Monday, 9 May 2022

Croatia Understands Best What Ukraine Is Going Through, FM Says

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - Croatia is the youngest and only EU member state which experienced the kind of aggression Ukraine is experiencing, so it understands best what it is going through, Foreign Minister Gordan Grlić Radman said on Monday on the occasion of Europe Day.

"We know what's going on, we know how they suffer, we know how proud they are, we know how brave they are and we know they are not allowing their identity to be attacked," he added.

EU membership has brought Croatia additional protection, security and opportunities for growth and development, which is why Croatia is practically predestined to encourage enlargement, the minister said.

He also spoke of his visit to Ukraine yesterday with Prime Minister Andrej Plenković, during which they talked with President Volodymyr Zelensky, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and Parliament Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk.

"We visited the towns of Irpin and Bucha, which were bombed without reason or motive, houses were razed to the ground, civilians killed and thrown into a mass grave, 400 of them," Grlić Radman said.

On the occasion of Europe Day, the European Parliament's Croatian office organised numerous events and workshops focusing on young people as 2022 was designated European Year of Youth.

In the context of the Russian aggression on Ukraine, the EU's importance as a community of solidarity, values and rule of law was underlined.

Speeches were delivered by the head of the office, Violeta Simeonova Staničić, the head of the European Commission Representation in Croatia, Ognian Zlatev, Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Kyrylych and French Ambassador Gael Veyssiere.

Congratulating young people on Europe Day, Kyrylych said Europe was a strong international community which put up a strong resistance to the Russian aggression on Ukraine.

"They are calling what is happening in Moscow today a victory parade. Victory is not a parade, victory is not a thing, victory is the wisdom and solidarity of the international community, victory is when leaders of peoples visit the guardian of Europe," he said.

"That's what the strong do, that's what the wise and those who look to tomorrow do. Ukraine's big friend, the Croatian prime minister, did that, visiting Kyiv yesterday with the foreign minister," he added.

Zlatev said the role of young people was more important than ever and called on them to use the possibilities and the potential at their disposal, highlighting the Erasmus+ project.

Europe is at your disposal. Research, science and innovation are at the centre of the Union's strategy to stimulate growth and employment, he added.

2022 should have been the year of big recovery, of coming out of the pandemic, of economic growth, of green recovery and digital transition, said Simeonova Staničić.

But, because of the Russian aggression, the struggle for peace and security now comes first, she added.

For more, check out our politics section.


Monday, 9 May 2022

ZSE Indices Down By More Than 0.3%

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - The main Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE) indices fell by slightly more than 0.3% on Monday.

The Crobex dropped by 0.38% to 2,102 points, and the Crobex10 declined by 0.31% to 1,254 points.

Regular turnover amounted to HRK 8.67 million, or HRK 2.1 million less than on Friday. An additional HRK 2.3 million was generated by a block transaction with the Atlantic retail group stock at HRK 1,620 per share.

Atlantic Grupa also had the highest turnover in the regular session, HRK 1.61 million. Its price fell by 1.83% to HRK 1,610 per share.

The stock of the Valamar Riviera hotel company turned over HRK 1.44 million, closing at HRK 35 per share, up 0.86%.

A total of 41 stocks traded on the ZSE today, with 15 gaining and 20 losing in price, while six were stable.

(€1 = HRK 7.544176)

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated business section.

Monday, 9 May 2022

13 Member States, Including Croatia, Against Changing EU Treaties

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - Thirteen member states, including Croatia, do not support a proposal to change the European Union treaties, which is one of the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe supported by French President Emmanuel Macron and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

The 13 states are Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Sweden.

They say in a non-paper that although they do not rule out any option at this stage, they do not support rash attempts to initiate changes to the treaties, which they say would carry a serious risk of diverting political energy from the important tasks of finding solutions to questions to which citizens expect answers and from the geopolitical challenges Europe is facing.

The 13 member states feel that the EU can successfully manage crises as part of the current treaties, as proven by the fight against COVID-19 and the response to the Russian aggression on Ukraine.

The EU acted fast, finding and applying common and effective solutions. We already have a Europe which functions, we should not rush into institutional reforms to achieve results, the non-paper says.

It criticises the European Parliament, without mentioning it explicitly, for instrumentalising the Conference on the Future of Europe for its institutional interests.

The ideas which citizens put forward at the Conference should speak for themselves and deserve due attention, the non-paper says, adding that they should not be instrumentalised for special institutional interests.

