Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Croatian Football Federation and Croatia Airlines Continue Flying Together

September 2, 2020 - An agreement on continuing cooperation between the Croatian Football Federation and Croatia Airlines was signed today at the Croatian Football Federation's headquarters, by which the Croatian national airline remains the official airline of the World Cup finalists and HNS.

The contract was signed by Davor Suker, President of HNS, and Jasmin Bajic, President of the Croatia Airlines' Management Board, announced HNS.

After the Croatia national team returned to Croatia on a special Croatia Airlines flight with silver medals won at the World Cup in Russia, in September 2018, a cooperation agreement was signed between HNS and Croatia Airlines. Given that the cooperation took place mutually, both organizations' leaders decided to continue the partnership for the next two years.

"I am happy to continue cooperation with Croatia Airlines because I consider it natural that the Croatia national team flies with the Croatian national airline. We are in demanding public health circumstances, and that is why I am glad to continue our cooperation with Croatia Airlines because I am sure that the health of passengers comes first and that as our partners, they will do everything to ensure that the team has the best and safest possible conditions for travel. I sincerely hope for a large number of joint, safe, and winning flights," said the president of HNS Davor Suker.

"The continuation of the partnership with HNS is further proof of the strong connection between the Croatian national airline and the Croatia national football team, which has lasted for more than two decades. I believe that further cooperation between two recognizable Croatian brands, aviation, and football, will contribute to the successful promotion of our country around the world," said Jasmin Bajic, President of the Management Board of Croatia Airlines.

The tradition of transporting the Croatia national football team from major competitions began 22 years ago, in July 1998, when the football team returned home on a Croatia Airlines plane with a bronze medal won at the World Cup in France. Twenty years later, in July 2018, a specially branded Airbus 319 aircraft with the inscription 'Bravo Vatreni!' returned the silver-medalists from Moscow to Zagreb on a solemn flight, over the crowded Ban Josip Jelacic Square.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Dr Krunoslav Capak: Maths Shows Infection Rate Will Drop, We Know When

September the 2nd, 2020 - Dr Krunoslav Capak, a name which has become somewhat of a household one since the pandemic took hold in Croatia, has stated that we can expect a truly significant drop in coronavirus cases, he said that the model being used and the maths involved can even show when that will occur.

Croatia has seen an unfortunate rise in the number of people infected with the new coronavirus over recent weeks, with a number of European countries placing it back on their ''red lists'' and warning their citizens against travel to the country. The United Kingdom and the Netherlands were among the most prominent European nations to do so, along with Germany placing two croatian counties, as opposed to the entire country, on their ''no go'' list.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 2nd of September, 2020, Dr Krunoslav Capak has stated that there are no new hotspots in Croatia, and that a larger number of those who are already in self-isolation are among the newly comfirmed coronavirus patients.

He also said that a significant drop in the number of newly infected people is expected soon.

''There are certain mathematical models which are used. By entering the data on new patients, the R0 is calculated, as are other parameters, such as the number of infected, mobility… Different models include different parameters.

The model we use in the CNIPH, and we also use other models and utilise mathematicians who make our assessments, have been showing for some time that we have introduced good measures and that our numbers will start to fall. This regards a trend, and doesn't just mean that the numbers will be below 200 or 100.

How much this will be and when it will reach an acceptable level, we're yet to see. The current R0 predicts a decline. These are mathematical models that can be disrupted by new events, hotspots, and unexpected numbers of sufferers, so new numbers need to be inserted into the calculation. We expect a significant decline in mid-September and early October, but I must emphasise that this is if all goes by our model,'' said Dr Krunoslav Capak.

For more on coronavirus in Croatia, follow our dedicated section.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Parliamentary Opposition Critical Of Zagreb Reconstruction Bill

ZAGREB, Sept 2, 2020- Parliamentary opposition parties on Wednesday strongly criticized the Zagreb reconstruction bill and buildings' environs damaged by a March 22 earthquake. 

