Thursday, 24 September 2020

100,000 Holy Sunday Pilgrims in Ludbreg in 2019, 2020 a Little Different (VIDEO)

September 24, 2020 - Holy Sunday in Ludbreg took place early this month, a pilgrimage which usually attracts 100,000 visitors over the first weekend of September. 2020 was a little different. 

One of the challenges in Croatia is this most challenging of years has been how to strike a balance between social distancing and the upholding of religious tradtions which date back centuries. I was fortunate to be one of the few witnesses of the 500-year-old Za Krizen (Behing the Cross) procession that took place on the island of Hvar on Maundy Thursday, back in April. Permission for the procession to go ahead, even with each of the 6 processions reduced to 15 people, was a hotly debated national discussion. With lockdown all over the country, this was possibly the only event to take place that month in the whole country. 

Religious traditions are a crucial part of the Croatian soul, and there are several annual events which routiinely attract tens of thousands of pilgrims, if not more. All have been much reduced this year due to the virus, and I was curious to see how things looked in practice. 

One of the biggest is Holy Sunday in Ludbreg, which takes place on the first weekend of September each year. Pilgrims gather to commemorate which is actually Croatia's only certified miracle, the Eucharistic Miracles of Ludbreg, back in 1411, which was authenticated by Papal Bull in 1513 by Pope Leo X. You can learn more about it here.

While the Varazdin Diocese decided that the event would go ahead, local Ludbreg authoroties decided to downplay the ancillary events, and the usual concerts and exhibitions were put on hold for a brighter 2021.

While not as busy as previous years, several thousand did show up to attend Holy Mass in the park in front of the Sanctuary of the Special Blood of Christ, before enjoying the rest of the festivities around Ludbreg. 

Ludbreg has yet to record a single case of coronavirus, and the miracle town remains COVID-19-free after its special weekend - a miracle in itself in these crazy times? 

Check out Holy Sunday in Ludbreg 2020 v 2019 in the latest One Minute Ludbreg video below. 

To learn more about Ludbreg beyond its stereotype as the centre of the world, read Marc Rowlands' Ludbreg, the Croatian Road Less Travelled

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

How to Invite People to Rakija and 19 More Must-Visit Things in Osijek

September 24, 2020 - The biggest town in the heart of Slavonia, we present 20 must-visit things in Osijek.

A city where storks live on city buildings, red wounds on facades reminiscent of days of courage, and street art testifies to the city’s past and present rhythm. As Punkufer reports, whether you are a fan of wineries and vineyards, old castles and forts, or you want to enjoy the romantic combination of the Drava and the Danube in the middle of golden and green plains, Osijek is the place for you.

1. The famous Osijek Fortress

The fortified part of the town from the 18th century, you'll find St. Trinity's statue. There is also the General Command Building, which you've seen elsewhere even if you have not been to Osijek - on the 200 kn banknote, which also has the floor plan of the old fortress.

At the time of its construction, it was one of the largest and most modern military fortifications in Central Europe. To this day, only a small part of the old walls has been preserved. It is believed that the body of General von Beckers, who led the construction of the wall, is in the walls of the Fortress. But there are more intriguing legends and beliefs…


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

2. City of legends

The legend of the missing treasure: when Napoleon was ravaging Europe, the treasury of the Habsburg Empire was transferred on ships among the safe walls of the Osijek Fortress. After the danger passed, the treasury was returned, but one chest disappeared forever in Osijek, and it was never known where the money was.

Legend of noon lunch: when the Turkish army left the city in 1687, churches marked the period of freedom with bells at 11 am, and Osijek housewives eventually concluded that this was the ideal time to make dumplings that would be ready at noon. Hence the name "dumpling clock", but also dumplings on your table at noon.

The legend of Romeo and Juliet in Osijek: cops in ancient times caught a young man in the wee hours of the night and accused him of crime nearby. To save the reputation of his sweetheart with whom he spent the night, he confessed to a crime he did not commit. When she found out, she ran to the rescue to admit what had happened; however - the young man had already been hanged. The remainder of this event today is the Chapel of the Stone Cross, or as the people once call it - the Chapel of Unhappy Loves.


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

3. Soldiers, inns, and prostitutes

At the end of the summer, the Tourist Board of the City of Osijek organized free tourist tours of the Fortress called "Fortress: soldiers, inns and prostitutes" (only for adults!). The perfect opportunity to meet the naughty side of Osijek.

The tours are led by a friendly tourist guide Stanislav Subotic, who welcomed his guests disguised as a resident of the Lower Town, whom the woman reported to the police that he had not returned from the prostitute for six weeks. The Museum of Slavonia and young historians from the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek also helped him prepare the tour. At the moment, they no longer have free tours, but those interested in a thematic tour can contact the Osijek Tourist Board and Mr. Subotić, who will surely enhance their experience of the city.


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

4. Osijek is one of the greenest cities in Croatia, and sphinxes guard the entrance to a park

Large parks and gardens, especially those around the fortress's ramparts, were built on the principle of ‘pleasant and useful’ to keep the city away from cannons from the city walls. During your visit to Osijek, you can enjoy the greenery of the park of King Tomislav, the gardens of Croatian kings, or the young Park of the newlyweds, where young married couples once planted the trees of their love.

One of the more unusual parks is Sakuntala Park. It was named after a girl from Indian mythology who was sung by Indian poets and Goethe. The park is adorned with sphinxes at the entrance, and when you see them, you’ll remember why we warned you: Their eyes are up!


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

5. "Kompa" (Friend), tireless scaffolding on the Drava

For a hundred years, Kompa has been tirelessly transporting passengers from one bank of the Drava to another, often when they intend to visit the Osijek ZOO on the other side. This is why many people remember their childhood when they sailed on a trip with their parents.

This ecological boat uses only the Drava River's currents for driving, but don't worry, so as not to end up in a panoramic tour of Slavonia and Srijem on the Danube, your comp holds a steel rope. Of course, you always have the option to eLEGAntly* cross the Drava River over the Pedestrian Bridge (Bridge of Youth).

*Lega is a name for a friend, a colleague, in the spirit of the Osijek dialect.

