Island News

Jelsa Christmas Gourmet Gathering Has Started: Cosy!

By 23 December 2016

A little bit of life, warmth and a lot of laughter this evening on the Jelsa riva as the Bozicni Bonci opened in the small square in the middle of the old town waterfront.

A very nice initiative from three local restaurants - Step Up, U Smokve and Me and mrs Jones - to breathe a little life into the festive season met with an enthusiastic response from locals and a few foreigners alike.  

There were several stalls selling food, mulled wine and various souvenirs, with Barba Mario in charge of the sausages. 

The kids were having fun racing along the newly expanded riva in the buggies provided by Adventure Park Jelsa, which also had a stand.

There were even two young ladies soon bound for Varazdin, trying to raise money to buy Daddy a shovel for all that snow he will soon have to be shifting from his new drive.

A really cosy event and nice atmosphere, it will be taking place every day until New Year from 17:00, expect Christmas and New Year's Eve, when things will start at 22:00.

Tagged under: jelsa