For more, check out our politics section.

Monday, 9 May 2022

PM Issues Message For Europe Day

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Monday extended his best wishes to everyone for Europe Day, saying that we live in a time of great challenges that demand bold decisions and unity.

"I wish everyone a happy #EuropeDay! Through #CoFEU we've heard what European citizens are most concerned about," the Croatian prime minister said in the message, referring to the Conference on the Future of Europe, which started a year ago and ended today, on Europe Day.

"This is a time of great challenges that demand bold decisions and unity," Plenković wrote on Twitter.

The prime minister was probably referring to the world's challenges after it had just begun recovering from a two-year COVID-19 pandemic and Russia launched an invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, after which Europe and the world faced a number of challenges due to the rise in food and energy prices.

"We have the responsibility to continue building a Europe of peace, rule of law, social justice and economic development," the prime minister wrote.

On Sunday, 8 May, which is celebrated as Victory in Europe Day, the day of victory in the Second World War, Plenković paid an unannounced visit to Ukraine in order to show solidarity with the country's leadership and people, as well as to express support for its European path.

For more, check out our politics section.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Last Year Customs Administration Issued 140 Complaints For Gravest Forms of Smuggling

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - In 2021 the Customs Administration filed 140 criminal complaints for the gravest forms of smuggling on the EU's external borders, the director of the Customs Administration, Mario Demirović, said on Monday on the occasion of the procurement of new equipment worth HRK 7.5 million.

Demirović specified that the Customs Administration issues about 12,700 misdemeanour warrants each year and that 60% of them refer to offences recorded on external borders. He added that in 2021, 80% more warrants were issued than in 2020 and the value of the fines issued in 2021 was up 40% compared with 2020. 

''That means that our external border is subject to exceptional traffic pressure and that means our responsibility to ensure that the traffic flows undisturbed," said Demirović, presenting the HRK 7.5 million equipment procured through the EU Hercule III programme, with HRK 4.8 million secured from EU funds.

The programme protects the EU's financial interests by supporting action to combat irregularities, fraud and corruption affecting the EU budget. It was administered by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). It was valued at €104 million and was exclusively used for the financial capacities of the 28 member states over a seven-year period.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Finding Relevant Information As Protection Against Misinformation, Says Minister

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - Minister of Culture and Media Nina Obuljen Koržinek on Monday said it is exceptionally important to find relevant information and in that way protect oneself against misinformation, adding that the development of independent fact-checkersis the basis to resist misinformation.

The minister presented the results of a project held under the motto "Think with your head in the media labyrinth" as part of the 5th Media Literacy Days, held from 2 to 8 May and comprising more than 500 events in 155 cities around Croatia.

She underscored that technological development has brought positive changes to life but they have also created a labyrinth in some areas of life and "due to the quantity of available information, we sometimes feel like we are living in a parallel world."

Hence, it is exceptionally important to know how to find relevant information and be protected against misinformation, she said, adding that the National Recovery and Resilience Plan has ensured the funds to set up fact-checkers and a published data system.

Developing independent fact-checkers for information in the public sphere, in the media and on social networks and building a system are the foundation of strengthening a society's resilience to misinformation, underscored Obuljen Koržinek.

Minister of Science and Education Radovan Fuchs underlined that media literacy is now being developed through a series of school subjects in elementary and secondary schools.

He stressed that media literacy includes a lot of know-how, skills and competencies and that the greatest value of media literacy is the ability to analyse, evaluate and put information into context.

Vice president of the Electronic Media Council Robert Tomljenović said the results of recent research indicate that it is necessary to create conditions for children and young people as well as all citizens to learn how the media function and create content and news so they can develop critical thinking.

The head of the UNICEF office for Croatia, Regina M. Castillo, said that research has shown that young people recognise the challenges of using the media, particularly digital media.

"Every third student has felt stress, loneliness, envy or lack of seld-confidence due to content on social networks. These are challenges that parents, teachers and other experts are faced with every day," she warned.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.


Monday, 9 May 2022

Audio Recording of Hearings Not Certain to make Proceedings Faster, Seminar Hears

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - It is questionable if the expanded application of audio recordings of court hearings will contribute to making proceedings faster, Supreme Court judge Damir Kos said at a two-day seminar on novelties in Croatian criminal legislation in Opatija on Monday.