6. Copacabana Beach or locally - Kopika

To refresh in the summer months, locals and guests alike prefer to look for in public baths and swimming pools. The largest and most visited Drava beach is called Copacabana. With a thorough and systematic reconstruction, there is a recreation center that will soon shine in a new edition.

It is ideal for walking along the Drava Promenade along the Drava, where there is enough space for walking, cycling, or enjoying the view on a bench or with a cup of coffee in one of the "river" cafes.


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

7. Slavonian cuisine to protect against winter

Fresh cheese with kajmak, Kulen, fried bacon, meatballs, fish stew, river specialties of carp and catfish, shepherd's pie, Sataraš, cabbage flakes, plum dumplings, jam, chocolate from Osijek factory Kandit… Need we say more? With all that, you can refresh yourself with a homemade invention: a black Radler. After all, they say that Osijek is still the birthplace of the first Croatian beer. And for wine lovers, there is the best from the famous wine cellars of Slavonia and Baranja: Pinot, Chardonnay, Merlot, Grasevina…


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

8. Mother of cats

Here is a temple for all crazy cat people: the famous baroness and humanitarian Pauline Hermann statue would not attract so much attention if cats did not keep her company. Namely, the baroness was a great lover of animals, especially cats, so the people of Osijek immortalized her with a statue and a nickname: Cat Mother.

9. The egg from which Osijek hatched

On Ban Jelačić Square, there is a statue of a cracked egg, which symbolizes Osijek's birthplace. It is a memorial to the ancient Roman city named Mursa, located here from the 1st to the 5th century AD.

10. Mill - mill on the Drava

There used to be many mills on the Drava, and having a mill on the Drava meant serious work. Although the mills ceased to operate during the Second World War, in honor of the old days and the respectable occupation of millers, the project "Miller's Way" was launched, which included a replica of the mill intended public education.

11. The main square, a group of citizens and a mysterious elephant

 On the main, Ante Starčević Square, a "group of citizens" embodies all the inhabitants of Osijek in their diversity. But there is also a touch of exoticism in the form of an elephant statue on the building's front. There are several versions of why the elephant is in the square. One story says that it was set up by an Osijek merchant who probably wanted to attract customers from the far eastern regions or learned from those parts that an elephant brings good luck. Another says that while the circus was passing through the city, an old elephant at the head of the procession fell to the ground and died. Two brothers of a butcher from a nearby butcher shop "took care" of the body, and from that moment on, the purchase of meat in that butcher shop was called "I'm going to the elephant". 


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

12. City of Art Nouveau

At the beginning of the 20th century, Osijek was the stage of European architecture trends, and the Art Nouveau left the most beautiful trace. If you walk along European Avenue, you will have the opportunity to see magnificent examples of urban villas from that time. Still, there are other buildings such as the Main Post Office, Urania Cinema, and the so-called Knopp houses built in the style of "Gingerbread Art Nouveau". 

Pride in heritage is also expressed through various projects and festivals. Culture lovers strive to revive and nurture the artistic direction that has made up the city through tourist tours, lectures, concerts, exhibitions, and workshops.


Osijek | Photo by Romulic and Stojcic

13. Watch the film in the cinema in the city of Oscar winner Branko Lustig

The well-known Croatian producer and actor who won an Oscar for his films, Schindler's List and Gladiator, is a native of Osijek. Because of his Jewish blood, as a child, he was imprisoned in a concentration camp. He later attributed his survival to the camp to an officer from the Osijek area, just like him, and knew about his father. In the name of domestic cinema, visit Osijek's Urania Cinema. The cinema building was erected in - you guessed it - Art Nouveau style. Even if you don't get to Osijek, you can bring a little Osijek spirit into your stay with the famous Osijek Oscar winner's film classics.

14. Cannonball - an attraction that no one planned

On Županijska Street, in addition to the HNK building and the County Palace, a skilled eye will notice a small attraction stuck in the wall: a black ball believed to have been accidentally fired from the Fortress in the 19th century. Since this happened in peacetime, it is believed that the cannonball fired was an unfortunate consequence of the military cannon game after a merry evening in the city.

15. Čaruga, a Slavonian bandit or Robin Hood?

At the beginning of the 20th century, the robber Čaruga gladly came to Osijek. Numerous legends depict his hard life and plundering exploits. By teaming up with other bandits, he became part of the so-called "Kola gorskih tića". Together, they plundered wealthier citizens. He was sentenced to death by hanging and said goodbye theatrically to life with the words "Goodbye people, Čaruga is traveling!". For some, Robin Hood, for some an ordinary robber, but indeed an interesting figure whose life decades later intrigued historians and artists. He was buried in the Osijek cemetery of St. Ana, and several books have been written about his character, and several films have been made.

16. Revive your childhood with Jagoda Truhelka

Most grew up with Osijek writer Jagoda Truhelka and her collection of short stories, "Zlatni Danci". She talks about his family and the people of Osijek's everyday life, so this could be one of the most beautiful guides before visiting Osijek. Part of her family's legacy is kept in the Museum of Slavonia in Osijek.

17. With a small, red Fico car against tanks - a monument to the courage of the little ones

When the tanks took to the city streets in 1991, Osijek defender Branko Breškić decided to stop them by parking his Fićo in the middle of the intersection. The tank crushed him mercilessly, but the scene remained eternal: like David and Goliath, the little red Fico remained a symbol of courage and resistance to a stronger enemy. Today, this scene is immortalized in an art installation in which Fićo won in the end. Its location is at the intersection of Trpimirova and Vukovarska.

18. Urban monument: Unconquered city

After the occupation of nearby Vukovar during the Homeland War, the message of the late defender Predrag Sušac appeared in Osijek: Osijek - an unconquered city! Today, this legendary inscription is protected as a cultural asset, and you can see it at the intersection of Trpimirova and Divaltova streets.

19. Stadium Gradski vrt and Kohort of the city on the Drava

"There is an echo from the east, the champion's name is Osijek" - so sing the fans of NK Osijek, Kohorta. They took their name from the name for the infantry part of the Roman army's legion, which is not without reason because members of the Roman cohorts were once stationed in this city. Home games are held at the City Garden Stadium, from which many probably already know the inscription Grad na Dravi (the City on Drava River). There are also city swimming pools near the stadium, although we are sure that they won't be needed as long as Osijek has Copacabana. At least until winter.

