Thursday, 28 July 2022

Korean Air Seoul-Zagreb Charter Flights Confirmed for End of September!

July 28, 2022 - The latest flight news to Croatia as Korean Air Seoul-Zagreb charter flights have been confirmed for the end of September, with five rotations planned. 

Korean national airline, Korean Air, has confirmed charter flights between Seoul and Zagreb for October this year. The first arrival is announced on the last day of September, and the planes and crew will spend the night in the capital of Croatia, reports Croatian Aviation.

As Croatian Aviation exclusively announced earlier, Korean Air is returning to Zagreb on September 30 with a total of 5 rotations on charter flights for the well-known South Korean tour operator.

The planes will land at Zagreb Airport on Fridays after approximately 10 hours in the air, while on Saturday afternoon, the aircraft will fly back to Seoul.


The route will be operated by A330-200 aircraft on all five rotations, which have a capacity of 218 seats. These aircraft were frequent guests at Zagreb Airport when the regular Korean Air route operated.

The airline is still considering establishing a regular direct route for the next summer season while following low-cost T'way Air, which is also planning a regular route to the Croatian capital. There is no room for two South Korean airlines in the relatively small Croatian market at the moment.

Croatian Aviation also exclusively reports that Korean Air will run several charter flights to Dubrovnik Airport as well for the needs of a South Korean corporation. The flights are currently planned for November, but the airline leaves room for changes, which are always possible with charter operations, considering that everything depends on the client or the lessee of the flights.

Recall that the Korean airline regularly operated between Seoul and Zagreb until the pandemic. The airline plans to replace the risk of its summer route by re-establishing this regular line with charter operations between the two cities. 

October, along with April and May, is popular for Koreans traveling abroad, so it is not surprising that operations are announced at the end of the Croatian summer season. The Chuseok holiday is when most Koreans use their vacation days to go on trips abroad.

Several South Korean tour operators are offering travel packages to Croatia in October and an agreement was reached between tour operators and Korean Air to conduct charter operations to the Croatian capital.

For more on flights to Croatia and other travel announcements, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Tourist in Croatia? How to Help Street Cats in Split When Traveling

July 28, 2022 - It's impossible to miss street cats when you're traveling around Croatia, but what should you do if you find one in need? A look at how to help street cats in Split.

Street cats have become a symbol of Croatian coastal cities. Often photographed in a 'fjaka' state of mind, cats rule many Split neighborhoods - but that's not necessarily a good thing. 

Multiplied in the summer months after kitten season in the spring, it's become increasingly difficult to care for the street cats in Split. And without an animal shelter in the city, much of the work is left to volunteer associations that labor day and night establishing trap-neuter-release programs while their homes act as shelters for cats needing medical attention. Not to mention the thousands waiting to be adopted or fostered. 

So, what can you do if you're in Split and notice a cat (or several) in need? Some tips from Split animal associations: 

- Perhaps the easiest task as a tourist looking to help street cats in Split is to feed them and leave them water. Unfortunately, summer in Croatia is no walk in the park for humans, let alone street cats with no cool place to call home. However, it's simple enough to find a container for water and purchase wet or dry food at the local supermarket to leave in the cat-populated areas. 

- If you find a cat or kitten that's obviously a stray but does not look sick, lost, or confused, it is best to leave it on the street rather than take it to your accommodation if you have no intent on giving it a permanent home. It is not easy to find fosters in Croatia, and while you might think you're doing the right thing by giving it a safe place for a few days or a week, it will likely end up on the street again after being pampered and acclimated to regular meals. This means it can become disoriented with less chance of survival when back on the street.

- If you find a sick and injured cat or kitten, it's best to take it to the nearest vet and see if they have the option of keeping it in a cage until it gets better. Most vets have this option for a fee. You can find the phone numbers for vets in Split below. 


And perhaps the best thing you can do? If you're financially able to donate, support a local animal association. They rely on the donations of others to survive, with little to no help from the city, meaning trap-neuter-release programs, medications, fosters, food, and transport are taken care of thanks to your donations. They also have many cats and kittens available that desperately need a foster family if you someone you know is a candidate. Animal associations may also be able to help you catch a sick or injured street cat that needs to be taken to the vet, though the summer months are hectic with multiple calls a day, so keep this in mind if you don't hear back right away. Remember, they are volunteers, after all. 