"The Zagreb reconstruction bill lacks ambition and cements the existing situation. It restores the situation that existed before the earthquake and does not say what Zagreb should like 10 or 20 years from now," said Pedja Grbin of the Social Democratic Party (SDP).

"The bill is impracticable. It contains a lot of disputable things," said Anka Mrak Taritas of the Civic Liberal Alliance (GLAS), while Bridge's Marija Selak Raspudic said that it "creates an atmosphere of legal uncertainty" and "bypasses the existing regulations."

Homeland Movement leader Miroslav Skoro raised the question of funding, saying that neither the government nor the City of Zagreb had enough money for the reconstruction.

On the other hand, Ivan Domagoj Milosevic of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) said that the bill was based on three key pillars: political inclusion, the government adopted more than 25 opposition proposals, transparency, and solidarity.

Some of the MPs protested over the epidemiological measures that were unanimously decided by the Parliament Presidency on Tuesday, under which wearing face masks are mandatory and that not more than 41 MPs can be present in the chamber at the same time.

"I would like to thank the Presidency for decimating the MPs and shortening the duration of speeches," Selak Raspudic said ironically.

Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic repeated that the Presidency's decision was unanimous and in line with the Rules of Procedure and was meant to ensure the normal functioning of Parliament and prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Croatia Ranks Third In Region For Quality Of Customer Service - Survey

ZAGREB, Sept 2, 2020 - Croatia once again ranks third in the region for the quality of customer service, behind Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia, the "GUEST-Regional Services" survey showed on Wednesday.

This is the twelfth survey testing the quality of customer service in the region, conducted between 15 June and 15 July by the Heraklea mystery shoppers agency in cooperation with similar agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Slovenia.

"Mystery shoppers" visited a total of 800 retail outlets in those countries - car dealerships, banks, petrol stations, small stores, supermarkets, telecommunication retail outlets, tourism-hospitality venues, and other services.

The criteria to measure customer service included greetings, identifying shoppers' needs, knowledge of the product being offered, offering additional products, and thanking shoppers for stopping by, based on the acronym GUEST that stands for Greet, Understand, Explain, Suggest and Thanks.

Croatia scored 75.1% and ranked third, the same result as last year.

Croatia again scored best on knowing the product on offer. Croatian retailers were also good when it comes to greeting shoppers and thanking them for stopping by. Their weaknesses included not identifying the need for shoppers and offering additional products.

Bosnia and Herzegovina tops the list this year

The best result this year was achieved by Bosnia and Herzegovina (86.7%), followed by North Macedonia (82.5%), Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro.

The best customer service in the region was experienced in car dealerships (97.2%), while supermarkets scored 58%, recording the greatest fall in quality compared to last year.

The biggest improvement in the quality of customer service was achieved by banks, increasing by 10.3 percentage points to 78.53%.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

311 New Coronavirus Cases In Croatia, 4 Deaths In Past 24 Hours

ZAGREB, Sept 2, 2020 - In the past 24 hours 311 new coronavirus cases in Croatia have been registered, bringing the number of active cases to 2,566, while four people have died, the national crisis response team said on Wednesday.

One person died in Dubrava hospital in Zagreb and three in the KBC hospital in Split. They all had other symptoms or were suffering from chronic diseases.

Thirty-three people have been admitted to the hospital in the past 24 hours. Currently, 258 people are being treated in hospital for Covid-19, fifteen of whom are on ventilators, four more than on Tuesday. At the same time, 30 people were discharged from the hospital.

Since the outbreak of the virus in Croatia on 25 February, a total of 10,725 people have been infected with the disease, 191 have died and 7.968 have recovered.

There are currently 8,881 people in self-isolation.

To date, a total of 175,346 people have been tested for the coronavirus, with 4,122 tests carried out in the past 24 hours.

When asked by journalists when fewer new cases could be expected, Capak replied in about a month.