20. Museum of Slavonia

The Museum of Slavonia is one of the oldest museums and the largest general museum in Croatia. Through many collections from the fields of archeology, ethnography, art, history, etc., thousands of objects have been preserved. The native collection of Essekians focused on the history of Osijek and its cultural and social development, stands out. Through Osijek's stories, we can often come across the term Esseker and the Esseker dialect when we talk about language. It is an old Osijek-German dialect that is now extinct. But the term Esseker in a speech today is also a symbolic term for Osijek's people, especially those who are strongly attached to the city.

Come to Osijek and say 'Kum, af a deci rakouci''. Apparently, it should bring you a rakija. Fingers crossed!

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Official COVID-19 in Croatia Weekly Report September 15-21, 2020

September 24, 2020 - The latest official COVID-19 in Croatia weekly report has been released by the Koronavirus government website, covering September 15-21.

CIPH report for the previous 7 days and daily report for the Republic of Croatia on the 21st of September 2020. 

Tested Confirmed cases Active cases Recovered Self-isolation Hospitalized On a respirator Deaths
262.132 (+3268*) 14992 (+70*) 2002 12737 9159 297 24
253 (+5*)
A total of 146 people died in this epidemic wave. Most of the deceased had significant comorbidities or were of advanced age. The average age of the deceased in this epidemic wave is 76.3 years. Sixty-two people died on a respirator.
* in the last 24 hours

There are currently 22 testing places in the Republic of Croatia that perform RT-PCR analysis and collect samples. All processed samples enter national Croatian Health Insurance Institute platform, which is accessible to all county public health institutes. County public health institutes submit data about positive cases, sources of infection and hotspots as part of their daily reports to the Croatian Institute of Public Health. The Croatian Institute of Public Health collects information about hotspots, hospital treatment of COVID-19 positive persons, COVID-19 positive patients on respirators and the deceased. You can find more about the test centers on the link.

Epidemiological indicators on 21st of September:  

  • Cumulative 7-day incidence rate for the Republic of Croatia: 34,1/100 000
  • Cumulative 14-day incidence rate for the Republic of Croatia: 71,2/100 000
  • Counties with a cumulative 7-day incidence rate greater than 50/100 000 inhabitants: Brodsko-posavska, Karlovačka, Ličko-senjska, Požeško-slavonska, Splitsko-dalmatinska
  • Counties with a cumulative 14-day incidence rate greater than 100/100 000 inhabitants: Brodsko-posavska, Dubrovačko-neretvanska, Ličko-senjska, Požeško-slavonska, Splitsko-dalmatinska, Virovitičko-podravska
  • Total number of tests in the last week: 37 118
  • Share of positive tests in the total number of tests in the last week: 3,8 %
  • Total number of tests and share of positive tests in total number of tests: 262 132, 5,7 %
  • The number of new cases in intensive care per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days: 0,49/100 000
  • Number of deaths in the last week: 26
  • Total death rate per 1 000 000 population: 61,9/1 000 000

Epidemiological situation in Croatia
Geographical distribution of new COVID-19 cases by counties
In a two-week period from 8th of September to 21st of September all counties recorded new cases of COVID-19 disease. The highest number of new cases are recorded in the Splitsko - dalmatinska County, followed by the City of Zagreb and Zadarska County. The lowest number of new cases were recorded in Koprivničko – križevačka and Varaždinska County. The Požeško - slavonska County also has the highest 14-day rate, followed by Splitsko - dalmatinska and Ličko – senjska County.


Epidemic by weeks, from 19 th – 30 th week of the epidemic
Table 1 shows the epidemiological indicators by epidemic week. The data shows that one of the most important epidemiological indicators, the rate of confirmed cases, the number of tests and the share of positive ones show a positive trend in the last 4 weeks. The confirmed case rate has been steadily declining since week 27 when it stood at 47.6 to 34 at week 30. The total number of tests has been growing continuously for the past 5 weeks, i.e. from the 25 th week. The proportion of positive people in total testing also fell steadily, falling from 12.5 in the 26 th week of the epidemic to 3.8 in the 30 th week.


Table 1. Overview of the number of confirmed cases by weeks, from week 19 th –30th

Table 2 shows a set of indicators related to the severity of the clinical picture and the characteristics of deaths. The table shows that in the last 3 weeks there has been an increase in the average age of cases, the number of cases on the respirator and the death rate, which corresponds to previous findings that older people are more likely to develop more severe clinical forms and higher mortality in older age groups.


Table 2. Overview of patients on respirator and deaths by weeks, from week 19 th – 30th

Table 3 shows the incidence of the 7-day rate over the last three weeks with a limit of 50/100 000 inhabitants, which in some countries is taken as one of the criteria in assessing the epidemiological situation. In most counties, the 7-day rate is generally stable or slightly declining.


Table 3. Overview of 7-day incidence rates per 100,000 population in the last week

Clinical aspects - hospitalized, on a respirator and cured in the last week
Figure 2 shows the relationship between the daily number of confirmed cases and the daily number of hospitalized cases. Number of hospitalized cases per day ranged between a minimum of 17 and a maximum of 35, while the share of hospitalized cases in the total daily number of confirmed cases ranged from 7.3% to 42.9%.


Figure 2. Overview of the daily number of confirmed and hospitalized cases (15.9.-21.9.)

Figure 3 shows the proportion of hospitalized in the total number of weekly cases. Of the total number of confirmed cases in a given weekly period, 13.2% were hospitalized. In the same period, 20 people were put on a respirator, which makes 1,4% of the total number of confirmed cases.


Figure 3. Relation of the total number of confirmed and hospitalized cases (15.9.-21.9.)


Figure 4. Movement of the total number of cases, recovered, deceased and active number of cases from 18.6.- 21.9.

Died from COVID-19,15 th of September – 21st of September 2020, age and sex
A total of 146 people died in this wave of epidemics. Most of the people who died had significant comorbidities or were of advanced age. The mean age of the deceased in this wave of epidemics is 76.3 years. Sixty-two people died on a respirator.
An overview of the situation is given in Table 4 and Figure 5.