You can find a list of animal associations in the Dalmatia area in our Animal Associations and Shelters in Croatia series HERE

For more, check out our lifestyle section.

Thursday, 28 July 2022

HZJZ Warns of New Coronavirus Wave in Croatia, Peak Infections Expected in August

July 28, 2022 - A new coronavirus wave in Croatia is expected to peak in August, according to the Croatian Public Health Institute. 

Croatia is under attack by a new wave of highly contagious coronavirus subvariants, which have increased the proportion of positives among those tested to as much as 30 percent. According to the Croatian Public Health Institute (HZJZ), the number of new cases daily has exceeded a thousand.

Subvariants of omicrons BA.2 and BA.4, and BA.5 are now circulating in the region; middle-aged citizens, from 30 to 69 years of age, are most exposed, while children are less infected because there are no classes.

A new wave of infections in Croatia began at the end of June when an increased share of positives in the total tested was recorded. The city of Zagreb, Split-Dalmatia, and Primorje-Gorski Kotar counties have the most infections, while the most favorable situation is in the Virovitica-Podravina County, which has only three new infections.

In the last week, an increase in the number of hospitalizations and deaths was also noticeable, but this did not increase the interest in vaccination, so only 300 to 400 people are vaccinated daily, and less than 50 with the first dose in the entire country.

Citizens may wait for a new bivariate vaccine containing both the Wuhan and the omicron components. The European regulatory agency EMA could approve it at the end of August and the beginning of September at the earliest.

When asked about the possibility of re-introducing covid-certificates in the fall, the HZJZ replied that, according to their knowledge, there are no plans to re-introduce covid-certificates in the fall or winter at the moment.

Although some European countries have passed the peak of new infections, Croatia is still in the upward phase. The peak is expected in August, given the experience so far, which shows that the wave of infection lasts for several weeks.

All sick people, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated, must be isolated for seven to ten days, with the possibility of earlier termination in the case of testing on the fifth day from the beginning of the infection at the earliest.

The measure of quarantine or self-isolation is not mandatory for close contacts of positive persons, they should wear a mask for ten days after the last contact, and self-testing is also recommended.

Although a public controversy has recently developed about how well masks even protect against new variants of the virus, the HZJZ points out that, along with respecting physical distance, they are still the basis of preventing the spread of droplet infections.

"Only the use of masks is the domain of each individual's responsibility and awareness," notes the Institute for Public Health.

They emphasize the importance of vaccination again. The vaccine, they say, may not protect so effectively against the infection itself, given the high infectivity of the new omicron subvariants that are now circulating in our area. However, it still largely protects against more severe forms of the disease, hospitalization, and death.

A second booster is currently recommended for people over 80 and over 65 in nursing homes, at least four months after receiving the first booster. For this purpose, an mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty or Spikevax) is used. Also, a second booster vaccination is recommended for people with an increased risk of developing severe forms of covid and who were primarily vaccinated and boostered with the Janssen vaccine. The mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty or Spikevax) is recommended for the second vaccination.

According to HZJZ statistics, 57.76 percent of the total population in Croatia has completed vaccination, 23.26 percent received an additional (booster, third) dose, while 2,014 people received a second booster (so-called fourth) dose.

So far, 8,839,440 doses of the covid vaccine have arrived, and a total of 5,263,284 doses have been used. In addition, 1,335,780 doses are kept at the central warehouse, most Pfizer, of which 1,035,480 doses remain. In addition, there are 165,200 doses of Moderna vaccine, 96,000 doses of Novavax, and 39,100 doses of Janssen.

The expiration date for 28,300 doses of the Moderna vaccine expires this month, for 4,100 doses in August, and for 3,800 doses in September. The HZJZ notes that they expect the EMA to extend the shelf life of Moderna's vaccine from 9 to 12 months.

Estimates say that around 200 kg of vaccines will need to be destroyed, mostly Moderna and AstraZeneca. The cost of destruction per kilogram is HRK 12.50, including VAT, around HRK 2,500, according to the Institute of Public Health.

