate a retrospective culture with classic and acclaimed films. Also, in the Kino Zona in Zadar, you can find meetings with filmmakers, roundtables, talks, and workshops that will allow you to get closer to the wonderful world of cinema. Click here to see this week's program. 


Image: Kino Zona Zadar/Facebook

Kino Urania, Osijek

When we speak of the Kino Urania in Osijek we speak of a true institution in the country and worthy of reverence. The Kino Urania first screened a film in 1912 and has been a major landmark in eastern Croatia ever since. Although today its program also includes commercial premieres and blockbuster films, Kino Urania has always assumed an important role when it comes to the promotion of independent domestic films. There is no better feeling than sitting watching a movie in one of the oldest cinemas in Croatia. Take a look at this week's prorgram here.


Image: Croatian Audiovisual Center

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Tuesday, 5 July 2022

32nd Plava Laguna Croatia Open Umag Brings Best of Tennis to Istria in July

July 5, 2022 - The 32nd Plava Laguna Croatia Open Umag tournament will be held from July 22 to 31!

Top tennis, an attractive music program, excellent culinary delights, and the great promotion of Umag, Istria, and Croatian tourism - all this will mark the 32nd edition of the Plava Laguna Croatia Open Umag tournament, which will be held this season from July 22 to 31, reports HTS. This is guaranteed by some of the best tennis players in the world, such as Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz, Italian Jannik Sinner, Georgian Nikoloz Basilashvili, Dane Holger Rune, and Croatian representative Borna Ćorić, whose arrival was announced at a press conference held in Zagreb.

"With such a stellar line-up of players on the list of registered participants, we can say that a top tennis event awaits us in Umag. Carlos Alcaraz is the biggest tennis story of today when talking about young players who should have a great career ahead of them, and Jannik Sinner and Holger Rune go with him in the same sentence. So we will have three of today's biggest young stars at the tournament but at the same time players who are already doing great things in professional tennis. There is also Georgian tennis player Basilashvili, last year's Indian Wells finalist, the ever-improving Argentinian Sebastian Baez, the winner of Umag in 2016, Italian Fabio Fognini, and of course, Croatia's Davis Cup representative Borna Ćorić. Borna will receive an invitation to the main tournament, and Umag is very important to him after returning from injury. He recently won the ATP Challenger in Parma, which shows that he is returning to his old form, so we believe he will be among the main candidates for a top result in Stella Maris. Together, we can announce a fantastic tournament," said tournament director Tomislav Poljak.

The Umag ATP tournament will be a great link between sports and tourism again this year, with a live broadcast in more than 140 countries worldwide. This makes it an excellent tennis event and an important promotional one.

"The Umag ATP tournament is one of the longest-running major events in Croatia that combines tourism and sport. Being part of the ATP tournament is no small thing, and we are proud to have such a tournament in Croatia. On the other hand, large sporting events are also the reason for visiting the destination, and we believe that Umag and this tournament bring Istria and Croatia additional promotion worldwide. That's why the Ministry of Tourism and Sports stands by this tournament, and we will continue to nurture cooperation for such a big event," said Josip Pavić, special advisor to the Minister of Tourism and Sports.

Dubravko Šimenc, a specialist for the Croatian Tourist Board's marketing projects, agreed.

"This is precisely the backbone of our cooperation with the organizers of the tournament because basic tourist products, such as the sun and the sea, are no longer a sufficient motive for coming to a destination, but we must all work together continuously to create and market competitive tourist experiences, and Plava Laguna Croatia Open Umag, as the oldest tennis tournament in Croatia, is certainly one of them."

This year, Umag will also be the center of tennis where, in addition to the players in the main tournament, 600 recreational players will compete in side tournaments such as the traditional VIP tournament, the HEPi tournament, the Umag Stars Open, and the third ITF wheelchair tennis tournament. It continues with the Road to Umag, a series of tournaments around Croatia that has its final at the Umag tournament. Furthermore, this year's ATP Umag edition will, for the first time, provide all tournament enthusiasts with a fully digital experience through the official WhatsApp chatbot provided by Vodnja's Infobip, the leading IT company in the region and the tournament's technology partner. Through the WhatsApp chatbot, visitors will receive the necessary information about the tournament and the players and a variety of video content. In addition, they will have the opportunity to buy tickets, participate in prize quizzes, and more.

You can follow the news about the tournament at www.croatiaopen.hr

To read more about sports in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.
