Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Half Afghan, Half Croatian: Sisterhood Magic on Hvar in September

July 30, 2019 - Strengthen your feminine essence and return to source with Sisterhood Magic on Hvar.

The TCN inbox is an eclectic place. In between all the threats, insults and requests for free promotion, there are several gems, as well as some rather unusual stories. Such as this one:

I am happy to have found you - my name is Jamila, I am half Croatian and half Afghan, and I have my business as a Coach and Recruiter for Highly Intelligent and Highly Sensitive People. I also give Woman Workshops on Hvar, where I have recently bought land- and there I will build up a Community land for Workshops, Seminars and wonderful things.

It sounded like there were a ton of interesting stories behind this young lady, so I wrote back to Jamila, asking for more information about her.

My mom actually is from the Region Zagorje, my stepfather from Turanj (Dalmatia); my father from Afghanistan (political refugee) and I bought land on Hvar. The father of my brother is Italian, of my other sister is my Croatian stepfather:) AND i have a Wolfdog. And lived in Spain, Latin America, India. Shamanic education. Coach. Recruiter. Out-of-the box-thinker.


An interesting lady, no doubt, and while sisterhood magic is not my thing, I am sure this rather different retreat may well have lots of interest, so I publish the details above. 

A quick search on YouTube shows that Jamila has been holding events in Croatia for some time. Check out this idyllic spot on Vis, for example, introduced by Jamila in German (she lives and works full-time in Germany).

To learn more about her services and Sisterhood Magic on Hvar, contact her via her official website

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Hvar Beaches Now Offering Free Paper Ashtrays

Cigarette butts have always been a big problem on Croatian beaches, and while it's hard on the eyes to witness, it's also harmful to the environment. However, to solve this problem, the Volim Vlašići Association from the island of Pag came up with a simple yet effective way to combat this nuisance last year - they introduced paper ashtrays to Croatia’s beaches. Today, this project has expanded to the town of Hvar, reports HRTurizam on July 29, 2019.

According to the concept of Volim Vlašići and the project "Please do not throw out your cigarette butts, our fish and birds do not smoke,” the City of Hvar installed biodegradable cardboard ashtrays to reduce the environmental and visual issue of littering cigarette butts on the beaches.

"We hope that other municipalities, cities, counties and tourist boards will follow their positive example," the Volim Vlašići Association said.

The ashtrays can be disposable or reusable, are made of paper (cardboard), are biodegradable, and have assembly instructions. Users should place sand inside the ashtray so they can stand upright. After the ashtray is finished being used, the sand is then released through the holes of the ashtray.

The ashtray and cigarette butts can then be disposed of in the trash. 

NBC News reported that cigarette butts are the single most collected item on the world’s beaches, with more than 60 million collected over 32 years. Not surprisingly, this number amounts to “about one-third of all collected items and more than plastic wrappers, containers, bottle caps, eating utensils and bottles, combined”, they said.

Much like plastic, cigarette butts take years to disappear from the environment and the chemicals they are composed of are harmful to everything from plants and wildlife to children. 

If you’d like to see paper ashtrays at your favorite beaches, contact the Volim Vlašići Association and join the project!

To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page

Monday, 29 July 2019

Never Eaten a Dormouse? Puhijada 2019 Showcases Dol Culture on Hvar

Hvar's most popular festival, the Puhijada, will take place once more from August 5 to August 10, 2019, as the village of Dol celebrates its traditions, including its gourmet treat, the edible dormouse.  

Yes, I didn't quite believe it either. An edible dormouse festival?!?

I first heard about the Puhijada dormouse festival in Dol while researching for my first Hvar guidebook way back in 2011. Dormouse, or 'Puh', I learned was only hunted in three places in Croatia - Dol on Hvar and Dol on Brac, where they put the dormice on the grill, and up in Gorski Kotar, where the local delicacy was dormouse stew. 

I knew I had to go.

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The sale of dormice is actually quite limited on the final evening of the festival, when up to 4,000 people come - making it the biggest party on Hvar is most years. And you can't buy your puh with kuna, euro or credit cards. The superpuh is the only currency, and it has remained stable against the kuna for years now. The exchange rate is 5 kuna to 1 superpuh. 7 superpuhs will get you a dormouse in a bun - see above. 

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This is how they look on the grill. As for the taste, they are delicious but a little fiddly, and if you are looking for a main meal, you will need about five. You can order them in certain restaurants on Hvar - Me and mrs jones in Jelsa is one great place - but you have to order 48 hours in advance. 

The main party will be on Saturday August 10, with headline act GUSTAFI providing the entertainment. But the festival, organised by local NGO Tartajun, is a celebration of the culture of the village in all its aspects, as you can see from this Hvar TV report a few years ago. 

There are plenty of fun things for the kids, a week-long balote tournament, wine tasting, a bike race, kids workshops, art exhibitions and more. The full programme is below in Croatian (Google Translate if your friend). If I get a copy in English, I will add. 

Puhijada- festival gastronomije, kulture, sporta i zabave
“Puhijada”- the Dol Dormice festival

Dol, 5.-10.kolovoza, 2019.


Predvečer - turnir u balotama „ Dol open“
21:00 h Otvaranje izložbe „Škola kroz prošlost kao temelj za budućnost“
(crkva sv. Ane)

Predvečer - turnir u balotama „ Dol open“
21:00 h - Dječja predstava BONTON ili Kako pristojno provesti dan u izvedbi Kristijana Ugrine Kikija
- Prikazivanje dječjih filmova Udruge mali grad FAROS
(Dol u strani sv. Marije – Crkva bl. Gospe)

Predvečer - turnir u balotama „Dol open“
18:30 h - Utrka trokolicama
- Biciklistički poligon za djecu u suradnji sa B. K. Hvar Life ;
dvije kategorije: mlađa skupina (do 10 godina) i starija
skupina (od 10 godina)
(Igralište kod sv. Ane)

Predvečer - turnir u balotama „ Dol open"
21:00 h - Predavanje "Putopisni best off" i kratko predstavljanje
fotomonografije „Putopisne fotografije 2014.-2019.“ autora
Jurice Galić Juke, nezavisnog dokumentarnog fotografa -
(Dol u strani sv. Marije – Dom kulture Vir)

9.8. PETAK
17:30 h Radionica stripa za djecu i mlade
(Dol u strani sv. Marije – Dom kulture Vir)
18:00 h Završnica turnira u balotama "Dol open"
21:00 h Finale turnira u balotama i zabavna večer uz DJ-a
(igralište kod sv. Ane)


18:30 h - Nastup klauna Bumba i klauna Šarenka
- Puh free climbing
21:00 h - Prezentacija 15. broja lista "Tartajun"
- Nastup klape Faroski kantaduri
22:00 h - Nastup grupe Dreamers band - Split
24:00 h - Nastup grupe GUSTAFI
(Igralište kod sv. Ane)

* 1.-10.8. - turnir u balotama „ Dol open“
* Za vrijeme trajanja festivala za sve posjetitelje biti će otvorena galerija Artworks-faros u zgradi Čitovnice.