Croatia has so far donated 1,958,120 doses, including COVAX donations. Outside the COVAX system, the most were donated to Iran, BiH, North Macedonia, and Rwanda. As part of COVAX donations, most of them were donated to Egypt, Indonesia, Tajikistan, and Pakistan. As a rule, the donation does not imply a refund to the country that donates the vaccine.

Source: Jutarnji List

For more on the news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Korcula to Split via Peljesac Bridge: A Heavenly, Speedy Road Trip

July 28, 2022 - While most of the Peljesac Bridge commentary has been focused on connecting Dubrovnik, access to the islands of Korcula and Mljet has just improved considerably. TCN road tests the new drive from Korcula to Split. 

One of the very few things I don't like about Korcula is its accessibility. Driving down from Zagreb is already a fairly long day, without having to either plan your trip around two ferries (Ploce to Trpanj, Orebic to Korcula) or two borders (the Neum Corridor) and then driving the length of the Peljesac Peninsula.

That all changed yesterday. 


And sitting in my favourite place in Dalmatia, the Michelin Star terrace of Lesic Dimitri Palace, thoughts of the onward journey were not as terrible as usual. Leaving such a divine spot is always a wrench, but at least this time, I would have the pleasure of trying out the new bridge and seeing just how much time I would save on my way to Split (Korcula to Split would normally take over 4 hours by car and ferry, and a painful 4 hours too - and this was assuming no border queues and the ferry schedule worked for you), starting from my favourite terrace on Korcula?


Actually I was starting from Venice, the delightful suite at Lesic Dimitri Palace, which is comprised of 9 outstanding 5-star suites in the town of Marco Polo's birthplace, under the theme Where the Silk Road Begins. Check out the latest addition, Sumatra

After bidding my reluctant farewells to the Lesic team, it was a 5-minute walk to the Brodica, the small passenger ferry that runs on the hour to Orebic, price 23 kuna. A wonderful service from the centre of Korcula Town, so no need to drive to the ferry at Domince. From landing in Orebic, a 7-minute walk to my favourite free parking in Orebic.


If I told you where it was, I would have to kill you. I don't want to publish details, but if you want to know, send me a private PM. 


And then the drive. Although the bridge is not yet appearing in my Google Maps, it does for others. According to Google, I had a 45-minute drive to the start of the bridge at Brijesta. I finally learned to drive on water... 


It was a stunning drive through hills offering ridiculous views of the Adriatic, combined with the temptations of some of Croatia's finest vineyards. For this is Plavac Mali country. There IS a bridge at the back of this photo, I promise. My legendary photo skills come to the fore again.


And, as we get closer to the bridge, new signage shows the new reality. 


And a big surprise. a tunnel as long as the bridge itself - some 2.4 km) underneath (presumably) those gorgeous vines. 


And as we edged closer to Croatia's new star connection, a smile. Just 145 kilometres to Split, and most of that motorway. Heaven. 


And then the bridge finally came into view. And what a beauty she is. I am more into Dalmatian benches than bridges, but I have to admit that this one is a beauty. 


The 2,404 metres that will change the lives of many - for the better. 


On the other side, new signs take you to Neum if you want to go, but the main direction is Split. 

A short drive to Ploce and then joining up to the motorway to Split, toll price 50 kuna. 


And after some time in what was honestly one of the most pleasant and stress-free peak season drives during my time in Croatia, the journey from Korcula to Split ended with a cold one on the riva, with clouds and a merciful gust of wind and threats of a storm. 

Total travel time from Korcula to Split, including the boat - 2 hours 50 minutes.

My favourite place in Dalmatia just got a little closer. 

So how was traffic on the bridge and also at the Neum Corridor on the first day of the new reality? Check out the TCN video report below.


What is it like to live in Croatia? An expat for 20 years, you can follow my series, 20 Ways Croatia Changed Me in 20 Years, starting at the beginning - Business and Dalmatia.

Follow Paul Bradbury on LinkedIn.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

60 Croatian Soldiers Sent Off to Hungary for Training with NATO Partners

ZAGREB, 27 July 2022 - Croatia's 1st contingent on Wednesday departed from Karlovac for Hungary to join NATO's enhanced Vigilance Activity (eVA) mission, and it was sent off by President Zoran Milanović.

