Monday, 6 September 2021

Zagreb Company Take Natural Juice Exceeds Expected Results

September the 6th, 2021 - The Zagreb company Take Natural Juice started out as a concept store after a family decided to adopt a more healthy way of life a decade ago. It has since caught the interest of many and exceeded its previously expected results.

As Ivan Tominac/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, health, they say, is the greatest wealth one can have, and nutrition is an important part of our daily lives that allows us to have better health and an easier time in general, both physically and mentally.

The Zagreb company Take Natural Juice is also producing a healthier alternative to fruit juices, and a conversation with the owner Sanja Dajak Matanovic revealed the fact that everything started out with a family that deciced to switch to a more healthy lifestyle more than ten years ago.

It started with the opening of a concept store with a professional kitchen in which these juices were produced, and after receiving good feedback from their customers, the whole concept took on new proportions and became a business that the whole family is very proud of.

Health and improving the quality of life were, therefore, the main motives for starting the business behind the Zagreb company Take Natural Juice.

“We offer cold-pressed juices without the addition of sugar, artificial sweeteners, water, colour enhancers, preservatives and a kind of chemistry in general. We currently offer six types of standardised cold-pressed juices (fresh and short-term pasteurised), two types of lemonades, three types of wellness shooters and four types of smoothies,'' explained Dajak Matanovic.

Given that this business story exceeded their expected results, investments were a logical sequence of activities, and although they had inquiries about the sale of shares in the company, nothing like that is in their focus at the moment. An investment of 10,000 euros was spent on equipping a professional kitchen, as well as on obtaining basic professional furniture and machinery. According to Dajak Matanovic, the plan is to withdraw funds from EU funds in the next step.

“Our juices are all cold pressed from first class vegetables and fruits and retain up to 25 percent of their fiber. Our fresh juices have a shelf life of five days, which is achieved by perfect microbiology and extreme caution and hygienic perfectionism in the production process. The pasteurised juices are processed by the method of fast pasteurisation (HTST) which allows a shelf life of up to two months, depending on the glass or plastic packaging, but the juices still belong to the fresh product category,'' said the owner of the Zagreb company Take Natural Juice.

All of the conditions that need to be met in order for their juices to be called healthy are, as he pointed out, the challenges they face in production. Each step in production takes months of reading, researching and searching for options for machines and production means. While difficult, they're successfully coping with this.

Most of their raw materials come from domestic producers and distributors, but depending on the season and what is available, they sometimes do go beyond the borders of Croatia to get their hands on good raw materials.

“There's no small supplier or family farm that could supply us with a sufficient amount of necessary raw materials all year round, but we have a successful and long cooperation with some of them. Organic chokeberry, for example, comes from Croatia all year round, it's more or less the same for apples too, but the origin of the oranges we use depends on the season, and for example, pineapple, ginger and similar foods, which aren't grown in our climate, are regularly imported.

We use first class vegetables and fruits in our production, and any visible damage to any of it is physically removed. Only completely healthy foods enter the juices,'' added Dajak Matanovic.

Their entire production is currently located in Zagreb, in the western part of the city, and their production facilities extend in size to 120 square metres. They have no stocks or long-term storage, they're very flexible and they have adapted their team to that, which varies from 5 to 10 people per shift, depending on the size of their orders.

For more, make sure to check out Made in Croatia.

Monday, 6 September 2021

Northern Part of Brac Island Undergoing Large Traffic Connection Project

September the 6th, 2021 - The northern part of Brac island is undergoing quite a large traffic connection project as the popular central Dalmatian island's infrastructure is gradually improved.

As Morski writes, Split-Dalmatia County, of which Brac island is a part, has launched a large infrastructure project to properly connect up the northern side of Brac. The project in question is worth a little less than 61 million kuna in total and the very first phase of it all is now nearing completion.

This Brac island project involves the construction of a new road and the renovation of the existing road which goes goes in the direction: Supetar - Pucisca - Povlja - Sumartin, which, they say, should "revive" the northern part of this large Dalmatian island and enable the further development of that part of it in general.

The works have been divided up into two different phases: the first phase is currently under construction and involves the construction of a new road in the length of 4.8 kilometres in total, while the second phase includes the construction of the second section from Pucisca to Povlja in the length of 10.4 kilometres, and the reconstruction of the entire route covering a total length of 31 kilometres.

For this, as they have referred to it, capital project of Brac island worth a massive 60.8 million kuna, funds were withdrawn from European Union funds, with non-refundable European Union funds amounting to 51.7 million kuna, while 9.1 million kuna was allocated from the state and county budget.

