The Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure announced on Wednesday that five Croatian projects, worth a total of 23.3 million euros, had been approved from the second CEF Transport Call for 2019, of which 19.8m euros would be financed through the CEF Instrument.
As Novac writes on the 30th of July, 2020, the Connecting Europe Facility - CEF is intended to invest in the European Union's infrastructure priorities in the fields of transport, energy and digital technology.
The Coordination Committee of the Connecting Europe Facility - CEF presented the results of the evaluation of the second CEF Transport Call for 2019 last week, under which EU grants are awarded. Five Croatian projects were given the green light - the improvement of railway infrastructure through the establishment of measuring stations for safety and technical controls, the preparation of project documentation for the new vertical shore in the port of Vukovar, the implementation of the SESAR programme 2019 - IOP basis project, safe outdoor freight parking for Žitnjak and the preparation of FAIRway 2 works on the Rhine-Danube corridor.
The grant agreements will be signed for the approved Croatian projects, bringing the total number of projects financed from the CEF Instrument in the transport sector to 46, worth 554 million euros and 446 million euros in EU grants, respectively, according to the competent Ministry.
The project of improving the railway infrastructure through the establishment of stations for safety and technical controls is worth 17.07 million euros, and with it, HŽ infrastructure will introduce a system for the automatic control of railway vehicles in traffic on sections located on the basis TEN-T network.
The project for the preparation of project documentation for the new vertical shore in the port of Vukovar is worth 1.68 million euros, and with it the Port of Vukovar plans to prepare project documentation for the construction of 300 metres of new vertical shoreline in the part where the infrastructure of the shoreline hasn't yet been constructed.
The third approved project is the Implementation of the SESAR Programme 2019 - IOP core project, and it is a joint project of partners from seventeen countries under the coordination of the SESAR Deployment Manager. The project is worth 40 million euros. The Croatian Air Navigation Services and other COOPANS members aren't participating in the allocated funds, but they are participating in the project due to the importance of access to data, according to the Ministry.
The project consists of the first steps for the implementation of Flight Object Interoperability in a number of EU centres, which is a prerequisite for further development and introduction of a system that will ensure interoperability and timely availability of data in airspace, aircraft features and trajectories.
Through the project Safe outdoor freight parking Žitnjak, worth 3.17 million euros, Zagreb Holding plans to build a safe and secure freight parking with all the accompanying facilities to ensure safety and rest, thus contributing to a higher level of road safety.
The fifth approved project, the preparation of FAIRway 2 works on the Rhine-Danube corridor, will be implemented by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure with partners from Austria and Serbia. Its total value is 3.29 million euros, and the Croatian part stands at 1.38 million euros. The contract envisages the preparation of studies as a basis for future works for the purpose of eliminating bottlenecks on the Danube border route, as part of a broader project of the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Danube waterway and its tributaries.
For more on Croatian projects, follow our business page.
ZAGREB, July 30, 2020 - The Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) for July significantly improved in the European Union and the 19-strong euro area, while slightly deteriorating in Croatia, according to the latest report issued by the European Commission on Thursday.
In Croatia, July's ESI went down by 1.6 points to 83.2 points after it recovered in May and June, following a record low of 72.3 points in April amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
"In July 2020, the recovery of the Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) continued. Registering a sharp increase in the euro area (+6.5 points up to 82.3) and the EU (+6.9 points up to 81.8), the ESI in both regions has so far recovered around half of the combined losses of March and April. Also, the Employment Expectations Indicator (EEI) improved markedly for the third month in a row (by 4.0 points to 87.0 in the euro area and by 4.1 points to 87.0 in the EU)," the Commission said.
ZAGREB, July 30, 2020 - The government on Thursday required state-owned companies to pay 60 percent of their after-tax profits for 2019 into the state budget based on the state share in their equity.
The decision applies to 15 companies, including marina chain operator ACI, power provider HEP, Croatian Lottery, the Hrvatske Sume forest management company, the INA oil company and oil pipeline operator Janaf.