Addressing the 60-strong contingent that includes four women soldiers, President Milanović told them that they were not going to Hungary by chance.

"An unclear and uneasy autumn lies ahead us. Being encouraged by the speech which the Chinese Prime Minister (Li Keqiang) delivered (in his video message) at the Pelješac Bridge inauguration ceremony, I am a bit more optimistic than ten days ago. It seems to me that the world could be wiser and that the terrors in Ukraine could be over soon and that human lives could be saved," said Milanović, the armed forces' supreme commander.

"We have no influence on how the war (in Ukraine) will end. It is the duty of our state leadership to make well-thought-out decisions. I have not signed this decision (on your departure) with ease, however, I have not signed it for you be sent to into danger. May you fill Croatia, its history and tradition with pride," the president said.

Croatia's troops, together with contingents from other NATO members, will participate in training and manoeuvres that will last up to seven months in Hungary.

The contingent includes military police troops, special troops, mine removal specialists, medical professionals and some other specialists. 

The contingent commander Ivan Zečević Tadić said that every peace mission carries risks and that the safety and security of the members of this contingent would be his priority.

For more, check out our politics section.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Split Snap Polls Campaign Costs: HDZ Spends HRK 460K, We Can! 241k, Centre 81k

ZAGREB, 27 July 2022 - The financial reports on the costs of the run-up to Split's early election show that the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) spent HRK 460,000, the Centre, the winner of the elections, spent HRK 81,000, while, for instance, the We Can! party spent HRK 241,000 but won none of the 31 seats in the city council.

All the 11 slates that ran in the recent snap election were obliged to submit reports on electioneering costs until Tuesday midnight.

The failure to lodge such a report in a timely manner carries a fine ranging from HRK 2,000 to 20,000.

The HDZ party disbursed HRK 460,000 for the costs and received HRK 370,000, so its financial sheet ended in the red by HRK 90,000. The party secured eight seats in the snap election, a seat fewer than before the polls.

The Centre party of Mayor Ivica Puljak reported costs in the amount of HRK 81,000 and receipts in the amount of HRK 68,000. As a result, its financial sheet was also in the red, by HRK 13,000. 

The Centre now has 15 seats in the city council, only one seat short of the absolute majority in the council.

The HGS party, led by former mayor Željko Kerum, finished the election race with a deficit of HRK 44,000 as its electioneering costs amounted to HRK 75,000 and its receipts HRK 31,000. It has won two seats in the city council, two fewer than in the previous election.

Bridge now also has two deputies, one fewer than in the council before the snap election. This party's electioneering costs totalled HRK 40,447 and it reported receipts of the same value.

The Homeland Party (DP) has entered the Split City Council for the first time. It now has two seats. It reported that its campaigning costs and receipts were the same, HRK 42,141 each.

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) now has two councillors in the City Council, one fewer than before. It received HRK 36,000 for electioneering costs and spent HRK 55,000, ending the election in the red (-HRK 19,000).

The We Can! party spent HRK 241,130 on the campaigning in the run-up to the early election, and it reported having ensured the same amount to cover the cost. The party did not manage to win any seat in the new council.

The remaining three slates did not manage to enter the council either.

(€1 = HRK 7.51)

For more, check out our politics section.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Zagreb Mayor: City Administration Wants to Cooperate with Mainz in Green Transition

ZAGREB, 27 July 2022 - Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomašević on Wednesday held talks with a delegation of the German city of Mainz, led by Mayor Michael Ebling, focusing on cities' adaptation to extreme climate conditions and the development of new renewable energy sources.

The German delegation, which also included business people, visited Zagreb on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the two cities' agreement on cooperation.

Speaking to the press after the meeting, Tomašević said that the green transition was one of the biggest challenges in all European cities in the context of climate change and extreme temperatures this summer.

Apart from the green and energy transition, the meeting between the delegations of Zagreb and Mainz also focused on the so-called models of civic energy.

"This is about encouraging the use of renewable sources of energy owned by citizens. Such a model exists in Mainz, where there are foundations and funds facilitating energy transition by citizens. This is politically important to us and we would like to see it also in Zagreb," the Zagreb mayor said.