The first phase of this large Brac island project which will make traffic connections much easier for years to come should be completed over the next few months.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.


Monday, 6 September 2021

Totems and Sensory Technology Put into Function on Lokrum Island

September the 6th, 2021 - One of Dubrovnik's most visited gems, the nearby Lokrum island, has undergone some changes of late. Totems and sensory technology devices have been placed across the uninhabited southern Dalmatian island, providing for a more interactive stay when visiting.

As Morski writes, as part of the project "Historical Gardens of the Dubrovnik area", activities from group 1 of ICT procurement were completed. Structured cabling carrying a total value of 84,513.00 kuna and group 3: the establishment of a unique IoT platform, the installation of sensor infrastructure with analytics and the presentation and installation of an interpretation point in the historical gardens of Lokrum island, carrying a total value of 1,214,880.00 kuna.

Structured cabling involves upgrading the existing fiber optic and the local computer network (LAN) in order to connect all of the functional facilities on Lokrum island into one unit and integrate them over the optical network into new digital services.

An advanced system for monitoring environmental components on Lokrum island, which is known for its botanical garden, has been introduced at six different locations. These are sensors that measure both air and sea quality and work to detect smoke. The sensor infrastructure is connected to an information and presentation panel which, in addition to providing timely information on the state of the environment, provides information on the natural values of Lokrum island, the sailing schedule and the project itself.

A sensor has also been installed to monitor the number of visitors at any one time on the small island with the aim of the more efficient use and management of protected areas. The completion of these activities established a technological environment that will ensure the long-term strategic development of Lokrum island as an intelligent/cognitive system, with efficient management of its own capacities and the preservation of natural heritage and the environment.

The "Historical Gardens of the Dubrovnik area" project is otherwise a three-year project with a total value of 15.5 million kuna. It was applied for and accepted in a restricted grant procedure for the promotion of sustainable development of natural heritage and co-financed by the Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme for the financial period 2014-2020 of the European Regional Development Fund.

It contributes to the creation of new experiences for visitors and the raising of awareness of the need and importance of nature protection, and by using the modern technologies of interpretation and monitoring the environmental components, it enables cooperation with both Croatian and foreign scientific institutions and additionally responds to modern requests for new experiences.

The purpose of the project is the sustainable use of natural heritage and the management of protected areas through the interpretation and presentation of protected natural values, with the long-term goal of contributing to sustainable socio-economic development at the local and regional level.

For more, make sure to check out our lifestyle section.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Croatia’s Foreign Ministry Closely Following Developments in Montenegro

ZAGREB, 5 Sept, 2021 - The Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs stated on Sunday that it was closely following the developments in Montenegro, and that it condemned any form of violence.

The ministry calls for dialogue in the search of solutions to the current problems and expressed hope that the latest developments will not have repercussions for the status of ethnic Croatians in that country.

"We expect all political protagonists in Montenegro to solve all the issues facing the Montenegrin society in the European spirit and through inclusive and constructive political dialogue," the ministry said after the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) bishop Joanikije for Montenegro was inaugurated in a monastery in the Montenegrin historical capital of Cetinje despite the days of protests of thousands of Montenegrin patriots.

During the clashes of the police and demonstrators, seven police officers and a score of protesters were injured. The police detained a dozen protesters.

Croatia "condemns any form of violence and we expect all protagonists in Montenegro to contribute to the defusion of tensions and to peace and order in the country."

"We are hopeful that the current situation will not adversely affect the position of the Croat community in Montenegro," says the ministry.

It recalls that Montenegro is a neighbour of Croatia and that the two countries have developed good relations, and that both are members of NATO.

It underscores that Croatia strongly supports Montenegro's EU membership aspirations.

Montenegrin President Milo Đukanović said on Sunday afternoon that the enthronement of the SPC bishop for Montenegro in a monastery in Cetinje had been conducted with the use of force which he condemned in the strongest terms. He also accused the government of excessive force against peaceful protests.

The Embassy of the United States in Montenegro has called for the defusion of tensions. It urges protesters not to vent out their anger on law enforcement forces that were trying to preserve peace.

The embassy says on its Facebook that all who support the multi-ethnic, inclusive and democratic Montenegro should defuse the current tensions.

DP blasts Joakinije's enthronement, supports Montenegrin patriots

The Croatian oppositionparty called the Homeland Movement  (DP) on Sunday condemned the forcible enthronement of Joanikije and criticised the SPC for continuing to be a key player in attempts to destabilise Montenegro.

