Sunday, 7 July 2019

Sunshine on the Beach? Storms Return to Croatia

July 7, 2019 - The crazy weather of 2019 continues, as big storms come to Croatia. The latest travel advice. 

It has been a very hot few days in Croatia, and the sun continues to shine where I am, on the island of Hvar. 

But there has been a drastic change elsewhere in Croatia, with torrential rain, and even hail (check this video) hitting various parts of Croatia this afternoon. Radio Rijeka announced that the temperature in the city dropped 8 degrees in ten minutes between 12:20 and 12:30, during which time 20 litres of rain fell and winds got up to 75 km/h.

The Croatian Automobile Club, HAK, has published the latest travel advice:

Roads are wet and slippery in the Croatian Littoral, in the central part of the country, in the mountain region Gorski kotar in Slavonia and in Baranja. Please drive carefully in the Croatian Littoral and in the mountain region Gorski kotar due to hail. Please keep the safety distance.

Traffic volume is increased on most roads in the direction interior.Due to reduced visibility, all drivers have to turn on the low beam lights.

To check the latest situation on the Croatian roads in English, click here.


Storms are expected to spread elsewhere - here is the prognosis for tomorrow. 

For the latest weather reports, click here.

To learn more about the wild and wonderful weather in Croatia, check out the Total Croatia guide.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Croatia Set to Sizzle as Heatwave Hits this Week

June 25, 2019 - Martha & the Vandellas knew back in 1965 that their hit ‘Heatwave’ would stand the test of time, and it'll especially get airtime this week as temperatures across Europe are projected to hit 40 degrees Celsius. 

The Guardian reported on Monday that temperatures would reach or even exceed 40 degrees from Spain to Switzerland as "hot air was sucked up from the Sahara by the combination of a storm stalling over the Atlantic and high pressure over central Europe" - but thanks to the high humidity, it’d really feel like 47. Yikes.

Fortunately, Croatia isn’t Spain or France, and temperatures here shouldn’t reach 40 this week, though some parts of the country will reach 35, reports 24 Sata.

Here’s the weather report for the week - stay cool, Croatia. 

Enjoy the weather on Tuesday, as temperatures will rise on Wednesday with the peak expected on Thursday. A cold front is already likely on Friday, which should cool it down a bit, but not by much. 



The State Meteorological Institute issued warnings for the upcoming thermal wave in Croatia. On Tuesday, temperatures will rise to a maximum of 33 degrees. But as in the rest of Europe, on Wednesday temperatures will rise again. In Croatia’s interior, temperatures will reach 33 degrees, while on the coast they’ll hit 34 degrees.

The threat of the heatwave will be the greatest on Thursday and Friday in Zagreb, Karlovac, Rijeka, and Split, the DHMZ warns. Namely, on those days, the temperature will reach 35 degrees.



Apart from the high heat, UV radiation is likely to be very high in the days to come, especially on Thursday.



As with all heatwaves, it's important to stay hydrated and avoid being out in the sun at all costs, especially from 11 am to 3 pm. This is especially important for young children and people over the age of 75. Keep your windows shut in the house with the shades down to keep the heat out, and keep a cold shower close. 

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Search Operation Launched for Surfer Who Disappeared During Storm

One of the two surfers who went missing yesterday afternoon in the sea in front of Umag in Istria has managed to reach the shore on his own. Due to storm and weather conditions at sea, the search operation for the other one was not possible late last night. According to media reports, the surfer who was rescued is a Croatian citizen, while the missing surfer is a Slovenian, reports on October 30, 2018.

With storm calming down, major search and rescue operation was launched this morning

According to Port Authority sources, a major search operation for the missing Slovenian surfer started this morning. “All the services are there: Umag Port Authority, fire-fighters, maritime police and mountain rescue service. We are now in discussions for a large police boat to go to the sea and we will try to arrange with the local fishermen to get them involved in the search operation, depending on the sea conditions. The wind is still strong and there are high waves,” said the Pula Port Authority.

“We are looking for the Slovenian surfer in the area from the port of Umag to the Savudrija lighthouse. We are currently searching for him close to the shore since the waves are still too high on the open sea,” said the source.

The age and identity of the surfer are still not known. Officials of the National Centre for Search and Rescue at the Sea (MRCC) received a report at 5.02 pm on Monday that two surfers were seen in the seas near Umag deaspite the warnings about the storm. The wind was carrying them towards the open sea. Both surfers fell into the sea, after which a rescue operation was launched in coordination with the Pula Port Authority.

At around 6 pm, it was announced that one of the two surfers had managed to reach the shore near Umag, where the staff of the emergency medicine department from Pula provided him with medical treatment.

Due to weather conditions at sea, it was not possible to undertake a maritime search. Officials organised a coastal search by deploying person to positions on the coast where the missing surfer was anticipated to appear in accordance with sea currents and wind direction.

All participants in the maritime traffic were notified of the incident via coastal radio stations.

Yesterday’s storm was so strong that waves at the island of Palagruža further south were the highest recorded there in recent years.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Split Records Strongest September Bura in 100 Years

Monday’s bura surprised Split with the strongest September winds measured in a century. 

Monday, 17 September 2018

Record-Breaking Temperatures for September Expected This Week

This September will be one of the hottest ever in Croatia.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Croatian Extreme Weather Fan Loves to Hunt Lightning

With tornadoes few and far between, Croatian extreme weather fans are more likely to turn to other phenomena.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Numerous Twisters Threaten Istrian Coast (VIDEO)

Fortunately, the twisters have not reached the land.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Hail, Twisters and Sudden Temperature Drop Coming This Weekend

Is the summer over?

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Croatia Expecting Another 'Muddy Rain'

May 31, 2018 — If your plans include a trip to the carwash, wait. The vehicle may change color this the week.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Could this April be the Warmest in History?

Ogulin reached 28.9°C, Pleso in Zagreb was 29°C - and Gorica near Nova Gradiška got up to 30.2°C! Record highs have already been reported in these areas, and the next 7 to 10 days show no sign of cooler weather. 

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