The arms dealing agency Agencija Alan will have to pay 100% of profit into the budget which will be used for the modernisation and activities of the Croatian armed forces. Under the law on games of chance, Croatian Lottery is also required to pay all its profit from 2019 to the state budget.
AKD, an IT company specialising in the manufacturing of ID cards, passports and driving licenses, will have to pay 60% of its profit into the state budget which will be used to improve the material status of police officers.
ZAGREB, July 30, 2020 - The Croatian government on Thursday adopted a draft agreement between the European Commission and EU member states on the purchase of a vaccine against the COVID-19 disease.
Health Minister Vili Beros was given the authority to sign a letter notifying the European Commission about the completion of the necessary procedures in Croatia to sign the agreement.
Beros said that currently there was no vaccine against the coronavirus or specific treatment for this disease.
"Based on the proposed agreement, the European Commission is authorised by the participating member states to sign advance purchase agreements with vaccine producers to buy a vaccine and curb this disease at the EU level," the health minister said.
By acceding to this agreement, Croatia confirms its intention to buy a vaccine and becomes entitled to purchase a certain amount of vaccine. This right is exercised by entering into separate agreements with vaccine producers to buy a vaccine at a price negotiated by the European Commission on behalf of the member states.
"The agreement represents the basis for the European Commission to enter into advance agreements with vaccine producers, and each member state decides on its own on entering into a separate purchase agreement with a vaccine producer," Beros said.
The government also adopted a decree to create the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister without a portfolio, which will be headed by Deputy Prime Minister Boris Milosevic.
July 30, 2020 - 2 Cellos Stjepan Hauser has just released an amazing new performance from Dubrovnik
2 Cellos Stjepan Hauser has just released an amazing new performance from Dubrovnik. The video is the latest in his Alone Together series, which sees the world-famous cellist play music from some of his favourite movie scores.
So far in the series, he has visited places like Pula Arena and Krka Waterfalls. But, this time he has travelled to the south of Croatia to film in the stunning location of Dubrovnik, the Pearl of the Adriatic.
Serving as the most-spectacular location yet, you can see the walled city in all of its summer splendour by checking out the video right here.
2 Cellos Stjepan Hauser in Dubrovnik
July 30, 2020 - Sociologist Kristina Čunović made inmates' dreams come true - those who didn't even know they existed. Thanks to the RODA, The Croatian Reading Association and Čunović, inmates now have a special connection with their children through reading.
Inmates are, without any doubt, a marginalized group of society. But that doesn't mean they stopped being parents at the moment they entered prison. Kristina Čunović, sociologist and senior librarian advisor, let this thought lead her on her mission.
In the Republic of Croatia, about 12,500 children a year have one or both parents in prison. These children are invisible to the community, vulnerable, almost all are indirect victims of their parents' actions. Most people will be horrified when they hear this information but will do nothing about it. “But activists, human rights activists have a ‘life impulse’ to initiate change in problem areas; they cannot sleep peacefully, and they need to change the world for the better. I am among those activists myself. I was only able to connect the children and parents of the inmates from the area where I work, about which I know, and that is to encourage reading and literacy,” said Kristina.
The reading program includes the following: inmates receive picture books and books adapted to the age of the children. The books are selected by experts from The Croatian Reading Association. Inmates choose a book, read the story to their child, and prison staff help to record the story and send the recording to the child. Thus the child has the opportunity to listen to his mother or father whenever he wants to.
By listening to a recording and flipping through a book or picture book, the child develops listening skills, imagination, attention retention exercises, and enriches vocabulary. At least as important is connecting parents and children through moments of reading and listening to stories, despite the barriers that divide them.
“In the intimate and magical moment of sharing a beautiful story, through the ‘sound book’ they receive from their parents, the child gets the opportunity to have the parent prisoner with them, and the parent - to give the child a part of themselves,” said Kristina.