The DP says that the arrival of SPC Patriarch Porfirije and Joanikije by helicopter in Cetinje was an air landing operation and war-mongering act.

For more on politics, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Croatian Students Win 2 Silvers, 3 Bronzes at Middle European Mathematical Olympiad

ZAGREB, 5 Sept, 2021 - The 15th Middle European Mathematical Olympiad (MEMO) took place in Zagreb on 23-29 August, and Croatian secondary school students won two silver and three bronze medals in the individual competition and ranked third in the team competition.

Ten countries of Central Europe participated in the competition: Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Switzerland, while the team from Bosnia and Herzegovina was the eleventh team and Zagreb's guest and participated online, like representatives of Germany and Lithuania.

The competition was organised by the Croatian Mathematical Society and took place at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, which helped organise the event.

A total of 66 students competed, and six gold, 11 silver and 18 bronze medals were awarded at MEMO.

The Croatian team consisted of Namik Agić, Janko Bušelić, Petar Sruk and Patrik Pavić from Zagreb's 15th secondary school, Stella Čolo from Zadar's Franje Petrić secondary school and Emanuel Tukač from Varaždin's 1st secondary school, and Ilko Brnetić and Ivan Novak were team leaders.

Patrik Pavić and Stella Čolo won a silver medal in the individual competition, while Namik Agić, Janko Bušelić and Emanuel Tukač took a bronze medal.

For daily news on Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Economy Minister Rules Out Lower VAT on Food This Year

ZAGREB, 5 Sept, 2021 - Economy Minister Tomislav Ćorić said on Sunday that the Value Added Tax (VAT) on food would not be lowered this year, considering the fact that the economy has just started to stablise since the 2020 crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The reduction of the VAT rate cannot be implemented this year. We have just started to stabilise since the crisis in 2020. Such moves should be considered within medium-term perspectives, that is in one or two years," the minister said in his address to the press while attending his ministry's green campaign "#ZaZeleniSvakiDan" in downtown Zagreb.

The minister expects the stabilisation of the prices on the global market in the coming months and the effects of that trend on the Croatian market after that.

"The stabilisation of chains of distribution is a prerequisite for the stabilisation of price of food and also of construction material," he added.

The minister is hopeful that 2022 would usher in stabilisation, supported by some measures from the field of the monetary policy.

For more on business, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Up to 100,000 Quail Killed Annually in Illegal Hunting

ZAGREB, 5 Sept, 2021 - Up to 100,000 quail are killed annually with the help of electronic bird calls even though their use is forbidden under the Hunting Act, the Biom association has said ahead of the start of the quail hunting season in Croatia.

"Between 40,000 and 100,000 quail are killed annually in illegal hunting with the help of electronic calls," the association said, noting that it had been receiving frequent reports from the ground on the use of such devices.

In order to raise awareness of the harmfulness of such hunting practices, which can cause significant losses in certain animal populations, Biom has launched a campaign covering 44 local radio stations calling on citizens to report to police if they hear the sound of electronic bird calls by dialling 112.

The project is funded through the LIFE EU Programme and co-funded by the state Office for Nongovernmental Organisations.

The association notes that a hunter can kill up to five quail during one hunt while a hunter using an electronic bird call can kill up to 50 birds.

Illegal hunting carries a sentence of up to three years in prison.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Bishop Tells MPs That Future of Croatia Is Their Responsibility

ZAGREB, 5 Sept, 2021 - A traditional annual pilgrimage organised under the auspice of the Croatian parliament to the Catholic shrine in the town of Ludbreg was held on Sunday, with the Bishop of Zrenjanin, Laszlo Nemet, leading the service that was attended by a few thousand believers.

During the sermon, the bishop said in his message to parliamentary deputies who attended the mass and this votive pilgrimage, that both the present and the future of the country was their responsibility.

In reference to 1739 when plague had spread in the region, which prompted the then Croatian parliament to keep its vow to protect the nation from plague and therefore had a chapel built in Ludbreg and the present-day COVID-19 pandemic, the bishop said that there were also many challenges today such as COVID-19  disease, unemployment, the departure of young people from Croatia. And also there are many positive things, the bishop said, underscoring the positive vibrations among the faithful.

Several thousand pilgrims today flocked the northern town of Ludbreg that houses a unique Eucharistic shrine in Croatia, founded by a papal bull in 1513.