"There are certain mathematical models which, by entering data of new patients and other parameters, population mobility, eg our model, which we use in the HZJZ, but also some other models, show for some time that we have introduced good measures and will the numbers start to fall. This is a downward trend, we can expect a decline soon. These are mathematical models that can always be changed by some new event. But as things stand now, the model shows a significant drop in late September, early October", Capak explained.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

VIDEO: Owen Wilson Plays Football with Korcula Locals

September 2, 2020 - After spending time in Dubrovnik, Owen Wilson plays football with local kids on the island of Korcula. 

Hollywood star Owen Wilson has been exploring the Croatian coast, and getting to know the locals, too.

After reported that he was seen joining the Belvedere Dubrovnik team for a pick-up game of football tennis, Korcula Online reported that the Zoolander star strolled through the streets of Korcula, where he was filmed with the locals playing a game of kick-ups.

The Hollywood actor is no stranger to Croatia, as he spent time in Split last summer filming Bliss with Salma Hayek. Wilson was open-hearted to locals then, too, and was photographed with the staff of Zrno Soli and fans in the city-center supermarket. You can read more about Wilson's stint in Split here.

Owen Wilson is an American actor, producer, and screenwriter from Dallas, Texas, famous for his collaboration with filmmaker Wes Anderson, which saw him nominated for the Academy Award for his role in The Royal Tenenbaums. Wilson's biggest films include Marley and Me, Zoolander, Wedding Crashers, and Starsky & Hutch. He has acted alongside Jackie Chan, Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, and Ben Stiller, to name a few.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

10 Reasons Why the Time to Visit Hvar is Now

September 2, 2020 - Although the season may be coming to an end, there are plenty of reasons why now is a great time to visit Hvar. 

One of my favourite images of Hvar is this 1905 postcard from the excellent collection belonging to Sinisa from Secret Hvar, which we featured on this site several years ago

Dated September 9, 1905, the sender explains that this is 'Hvar, a quaint old town, which is becoming popular as a winter resort.'

Some 115 years later, Hvar is anything but a winter resort, with almost all hotels and restaurants closed over the winter period. The island where organised tourism in Europe began with the founding of the Hvar Health Society in 1868, is now very much a summer destination, while also enjoying some recent success in extending its season into the shoulder months. 

Everyone's experience of the recent lockdown is different and very much based on their individual circumstances, I spent 63 days on Hvar and came to really appreciate the space and the freedom that the island afforded me, as others less fortunate were confined to apartments in cities. I have spent a lot of time talking to people about their experiences over the summer, and people are now home and preparing for an uncertain autumn and winter with the virus. 

Not everyone can travel at the moment, and for those who are subjected to 14-day quarantines which would affect their job, travel is impossible, but there are a number of people who are more flexible with their arrangements, and for whom an extended stay on a Dalmatian island might be infinitely more preferable to life in a crowded city subject to potential lockdowns, as we explored in As Tourists Leave Croatia, the Case for an Extended Autumn Stay on Hvar.


(Panorama Penthouse Jelsa)

That 1905 postcard keeps talking to me - popular as a winter resort. While Hvar and Dalmatia have an awful lot to do to make it popular as a winter resort, there is plenty to do away from the crowds in late summer and autumn. Ten things that could add a lot of quality to your idyllic view on Hvar in these uncertain times. 

1. Lifestyle

If I was running Croatian tourism, I would build a strategy around Croatia's safety, authentic experiences, and lifestyle. With the arrival of the digital nomad visa, this is the biggest opportunity Croatia has had in years to move from its beaches mass tourism into something far more sustainable and year-round. Rather than Croatia, Full of Life (check out a Dalmatian town in January), more Croatia, Your Safe, Authentic, Lifestyle Destination. 

And few do the lifestyle better than Hvar. A little Hvar lifestyle will take a lot of the stress out of your life, and it will make you a lot more relaxed in general. The golden rule if you are coming to do business here - do not try and change Dalmatia, but expect Dalmatia to change you. And it will. Mixing up some online work with the renowned cafe culture is a perfect combination. 

