A new director, a new approach to tourist information.
As followers of Total Hvar may recall, one of the most incomprehsible aspects of the 2015 official tourism promotion was the Jelsa Tourist Board events page in English, which shone in a shade of bright telepathy white for over a year, with absolutely no information on it whatsoever. If you checked the Croatian version of the site, however, one could see the full programme. Handy if you were a local looking to find out what was going on, not so much if you were the supposed intended target of the tourist board's existence - actual tourists. Having pointed out this small anomoly on a few occasions, absolutely nothing changed, and it could no longer be called an oversight.
But, it seems, a change of director has brought a change in telepathy tourism promotion approach, as the once bright telepathy English language events page now shines a different light - that of event information. And in two languages too!
Check out the lively Jelsa event programme to the end of September here.
Change is coming in Jelsa, and with its tourism promotion too. A new website is in the works finally, and some of the plans for the 2017 season are very impressive indeed. One prays that all the works in and around the town will be finished by then, and Jelsa will start to return to a tourism future which mirrors its more glorious past.