Table 4. Distribution by age and sex of the deceased people
AGE GROUP 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100+
MEN 1 10 17 32 21 4 1
WOMEN 0 0 9 15 30 6 0


Figure 5. Age and sex distribution of deaths from COVID-19 in the period 29 th June – 21st of September 2020

In the last week, 26 people died, of which 14 (53.8%) were on a respirator. The distribution by age and sex in the last weeks is shown in Table 5, and by counties in Table 6.

Table 5. Distribution by age and sex of the deceased people in the last week
AGE GROUP 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
MEN 3 2 2 4 0
WOMEN 0 3 6 5 1


Table 6. New ill and deceased cases in the last week and total deaths and rates
County Number of new cases in the period 15.9.-21.9. Incidence of new cases in the last 7 days on
100 000 inhabitants
Number of deaths in the period 15.9.-21.9. Total number of deaths Total mortality rate on
1,000,000 inhabitants
CITY OF ZAGREB 232 28,8 6 39 48,5
ISTARSKA COUNTY 6 2,9 1 13 62,3
KARLOVAČKA COUNTY 63 53,9 0 2 17,1
LIČKO-SENJSKA COUNTY 36 79,7 0 1 22,1
MEĐIMURSKA COUNTY 44 40,0 0 0 0,0
ZADARSKA COUNTY 60 35,7 0 7 41,6
ZAGREBAČKA COUNTY 64 20,7 2 17 54,9
REPUBLIC OF CROATIA 1394 34,1 26 253 61,9

Continental Croatia
In the last week, new cases were recorded in all counties of continental Croatia, but mostly in the City of Zagreb, Požeško – slavonska and Brodsko - posavska County. The highest 7-day rates on 14 th of September were in Požeško - slavonska, Virovitičko - podravska and Brodsko – posavska County. In the last week, due to the appearance of new hotspots, a significant increase in the number of patients has been recorded in Karlovačka and Međimurska County. In Karlovačka County, a large number of patients are associated with activities related to choral singing, while in Međimurska County, the grouping of patients is associated with weddings. In Brodsko - posavska, Virovitičko - podravska and Zagrebačka County, groups of patients related to weddings are also recorded. This week, a smaller number of patients was recorded in connection with the prom party in Požeško – slavonska County and the home for the elderly in Sisačko - moslavačka County. Smaller groupings of patients associated with the spread of the disease in the workplace were recorded in several counties, while a larger grouping in the workplace, which currently records contacts, appeared in Krapinsko - zagorska County. Cases of the disease have also occurred in schools, but there has been no significant spread among students and staff. Cases of illness after returning from vacation are still recorded. Part of the sick people are cases imported from abroad and there is a large proportion of contacts of sick people.

Coastal Croatia
Cases of ill persons have been recorded in Coastal Croatia like in all counties as well.  The highest number of patients was recorded in the Splitsko - dalmatinska, Zadarska and Primorsko - goranska County. The highest 7-day rate is in the Ličko – senjska, Splitsko - dalmatinska and Dubrovačko - neretvanska County. In most counties, after the end of the tourist season, the number of patients decreases again. In the Splitsko – dalmatinska County, there were also groupings related to choral singing and several smaller groupings related to the spread of the disease in the workplace. Related to the workplace, there have been also outbreaks reported in other coastal counties, but most of the contacts were immediately placed under health surveillance, so there wasn’t reported greater number of cases. As in the continental part, the cases of the disease were confirmed in several schools, but there wasn’t greater spread observed among students and staff. A significant proportion of patients are contacts of previously recorded cases.

Age-sex distribution of patients in the last week
In the previous week, a total of 1,394 people fell ill - approximately the same number of females (51.6%) and males. The same distribution by sex is present in most age groups, except in the age groups under the 7 years, where is the smallest number of patients and in the age group 51-65, in which women predominate (56.4%).
By age groups - 187 children fell ill and the 185 people of older age, which makes an equal percentage in the total number of patients, or 13%. The least affected were children under 1 year of age, a total of 2. The most affected were children of secondary school age, a total of 75. Adults made the largest share in the total number of patients last week 1022 (73.3%).
The distribution of patients by age did not change significantly compared to last week, except for a slight increase in children from 10.5% to 13.4%.
The full view can be found in Figure 6 and Table 6.


Figure 6. Distribution of patients in the last week by age groups
Table 6. Age and sex distribution of patients in the period 15.9.-21.9.2020
Category Age group Number of cases men Share of men (%) Number of cases women Share of women (%) Total by age groups and categories Share of age groups and categories in the total number of cases (%)
Kids 0 2 100,0% 0 0,0% 2 187 0,1% 13,4%
1-6 6 27,3% 16 72,7% 22 1,6%
7-10 17 45,9% 20 54,1% 37 2,7%
11-14 25 49,0% 26 51,0% 51 3,7%
15-18 34 45,3% 41 54,7% 75 5,4%
Adults 19-30 133 51,8% 124 48,2% 257 1022 18,4% 73,3%
31-40 119 54,3% 100 45,7% 219 15,7%
41-50 108 48,0% 117 52,0% 225 16,1%
51-65 140 43,6% 181 56,4% 321 23,0%
Elders 66+ 90 48,6% 95 51,4% 185 185 13,3% 13,3%
TOTAL   674 48,4% 720 51,6% 1394 100,0%

Measures to maintain physical distance, maintain hand hygiene and disinfection are still in force. Also, it is mandatory to wear face masks or medical masks indoors for all health workers and professionals, employees who work in social care system and the ones who work in hospitality facilities