2. Beaches


Hvar's beaches are internationally famous, and rightly so. They are also far emptier in September, and the swimming season usually extends into October. But the beaches have another function once the sea temperature cools - a fantastic place to clear your head to the sound of the crashing waves. If you have never stood on a beach during the full force of the bura to remove all the cobwebs from the system, I highly recommend it.  

3. Sailing

Hvar is one of the great sailing destinations of the Adriatic, with the Pakleni Islands in front of the town a particular draw. The sailing season is year-round, and the town even holds an annual New Year regatta, while sailing tours for the proficient and the beginner are freely available. A half-day sailing tour of the Pakleni Islands is particularly recommended.  

4. Kayaking


(Photo credit Hvar Sea Kayak)

One of the big growth industries in the Croatian tourism sector in recent years, sea kayaking is an excellent way to leave the rest behind and explore the hidden bays and coves that most tourists don't get to see. Kayaking tours for beginners are available, and the season runs into October.    

5. Cycling


(Photo credit Bahrain Merida)

Hvar has really pushed hard to improve its cycling presence in recent years, and there are now many cycling routes marked, and even a dedicated cycling map of the island. The roads are excellent for cycling outside the main season when traffic is much reduced. So much so, in fact, that leading cycling team Bahrain McLaren have made Hvar in December their winter training base for the last three years. And if cycling on Hvar in December is good enough for one of the world's top teams...  

6. Hiking

Hiking is one of the most underrated activities on Hvar, and an ideal one in these socially distanced times. The island is breathtakingly beautiful, as well as being full of ancient sites dating back to Greek, Roman and Illyrian times, while its diverse and aromatic nature ensures that there is something to learn and savour at ever turn. Don't miss a hike ot the very top of Hvar, some 621m above sea level, to be rewarded by a spectacular 360 view of the Adriatic.  

7. Wine tours


(The Romanesque cellars of Andro Tomic - photo credit Vina Tomic Facebook)

Hvar is an island of wine, whose eclectic winemakers are producing some outstanding wines in the various micro-climates and differing terroir on the island. The tasting experiences are also very diverse. Choose from an underwater tasting in Sveta Nedjejla, one in a Romanesque cellar in Jelsa, the only Master of Wine making wine in Croatia in Vrisnik, or sampling Plavac Mali in the only cave winery accessible only by speedboat. Wine tourism is gradually growing more popular on Hvar, whose several indigenous grapes (Bogdanusa, Prc, Drnakusa and others) offer some very different flavours to the more globalised varieties. 

8. Harvests


There is no authentic experience in Dalmatia as authentic as a harvest. Highly recommended are the lavender harvest in late June and early July.  But the biggest harvests each year for families in Dalmatia are the grape (early September) and olive (late October/early November) harvests. Both are great opportunities to experience this essential part fo the Dalmatian way of life, seeing locals in their natural habitat. Volunteers are always welcome, and they are usually rewarded with a feast of grilled meat of fish, as well as copious amounts of wine for their troubles. 

9. Sunsets


(Romulic and Stojcic)

The sunset island. What else to expect but the most fabulous sunsets to lift the mood?

10. Space


(Photo credit Hvar Tours)

A new currency which will become all the more important in these socially distanced times. This was one of the things I treasured the most in my Hvar lockdown - the freedom to roam without any danger of coming into contact with more than a handful of people at a time. Coming to Zagreb after lockdown did feel somewhat claustrophobic by comparison. To put the amount of space in perspective, Hvar is 20% bigger than the Gaza Strip, which has a population of 1.9 million. Hvar has a population of just 10,500, and with access to the sea all around. 

Significant winter tourism, as described by that 1905 Hvar postcard above, is probably a very long way away, but it is worth tourism chiefs looking into ways that islands such as Hvar can use that space, authentic experiences, safety and lifestyle to promote a different kind of tourism. Island living is not for everyone and it takes a particular kind of mentality to endure it at times (speaking as someone who spent 13 years full-time on Hvar), but the rewards are plentiful. And in this era of restrictions and lockdowns, there are few places I would rather be.   