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Celebrity Hvar Lavender: 'Bosnian Lady Di' Sanela Jenkins with Asher Monroe

July 28, 2019 - The lavender fields of Hvar are a very egalitarian place, from local pickers to celebrities from California, as Sanela Jenkins and Asher Monroe helped Jadran Lazic with his 2019 crop.

As I have written several times before, one of the things I most love about Hvar is its egalitarian nature. It doesn't matter who you are you come from, we are all here to relax and enjoy. Having worked hard to establish myself as the leading British blogger at Cafe Splendid in the third largest town on Hvar, for example, it was a little disheartening to learn that after all these years, I was only the second-biggest British blogger in the cafe, as BBC Chief Football Correspondent Phil McNulty also uses the Splendid while on holiday, and actually does his annual Premier League predictions in the cafe each year. Phil and I have become friends and regularly have a good chat about football.  

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And so too with celebrity photographer, Jadran Lazic, who manages to divide his celebrity lifestyle in LA with life in his native Split, Zavala and his beloved lavender fields on top of the island, where I have assisted him in each of the seven lavender harvests since 2013. 

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The man who brought Jodie Foster to Hvar back in 1978 has had many celebrity visitors to his house in Zavala over the years, but none had thus far made it to the lavender harvest. 

That changed this year as Jadran's special guest at the opening of his photo exhibition in Split 2 weeks ago, Sanela Diana Jenkins, was among the 20 workers who were given their sickles and put to work.  


Sanela is often called the 'Bosnian Lady Di' for her philanthropic work in her native Bosnia through the Sanela Diana Jenkins Foundation for Bosnia and Herzegovina in Memory of Irnis Ćatić. Jenkins fled during the war before forging a hugely successful career, which is now based in California. 

In 2009, she launched the Sanela Diana Jenkins Human Rights Project—the first endowed program on international justice and human rights at any law school in the western United States.

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She works with the faculty to advance human-rights causes around the world, including bringing war criminals to justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina and addressing human trafficking issues in the Congo.

Sanela was accompanied to the harvest by her dog Pearl. 

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And pop star partner Asher Monroe (who later performed live at Carpe Diem) was ready for action after the obligatory selfies. 

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A gorgeous setting in an aromatic field, taking part in a timeless Dalmatian tradition.  

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Sickles are quite sharp, and I managed to draw blood from my shin while harvesting. Asher was a little less fortunate as he had one of the brand new and extra sharp sickles. He sliced his finger and was taken down to the local village of Humac, where some local rakija and bandage fixed him up in no time. And his subsequent performance at Carpe Diem was apparently magnificent. 

A lovely day all round, and with Sanela counting the likes of George Clooney, Sean Penn and Elton John among her close friends, I wonder who will be at next year's harvest?

For a full report on the 2019 harvest, including videos of the workers singing traditional songs in the fields, the preparation of the grill afterwards, and the distilling of the lavender oil, check out the comprehensive TCN report

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Neki jednostavni koraci za poboljšanje turističke strategije 2 zvjezdice u Jelsi na Hvaru

26. srpnja 2019. - Proglašena najboljom destinacijom bivše Jugoslavije 1983. godine, ove godine Jelsa, prema riječima mnogih domaćih, ima najgoru sezonu u posljednje vrijeme. Stoga, saznajte kakva je situacija na terenu i, još važnije, može li se turizam popraviti? Studija slučaja koju je proveo TCN kaže da može, relativno lako.

Prošlo je gotovo 17 godina otkako sam došao trajektom iz Drvenika u Sućuraj, 15. kolovoza 2002., posjetiti Hvar po prvi puta tražeći kuću. Nakon što sam se provezao praznim selima istočnoga Hvara, bilo je pravo zadovoljstvo doći u Jelsu u punoj sezoni. Bila je to ljubav na prvi pogled, a Jelsu sam napustio niti 48 sati kasnije, nakon što sam pronašao malenu kuću u starom gradu koja će mi uskoro postati dom.

Bilo mi je dobro u Jelsi kroz sve ove godine dok sam tamo živio s divnom suprugom i dvije prekrasne kćerke, sve dok se prije par godina nisam preselio u Varaždinsku županiju. Svih sam tih godina tužno gledao kako izostaje razvoj turizma u takvom prekrasnom mjestu, ali ništa nije bilo baš toliko loše kao ovo što sam doživio ove godine. A kad kažem 'loše', mislim na broj i kvalitetu turista - Jelsa je zapravo prekrasna ove godine, i ako tražite neku kasnu opciju za doći na odmor, postoje mnoge opcije. Dođite, posjetite Jelsu!


Jasno da je odluka gradonačelnika Jelse da javno objavi da će me tužiti prošloga ljeta malo promijenila moj pogled. Siguran sam da ću saznati o čemu se točno radi u toj tužbi kad ona konačno stigne, no u međuvremenu, želim mu odati priznanje za značajne uspjehe koje je ostvario pri privlačenju EU fondova te unaprjeđivanju infrastrukture i izgleda grada, uključujući i novu rivu. Neću se praviti da mi se sve promjene sviđaju, ali svakako stoji da je napravljeno mnogo toga.

No, kad se radi o turizmu, to ne vrijedi - barem po mom mišljenju.

Prije nekoliko godina, mali usputni blog koji sam pisao postao je najvažnija priča u Hrvatskoj na jedan dan, kao i tema lokalnih rasprava tjednima (The Politics of Christmas Decorations: We Don't Celebrate Christmas Here). Neki domaći su prigovarali na činjenicu da se na glavnom trgu kao ukras nalazila zvijezda petokraka, simbol Jugoslavije. Tijekom jedne pauze za ručak, skinuta je i zamijenjena Betlehemskom zvijezdom, čemu sam osobno prisustvovao i napisao post na blogu o tome.  Reakcije na to su bile iznimno glasne i podijeljene točno prema podjelama u hrvatskom društvu. Bilo mi je malo žao gradonačelnika, jer se nalazio u situaciji u kojoj nije mogao pobijediti, ali sam mu odmah savjerovao da ne učini ono što je planirao. Bila je to dobra ideja, ali...

Njegov vrlo razuman kompromis bio je da stavi obje zvijezde, što ne bi bilo loše u nekom ne-turističkom gradu.

"Dobra je ideja, ali ako to učinite, službeno ćete Jelsu proglasiti prvom turističkom destinacijom s dvije zvjezdice u Hrvatskoj."

Dvije zvijezde su ostale, a s njima i turistička strategija dvije zvjezdice. Što je i razlog zašto je Jelsa u tako osiromašenom položaju.

A ne bi trebala biti.


Mogu razumjeti da se gradonačelnik više koncentrirao na velike planove o razvoju Jelse i njene infrastrukture, a manje na turizam. U krajnjoj liniji, sada imamo četvrtoga direktora Turističke zajednice Jelse u posljednjih 5 godina, od čega se već 4 radi na novoj web stranici.