Addressing the seminar, Kos spoke about the latest changes to the Criminal Procedure Act, including the expanded application of audio recordings of hearings, communication via video link and increased use of electronic communication in delivering documents to parties in criminal proceedings.

He said, among other things, that those changes were acceptable in principle but warned that such an experiment should not be undertaken without previously analysing objections from the ground as they indicated that this would not necessarily help improve court efficiency.

Presenting an overview of judgements and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in cases against Croatia, Supreme Court judge Marin Mrčela said that in 2021 the ECHR ruled on 682 petitions, rejecting 637 or 93%. In 34 of 37 judgements that refer to 45 petitions, at least one violation each of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms was identified, he said.

In 2021 there were 26 judgements and decisions in cases against Croatia pertaining to criminal law, and violations of the Convention were identified in 16, Mrčela said.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Exports in Q1 up 36.6%, imports +41.2%

ZAGREB, 9 May 2022 - In the first three months of 2022, the value of Croatia's commodity exports totalled HRK 41.7 billion, up 36.6% on the year, while imports increased by 41.2% to HRK 67.4 billion, the Croatian Bureau of Statistics (DZS) reported on Monday.

The foreign trade deficit in that period amounted to HRK 25.6 billion, 8.5 billion more on the year, while the coverage of imports by exports was 61.9%, whereas in the comparable period of 2021 it was 64%.

The export of goods to the EU in Q1 totalled HRK 30.2 billion, 42.9% more on the year, while imports from the EU increased by 31.8% to HRK 50 billion.

Exports to non-EU countries increased by 22.6% to HRK 11.6 billion while imports from non-EU countries soared by 78% to HRK 17.3 billion.

Expressed in euros, Croatia's commodity exports in Q1 totalled €5.5 billion, an increase of 37.1% from Q1 2021, while imports increased by 41.8% to €8.9 billion.

The foreign trade deficit amounted to €3.4 billion in that period.

Goods exported to the EU in Q1 totalled €4 billion, an increase of 43.4% compared to Q1 2021, while exports to non-EU countries increased by 23.1% to €1.5 billion.

Goods imported from the EU totalled €6.6 billion (+32.3%), while imports from non-EU countries soared by 78.7%% to €2.3 billion.

(€1 = HRK 7.544176)

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated business section.

Monday, 9 May 2022

10 Essential Mobile Apps for Traveling Around Croatia

May 9, 2022 - To make the most of your next vacation, here are some apps that shouldn't be missing from your phone when traveling around Croatia.

Oh yes, the good old days when having a city guide under your arm and an adventurous spirit were enough to travel the world and enjoy it to the fullest. Times have changed, and both the constantly evolving digital age and marketing make us aware of needs we didn't think we had. Today, we book airline tickets and accommodations, navigate with GPS, and change currencies, all on a mobile device.

But this is by no means a critique of the mobile app era. On the contrary, we will use this space to highlight some of the apps that will truly make your next trip easier, relieve the stress, and leave uncertainty while traveling around Croatia aside.

Just a reminder. The apps that we will list below are not necessarily secret or unknown, because some of them (we hope) you should already have installed! Basically, we remind you that the following apps are essential to make your experience in Croatia better.

Google Translate

Let's start off right: communication. Yes, English is spoken in Croatia. And very good English. Some will believe that it has to do only with the tourist context, but there are many reasons to explain the very good level of speaking and understanding of English in Croatia, even in public offices.

However, English is not the official language in Croatia. Croatian is. As a good tourist, you will find that the locals will really appreciate it if you replace some words in your sentences with Croatian ones. After all, it is a difficult language and they know it. You just have to try it and you will notice the gratitude almost immediately. Now, go ahead and use some common words or even dare to ask some questions in Croatian. Not only do we encourage you to do it to create a link with the locals, but also because it will be useful in case English is not enough to make it clear what you need with your host, your waiter at the restaurant, the bus driver, or even a random person in the street.


For this reason, Google Translate is the application that we recommend you to have. Personally, we recommend using their English to Croatian translator, which has more translations and fewer errors. There are other translation apps, but unfortunately, they do not have a Croatian translator or they are not well programmed for that function.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.


As you well know, the official currency in Croatia is the Kuna. Although it is very likely that you booked your accommodation and your tickets in euros, dollars, or pounds, once you land in Croatia you will need to know the currency exchange. It is true that you can use your credit or debit card to pay for everything here, but besides being a very good idea to be aware of the exchange rate, it is good to note that some places (such as bars, cafes, tours or activities) charge cash only.