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Lopud: Carless, Timeless, Carefree Dalmatian Sunset Heaven

September 2, 2020 - Continuing a look at the recent TCN trip to the Elaphiti islands off Dubrovnik, meet magical Lopud. 

Although I am fairly well travelled around Croatia, there are certain gaps in my knowledge and experience, one of the most gaping of which has been the fabled Elaphiti islands of Kolocep, Sipan and Lopud. That changed this summer in what was for me the discovery of 2020 so far, as well as a new perspective of Dubrovnik as a tourist destination. 

My first enchanting introduction was the nearest island to Dubrovnik - Kolocep (known locally as Kalamota), just 30 minutes by regular daily ferry from the Pearl of the Adriatic (you can read more in Arise Kalamota! Kolocep, 30 Mins from Dubrovnik But a World Away).


Next along the Jadrolinija route was Lopud, another island free of cars, and one which my friend Kresimir Macan has been championing for years, as he spends a month there every August. When he showed me the bedroom view from one of the apartments he stays in, I could quite understand why. Not a lot wrong with waking up to that each morning... 

Every island is different in Croatia, and if I was seduced by Kalamota, I was blown away by Lopud. It seemed to be an island with so much simplicity and yet so much depth, history, tradition and culture. And the more I looked into things, the more unusual things I found. 


(Photo credit Wikipedia)

Lopud is essentially two parts. A hike through the trees to the other side from the ferry will reward you with one of the best sandy beaches in all Croatia at Sunj. If you are looking to truly get away from it on a beach day, it doesn't get much better than this on a carless island.

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(Photo credit Taliah Bradbury)

But the main action happens on the other side of the island, one gorgeous stone drag of Dalmatian life with not a car in sight. It is a hive of activity, with fish deliveries an improvisation. A good lunch for someone.

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And beaches right in the centre of town, very family-friendly. The Lopud riva for me was a really interesting place. It had the feel of a lively Dalmatian town, while at the same time appearing a complete chill zone for tourists and locals alike. So many different types of people mixed into one, and intermingling. The locals of course, as well as those born here who return religiously each year (I met several of these, including a restaurateur in New York), plenty of people from Zagreb reconnecting with each other under relaxed and azure Dalmatian skies. And tourists of course who interacted freely with their friendly local hosts.

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The riva was also the living room for those living and renting on the waterfront. Dining tables and each chairs put out in front of the houses. It added to the feeling of welcome and intimacy. this was a very friendly island. 

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And one of great seafood, the freshest catch of the day. 


Lopud also has some rather unusual claims to fame, including apparently the tallest palm trees in all Europe, as well as Europe's first ever concrete hotel, built in 1936, which is scheduled for renovation soon. You can learn more on both in Secrets of Lopud: Europe's Tallest Palm Trees Shade Europe's Oldest Concrete Hotel

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And next to the palm trees and the concrete hotel, just one of 30 impressive churches and two monasteries on Lopud which tell part of the tale of the island's former wealth and glory days. 


(Photo Lopud-1483)

Glory days which are coming slowly back, perhaps, with one of those monasteries opening this summer as one of the top luxury 5-star hotels on the Adriatic. Check out the fabulous LOPUD-1483 converted island monastery

For Lopud has quite a history, with human habitation dating back at least to the 7th century. Refugees fleeing from the Ottomans in the 15th century increased the population considerably until the 17th century when an incredible 14,000 people lived on the island. That compares to just 249 in the 2011 census.

Lopud was at the heart of the dominance of the Dubrovnik Republic's seafaring success, and at its height, the island was home to about a quarter of the republic's navy, with some of its most famous sailors being Lopud men.

At its height of the seafaring prominence of the Dubrovnik Republic, it was a place of immense culture, but disaster struck in 1667, with a devastating earthquake which badly damaged both Dubrovnik and Lopud, but while the Pearl of the Adriatic recovered, Lopud did not. The result for tourists today is a charming and lush island full of wondrous vegetation and historic buildings.