This program supports the national campaign to encourage children to read aloud, "Read to me!", which she initiated seven years ago.
The project was first started by members of the association RODA (Parents in Action) with mothers in prison. In Croatia, not all inmates are in the same position concerning the possibility of visiting family members. Although it is recommended that inmates with families be placed in prisons closest to their children's residence, female inmates are at a much more significant disadvantage than males. Women sentenced to more than six months in prison can serve their sentences only in the Požega Penitentiary. Given its geographical location, poor transport links, and the socioeconomic status of these families, their children are usually unable to visit regularly. Maintaining these relationships between the parent who is in prison and the child is necessary for a balanced upbringing and overcoming the child's developmental crises. The key question was how to connect the parents of the inmates and their children. The reading program developed with mothers at the Požega Penitentiary has been recognized as a quality model that has been extended to fathers, thus strengthening their parental role.
Reading programs that connect inmates and their children in the world exist, but Croatian is special because it is implemented in all penitentiaries and prisons in the Republic of Croatia (2015-2019). It received continuous financial support from ministries (up to 2019), and children's librarians prepared a recommended list of quality children's books. The program was also recognized by the international professional community as special and received the Award for Innovative Promotion of Reading in Europe for 2017, awarded by the world's largest organization for the promotion of literacy ILA - International Literacy Association.
Until 2014, there was almost no support program for parents of inmates and their children. Members of the RODA association and their executive director Ivana Zanza were the first to start the program with their mothers. Then later, members of The Croatian Reading Association joined the program with their fathers - Kristina as the president of CroRA from 2014 to 2016, mag. bibl. Snježana Berak as vice-president of CroRA (current president) and mr. sc. Ljiljana Sabljak, bibliotherapist.
Since 2016, RODA, in partnership with The Croatian Reading Association, has been developing a reading program in three penitentiaries - Penitentiary and Prison in Požega, Penitentiaries in Glina and Lepoglava (with funds from the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth), and at the end of 2016 in Zagreb Prison (funds of the City of Zagreb). By the end of 2019, the program took place in all prisons in Croatia (funded by the Ministry of Justice). “We were surprised by such a large turnout of parents, especially those who have difficulty reading, but we encouraged them to retell the picture book to their child,” said Kristina. About 2,400 books with appropriate envelopes, CDs, and postage stamps were available to inmates in the program. Everything in this program for inmates was free, and about 600 inmates participated, some even sending their footage and book to a child a couple of times.
"It would be dishonest to say that we did not encounter any minor obstacles and that all the principals reluctantly accepted the reading program. However, all obstacles have been addressed by the Ministry of Justice by building links between civil society organizations and the prison system, and we are grateful to them for that," said Kristina. Over time, all principals have realized that the reading program has a preventive role toward inmates who are parents. A prisoner who has managed to maintain (or develop) a close relationship with a child while serving a prison sentence is at a lower risk of recidivism after release. Also, the program has a preventive role towards the child, the end-user of the program: children who are in close and quality contact with a prisoner parent are at lower risk of developing undesirable behaviors, are less stressed due to parental separation and imprisonment, and parent reading and listening to the development of his reading skills, and helps them to later succeed during their schooling. Thus, the reading program contributes to the rehabilitation of the whole family. It has a very positive effect on the behavior of inmates. The program strengthens parental competencies and develops positive parenting of both the inmate parent and their family, especially the positive father's role.
Some inmates initially refused to participate. That changed quickly thanks to the positive comments of other inmates who got involved, but also thanks to the great engagement of the prison staff. Namely, some inmates recorded the reading three or more times (until they were completely satisfied), and the prison staff had patience. A quiet corner in prisons is hard to find; reading is disturbed by noise, a bell, but neither the staff nor the inmates did not give up (as they pointed out).