For this reason, before going to the nearest ATM to withdraw money or to an exchange house to change it, we recommend you use the Currency application, where you can see the value of the kuna versus absolutely all the existing currencies in the world. This will be a year of many changes in prices because from January 2023 Croatia will begin its transition process to the Eurozone. Therefore, we could not recommend you more to have this application at hand.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.

Google Maps

Another app that you should already have installed on your mobile device. Apple Maps is also an option, but from experience, I think Google Maps today is better designed to be used in a country like Croatia. Even the vast majority of satellite images from Google have been recently updated in the country, so it will be a great tool to guide you safely when traveling around Croatia.

In some cities, like Zagreb, the database of the public transport system is synchronized with this application, so it is possible to know exactly which bus or tram should take you to the place you need in real-time. In other cities, like Split, it is even possible to see the ferry routes in 360 views.


Google Maps will definitely be your ideal tool not only to find your accommodation, a good restaurant to eat at, or a secret beach to relax but also to build your itinerary if you plan to travel to several cities in Croatia, evaluate which is the best breakfast option based on its review system, or also to take alternative routes in case you come across a closed street or traffic.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.

No, we do not have a partnership with, and we definitely know that there are numerous alternatives such as, Airbnb, Hostelworld, or Expedia. However, if there is one thing you need to know about accommodation in Croatia, it is that there is more than one type of accommodation. Actually, more than three. Honestly, more than ten. It's hard to count.

Hotels, villas, houses, apartments, rooms, bungalows, camping sites, eco-lodges, hostels... even boats! The offer of accommodation in Croatia is incredibly diverse, and this invites you to be open-minded and correctly evaluate which one will be able to effectively satisfy your dream vacation. Therefore, you need an accommodation search site that brings together all this diversity, and you can find it on


We do not want to recommend an app based on bad experiences, but the truth is that during the high season in Croatia there are many cases of scams to tourists looking for accommodation. Many of them book accommodations that cancel reservations or raise their prices at the last minute, or even didn't exist in the first place! Therefore, having an application like is a good idea if you want to see alternatives with ratings and reviews that give you more security before booking your accommodation, as well as being in contact with a customer service that avoids this type of awkward situations.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.


During summer at its height, transportation alternatives for traveling around Croatia are not in short supply. Trains, planes, ferries, catamarans... you name it. However, the leading transport system in Croatia continues to be buses. Everyone, both locals and tourists, can basically get to any corner of the country, and from anywhere in Europe, by bus.

The German company FlixBus is the best option if you plan to reduce travel costs and choose the bus as your transportation alternative if you travel from another country to Croatia. Its modern fleet will bring you to and from Croatia with the comfort that a well-deserved vacation deserves.


Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.

Arriva Croatia

This time, we will add another bus application. Believe it or not, FlixBus is not necessarily the favorite in the country. Although you will see their green buses at all stations and roads in the country, it cannot be said that the margin of preference is as distant as that of Arriva Croatia, and for a special reason. FlixBus, while connecting to almost every city in Croatia, may not reach everywhere. Something that you will find in Arriva Croatia, which not only offers you tickets to big cities like Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Pula or Šibenik, but also to more remote and smaller towns and villages throughout the country (and even the islands and National Parks!).


Likewise, Arriva Croatia has a huge fleet of buses and, therefore, a large number of schedules and competitive prices that will motivate you to compare your options between both companies. At the end of the day, it doesn't hurt to organize a trip around Croatia using buses from both Arriva Croatia and FlixBus. Both have mobile applications that allow you to check their schedules, reserve seats, and download your tickets to your phone.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.


Here we present a somewhat different transport application. It is the app that almost everyone has recommended to me in Croatia, and very recently I used it for the first time to travel from Zagreb to Rijeka.

BlaBlaCar is a French application that allows you to choose a city or town of departure and destination, and it will give you a list of drivers who will also travel that route on the day you choose to travel. The drivers are the ones who offer their departure and arrival times, as well as the exact departure and arrival points in the respective cities. The choice is yours. You'll be able to see who else will be traveling with you, as well as ratings and reviews from past passengers.

BlaBlaCar is a great alternative if you travel light from one city to another, want to get there faster, and to make it more interesting, to meet people during the trip through good conversations.


Once the driver has been chosen, you will receive a confirmation from him and you will be able to obtain his contact information to coordinate the meeting at the starting point. We recommend that you confirm your trip in advance, and also bring cash as it is generally the preferred form of payment for drivers.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.