(Romulic and Stojcic)

Lopud's most famous son is undoubtedly Miho Pracat, the wealthy 16th-century merchant, who won made and lost (through shipwrecks) fortunes, and whose bust today can be found in the Rector's Palace in Dubrovnik.

According to legend, having lost his fortune for the second time when he lost his fleet, Pracat decided to return to Lopud and live out his days in a modest manner. While sat alone feeling sorry for himself, he noticed a lizard trying to climb a wall. The lizard failed twice, falling both times. But on the third attempt, the lizard succeeded, prompting Pracat to swear an oath that he too would try again. As with the lizard, it was a question of third time lucky, and he went on to become not only immensely rich, but also a great benefactor and meritorious citizen of Dubrovnik.

Perhaps his most famous hour was a conversation with a grateful Charles V after his ships circumvented a blockade and delivered grain to the king's troops. The king summoned the merchant during his morning shave to ask him what he wanted to show the king's gratitude, to which the Dubrovnik merchant replied that he had no need for anything as he was wealthy enough, but he would take the king's shaving serviette.

The serviette is on display in the Museum of Lopud to this day.

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Enough of the history, as the sun is setting at the end of another perfect day. Time to enjoy one of the true highlights of this magical island - sunsets. 

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Kreso's Facebook feed in August is always dominated by Lopud sunsets, which are truly some of the most spectacular on the coast. The ideal day to chill after another relaxing day in carless, timeless Dalmatian heaven before taking in the night view. 

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Official Public Health Guidelines, Instructions for Crossing Croatian Border

September 2, 2020 - Crossing Croatian border advice: the latest official recommendations and instructions from the government website

Recommendations and instructions of the Croatian Institute of Public Health for passengers crossing the state border of the Republic of Croatia.

Important note: Valid till 15th of September 

The Decision on temporary prohibition of crossing the border crossings of the Republic of Croatia (NN 74/20) prohibits or restricts the crossing of passengers through border crossings, of which are exempt:

  1. EU nationals (irrespective of their place of residence), the Schengen area and Schengen associated countries, as well as members of their families and third-country nationals who are long-term residents under Council Directive 2003/109/EZ of 25 November 2003 on the status of long-term nationals of third countries and persons entitled to stay under other EU or national Directives or having national long-term visas.
  2. The temporary prohibition on entry into the Republic of Croatia from third countries, with the exception of passengers referred to in point 1, shall not apply to:

2a) Health care professionals, health researchers and associates, nursing professionals and persons requiring urgent medical treatment
2b) Cross-border workers
2c) Carriers of goods and other transport personnel to the extent necessary
2d) Diplomats, police officers in the performance of their duties, civil protection services and teams, staff of international organisations and international military personnel in the performance of their functions
2e) Transit passengers
2f) Passengers travelling for tourism or other business reasons or having other economic interest, and passengers travelling for the purpose of education
2g) Passengers travelling for urgent personal reasons (e.g. they own a property in the Republic of Croatia) or have any other immediate personal reason
Instructions for the health supervision of passengers entering the Republic of Croatia from third countries:
a) For all passengers entering the Republic of Croatia from third countries, under exemption from the prohibition to cross the border referred to in point 2g, health supervision with 14 days quarantine/self-isolation is mandatory.
Quarantine/self-isolation can be shortened to seven days if a passenger does a nasal and pharynx swab at his/her expense seven days after entering Croatia and gets a negative PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2.
b) The obligation of self-isolation for passengers entering the Republic of Croatia from third countries does not apply to passengers referred to in points 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, and:

2e) Transit passengers:

  • For transit passengers, the border police will, after they have been granted entry, check whether they have left the territory of the Republic of Croatia within 12 hours
  • This rule can only be applied if the departure from the Republic of Croatia to a neighbouring country enables it to enter. 

2f) – Passengers entering the Republic of Croatia for tourism or other business reasons or having other economic interest, as well as persons travelling for educational purposes.
These passengers may enter Croatia without the obligation of self-isolation upon presentation of a negative nasal and pharynx swab test for SARS-CoV-2, not older than 48 hours (starting from the time of taking the swab until arrival at the border crossing), or with the obligation of 14 days quarantine/self-isolation if they do not have a negative PCR test.