Posljednjih sam par tjedana MNOGO razgovarao s ljudima u Jelsi o toj destinaciji, skupljajući njihove stavove. Dokumentirao sam dijelove trenutačne sezone, te sam primijenio nešto svoga znanja i opservacija iz perspektive stranca, te nudim svoje preporuke i rješenja koja bi turizam u Jelsi mogla učiniti boljim već sljedeće sezone. Da bismo došli do preporuka, smatram da je važno da otvoreno i pošteno vidimo koliko su stvari postale loše. Tek tada možemo priznati sadašnju situaciju i potražiti načine da se ona poboljša.

Fasten your seatbelts. 

Gdje je Jelsa sada?

jelsa-tourism-plan (2).jpg

Budući da je Ministarstvo turizma odlučio ograničiti pristup transparentnom, međunarodno nagrađivanom sustavu eVisitor, teško mi je potpuno kompetentno reći koliko je sezona zapravo loša, ali znakovi postoje čim pogledate oko sebe.

Jelsa nije mjesto blagoslovljeno najboljim hotelima (više o tome kasnije), ali njihove lokacije su fantastične. Kao i cijene u njima. Rezervirajte danas i dobit ćete 7 polupansiona, besplatan WiFi i parking, za par s djetetom ispod 12 godina za ukupnu cijenu od 3980 kuna, što ispada 535 eura za tročlanu obitelj. Ne morate potrošiti ništa novca u gradu, sve imate u hotelu s plažom, posebno ako sa sobom dovezete pića i neke sitnice. I ta tročlana obitelj pridodat će 21 noćenje statistici Hrama Rekordnog Broja Noćenja. 

To su cijene danas, dok pišem ovaj članak. Ako tražite neko ljetovanje u zadnji čas, molim vas, dođite u Jelsu. Jelsa je PREKRASNA u ovom trenutku, a ovo je zaista dobra ponuda odmah uz fantastičnu plažu. Evo i linka na stranice agencije koja prodaje ovaj paket. Kada oduzmete agencijsku proviziju, poreze i operativne troškove, pretpostavljam da ne ostane gotovo ništa. Ali, barem imamo dodano 21 noćenje u onu Svetu Tablicu.

Makarski Jadran - 12:30, 20. srpnja

Drugi glavni izvor turizma, zapravo ovih dana to bi bio prvi, su turistički brodovi koji dolaze iz Makarske na sat ili dva. Radi se o brodovima s ribljim piknikom, koji staju u Bolu i Jelsi (ponekad Vrboskoj), a onda se vraćaju u Makarsku. Najpoznatiji je legendarni Makarski Jadran, koji svakako razbudi grad svaki put kad pristaje i odlazi. Da dobijete dojam kako to izgleda, kao i da vidite kako je Jelsa izgledala u 12:30 na 20. srpanj.

Čini mi se da svaki brod plaća 25 kuna po metru za dolazak u Jelsu (nekad je bilo kunu po putniku, rekao bih, ali molim da me netko ispravi ako sam u krivu) - iako mi je netko rekao da se za zaustavljanja ispod dva sata plaća niskih 2 kune po metru broda. Ako itko zna koliko točno plaća Makarski Jadran, naprimjer, javite mi, dodat ću u članak. Oko 1000 posjetitelja dođe u Jelsu svaki dan na tim brodovima. Godinama ih već gledam. Siđu s broda, najčešće ne znaju niti gdje su niti što bi sa sobom. Uglavnom krenu prema glavnom trgu, koji izgleda kao centar. Onda krenu u stari grad, ali se brzo vrate, zastajući samo na sladoled ili pivu i čekaju brod koji odlazi sat ili dva kasnije. A onda, kao što vidite gore, grad se vraća u san. To je prekrasno, posebno u ovo doba pretjeranog turizma.

Glavni trg - 8. srpanj, 20:45

Naši gosti koji paze na troškove uživaju u zalasku sunca u hotelima, pa to ostavlja mnogo mjesta u barovima i restoranima u gradu. Čini se da je više restorana u Jelsi zatvoreno nego otvoreno, prvi put u posljednjih mnogo godina. Glavni trg u 20:45, 8. srpanj.

Glavni trg i cjelokupna riva te posjet Lavandermanu - 20:30, 21. srpnja

Kako su se cijene paketa u hotelima još snizile u srpnju, stvoreno je više svetih noćenja, ali to se nažalost nije preslikalo na pune stolove restorana. Duža šetnja glavnim trgom i rivom u 20:30, 21. srpnja.

Glavni trg - 21. srpanj, 22:40

Možda su svi zauzeti i nisu mogli stići tako rano. Glavni trg u 22:40 iste večeri. Mnoge sam ove snimke postavio na svoj Facebook zid (isprike mojim FB prijateljima), jer sam htio dokumentirati stvarnost za onaj neizbježan trenutak kad budu objavljene statistike. Bit ćemo zaslijepljeni znanošću i tablicama o brojevima i noćenjima. To ukrajinsko 21 noćenje zasjenit će stvarnu situaciju, da bi se nekog ministra spasilo sramoćenja. Dok se hoteli pune gostima nižeg standarda u polupansionima, restorani se tuže da gosti koji su bolji potrošači, poput naprimjer Norvežana, gotovo da ni ne dolaze ove godine. Je li 21 ukrajinsko noćenje u polupansionu jednako 21 norveškom noćenju u privatnom smještaju, uz objedovanje u restoranima i pijenje u barovima? Za tablice, oni jesu jednaki. Ali, u kontekstu turističkog prihoda za one koji posluju u Jelsi, ja bih taj omjer stavio na 21:3.

I molim vas, nemojte misliti da imam nešto protiv Ukrajinaca - volim Ukrajinu i uživao sam dok sam živio tamo (niže možete pročitati krasnu ukrajinsku priču iz Jelse) i Ukrajinci su u Jelsi dobrodošli. Pronašli ste sjajan popust na paket na sjajnoj lokaciji uz sjajnu plažu. Uživajte!

No, čini se da je trenutačno stanje turizma u Jelsi takvo da imamo tisuću putnika s brodova svaki dan koji stvore nekoliko tisuća kuna prihoda od pristojbi (možda čak i dosta manje) i koliko već potroše na sladoled, hoteli vjerojatno ne zarađuju gotovo ništa s obzirom na to koliko niske cijene nude, a restorani očajnički pokušavaju privući sve manji broj gostiju koji su bolji potrošači.

A ne treba biti tako. Sad kad smo sagledali situaciju, kako možemo stvari popraviti?



Koji je brand Jelse?

Turizam je u Jelsi započeo 1911. godine otvorenjem Hotela Jadran. Stotinu godina kasnije, u listopadu 2011. ja sam započeo Total Hvar, mjesto gdje je započet TCN. Jedan od prvih članaka koje sam napisao bio je o Jelsi i njenih 100 godina turizma. Osim jednog kratkog članka u Slobodnoj Dalmaciji, nigdje nisam vidio da se spominje ta značajna godišnjica, što mi se učinilo čudnim.