In attendance at today's rites was Deputy Parliament Speaker Željko Reiner, who among other things, called for vaccination of citizens against coronavirus "as the sole rational, efficient and civilisational achievement in the fight against contagious diseases."

He recalled that Pope Francis had also urged people to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Croatia’s Coronavirus Update: 539 New Cases, 485 Hospitalisations, 8 Deaths

ZAGREB, 5 Sept, 2021 - In the last 24 hours, Croatia has conducted 9,174 coronavirus tests, and 5.8%, or 539 of them, have turned out to be positive, and eight COVID-19 patients have died, bringing the COVID-related death toll to 8,370, the national coronavirus crisis management team said on Sunday.

Currently, there are 4,431 active cases of the infection in the country, and 485 of them are receiving hospital treatment, including 52 patients who are on ventilators.

Since 25 February 2020, when Croatia reported its first registered COVID-19 case, more than 2.59 million tests have been conducted, showing that 377,838 people have caught the virus. Of them, 365,037 have recovered to date, including 552 recoveries in the last 24 hours.

Since the start of its vaccine rollout, Croatia has administered nearly 3.3 million doses of vaccines, and 42.9% of the total population, or 51.51% of adult citizens, have been vaccinated.

According to the statement, 1,555,960 people have been double vaccinated plus 74,299 who have received a single-dose of the Janssen vaccine, and that makes up 48.30% of the adult population.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 5 September 2021

16 Tokyo Olympic Medalists Coming to Zagreb for 71st Boris Hanžeković Memorial

September 5, 2021 - The 71st Boris Hanžeković Memorial will be held at Zagreb's Mladost Stadium on September 13 and 14!

The 71st Boris Hanžeković Memorial - Continental Tour Gold Athletic Rally was recently presented at a press conference in Zagreb. The director of the rally, Robert Šola, pointed out that 11 Olympic champions, 7 world champions, and 16 medal winners from the Tokyo Olympics have already confirmed their participation.

"I can say that we will watch the rally even better than those we have enjoyed all these years. This year, for the first time, we will sell tickets for the Boris Hanžeković Memorial through Entrio, i.e., " Tickets are already on sale. 

The new manager of the rally, Alfons Juck, presented some of the strongest disciplines.

"We have already announced that Sandra Perković will have the opportunity for a rematch against Olympic winner in the discus throw, Valarie Allman, who is also coming to Zagreb. All three medal winners from Tokyo will compete in the men's discus, and I believe that Daniel Stahl could throw the discus over 70 meters."

Juck announced three sprint disciplines and listed the main stars. Namely, in the 110-meter hurdles, Tokyo Olympic winner Hansle Parchment, Tokyo bronze medalist Ronald Levy, and Devon Allen, fourth from Tokyo. In the 100 meters (M): first in the world Trayvon Bromell - 9.77, Olympic finalist Ronnie Baker - 9.83, Ferdinand Omurwa - 9.86. In the 200m, Tokyo silver medalist Christine Mboma, Tokyo bronze medalist in the 100m and gold in the 4x100m relay Shericka Jackson,  and Tokyo silver medalist in the 400m Marileidy Paulino.

On Tuesday, September 14, spectators could witness a historic moment at Zagreb's Mladost Stadium. Can the 800-meter race end in under 1:44.00?

There is a good chance that the Zagreb record (1:44.05, and held by Niel Amos) will be forgotten, as four athletes are coming to Zagreb who ran a better time.

The biggest favorite is Bosnia & Herzegovina national Amel Tuka, world runner-up and participant in the final race of the Olympic Games (6th). His personal record is 1:42.51. Next to him are two Kenyan runners - Elias Ngeny (1:43.84) and Patrick Saruni (1:43.25). In addition, the competition is strengthened by the arrival of Puerto Rican Wesley Vazquez (1:43.83). And that's not all. 

At last year's edition, British athletes took their places on the podium, but can last year's winner - Daniel Rowden, Elliot Giles (2nd), and 22-year-old, talented Thomas Randolph (Zagreb debutant) repeat their success? Peter Bol also has a legitimate chance of winning after winning fourth place in the 800-meter race in Tokyo.

With so many great runners, this will surely be one of the strongest 800-meter races in the history of the Zagreb event.

The Boris Hanžeković Memorial is the oldest sporting event in Croatia. It is also one of the world's best athletics meetings. It has been held since 1951 in honor of hurdler Boris Hanžeković, who was killed in WWII. 

To follow the latest sports news in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

To learn more about sport in Croatia, CLICK HERE.