Decisions of the Headquarters

  • September 2 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Sisačko - moslavačka County
  • September 2 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Požeško - slavonska County
  • September 2 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Koprivničko - križevačka County
  • September 3 - Decision about the necessary measure of enhanced control of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Prevention and Suppression of the COVID-19 Epidemic for Social Service Providers in the Social Welfare System
  • September 3 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Krapinsko - zagorska County
  • September 5 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Bjelovarsko - bilogorska County
  • September 7 - Decision amending the Decision on the necessary measure of limiting the working hours of catering facilities in the category "Bars"
  • September 8 - Decision about amendments to the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Brodsko - posavska County
  • September 8 - Decision about the introduction of new epidemiological measures for the area of ​​the City of Otočac
  • September 9 - Decision about amendments to the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Zadarska County
  • September 9 - Decision amending the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Splitsko - dalmatinska County
  • September 11 - Decision amending the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Dubrovačko - neretvanska County
  • September 11 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Virovitičko - podravska County
  • September 11 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Zagrebačka County
  • September 14 - Decision amending the Decision about the temporary ban on crossing the border crossings of the Republic of Croatia
  • September 14 - Decision amending the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Krapinsko - zagorska County
  • September 14 - Decision amending the Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the area of ​​Šibensko - kninska County
  • September 21 - Decision about the introduction of necessary epidemiological measures for the Ličko - senjska County

CIPH recommendations

  • Diseases and health conditions that may increase the risk for more severe forms of COVID-19 disease
  • Selected health and organizational issues related to the work of preschool institutions, primary and secondary schools in the school year 2020/2021
  • Recommendations for teaching at higher education institutions in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic with the application of anti-epidemic measures
  • Organization of rest and food - Work of preschool institutions, primary and secondary schools in the school year 2020/2021 - additional clarifications
  • Visors cannot replace masks except when a student / person has a problem with hearing impairment - Work of preschool institutions, primary and secondary schools in the school year 2020/2021 - additional clarifications
  • Criteria for testing for SARS-CoV-2, termination of isolation and quarantine - Unified revised recommendations about priorities for testing for SARS-CoV-2, handling of contacts, termination of isolation and quarantine ("self-isolation")
  • Terms of use of school sports halls by external users
  • Instructions for the work of student dormitories with regard to the COVID-19 epidemic in the school year 2020/2021.
  • Instructions for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic in student dormitories with regard to the COVID-19 epidemic in the school year 2020/2021.

Recommendations and measures on global and EU level

On 10 th of August 2020, ECDC released an updated version of the risk assessment:
ECDC has additional documents and information available: and
The number of cases and the 7-day cumulative incidence of COVID-19 confirmed cases worldwide can be found on the ECDC dashboard:
Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz –
Government of the Netherlands -
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment -

Rober Koch Institut -

( –
National Institute for Public Health – Slovenia -

United Kingdom –

WHO provides comprehensive information and documents
WHO COVID-19-Dashboard: and
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Weekly Epidemiological Update and Weekly Operational Update i Weekly Surveillance Report: and

Sources of information

Information about the global epidemiological situation
More about COVID-19 in other countries can be found and learned on the ECDC website: The WHO Regional Office for Europe, the European Commission and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Health Policy have at their disposal the COVID-19 Health System Response Monitor (HSRM). There is information available about European countries and ways to respond to this epidemic. The focus is on health systems and public initiatives:

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Lonjsko Polje Nature Park: A Guide to One of Best-Preserved Natural Floodplains in Europe

September 24, 2020 – Who says the biggest and most interesting parts of Croatia are on the coast? Under the slogan "Discover the undiscovered" ("Otkrij neotkriveno"), Lonjsko Polje Nature Park attracts tourists to the Central part of Croatia with plenty of natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Only about 70 kilometers away from Zagreb, Lonjsko Polje is a perfect getaway place to experience this autumn.

This nature park is one of the biggest and best-preserved natural floodplains in Europe and is worth visiting while traveling through Croatia. It's the second biggest nature park in Croatia, so try not to avoid it on your way back home from the coast.

Thanks to the outflow of the Sava River and its tributaries into Lonjsko, Poganovo, and Mokro Fields (polja), every year, this nature park is a unique treasury of biological diversity, not only in Croatia but on the entire Old Continent.



Canoeing at the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


Even though it spreads along the Sava River, its name comes from the nearby Lonja River that is also responsible for the flooding of the Lonjsko Polje area. 

Discovering Lonjsko Polje from the viewpoints or the river, sailing straight to the beautiful nature, you'll get a glimpse of Posavina wildlife away from the city crowds.


How to get there?

Lonjsko Polje Nature Park is geographically located in the plain of the middle course of the Sava River, about 75 km southeast of Zagreb, and extends from the central Croatian town of Sisak to the small town of Novska.


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The tourist map of the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


There are 14 rural settlements in the nature park area, and the entrances are located in the villages of Repušnica, Čigoč, and Krapje.

To increase the attractiveness of the Park, a Visitor Center named Crna roda (black stork) in Osekovo will soon be opened.

While driving through the A3 motorway from Zagreb, you will probably notice traffic signs showing exits to Lonjsko Polje. You can easily get to Lonjsko Polje by exiting at Popovača and driving to the Repušnica village where you'll find a reception center.



Čigoč village from above / Boris Krstinić


By exiting the motorway at Popovača, you can also get to the Čigoč village, the first European village of storks, and enter the nature park.

The other way is to exit at Lipovljani or Novska and drive to the village of Krapje where the Visitor Center is located. This way is also good if you're coming from the direction of Slavonski Brod.


What to see and do?

On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, Lonjsko Polje offers weekend programs that combine education and recreation by visiting all three villages (Repušnica, Čigoč, and Krapje) and enjoying all the attractions that each of them offers.


Krapje village

Krapje has the title of a village of architectural heritage. With a tour of Krapje, you can walk along the footpath, hear the stories about the traditional architecture, and visit the rich ornithological reserve Krapje đol.



Krapje village from above / Boris Krstinić


Namely, Lonjsko Polje is a habitat for more than two-thirds of the total bird population in Croatia, so it's a perfect place for birdwatching.

Later you can embark on an oldtimer tractor ride with a trailer, from Krapje Visitor Center to the village of Plesmo, where you can experience the latest attraction of Lonjsko Polje – sailing on solar-powered boats.


Solar-powered boat ride at Plesmo

Two solar-powered boats have recently started sailing on the small Strug River from the dock in the village of Plesmo. These are almost silent vessels that allow you to discover the beauty of the self-contained tributary of the Sava River.