Kako sam počinjao sve više pisati o turizmu na Hvaru, počeo sam se pitati kao kakva se destinacija Jelsa pokušava prodati, koji je njen brand?

Isto se to pitam i danas, 8 godina kasnije, i dalje se čini da to nitko ne zna. A ako ne znamo svoj brand, onoga što prodajemo, na sve kompetitivnijem turističkom tržištu unutar Hrvatske ali i globalno, kako će to znati turisti?

Stoga sam postavio tri pitanja na Facebooku, na vlastitom zidu i u jednoj zatvorenoj grupi o Jelsi gdje me netko očito dodao.


1. Koji je brand i ciljno tržište Jelse?

2. Koji je jedinstveni selling point Jelse? (isprike prevoditeljice što nije uspjela smisliti adekvatni prijevod ove fraze)

3. U kojem smjeru mislite da bi Jelsa trebala ići sa svojim turizmom?

Bio sam šokiran odgovorima koji su pokazali da nitko nije znao jasno definirati brand Jelse, nakon više od 100 godina turizma. Bilo je nešto komentara, opuštenost, vino, prijateljska usmjerenost obiteljima i neki općeniti osjećaj lijepo su sažeti u ovaj odgovor, barem se meni čini:


Jelsa danas NIJE brendirana. Što se tiče vrste destinacije, rekao bih da se radi o relativno ugodnom gradiću koji je prilagođen za obitelji.

Vodili smo baš dobru raspravu u toj zatvorenoj grupi, sve dok nije došao administrator (ispalo je da se radi o zamjenici gradonačelnika, koja me optužila za samopromociju i još nešto - zaboravio sam za što točno). Kad sam pitao koji su njeni stavovi o brandu Jelse, cijela rasprava je obrisana. Čuo sam mnoge govoriti o zatiranje različitih mišljenja posljednjih godina u Jelsi, ali nisam bio svjestan da se to pruža sve do zatvorenih grupa. Srećom, tehnologija je naš prijatelj, a alati za snimanje sadržaja na internetu stvarno su korisni u ovakvim situacijama.

No, skrenuo sam s teme.

Dakle, problem broj jedan za Jelsu je da ona sama ne zna što je točno, pa stoga ne zna ni nitko drugi. Bez branda, bez jedinstvenog selling pointa, zašto bi itko razmatrao dolazak u Jelsu, ako za nju već ne zna?

Dajmo Jelsi identitet i brand. Recimo...


Opušten obiteljski stil života u vinskoj prijestolnici Dalmacije

Vinskoj prijestolnici Dalmacije? Postoji li u Jelsi neka posebna vinska priča? Pa, zapravo, puno je bolja nego što mislite. Nijedan grad u Dalmaciji nema takvu tradiciju proizvodnje vina, niti toliko kvalitetnih proizvođača vina u gradu. Hrvatsko vino sve je popularnije, kao i vinske ture po Hrvatskoj. A nema boljeg mjesta za istraživanje vina od Jelse. Jučer sam napisao velik članak o tome kako razviti gourmet turizam na Hvaru bez velikih investicija. Saznajte više o konceptu Hvar Wine Time Traveller i otoku vinske prijestolnice Dalmacije s UNESCO-vom mediteranskom dijetom.

Vidite što sam tu učinio? Jelsa više nije uglavnom udoban gradić za obitelji, nego je postala slavna po vinima, zdravoj hrani i opuštenom životu. O tome želim više saznati!

Kako optimizirati turističke brodove poput Makarskog Jadrana?

Dok čekamo da se pokažu rezultati novog brandinga, što možemo učiniti da maksimiziramo turizam koji već imamo? Bacimo pogled na onih tisuću ljudi koji stižu svakog jutra na turističkim brodovima. Trenutačno ih ostavljamo da lutaju uokolo poput izgubljenih ovaca. Većina nema pojma što bi sa sobom, pa čak niti gdje su. Dajmo im neki sadržaj. Ako su smješteni u Makarskoj, možda će se zaljubiti u taj kratki uvod o Opuštenom Obiteljskom Stilu Života u Vinskoj Prijestolnici Dalmacije. Možda se još nisu odlučili kamo će dalje, pa se možda vrate već ove sezone.

Ali, ako Jelsa prihvaća ovaj vid turizma, dajmo im prilike da potroše neki novac i zaljube se, pa možda dođu opet. Ima TOLIKO toga što bi ti turisti mogli doživjeti u tih sat-dva, pa zatim otići zadovoljniji i svjesniji gdje su bili. Sjajan dućan čokolada Gamulin, uvod u vina u vinskoj prijestolnici Dalmacije, folklorni nastup na Trgu Sv. Ivana, vođena šetnja Jelsom da bi se ona kratko upoznala, tura do OPG-a na putu do Pitvi sa svim otočkim travama i biljem, pozdrav Lavandermanu i tura po Dalmacijalandu. I tako dalje. Pripremimo letak s 10 stvari koje biste trebali napraviti tijekom svog prvog posjeta Jelsi i neka se podijele na tim brodovima. To će zahtijevati nešto truda (nažalost, to uvijek vrijedi za pravi turizam), ali posjetitelji će otići s boljim znanjem o tome što Jelsa nudi, što je bitno za sljedeći dolazak. Ako bi se netko baš jako potrudio, možda bi brodovi unaprijed mogli saznati tko od gostiju što želi vidjeti u Jelsi.

Prestanimo se skrivati iza loših hotela kao izgovora za loš turizam.

Hoteli nisu nešto, te bi koji dobar hotel s četiri zvjezdice pomogao promijeniti grad, na način kako se to dogodilo u Bolu.

Ali, postoje mnoge destinacije koje također nemaju baš neke hotele, pa im ipak ide bolje nego Jelsi. Vis nema baš mnogo hotelskih kreveta, posebno ne visoke kategorije, pa turizam tamo ipak uspijeva. Na cijelom otoku Šolti ima ukupno 7 hotelskih kreveta.

Ključ unaprjeđenja turizma u Jelsi ako se hoteli ne promijene leži u sektoru privatnog smještaja, za koji se meni čini da je značajno pao ove godine.

Stvorimo svoj hotel visoke kvalitete do sljedeće sezone - i uključimo naše susjede.

Zašto ne kombinirati to dvoje? Napravimo difuzni (raspršeni) hotel, surađujmo s apartmanima sa četiri zvjezdice i vilama u Jelsi, Vrboskoj i čak Starome Gradu. Privatni iznajmljivači bi vjerojatno rado sudjelovali u projektu, a za njega bi se čak moglo dobiti i EU financiranje. U današnjim danima tehnologije, hoteli mogu postojati gotovo samo kao web stranica koja vam govori gdje da se prijavite - direktno u vaš apartman. Potrebno je stvoriti uslugu recepcije i conciergea u centru, gdje turisti mogu doći po informacije. Neka to bude otvoreno 24 sata na dan, neka pruža dobru uslugu.