What's a Croatia vacation without an island getaway? Of course, the Croatian Adriatic coast is long enough to find a beach that suits your needs, but there is a special feeling of getting on a ferry and exploring one of the more than 1000 Croatian islands. If that is your wish, then make sure you have the Jadrolinija app installed.

Jadrolinija is the national ferry company in Croatia, and while their website or port offices have long been the most common places to buy your tickets, their mobile app is also a great option as you never know when you may be tempted to change your plans and hop on a ferry.


In their app, just choose your departure ferry port and you'll be able to see the destinations you can go to. This will allow you to see your table of times and prices according to the number of passengers. You can also find information about the location of the ferry ports in Croatia. The app allows you to pay by debit card.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.


Although Google Maps has a huge database of reviews and ratings to help you make a decision on where to go, stay or eat, Tripadvisor remains a benchmark among travel guide applications. Perhaps what positions Tripadvisor as a leader in the category is that you only have to enter a destination to which you plan to go to obtain a wide range of possibilities on what to do and see during your trip.

It is an application widely used by companies of all kinds in Croatia, and that is why you will not find it difficult to find tours, activities, or workshops that allow you to have a different vacation. Precisely, you will be able to use the ratings and reviews to validate the quality and reliability of these activities, and not take any risks.


There are all types of tourists, and among them, there are those who do not usually arrive with pre-made itineraries, since for them spontaneity and improvisation add some emotion and a feeling of adventure to their vacations. Therefore, Tripadvisor is a great tool to get inspired and make a list of places to see and things to do in your destination in Croatia.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.


It may not have the best public transport in Europe, but Croatia is a country where you can get around without any problems. If time is not an issue for you and you enjoy urban and rural landscapes while onboard a bus or tram, then there is no reason to despair.

However, it is true that from time to time you will have to rush to the airport, the train station, the bus station, or the ferry port or you will lose your trip. Similarly, you never know when you may need to go to a hospital (when it's not an emergency) or maybe you've booked a tour where you have to meet the agency at a certain place and time. In these and many other cases, the virtue of patience is probably not enough and nerves do not allow you to wait for a bus or tram, which sometimes you do not know when they may arrive.


In that sense, it might be a bit obvious that having a taxi app installed is always a good idea. Yes, there are taxis that can take you from the airport to the city and vice versa but don't trust their rates. It is better to grab the WiFi and book the taxi from an app. While many in Croatia will recommend apps like Cammeo or Bolt, I have personally found Uber to be quite reliable and effective, with reasonable and fair rates.

Available at Apple App Store and Google Play.

Today's smartphones contain enough storage to install dozens of apps, so you shouldn't feel limited to just these ten. The idea is to travel calmly and happily, so the more apps you find that can help you organize your vacation, the better! Find apps that help you learn about private boat rentals, weather apps, airline apps, apps with biking or hiking trails, and more. Everything helps!

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Green Future Conference in Split: Learn How to Fund Your Company's Green Transition

May 9, 2022 - On 9 and 10 June, attendees of the Green Future Conference will have the opportunity to learn how to incorporate green transition principles into their business and stay on top of the game, how to recognize the best players and emulate them, and how to make the green transition principles work towards boosting their top and bottom line. 

The green transition is becoming the backbone of strategic thinking in every single economic activity and industry. Having set the target to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and reduce net emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990, the European Union has become a global leader in terms of sustainability. No area of business, public policy, and everyday life will be able to sidestep the changes that are calling for an increase in energy efficiency and in the share of renewable energy sources, stricter rules on emissions trading, new means of transport and infrastructure, adjustment of tax policies, and new habits in general. The process is neither simple nor cheap so the Green Future Conference, powered by Rimac and Infobip that will be held on 9 and 10 June in Split, is bringing together international and local experts who will share their ideas on how to fund business changes, attract investment, and ensure your company gains and retains a competitive edge. 


Victoria Zinchuk has been the Head of the Croatian EBRD Office (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) since November 2018. She has advised, developed, and managed the financing of projects that have cumulatively yielded more than a billion euros for local and multinational clients in various countries. EBRD is involved in the financing of Split’s Green City Action Plan through their Green Cities programme. Since 2016, EBRD has supported more than 40 European cities that are developing and implementing green plans in the context of improving the quality of life, environment and resilience to climate changes.