“They gave me the most valuable thing: even in prison, you can be a man and a father.” (c. father, a prisoner from the Glina Penitentiary)
Father inmates who participated in the reading program are extremely satisfied, and this fact is confirmed by the high percentage of assessment of the probability of re-participation (94% of fathers) and willingness to buy books at their expense (91% of fathers). Almost all fathers also provided supportive feedback regarding positive changes in their relationship with their children. Some inmates did not have any contact with the children, so after sending the picture book and CD, their (ex) partners reacted very well, and now the inmates have telephone contact with the children once a week.
Parents chose the books carefully, prepared in detail for filming, and asked prison staff to record them as soon as possible. Inside the CD/DVD cover, space has been prepared for the father's message to the child, written in his handwriting. Dad can also write messages on the cover of a book/picture book. The family letter encourages them to see if the dad has written the message and to show it to the child. "Upon receiving feedback, the inmates immediately came to the prison staff to inform them and convey the positive reactions of the children and other family members," said Kristina.
Prison staff points out that the inmates involved in this program are much more open in revealing their emotions, bringing them poetry and stories they write about their families. In their opinion, this is solely the result of this program. They are much more eloquent. Almost all were interested in the further implementation of the program, the possibility of procuring new books and educational materials, and some inmates interested in other parenting programs in the prison.
“One father told us that he sent his teenage girl a picture book for babies because there was no choice of books for teenagers in prison. But his daughter's reaction was great; she was delighted with dad's reading, and she didn't know that ‘dad read so well’. She also played a CD with a recording of dad's voice to her friends. It is wonderful to hear that children without fear can talk to friends about their experience of visiting a parent in prison and believe that they will not be stigmatized or ridiculed by other children or adults. We believe that our reading program also helped empower the children and parents of the inmates,” said Kristina.
Her main message on TEDx talk was that we could all include our potentials and knowledge to solve some problems in Croatian society and develop our community in a more humane direction. “But raising citizens' awareness and sensitizing to some social issues and focusing on the right solutions is a slow process; one should be prepared that things will not change overnight and that sometimes changes take years, but one should not give up,” Kristina said.
It was not clear to some friends and colleagues why it was important for her to participate in a reading program for inmates and their children. They even advise her to give up. “The point is that by serving their sentences, inmates did not stop being parents, did not lose the right to make decisions important to their child's care, nor did their relationship with the child become less important. In working with inmates, I primarily viewed them as parents who wanted to stay connected to their children through reading. After reading the touching evaluations of the families who participated in the reading program, there was no doubt that I was doing a good thing for the inmates, their families, and the prison system,” said Kristina.
Inmates who maintain contact with their families while serving their sentences find it easier to accept life in prison and life in the outside world after serving their sentences. Kristina ended her TEDx speech with a saying from a writer who says that dignity is as important to human life as water, food, or air. “My answer is always that by participating in this program, I want to contribute to the inmates and their families to be dignifiedly connected through reading activities. Also, through the book, children enjoy the world of imagination and daydreaming with a story-mediated meeting with a parent.”
ZAGREB, July 30, 2020 - Health Minister Vili Beros said on Thursday it was difficult to say when the coronavirus vaccine would be available, but that Croatia's participation in global initiatives was important so that it would not be left without the vaccine.
"The European Commission and other global initiatives are making their projections based on optimistic thinking, with some mentioning the end of this year and some the middle of the next . I really can't say except that the vast capacities of the research community are being used in efforts to find a vaccine," Beros said while answering questions from the press ahead of a cabinet meeting.
Croatia recently signed a preliminary agreement for a million and a half doses of vaccine as part of the European Commission's initiative. Beros said that the price of that vaccine was still not known and that ultimately it was not important. "We will find a way to buy what the Croatian people need," he said.
ZAGREB, July 30, 2020 - A 32.6 million kuna business and technology incubator, owned by Krapina-Zagorje County, was formally opened by President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday in the city of Krapina.
The economy ministry has provided HRK 20 million in non-repayable funds for the construction of the facility and its equipment.