Vratimo se Jelsinim sportskim korijenima: Napravimo prvi Tjedan Run Croatia - oni su spremni na suradnju!

Jelsa used to be a popular destination for sport, and Hajduk came for winter training, as well as others I can no longer remember. It has one of the best rowing clubs in the country, one of the best chess teams in the country, and good sporting facilities, including football pitch and large sports hall. What can we do to return some focus to Jelsa's sporting traditions?

One of the most successful tourism start-up businesses I follow is called Run Croatia. They are slowly building a national network of races and a healthy living lifestyle, working with airlines, hotels, clinics, restaurants etc. It is impressive to watch them grow. . I asked Bero and Iva how they would feel about working with Jelsa to make it their first-ever Run Croatia Week. And they said yes!

A week in Jelsa, with access to the sporting facilities and the relaxed family lifestyle in the Dalmatian capital of wine, with perhaps three races for adults - a 5km, 10km and 21km or trail, as well as some runs for the kids. They are waiting for Jelsa's call. 

Jelsa je nekad bila popularno sportsko odredište; Hajduk i neki drugi kojih se ne mogu sjetiti dolazili su na zimske pripreme ovamo. Ovdje se nalazi jedan od najboljih veslačkih klubova u zemlji, jedan od najboljih šahovskih te dobra sportska infrastruktura, uključujući nogometni teren i veliku sportsku dvoranu. Što možemo učiniti da se vratimo toj sportskoj tradiciji Jelse?

Jedan od najuspješnijih sportskih start-up poslovnih poduhvata u Hrvatskoj koje pratim zove se Run Croatia. Polako grade nacionalnu mrežu utrka i zdravog načina života, surađuju s avioprijevoznicima, hotelima, klinikama, restoranima itd. Impresivno je pratiti ih kako rastu. O ovom projektu više možete pročitati u ovom opširnom članku na TCN-u. Pitao sam Beru i Ivu što oni misle o suradnji s Jelsom na stvaranju prvog Tjedna Run Croatia. I rekli su "Da!"

Tjedan dana u Jelsi, s pristupom sportskim terenima, u opuštenom obiteljskom stilu života u vinskoj prijestolnici Dalmacije, uz recimo tri utrke za odrasle - na 5 km, na 10 km, polumaraton (21 km) ili trail utrka, kao i neke utrke za klince. Oni čekaju poziv iz Jelse.

Shvatimo da susjedne destinacije nisu konkurencija, nego dodaju vrijednost

Turistička ponuda vaših susjeda dodaje vrijednost vašoj destinaciji, te oni nisu konkurencija. Zamislite nekoga tko dolazi u Vinsku prijestolnicu Dalmacije da bi u tjedan dana proživio što više vinskih iskustava. Ne bi li jednodnevni izlet do Bola, uz posjet vinarijama Stina i Senjković bio sjajan dodatak?

Koristimo turistički proračun da bismo promovirali turizam, a ne nagrađivali nepotizam


Trebalo mi je dosta vremena da shvatim kako funkcionira hrvatski turizam, kao i to da proračuni za turističku promociju nisu nužno utrošeni da bi se promovirao turizam. A čak i kad jesu, i u tome ima element nepotizma. Ti učini ovo za mene, a ja ću se pobrinuti da za neki tvoj event bude dovoljno novca, takve stvari. Također sam redovito začuđen omjerom domaćih (mnogo) i turista (malo) na mnogim službenim turističkim događajima. Naravno da trebaju postojati događaji za domaće, ali ne bi li naglasak promotivnog turističkog proračuna trebao biti na zabavljanju turista? Čuo sam mnoge strane turiste kako komentiraju koliko su uživali u kušanju vina i glazbi uživo na Trgu Sv. Ivana, ali ne sjećam se da sam od njih čuo kako im je bilo super na večerima poezije na dijalektu u parku.

Uključimo se u digitalnu revoluciju i pretrčimo ostale - evo kako 

Ranije ovog ljeta upoznao sam drag rusko-ukrajinski par iz Münchena. Živjeli su u Jelsi tri mjeseca, od 1. travnja do 30. lipnja, i željeli su se vratiti u naš apartman i sljedeće godine. Učili su hrvatski, bili su aktivni u zajednici. Dan im se sastojao od ranog kupanja i kave, a zatim online uredskog rada u Münchenu. Kad su zatvorili svoja računala, otišli bi se ponovo okupati, pa zatim ili u shopping kako bi nešto pojeli, ili van na večeru. Radili su u Münchenu, a trošili u Jelsi. Pročitajte mnogo više o tome i kako i zašto je Hrvatska u savršenoj poziciji da iskoristi industriju u kojoj se procjenjuje da će do 2035. godine biti milijarda digitalnih nomada.

Jednako kako bi trebali biti malo hrabri i organizirati prvi Tjedan Run Croatia, tako bismo trebali i ovdje. Razgovarajmo s regionalnim i državnim vlastima i ponudimo Jelsu kao prvu otočku destinaciju za digitalne nomade u Hrvatskoj. Pozovimo u Jelsu 50 nomada, na mjesec dana uz besplatan smještaj (maksimalno po dvoje iz svake države), a onda se potrudimo da ih učinimo sretnima. Reći će prijateljima, drugim nomadima, a njihovi postovi na društvenim mrežama uz hashtag #DigitalJelsa donijet će gradu veliku vidljivost. Nabavimo neka sredstva, otvorimo co-working prostor u Jelsi tako da ljudi mogu i tamo raditi dok su u Jelsi ako trebaju.

Istaknimo snažne veze kroz godine pričajući te priče

Opuštena obiteljska destinacija u vinskoj prijestolnici Dalmacije. Današnji turizam iznimno je ubrzan, ljudi jure iz jednog mjesta u drugo. Ako je Jelsa opuštena obiteljska lifestyle destinacija - a jest - ispričajmo gostima neke priče koje to ističu. Istaknimo toplinu i ljubav onih turista koji se redovito vraćaju posljednjih 20 godina ili više. Ispričajmo o prijateljstvima koja su tako nastala, dajmo priliku onima koji mogu najljepše pričati o Jelsi - turistima koji su u nju zaljubljeni. Opušteni obiteljski stil života u vinskoj prijestolnici Dalmacije s odanim i sretnim posjetiteljima. Oni su naši najbolji ambasadori.



Razvijmo veze i turizam s onom drugom Jelsom... u Norveškoj

Jeste li znali da postoji još jedna Jelsa, izvan Hrvatske - ribarska zajednica u Norveškoj? Prije više od sedam godina, dok su Norvežani još u većem broju dolazili u hrvatsku Jelsu, činilo mi se da bi to bio sjajan način da se razviju turističke veze između dvije Jelse. Poslao sam im e-mail, te od njih dobio odgovor:

"Nedavno sam dobio e-mail od turističkog ureda u Suldalu. Koliko sam shvatio, oni su dobili mail od vas, ali ga meni nažalost nisu proslijedili. Žao mi je što ste toliko dugo čekali na odgovor, ali sad se javljam. Učitelj sam u lokalnoj školi u Jelsi, Suldal. Naša je škola prilično mala, ima samo 19 učenika (dobi šest do 12 godina), 4 učitelja i jednog ravnatelja.