If third-country nationals have a test older than 48 hours when entering Croatia, they will be allowed to enter Croatia, however, they will be obligated to self-isolate and re-test themselves in Croatia at their own expense. The above can be applied to passengers and crew members on yachts. Persons who do not present a negative PCR result are subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine / self-isolation measure.

Persons who have a negative PCR test, and are on the self-isolation list, whether they’ve been on the list for seven days, as stated in point 2g, or have re-tested themselves in the case they have a test older than 48 hours when entering Croatia, are to be removed from the self-isolation list. 
Passengers entering Croatia without the obligation of self-isolation shall comply with the following measures during the first two weeks of their stay in Croatia:

  • During the first 14 days after entering the Republic of Croatia, exits from accommodation are limited only to the necessary ones: performance of work if it is a business reason for entering the Republic of Croatia, performance of necessary activities with continuous intensified implementation of hygiene measures.
  • During the necessary exit from accommodation it is recommended to use a mask or covers for the nose and mouth, maintain physical distance from other persons (minimum 1.5 meters) and conduct hand hygiene.
  • Hands wash as often as possible with warm water and soap and/or use a hand disinfectant that needs to be rubbed in the palms. Avoid touching the face, mouth, nose and eyes.
  • Avoid the use of public transport. In a means of transport, it is desirable that a person is alone or exclusively with persons sharing a common accommodation.
  • Gatherings should be consistently avoided
  • During business meetings it is necessary to meet as few people as possible, ensure a physical distance of 1.5 meters and availability of disinfectants, and avoid unnecessary meetings.
  • Payment services are performed by non-cash card payments or on-line services.
  • Every morning it is necessary to measure the body temperature if it is higher than 37.2C, the measurement should be repeated after 10 minutes, and if the temperature is higher than 37.2 C it is necessary to stay at home/in accommodation and contact a doctor in a tourist or COVID-19 infirmary or a territorially responsible epidemiologist.
  • In case of symptoms of acute respiratory infection (cough, sore throat, fever, short breathing/difficulty or loss of smell), it is necessary to stay at home/in accommodation and contact a doctor in a tourist or A COVID-19 infirmary or a territorially responsible epidemiologist.
  • In case of sudden onset of severe, life-threatening symptoms, contact emergency medical service at 194.

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Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Rab Town Offering Tourists 50% Off COVID-19 Tests in September and October

September 2, 2020 - The Town of Rab and the Rab Town Tourist Board, in cooperation with the Institute of Public Health of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, provided tourists from the area of Rab Town with a 50% discount (349.11 kuna) for a COVID-19 PCR test in September and October.

HRTurizam reports that the discount is intended for all tourists who need a COVID-19 PCR test for unhindered entry into their home country, and is valid for all arrivals in September and October 2020 (from September 1 to October 31, 2020)

The discount is also valid for all persons who stay in the area of the town of Rab for a minimum of 7 nights continuously in private accommodation, as well as for all reservations for September and October, regardless of when they are made.

"The announcements for this season were modest, but we managed to surpass them. The Town of Rab is a responsible and safe destination and we want to show how it is possible to continue this season. Aware that the cost of the COVID-19 test is a significant expense for tourists or renters, we believe that this discount will mean a lot to them. We were helped in this by the Teaching Institute for Public Health of PGC, headed by the director Vladimir Micovic and the Rab Branch Office headed by Daniel Glazar-Ivce," said the director of the Rab Town Tourist Board Ivana Matusan, and added that they managed to maintain the tourist season with 65% of overnight stays compared to last year.

When performing the test, the person paying for the test (tourist or renter) is obliged to present a certificate from eVisitor on the residence of the person being tested, which the renter can print out from the eVisitor system or request at the Rab Town Tourist Board office. Tourists can take the test through the drive-in method of collecting swabs, in the Rab Health Center, every working day from 8 am to 11 am.

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