Tomašević and Ebling discussed economic and cultural cooperation, IT sector development, modernization of the public transportation system and Zagreb's post-earthquake reconstruction.

Mainz is ready to help Zagreb with the post-earthquake reconstruction and is willing to provide a modest contribution to its reconstruction as a token of solidarity, Ebling said.

He noted that Mainz, too, was experiencing the consequences of climate change and heat waves, as evidenced by the fact that the river passing through the city has almost dried up.

Before leaving Zagreb on Thursday, the German delegation will also visit Zagreb's ZICER enterprise centre at the Zagreb Trade Fair Centre.

Ebling said the meeting discussed possibilities of investment in startup businesses.

Zagreb City Assembly chair Joško Klisović said there was a lot of political will the two sides wanted to transform into concrete projects to promote their cooperation. 

For more, check out our politics section.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Milanović: Pelješac Bridge Project of Entry to European Space for China

ZAGREB, 27 July 2022 - President Zoran Milanović said on Wednesday that Pelješac Bridge was a project whereby China entered European space but he noted that that space would remained closed to China for some time again considering the current geopolitical relations. 

"This is not their project, this is European, our money. A Chinese company won the job in a transparent tender but I'm afraid this is the last time they have won a project considering the situation in global relations and geopolitics," Milanović said.

Pelješac Bridge was built by the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) which competed for the project against Austria's Strabag and an Italian-Turkish consortium of bidders.

"I assume the project was an opportunity for the Chinese to enter European space which has now been closed to them for some time, regardless of the fact that they have done a good job. They, too, will have to open up to European companies a little more," Milanović told reporters.

He added that he was surprised that Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang addressed the Pelješac Bridge inauguration ceremony on Tuesday evening via video link, and that he could not say when the message was recorded.

"Had someone told me three weeks ago that we would be addressed by the prime minister of China, a country supporting Russia in its invasion of Ukraine (...), I would have said 'Let's see'. Now that I have seen it, thumbs up, but a little skewed," he said.

"What happened yesterday is interesting (...) China is not a problem to us the way it is to the USA and some other countries. The fact that we are in NATO does not mean that we blindly follow NATO members' policy. We won't rock the boat or bridge too much, but we do have our own interests," said Milanović.

For more news about Croatia, click here.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Magnus Carlsen Talks about Chess, Croatia and his Champion Title

July 27, 2022 - The current best chess player in the world, Magnus Carlsen, won a tournament in Zagreb and gave an interview to Večernji list after that.

Večernji list spoke to Carlsen after the organizers of the tournament presented each of the players with a large Bajadera, a Croata brand tie and a brochure on the history of the tie in the player's native language. While a very thoughtful gift, the tournament victory that he secured two rounds before the end of the tournament will also be remembered.

– I played very well only on the third and fourth day, the last day of the rapid and the first day of the blitz, and it turned out to be enough. My other performances weren't that great, but overall I'm very happy to be where I am because tournament wins are always welcome.

He was probably not just thinking about the prize of 40 thousand dollars, but also about the whole atmosphere around this tournament.

I like being here, I see that there are many fans who know chess. The Zagreb tournament is a wonderful place. I really love being here.

And in the eyes of the devotees of this ancient, 1,500 years old game, Magnus Carlsen was the most sought-after person for a signature or a joint photo. And he was ready to oblige them.

I don't know if I made them happy, but I am happy that I satisfied their wishes.

This Večernjak journalist enjoyed watching three days of rapid chess (25 minutes per game, plus 10 seconds for each move), and especially two days of blitz chess (5 minutes per game, plus 3 seconds for each move). What is more exhausting for a chess player? Rapid or blitz?

– Blitz is more exhausting. There is more tension. It is harder on the nervous system. Blitz is always difficult.

In many games, Magnus was in a time crunch, the opponents would have a time advantage, but he still won.

– This has been a trend in my chess for the last few years. I can't play as fast as I once could, I have to think and then I run into problems with the time.

But despite that, he wins.

Sometimes I win, and sometimes I make mistakes. But that's part of the game, part of what makes blitz attractive.

In the last round of the blitz tournament, when he was already the overall winner, he lost to tenth place Ivan Šarić.

– I was quite tired all day and my level was not as good as it should have been. It's a shame, but I won the tournament, so those two losses don't bother me much in the end.