Bilo bi zaista sjajno kada bismo mogli upoznati ljude iz hrvatskoga grada koji se zove Jelsa. Koliko ja znam to ime ne postoji nigdje drugdje. Ja sam učitelj engleskog jezika, i bilo bi zaista lijepo kada bih mogao zamoliti svoje učenike da pišu pisma djeci u Jelsi u Hrvatskoj, pa da naučimo nešto o vašoj zemlji i gradu."

Bio sam uzbuđen, odgovorio sam na mail i tadašnjeg gradonačelnika i direktora turističke zajednice uključio u e-mail korespondenciju. Od njih ovaj učitelj nije nikad dobio nikakav odgovor. Možda bi vrijedilo ponovo pokušati?

Obiteljske destinacije trebaju sadržaj za djecu

Samo nešto za razmišljanje.


(Photo credit Paolo Buncuga)

Procesija Za križen i tradicija - ogromna prilika

Procesija Za križen koja se događa na Veliki četvrtak jedna je od najdivnijih tradicija u Hrvatskoj. Odvija se već 500 godina svake godine, a uloga križonoše donosi ogromnu čast.  Sama procesija nije namijenjena turistima, ali je spektakl koji svake godine posjećuje sve više turista, a moj intervju s bivšim križonošom bio je iznimno zanimljiv i poučan.

Možete saznati više o tome kako se postaje križonoša u sjajom videu koji je snimila Hvar TV. Isplati se uložiti vrijeme u gledanje.

Uz takvu sjajnu tradiciju oko procesije, zašto ne napraviti nekakvu izložbu o procesiji u svrhu turističke promocije grada? Mnogi od posjetitelja su katolici, ali to bi moglo zanimati i one koji nisu, nego su drugih vjera. A zašto ne bismo 22 kilometra dugu stazu procesije učinili dostupnima onima koji bi tijekom cijele godine prohodali ili cijelu stazu ili njen dio, umjesto da se koristi samo jednom godišnje. Informativni panoi po putu dodatni su sadržaj u turističkoj ponudi.

Ispričajmo priču o dalmatinskim vinima i neka bude dostupna turistima

Vinska prijestolnica Dalmacije mora ispričati svoju priču. Vinski muzej i kušaonica bili bi sjajan sadržaj, posebno na one kišne dane...

Nautičari mi kažu da su Jelsa i njeni zaljevi jedno od najboljih mjesta na Jadranu - tko još za to zna?

Nautički turizam ovdje ima sjajan potencijal koji treba u potpunosti razviti. Nisam nautičar, ali mi je jedan odgovor prijatelja dao misliti:

"Zaljevi i uvale oko Jelse, od Smočiguzice na zapadu do Pokrivenika na istoku. Mi koji imamo naše male barke u Jelsi možemo birati u koje od tih divnih mjesta želimo otići na svoj dnevni odmor. Bio sam svugdje po Jadranu i nećete na puno mjesta naći tako lijep i ugodan akvatorij kao ovdje."

Samo još jedna mala stvar koja se može dodati opuštenom obiteljskom stilu života vinske prijestolnice Dalmacije.

Molim vas, napravimo novu web stranicu

Bila je skoro gotova prije tri godine.

Uspostavimo ponovo kontakte s Beogradom - snažnom turističkom vezom Jelse

Odnos Beograda i Hvara me fascinira. Prije rata, Hvar je bio jedna od najpopularnijih destinacija za srpsku elitu. Sada uništeno Beogradsko odmaralište na istoku Jelse pružilo je trajna sjećanja tisućama beogradske djece, čija ih je ljubav prema Hvaru učinila gostima za cijeli život, sve dok to nije prekinuo rat.

Razumijem animozitet između Hrvata i Srba nakon rata, i kada bi to bila cijela priča, i to bih mogao razumjeti. Ali, prošetajte ulicama Beograda zimi i srest ćete tamo više ljudi s Hvara nego što biste sreli na samom Hvaru. Jedan hvarski restorant svake godine u Beogradu organizira Dane hvarske kuhinje. I ti su dani uvijek hit - pogledajte izvještaj koji je Hvar TV snimio prije par godina, kad sam i ja u tom periodu bio u Beogradu.

Napravio sam intervju s Jasminkom Vekić, vlasnicom restorana Šaran iz Zemuna koji ugosti hvarski restoran, te mi je pričala o svojoj ljubavi prema Hvaru i danima djetinjstva provedenima u Jelsi.

2011. godine, dakle, 16 godina nakon rata, Hrvatska turistička zajednica bila je glavni sponzor Beogradskog sajma turizma, najvećega u regiji. Prošle godine niti jedna turistička zajednica iz Hrvatske nije na tom sajmu imala službeni štand. Kada sam pitao HTZ zašto, informirali su me o činjenici da Srbija više nije strateško tržište.

A mogli bi biti jako dobro tržište. Hvarski vlasnici restorana će vam reći da Srbi vole trošiti. Jasno je i da su relativno blizu, pa postoji šansa da ih se ugrabi kao svakogodišnje goste.

Zaključak: Budućnost turizma u Jelsi mogla bi biti bogata, ako oni koji je vode žele da ona bude takvom.

Dosta. Napisao sam više nego što sam namjeravao. Mnogi će osjećati bol zbog ove sezone i loše kvalitete turizma, ali probleme je zapravo lako riješiti i to bez prevelikih investicija. Nadam se da barem neki od gornjih prijedloga imaju nekog smisla i težinu.

Sve ostalo, draga Jelsa, je na tebi.

To learn more about Jelsa, here are 25 things to know.  




Sunday, 28 July 2019

Large Fire Near Zarace on Hvar: 50 Firefighters Battle Blaze

 July 28, 2019 - A major fire broke out overnight between Milna and Zarace on the Hvar's southern coast, as firefighters from the mainland come to battle the blaze.

 A large fire boke out just after midnight a few kilometres east of Hvar Town and quickly spread due to the wind. 

50 firefighters with 13 vehicles have managed to prevent it from spreading, and a Canadair added air support at 06:28 this morning. 


The island firefighting services are being joined by colleagues from DVD Dugi Rat, Lovreć, Omiš, Kaštela, Imotski,Trogir, Marina, Okruk, JVP Trogir, JVP Sinj and JVP Split.

We will update this story as we get information, but you can follow the latest on the Hvar and Sibenik fires on the provider of all these photos, videos and info - Vatrogasci - Oni Su Nasi Heroji



Update from the Hvar Fire Brigade - the fire is no under control, see below.