The construction of the incubator started in September 2017 and took 30 months. The facility includes 28 functional units with 13 incubation spaces, a multipurpose hall and a laboratory.
The incubator is situated in the city of Krapina, 60 kilometres north of Zagreb, and the county has made up the plan for this project.
Addressing the ceremony, President Milanovic called for better absorption of EU funds.
County Prefect Zeljko Kolar said that the aim of the incubator would be to boost economic development based on know-how.
ZAGREB, July 30, 2020 - There have been 78 newly diagnosed infections with COVID-19 in Croatia in the last 24 hours, Health Minister Vili Beros told the government on Thursday.
Today, the 157th day since Croatia confirmed its first case of the infection with coronavirus, there have been 4,993 cases so far. Currently, 753 of them are active, including 132 who are receiving hospital treatment. Eight are on ventilators, he said.
In the last week, there have been 464 new cases, and 16 persons have died due to infection-related complications, Beros said.
14-day cumulative incidence rate: 25.4 cases per 100, 000 inhabitants
The 14-day cumulative incidence rate of COVID-19 is 25.4 per 100, 000 inhabitants, he added.
In the healthcare system, there have been 44 employees diagnosed with the infection over the last seven days.
July 30, 2020 - Minister of Tourism and Sport, Nikolina Brnjac, stated last night for HRT that a few months ago, no one could have imagined that the number of tourists would be as it is now.
Namely, HRT reports that 2.3 million tourist arrivals were recorded in July and nearly more than 16 million overnight stays were achieved. That is already a little more than 50% of the turnover compared to the same period last year. These are quite good results, and we have reason to be optimistic, said Brnjac.
It is unfair to say how much is expected from tourism, said Brnjac, referring to yesterday's statement when she said that Croatia could reach around 5 billion arrivals this year, which is half of last year's amount.
"We need to see the end of the tourist season. It is a good indicator that we have more than 760,000 guests today. The first Ministry of Tourism estimated that this year's result would be 30% compared to last year, but we already have about 40% to 45%, when looking at the overall level," adds Brnjac.
She confirmed that the tourist situation in the northern part of Croatia is better than in the south.
”Rovinj, Porec, Medulin, Crikvenica and Split are the destinations where guests are going to most. When we look at the southern destinations, we know that they are mostly related to air tourism. The Croatian National Tourist Board is working on promoting those countries from which guests come to Dubrovnik-Neretva County. It will also intensify its marketing activities. Precisely because of these marketing activities, we also see results. Croatia has recorded 92% of German tourists compared to last year, 91% of Slovenian tourists, followed by tourists from Austria, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic," said Brnjac.
Brnjac also pointed out that at yesterday's meeting with representatives of the tourism sector, she discussed future measures to maintain liquidity and recover the tourism system.
"In September, we will receive guidelines from the European Commission on how the development of an instrument for recovery and resilience will look. We want to be ready and that is why this meeting was organized. The next topic of the meeting was preparing financing from the new envelope of the multiannual financial framework and better positioning Croatian tourism."
Answering the question about who can count on this help, Minister Brnjac said that it refers to the entire tourism sector.
After four years, tourism in Croatia is seen as sustainable and green, as tourism that will work to extend the season, not only in the coastal area but also in the continental area. She also wants to develop nautical and health tourism. Brnjac's tourism development strategy will start in September, she said, stating that this should provide further guidance.
Brnjac also responded to criticisms related to her election to the position of Tourism Minister, considering she does not come from the tourism sector.
"I think that today, the tourism sector made clear how important it is for it to have an emphasis on the instrument of recovery and resilience and to position it as well as possible in the multi-year financial envelope, but also to position the entire tourism sector as well as possible."
Since Brnjac is also the Minister of Sport, she said that she "wants to give more importance to sports". She said that there was no need to explain to anyone the role sport and tourism play in the global promotion of Croatia.
"It is very important to emphasize that by investing in projects in sports and tourism, we get added value for a number of other departments - from transport to agriculture," concluded Brnjac.
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