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Solar-powered tourist boat / Željko Gašparović


The boat ride gives you a discreet view of nature as it has been developing in and around the river for thousands of years – without human influence or in minimal contact with it.

For example, during the ride, you can see beaver habitats, as well as the cattle grazing, along with the birds for which Lonjsko Polje is well-known among ornithologists around the world.

The boats, but also the canoes, can be used on weekends and holidays with prior reservation by phone, and during the week by appointment, as well as bikes.

The oldtimer tractor to the dock in Plesmo runs every hour from 10.30 am to 3.30 pm. Due to the limited space and large interest, it is recommended to schedule your tractor and solar boat rides.



The oldtimer tractor with a trailer / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


Near Plesmo and Krapje, there is also an eco-ethno village of Strug where you can try some traditional Posavina meals and even stay for the night.


Stork village Čigoč

Čigoč village is known for its famous and strictly protected migratory bird – the white stork. On Sundays at 1 pm, you can hear a story about the white stork at the Visitor Center Čigoč.



White stork / Romulić and Stojčić


Together with a village tour, where you can see wooden Posavina houses and recognizable stork nests, you can tour the ethnic collection by the family Sučić, and observe the traditional way of grazing cattle in the nearby village Mužilovčica.

It is also possible to enjoy a walk with horses, cows, and birds along the Koščeva staza walking trail that passes through Repušnica.


Traditional wooden Posavina house in Čigoč / Romulić and Stojčić


More boat rides in the Park

In addition to innovative solar-powered vessels, the Vodomar vessel – a ferryboat, a 15-meter-long raft – is still in operation for sailing on the Sava River. Its dock is in the village of Drenov Bok, and during the ride, you can see the attractive river landscape with natural riverside where willows and poplars grow, and sandbanks are spread.

In the past, the traditional river-powered raft was used to transfer people and vehicles across the river. Today there are two of those rafts in operation – in the villages of Kratečko and Lukavec Posavski, and they are intended for tourist sightseeing.

This is also an unforgettable experience provided by Lonjsko Polje.



The Vodomar vessel at the dock in Drenov Bok / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


The tourist boat Katarina 1 is intended for popular cruise excursions, and its dock is in the municipality of Jasenovac, at the foot of the railway bridge.

During the ride on the Sava River, you can reach the confluence of the River Una to the Sava, and favorable hydrological conditions enable sailing on the Una River. This ride provides a unique experience of the Posavina landscape and the passage under the road and railway bridges.


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The tourist boat Juran and Sofija / Željko Gašparović


One of the novelties this year in the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park is also the old reconstructed boat Juran and Sofija. It started to sail again on the River Kupa in Sisak. On this boat, you can get to know the historic center of Sisak and the Sisak part of Posavina.


Walking and cycling trails in the Park

Walking trails that lead through the Park provide a view of wild and indigenous species of domestic animals. They are Posavina horses (posavski konj), Turopolje pigs (turopoljska svinja), and Slavonian-Srijem Podolian cattle (slavonsko-srijemsko podolsko govedo).


Slavonian-Srijem Podolian cattle (slavonsko-srijemsko podolsko govedo) / Boris Krstinić



Posavina horses (posavski konj) in the field / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


Of the many interesting walking trails along which you can observe cattle, the Staza graničara ("Border guards Trail"), which starts from the Visitor Center Krapje, stands out in the park. A walk along this trail also brings a breath of the past because the Military Frontier (Vojna krajina) – the border between the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires – once stretched here, after which the trail got its name.

Today, two replicas of wooden historical watchtowers (čardaci) are symbolically built next to it.



Wooden historical watchtower (čardak) / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


Other interesting walking trails include Staza Posavca, Tenina staza, and Koščeva staza.

Cycling trails of the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park are perfect if you love easy and pleasant rides because there are almost no height differences. The sparse traffic on the rural roads that the routes pass through makes them extremely safe to drive.

Also, some rural households that are engaged in tourism here offer cyclists refreshment and enjoyment of the original Posavina gastronomy, and cyclists are even allowed to rest in "bike and bed" accommodation.



Bike routes at the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


Tourism and environment

All the beauties and attractions of the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park are also available on weekdays, but with prior notice. Also, the prices of all attractions are listed on their official website.

Although the Lonjsko Polje Nature Park offers a multitude of tourist facilities to visitors, their primary activity is still the preservation of biological and landscape diversity that the Park abounds in.

It is also important for them to ensure the survival of the local population in the rural area of the Park.



Flooded forest / Lonjsko Polje Nature Park


Lonjsko Polje Nature Park respects the prescribed epidemiological measures, which means the protection of employees and visitors of the Park.

Since Lonjsko Polje is the second-largest nature park in Croatia, boasting an area of more than 50,000 hectares, it is easily possible to stick to the recommended distance between people.


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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Slovene Damjan Bohar Joins NK Osijek as Newest Reinforcement

September 24, 2020 -  Osijek is seriously rushing to the top of the ladder. And now, Damjan Bohar, a 28-year-old Slovenia national team player who signed a three-year contract, will also defend their colors. After Mura, Maribor, and Polish Zaglebie Lubin, NK Osijek will be the fourth club in his career.

"The only real offer for me was Osijek, and when I heard from coach Bjelica and when he explained to me what was expected of me and what his plans were, I immediately said that I wanted to come there. I will do my best to get into the rhythm of the team as soon as possible and achieve all these wishes that the coach has. I will certainly give my best every game as I gave in my former clubs to reach goals and, in the end, everyone was happy and satisfied. I like it best when a team attacks; I like when something happens in front of a rival’s goal. I have this mentality that I want to score or assist every time. I hope that it will start here as soon as possible," said Bohar with visible satisfaction, but also with the jersey that reads 39, the number he wore in all the clubs in which he played!


Slobodan Kadic

Nenad Bjelica, Osijek's coach, expected that Bohar would come even before the match against Basel when Osijek said goodbye to Europe, but that did not happen.