Saturday, 27 July 2019

Some Simple Steps to Improve Jelsa's 2-Star Tourism Strategy on Hvar

July 26, 2019 - Named the top destination in former Yugoslavia in 1983, many locals are complaining of the worst peak season in Jelsa for quite some time. So what is the situation on the ground and - more importantly - can tourism be improved? A TCN case study concludes that it can, quite easily.

It is almost 17 years since I took the ferry from Drvenik to Sucuraj on August 15, 2002 to visit the island of Hvar for the first time in search of a house. Having driven through the empty villages of eastern Hvar, arriving in Jelsa in full swing in peak season was a joy. It was love at first sight, and less than 48 hours later, I departed, having found a small house in the old town that would soon become my home. 

The town has been very good to me over the years, and I lived in Jelsa with my lovely wife and two gorgeous daughters, before moving to Varazdin County a couple of years ago. Over those years, it has been sad to watch the lack of development of tourism in such a beautiful spot, but nothing was quite as bad as what I experienced returning this summer. When I say bad, I mean in terms of the number and quality of tourists - Jelsa this summer is as gorgeous as I have ever known it, and if you are looking for a late holiday, there are plenty of options. Come visit!


Obviously the Mayor of Jelsa's decision to publicly announce that he was suing me last summer put a cloud on things somewhat. I am sure I will find out what the lawsuit is about when it finally arrives, but in the meantime, I would like to pay tribute to him for the significant success he has had with EU funds and improving the infrastructure and look of the town, including the new waterfront. I won't pretend that I like all the improvements, but a lot has been achieved. 

When it comes to tourism, however, the same is not true - at least in my opinion. 

Several years ago, a small lunchtime blog of mine became the number one story in Croatia for the day, as well as the subject for local discussion for weeks. The Politics of Christmas Decorations: We Don't Celebrate Christmas Here Some locals objected to the fact that the main square had a five-pointed star symbolic of Yugoslavia. It was taken down one lunchtime and replaced with a Star of Bethlehem, an act I witnessed and blogged about. The reaction was huge, and right down the main faultlines of Croatian society. I felt for the Mayor, as he really was in a no-win situation, but I immediately advised him not to do what he planned. It was a nice idea, but... 

HIs very sensible compromise was to put both stars up, which was all very well in a non-tourist town.

"It is a nice idea but if you do that, you will be officially launching the first two-star tourist destination in Croatia."

The two stars stayed, and so too has the two-star tourism strategy. Which is why Jelsa tourism is in such an impoverished position. 

It doesn't have to be. 


I can understand that the Mayor's focus has been more on the grand plans to develop Jelsa and its infrastructure, and that the focus has been less on tourism. After all, we are now on our fourth Jelsa Tourist Board director in 5 years, and the new website is at least 4 years in the works. 

I have spent a couple of weeks talking to LOTS of people in Jelsa about the destination, getting their views. I have documented parts of the current season, and I have applied some of my knowledge and observations with a foreign eye, and I offer up a set of recommendations and solutions to make tourism in Jelsa better as early as next season. In order to get to the recommendations, I think it is important that we see openly and honestly how bad things have become. Only then can we acknowledge the current situation and look at ways to improve. 

Fasten your seatbelts.  

Where is Jelsa now?

jelsa-tourism-plan (2).jpg

As the Minister of Tourism has decided to restrict access to the transparent, internationally award-winning eVisitor system, it is hard for me to say with authority how bad the season is, but there are plenty of clues if you look around.

Jelsa is not blessed with the best hotels (more on that later), but their locations are fantastic. And so are the prices. Book today and you can get 7 nights half-board, free WiFi and parking, for a couple and child under 12 for a total price of 3980 kuna, or 535 euro total for the family of three. No need to spend any money downtown, you have all you need at the hotel with the beach and some drinks and supplies you brought with you. And that family of three clocks up 21 overnights for the Temple of Record Overnights statistics.  

These are the prices today when I was preparing this article. If you are looking for a late booking, then please come. Jelsa is GORGEOUS at the moment, and this is really great value right by a fantastic beach. Here is a link to the agency selling the package.  Once you take off the agency fees, taxes and operating costs, I am guessing there is not that much left. But at least we have 21 overnights for the hallowed spreadsheet. 

Makarski Jadran - 12:30 on July 20

The other major source of tourism - actually the main, these days - are the tourist boats that come from Makarska for an hour or two. The general itinerary is a fish picnic with stop-offs in Bol and Jelsa (sometimes Vrboska), then back to Makarska. The best-known of these is the legendary Makarski Jadran, which certainly wakes up the town as it enters and leaves each day. Get a taste of that and also how Jelsa looked at 12:30 o July 20. 

Each boat pays I think 25 kuna per metre to come to Jelsa (it used to be one kuna per passenger, I think, but someone please correct me if I have that wrong) - although someone told me that stays of less than two hours are as low as 2 kuna per metre. If anyone knows how much Makarski Jadran pays, for example, please send me into with link, and I will amend.. There are about 1000 visitors to Jelsa each day in the season on these boats. I have watched them for years. They get off, not knowing exactly where they are, or what to do. They tend to head to the main square as that looks like the centre. Then they walk into the old town but soon come back, stopping for an ice cream or beer until the boats leave one or two hours later. And then, as you see above, the town goes back to sleep. It is gorgeous, especially in this era of overtourism. 

Main square - 20:45 on July 8

With our price-conscious hotel guests safely enjoying a stunning sunset back at the hotels, there is plenty of space in the bars and restaurants. Apparently, more restaurants in Jelsa shut than opened for the first time in a number of years. The main square at 20:45 on July 8. 

Main square and the entire waterfront and visit to Lavanderman - 20:30 on July 21

As the special offers at the hotels were further reduced in July, more of those hallowed overnight stays were created, which sadly were not translated into full restaurant tables. A fuller length tour of the main square and the waterfront at 20:30 on July 21. 

Main square - 22:40 on July 21

Maybe everyone was busy and could not make it down until later? The main square at 22:40 the same evening. I posted quite a few of these on my Facebook wall (apologies to my FB friends) because I wanted to document the reality when the inevitable will happen when the statistics are announced. We will be blinded by science and spreadsheets about numbers and overnights. Those Ukranian 21 overnights will cover up the real situation to save some ministerial embarrassment. As the hotels are filling with low-cost half-board tourists, the restaurants are complaining that the higher-spending guests, such as Norwegians, are a lot less this year. Does 21 Ukrainian half-board overnights equal 21 Norwegians in private accommodation and eating in the restaurants and drinking in the bars? For the spreadsheets, they are the same. For tourism revenue to Jelsa businesses, I would put the ratio at 21:3. 

And please don't think I have anything against Ukrainians - I love Ukraine and enjoyed my time there (and we have a lovely Ukrainian Jelsa story below), and you are very welcome in Jelsa. You found a great deal in a great location with a great beach. Enjoy.