After the tournament, he decided to stay in Croatia for three more days, until he leaves for India, where he will compete in the Chess Olympiad.

I will stay in Croatia until I leave for Chennai. I don't know what I will do, where I will be, but I will stay there. I like to make plans only after the tournament is over.

That's how he spoke on Sunday evening, but eventually decided to go to the seaside with his friends. The organizers rented him a car, which he decided to drive himself.

Right now I feel drained of energy, so I will try to rest in order to be ready for my next performance.

During the tournament in Zagreb, in the morning hours, he played an interesting sport.

I played padel for a few days. This sport is not popular here, but in my country of Norway, its popularity is growing rapidly. In addition, I also played basketball and shot baskets in the park. I feel that it is important to engage in physical activity, especially here where the weather is so nice.

What sports does he like to do, in addition to chess?

I like a lot of sports, above all football, basketball, padel, and even jogging.

Since becoming world champion, a title he has defended five times, Magnus Carlsen has made chess very popular in his country.

Yes, chess has become a big thing in Norway and I am happy about that. Although, it might be less popular now that I won't be defending the world title. But it was a very good period for me.

And just when it seemed that no one could remove him from the throne, because the title was to be defended against the Russian Nepomnijaši, whom he defeated in the fight for the title last year, Magnus Carlsen decided to step down voluntarily. Was it a difficult decision?

Honestly, I thought about it for a long time and I feel good about that decision.

Is it true that he said that he would defend the title if his challenger was the young and very talented Frenchman Alireza Firouzja?

I didn't say that I would play, but that I would think.

Many people think of him as the second-best chess player of all time, right after Garry Kasparov, does he plan to challenge a future champion? For instance, the winner of the match between the Russian Jan Nepomnijaši and the Chinese Ding Liren who will fight for the title in 2023?

Who knows. I didn't think that far. At this moment, I am happy to play tournaments like this one in Zagreb. It was truly a pleasure.

What does it look like, being a man who is considered the greatest chess player today, but is not called the world champion?

Now that I don't have the world title, there is less pressure. I can have more fun in life and feel freer.

He was spotted at two poker tournaments this year. One played in Norway, and the other, at the beginning of July, in Las Vegas. Is this a new ambition?

No, I have no ambitions in poker. I just play it for fun. 

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

A Night of Jazz in Sinj with Nocturnal Four and City Music!

July 27, 2022 - Jazz group Nocturnal Four visits Sinj this weekend for a spectacle at Alkarski Dvori! 

At the end of July, Sinj locals and their guests will be treated to a real musical sensation - a performance by the jazz group Nocturnal Four! The world-renowned musicians on their Croatian summer tour this year have already performed in Pula and Zadar and will bring a touch of New Orleans to the Alkarski Dvori stage in Sinj! 

Ratko Zjača, previously known to the Sinj audience, is an award-winning guitarist, composer, performer, and pedagogue. He studied and graduated from the University of Zagreb. After completing his studies at the Conservatory in Rotterdam, where he studied jazz guitar, composition, and Indian classical music, he also studied at the New York University School of Music. Countless collaborations with the greats of jazz music launched him into the stars and brought him many recognitions and awards. John Riley is one of the most famous jazz drummers and educators today. He is a full-time drum professor at the famous academies Manhattan School of Music, The New School, and SUNY Purchase. In addition, he is a permanent external professor at the Conservatory in Amsterdam.


Pianist and organist Renato Chicco studied at the University of Music in Graz, Austria, and at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. In a long and fruitful career, he collaborated with the biggest names in world jazz music. He is currently a professor of jazz improvisation at the University of Music in Graz and continues to perform worldwide. Stefano Bedetti, one of the best European saxophonists, started playing tenor at 14. Inspired by Charlie Parker, Michael Brecker, and many other masters, he discovered new dimensions and approaches to music.


Don't miss a chance to listen to this fantastic quartet on July 30 at 9:30 pm, performing after City Music Sinj, which this year celebrates 160 years of its existence, dedicated work, education, and promotion of the city of Sinj throughout Lijepa naše and Europe.


The concert is free!

Photos by Ante Gašpar and Željke Zrnčić

For more, check out our lifestyle section.