Anders Frostenson has two decades of experience building digital experiences, products, and services. He has held executive positions in Stockholm, London, and New York and managed a fund of EUR 10 million supporting entrepreneurs around the world. Anders leads Ernst&Young's Sustainable Product and Service Innovation in the EMEA region to bring together talent and companies to work together on key innovations for a better future. He is an active angel investor and advisor to several startup companies in the global digital market.

Andrej Grubišić is one of the leading corporate finance authorities in Croatia. He runs a boutique company specialising in investment banking, Grubišić & Partners, whose 11 experts provide consulting services in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, raising capital, and business valuation. Not only does Andrej have a wealth of experience in corporate finance, but is also an active member of the academic community. 

Anne Lise Rognlidalen is a programme director at Innovation Norway, the Norwegian government’s most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian companies and industry, which includes financing and capacity building toward green transition. She has extensive experience in managing various grant schemes in Norway and other countries and is currently managing business development programmes funded by EEA and Norway Grants in Croatia and Greece. In the 2014-2021 Perspective, EUR 22 million was earmarked for Croatian private sector projects through the Business Development and Innovation Croatia programme. 

Balázs Pál Békeffy became President of the Management Board of OTP Bank in 2011, and after the acquisition of Splitska banka he became president of one of the five largest banks in Croatia. OTP Bank is the gold sponsor of the Green Future Conference, and it will also have its board member Zvonimir Akrap join the conference. Mr Akrap is in charge of corporate banking and financial markets and has more than 15 years of managerial experience at Splitska banka. 

 "Green transition is the only way to ensure the sustainability of the economy and society. It is not a question of whether it is needed, but how quickly and wisely we can implement it. No one can do this on their own - dialogue, exchange of experiences, joint development of innovations, and cooperation are crucial for success. Banks are eager to learn about the industry and government plans and visions of green development, as this will be the foundation of our sustainable financing plans. OTP Bank is rapidly incorporating ESG criteria into its business and we value every opportunity to discuss it further with our stakeholders.  That is why I am looking forward to participating in the Green Future Conference and I believe that the conference will prove to be inspiring for everyone concerned"- said Balázs Békeffy, President of the OTP Bank’s Management Board. 

Zvonimir Akrap, a member of the OTP Bank’s Management Board commented on the role of the banking sector, emphasizing the following: "The banking sector is recognized as a key element in the pursuit of sustainability and we are expected to very quickly devise a way to ensure the financing of the green transition. We are heavily invested in that respect, but we must all be aware that this journey will result in a major transformation of the economy and therefore is one we must all embark on together. To conclude, sustainable development and financing are a long game that nevertheless requires fast and efficient planning for long-term impacts, even though the circumstances that are challenging for both the economy and the banks. Building a sound framework for sustainable financing is contingent on the ability of companies to draw up their green plans boldly and realistically, and the ability of banks to understand and recognize their role and opportunities. OTP Bank will be ready to serve as a reliable partner to our clients so that we can achieve sustainable goals together."

Ivana Gažić, President of the Zagreb Stock Exchange Management Board, will also be among the speakers at the Green Future Conference. Zagreb Stock Exchange is the leading capital market developer in the region which maintains a transparent, secure, profitable, and efficient market while obtaining the highest quality capital market services to meet the needs of investors, issuers, and stakeholders. Ms Gažić believes that the green transition is a topic that has finally been given proper attention: 

"An increasing number of citizens are changing their habits, but they have every right to expect the politics and the local community to support them and build the infrastructure needed to facilitate environmentally-friendly behaviour. It is safe to say that the investors cannot get enough of companies tinted green.  There are still relatively few such companies around, but trends are changing very quickly and the investors’ demands are driving the changes in the behaviour of companies. The Green Future Conference is a great opportunity to learn how to incorporate green transition principles into one’s business, how to recognize the best players and emulate them, and how to make the green transition principles work towards boosting the top line as well as the bottom line. 


For more information go to 

The Green Future Conference is a climate-neutral event powered by the two largest Croatian technology companies, Rimac and Infobip. Gold sponsors are OTP Bank, A1, and Bosch, while regular sponsors are Daikin, Končar, and E&Y. Friends of the Conference are Daikin, Professio energija, Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, City of Split, and FC Hajduk. The Conference is also supported by Dwelt, Eutopia, GBC HUB, Croatian Green Building Council, Strujni krug, Business Psychology Lab, and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Split. The organizational partners are Profico, Vajt, and Poduzetnik.