"In his club so far, Bohar has scored a lot of goals and proved himself with numerous assists, turning into the best winger of the Polish Ersteklasa. Since the first day I was in this position, he has been a great wish of mine, primarily because of his quality and opinion that our winger scores too few goals, that they can’t guarantee us 10-15 goals per season, which Bohar has shown he can. He played in the Champions League in Maribor, he has great experience, he is ready, so I believe that he can be of great help to us in the next game," concluded Bjelica.


Slobodan Kadic

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Germany Adds Lika-Senj County to Red List

September 24, 2020 - The Robert Koch Institute red list now includes the French regions of Center-Val de Loire, Brittany and Normandy, Lika-Senj County in Croatia, and Notranjsko-kraška region in Slovenia.

Novi List reports that on Wednesday, Germany added regions from 11 European countries to the list of high-risk areas, including Lika-Senj County, rejecting the last hope of reviving tourism at a time when many countries are threatened by a second wave of coronavirus.

The Robert Koch Institute list includes major tourist destinations such as the French regions of Center-Val de Loire, Brittany and Normandy, Lika-Senj County in Croatia, and the Notranjsko-kraška region in Slovenia.

The list also includes the capitals of Ireland, Portugal, and Denmark, the Dutch province of Utrecht, the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, most of the Czech Republic, the county of Gyor in western Hungary, and Romania's Covasna.

The inclusion in the list of risk areas usually follows when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes recommendations against necessary trips to the region in question.

Germany warns against traveling to regions in the European Union where more than 50 are infected per 100,000 people per week.

Due to the spread of the epidemic, Germany has so far included Dubrovnik-Neretva, Požega-Slavonia, Šibenik-Knin, Split-Dalmatia, Brod-Posavina, Virovitica-Podravina, and Zadar counties on the list of epidemiologically risky areas in Croatia.

Declaring an area risky means that those returning from vacation must be tested for coronavirus and remain in self-isolation until they receive a negative test result.

On Wednesday, Croatia recorded 204 new cases, and the number of active cases in Croatia is 1,268. Among them, 278 patients are in hospital, of which 27 are on a ventilator. From Tuesday to Wednesday this week, 6,387 people were tested.

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Zdravko Mamic Talks Returning to Croatia, Will Go to Court Under One Condition

September 24, 2020 - In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Zdravko Mamic talks returning to Croatia, under one condition. 

Zdravko Mamic, considered the most corrupt man in Croatian football who has been convicted of robbing Dinamo Zagreb and is a fugitive from the Croatian judiciary, is back in the spotlight. 

Namely, in a long post on his Facebook profile on Wednesday, Zdravko Mamic hits back at the Croatian judiciary and announces his return to Croatia, under one condition. 

Parts of his Facebook post have been transmitted below.

"Dear citizens of the Republic of Croatia,

Every day we are witnessing the robbery and ruin of Our Lady, created on the blood and struggle of our sons, parents, and brothers. In my life, and I have 42 years of official work experience, I have created hundreds and thousands of jobs and paid hundreds of thousands of salaries as an employer. On time, in a day, above-average salaries that maybe not everyone deserved. All the projects I personally led were successful. In GNK Dinamo alone, almost a billion euro has been earned through my work and the work of my associates in my term of office from 1992 until today.

A billion euro that we, like Robin Hood, brought to Croatia from abroad, on a free, open market, without incentives, rolling up our sleeves and giving bribes to create a business. Just work, blood, sweat, and tears. We brought from the rich to poor Croatia. How many jobs and salaries and payments from the tax base to the city and state budgets, only the smart can understand. That billion euro was spent by employees, players, and others, mostly in Croatia. With a billion euro, a squadron of fighter jets can be bought, which is 1/20 of the entire country's annual budget earned by one football club. The whole world admires the sports results of GNK Dinamo and Croatia national teams.

If I was marked as the "boss" of Croatian football by the media and politicians who overthrew the Croatian state through Dinamo, Zdravko Mamic, and the Croatian national team, then I guess I am responsible for the great successes of Croatian football. Exiled in a politically mounted trial and despair, and wanting to fight criminals in the judiciary, I told about thirty TV cameras and the court in Sarajevo that I had information that the President of the Supreme Court, Đuro Sessa, was a corrupt judge and that I was ready to share my knowledge with the Croatian authorities (State Attorney's Office, USKOK), and that I am ready to undergo a polygraph examination.

To this day, no one has contacted me, nor has anyone questioned my claims - be it politicians or the media… Smart enough."

Mamic then goes on to say that Đuro Sessa "duly performs the function of President of the Supreme Court, President of the Election Commission and regularly leaves the office of the President, Prime Minister, Speaker of Parliament, cheerful and dressed in Croatian courts, coordinates verdicts and in my case does not allow a public session to be convened 28 months after the invalid verdict on my appeal, although 28 months have passed since the verdict was handed down, even though my lawyer sent 10 requests to convene a session. I have never taken or stolen anything in my life, or even withdrawn money from Dinamo."

Mamic concluded:

"But let that be proven in a fair trial. I want to return to Croatia and approach all the trials against me, with only one condition, and that is that it not be in court in Osijek. My honor and apologies to all honest and honorable individuals, they know who they are and what they are, but among them sit judges like the world has never seen and who are worse than those they judge. About that another time and in other circumstances. I have never betrayed or stolen, and I know that most people in Croatia and the world love me, and I am extremely grateful for that. Still, I cannot and will no longer remain silent, protect thieves and criminals, and watch them plunder and destroy Croatia. Judges and the judiciary in Croatia require reform of judges' immunity, the selection process, and better supervision! I am hoping that there is someone who will go with me to fight the cartel we call the judiciary to build a better society in which judges live by their example."

Mamic finally broke the silence on his Facebook with this post, the first since July 30, 2020. A few weeks ago, he was a guest on Arena Sport TV, which you can watch below. 

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Croatian-Spanish Economic Forum: Spanish Companies Seek Croatian Partners

As Novac writes on the 23rd of September, 2020, the focus of the Croatian-Spanish Economic Forum, organised by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in the Republic of Croatia on September the 30th, will present opportunities for cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources.

Although Croatia's share of renewable energy sources in total consumption exceeds the EU target of 20 percent by the end of 2020, the potential isn't even close to being used. The Spanish market is large and requires all company profiles, from aluminum and steel manufacturers, through contractors to designers and consultants.

The domestic equipment and services industry should participate more significantly in the European energy transition. Our companies have the knowledge, and a quality partner can offer that financial strength for an additional step forward and breakthrough into new markets.

''In its recovery plan, Croatia should focus on activities that can restart the economy, on a sustainable basis, and move closer to carbon neutrality, the goal of the European Green Agreement before 2050. This is a great opportunity for domestic companies to find their place on the very potent Spanish market, but also to enter third markets together with their companies. We have a long tradition in the power industry, but we also have something to learn from the Spaniards,'' said the director of the Sector for Energy and Environmental Protection of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, Marija Sculac Domac, announcing the Croatian-Spanish Economic Forum, and her claims are supported by the figures.

Namely, Spanish companies own 10.5 percent (over 40,000 MW) of all the world's wind power plants and produce 12 percent of the world's wind turbines and parts for them. More than 20 percent of Spain’s electricity needs are covered by wind farms. The development of the Spanish market is also shown by the fact that in 2018, they produced 84,933 GWh of electricity from wind and solar power, while 1,686 GWh was produced in Croatia.

The envoy for Trade and Economy of the Spanish Embassy in Croatia. Pablo Cascon Salgado, emphasised that Croatia and Spain have many similarities in terms of climate, economic structure and business culture.

''As Mediterranean countries, we have similar conditions for the development of renewable energy sources. Therefore, the exchange of experiences and the association of companies from both countries in this sector can be of great interest for joint progress towards carbon-free economies,'' said Cascon Salgado.

A dozen Spanish companies have already registered for the Croatian-Spanish Economic Forum, among the leaders in the field of RES (especially in the production of electricity from solar power), which clearly shows the great interest in cooperation with Croatian companies. The Spanish multinational power company Iberdrola and the Spanish National Energy Institute IDAE will also participate in the forum through an online lecture.

The International Renewable Energy Agency predicts that the number of jobs in the renewable energy sector will increase to 42 million in the next 30 years, and the fact that they are listed as the 7th global goal of sustainable development speaks volumes about the importance of RES.

According to the HROTE report, 72,016,131 kWh of electricity from solar power plants was produced in Croatia last year, and the total production of electricity from RES increased in 2019 by 16.1 percent compared to the previous year.

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Croatia Awaits 690,000 Doses of Flu Vaccine in Pandemic Year

September the 24th, 2020 - The coronavirus pandemic is still holding the planet in its invisible yet devastating grip, and Croatia is busy preparing for the arrival of the dreaded influenza season and battling with the pandemic year.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 23rd of September, 2020, every year, Croatia orders more and more flu vaccines, and this year, which will be marked in memory as the pandemic year, we are waiting for the delivery of a total of 690,000 doses.

''To date, 460,000 doses of the flu vaccine have been ordered for the insured population, with an additional 130,000 of them which are due to arrive around December the 10th. There will also be 100,000 doses intended for pharmacies for sale. It will be sold for 68 kuna in pharmacies (op.a., price from Medoka). Vaccination against influenza starts around or after October the 15th,'' Marija Bubas, the assistant director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health told 24sata.

However, this is the first pandemic year in which the flu season will be mixed with the ongoing spread of the new coronavirus, so doctors recommend vaccination to everyone, especially to vulnerable groups. This will at least reduce the range of possible viruses they can contract. As always, it is recommended that chronic patients and the elderly be vaccinated against the flu.

The flu virus can cause a lot of issues for those people who are weaker and have more frequent complications, so when they contract the virus, viral or bacterial pneumonia can occur, which can ultimately mean a fatal outcome - explained the experienced infectologist Maja Capar.

No one is required to be vaccinated against the flu, but it is definitely recommended, especially during this pandemic year.

Capar describes how dangerous the flu can be:

''Although severe complications rarely occur, I remember our fellow nurse who also got encephalitis due to the flu, ie inflammation of the brain and ended up needing treatment in Zagreb. Fortunately, it all ended well and she recovered successfully,'' she recalled.

The measures that we must adhere to due to the coronavirus will help prevent both influenza and other viruses, Capar believes.

''These are all droplet infections that mostly spread in the same way. Until now, we've never worn masks, we've never kept a distance from each other and we've never disinfected our hands so regularly, and I believe that will prevent the spread of other viruses, not just the coronavirus,'' said Capar. Of the more than half a million doses of influenza vaccine mentioned, Zagreb alone expects a total of 85,000 doses.

The news is that this year, those who buy the vaccine at the pharmacy could be vaccinated immediately at the pharmacy, and not have to go to a doctor to have it done. This is a priority in all European countries because of the need to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infection.

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Thursday, 24 September 2020

Zdravko Maric: We Expect GDP Growth in 2021, But Less Than We Envisaged

September the 24th, 2020 - There have been many predictions about the state of Croatia's GDP as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, with some expectations being worse than others. Finance Minister Zdravko Maric was a guest of the Croatian Radio show "A sada Vlada/And now the Government" recently, during which he spoke about the guidelines for the 2021 budget.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 23rd of September, 2020, Zdravko Maric said that a document on economic fiscal policy should be adopted at a Croatian Government session on Thursday.

"These will be updated macroeconomic projections for this year and for the next three years. As was the case in May when there was a rebalance, the circumstances are really difficult. In a situation when we don't have a vaccine and it's still difficult to predict that epidemiological-health part of things as well as some other things, we got the best possible quality,'' said Zdravko Maric.

"For this year, our original projection regarding the fall in GDP will be somewhat improved. The drop should be smaller than we expected. We forecasted a decline of about -8 percent for 2020. For next year, we predict growth, but lower growth than we predicted, it will somewhere at the level of 5 percent,'' explained Zdravko Maric.

We will exceed the level of GDP back in 2019 somewhere in the middle of 2023

Zdravko Maric said that one could hear from analysts predicting a recovery in the shape of the letter V. It represents a fall which is significant, followed by immediate recovery.

"It quickly became clear that it all depends on various situations because there are still negative risks for these projections, especially from the health and epidemiological point of view. We'll exceed the level of GDP in 2019 in the middle of 2023,'' he stated.

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