So it seems that the current state of tourism in Jelsa is that we have about a thousand boat passengers in the morning which generate a few thousand kuna in fees (or perhaps considerably less) and whatever they spend on an ice cream, the hotels are possibly not even breaking even with the deals they are offering, and the restaurants are desperately trying to attract a shrinking number of higher-quality guests. 

It doesn't have to be that way. And now that we have an overview of the situation, how do we improve things? 


What is the brand of Jelsa?

Tourism began in Jelsa in 1911 with the opening of Hotel Jadran. One hundred years later, in October 2011, I started Total Hvar, the birthplace of TCN. One of the first articles I did was about Jelsa and 100 years of tourism. Apart from one short article in Slobodna Dalmacija, there was no mention of the centenary whatsoever, which struck me as strange. 

As I got more into writing about tourism on Hvar, I found myself asking what kind of destination was Jelsa selling itself as, and what is its brand? 

It is a question I am still asking 8 years later, and still nobody seems to know. And if we don't know our brand of what we are selling, in an increasingly competitive market both within Croatia and globally, how can tourists?

So I posted three questions on Facebook - my own wall and a closed Jelsa group which someone had obviously added me to.


1. What is Jelsa's brand and target market?

2. What is Jelsa's unique selling point?

3. What direction do you think Jelsa should take with its tourism?

I was struck by the answers that nobody had any clear defining brand of Jelsa after more than 100 years of tourism. There were some comments and relaxing, wine, family-friendly and the general feeling was summed up by this answer, for me at least:


1. Jelsa today is not "branded". Now regarding the type of destination, I'd say it's a reasonably pleasant, family-friendly town

We had a very good discussion in the closed group until the admin came on (it turned out the group was run by the Deputy Mayor, who accused me of self-promotion and something else - I forget what). When I asked what her views about Jelsa's brand, the thread was deleted. I have heard many people talking of the suppression of opinion in recent years in Jelsa, but had not realised it also extended to closed groups. Thankfully, technology is our friend, and the Snipping Tool really is useful in these situations. 

I digress. 

So the number one early problem for Jelsa is that it does not know what it is, and so nor does anyone else. Without a brand, or a unique selling point, why would anyone consider coming unless they already knew about it? 

So let's give Jelsa an identity and a brand. How about... 


Relaxed Family Lifestyle in the Dalmatian Wine Capital 

The Dalmatian wine capital? Is there really any special wine story in Jelsa? Well actually, a lot more than you might think. And there is no town in Dalmatia with such a wine tradition as Jelsa. Or with so many quality producers in the town. Croatian wine is growing in popularity, and wine tours are on the rise. And there is no better place than Jelsa to explore. Yesterday, I wrote a big piece related to this on how to develop gourmet tourism on Hvar without spending much money. Learn more about the concept of Hvar Wine Time Traveller and the island of the Dalmatian Wine Capital with UNESCO Mediterranean Diet

You see what I did there? Jelsa is no longer just a reasonably pleasant family-friendly town, but one famous for wine, healthy food and relaxed living. Tell me more!

How to optimise the Makarski Jadran tourist boats?

But while we wait for the branding to take effect, what can we do to maximise the tourism we already have? Let's look at those 1,000 people on the morning tourist boats. Currently, they are left to wander around like lost sheep. Most have no idea what to do, or even where they are. So let's give them some content. If they are staying in Makarska, maybe they could fall in love with that brief introduction to the Relaxed Family LIfestyle in the Dalmatian Wine Capital. Maybe they are still undecided where they are going next and could even come this season. 

But if Jelsa accepts this kind of tourism, let's give them opportunities to spend money and fall in love for the next time. There are SO many things that those tourists can experience in that 1-2 hours, then leave more contented and with a greater awareness for next time. The amazing Gamulin chocolate store, an introduction to the wines of the capital of Dalmatian wine, a folklore performance at St. John's Square, a walking tour of Jelsa to get an overview, a tour to the OPG on the road to Pitve with all the island herbs and plants. a greeting from Lavanderman and tour of Dalmacijaland. And so on. Prepare a leaflet with 10 things to do during your first visit to Jelsa and get the boats to distribute them. It will take some effort (unfortunately proper tourism does), but visitors will leave with a better knowledge of Jelsa and what it has to offer for next time. If one could get very organised, perhaps the boats could get numbers of who wanted to do what in advance. 

Stop hiding behind poor hotels as an excuse for poor tourism

The hotels are not great, and some good 4-star hotels would help transform the town in the same way as happened to Bol. 

But there are plenty of other destinations which do not have great hotels and they manage. Vis does not have that many hotel beds or many of high quality, and it does more than ok. Solta only has seven hotel beds on the entire island. 

The key to moving Jelsa forward if the hotels will not change lie in the private accommodation sector, which seems to me to be well down this year.  

Create your own quality hotel in time for next season - and include the neighbours

So why not combine the two? Create a diffuse hotel and work with the 4-star apartments and villas in Jelsa, Vrboska and even Stari Grad. Those private renters would want to contribute to the project - there might even be EU funding for it. In the days of technology, hotels can exist almost as a website, which tells you where to check in - directly at your apartment. Build a concierge service and a reception area downtown where they can come for more information. Keep it open 24 hours a day and provide good service.  


Return to Jelsa's sporting roots: Create the first Run Croatia Week - they are ready to do it!

Jelsa used to be a popular destination for sport, and Hajduk came for winter training, as well as others I can no longer remember. It has one of the best rowing clubs in the country, one of the best chess teams in the country, and good sporting facilities, including football pitch and large sports hall. What can we do to return some focus to Jelsa's sporting traditions?

One of the most successful tourism start-up businesses I follow is called Run Croatia. They are slowly building a national network of races and a healthy living lifestyle, working with airlines, hotels, clinics, restaurants etc. It is impressive to watch them grow. You can read more about the project in this extended TCN feature. I asked Bero and Iva how they would feel about working with Jelsa to make it their first-ever Run Croatia Week. And they said yes!

A week in Jelsa, with access to the sporting facilities and the relaxed family lifestyle in the Dalmatian capital of wine, with perhaps three races for adults - a 5km, 10km and 21km or trail, as well as some runs for the kids. They are waiting for Jelsa's call. 

Recognise that neighbouring destinations are not competition but add value

The tourism offers of your neighbours add to yours, and they are not competition. Imagine someone coming to the Dalmatian capital of wine to explore as many different experiences in a week. Wouldn't a day trip to Bol to try the Stina and Senjkovic wineries be a great addition? 

Use the tourism budget to promote tourism not reward nepotism


It took me quite some time to figure out how Croatian tourism works, and that the budgets for promotion are not necessarily used to promote tourism. Or if they are, there is an element of nepotism there. You do this for me and I will make sure you have money for your event, that kind of thing. I am also constantly amazed at the ratio of locals (lots) to tourists (few) at many of the official tourism events. Of course there should be things for locals, but shouldn't the emphasis of the tourism budget be on entertaining tourists? I have heard lots of tourists comment on how much they enjoyed the wine tasting events with live music at St. John's Square, but am yet to hear of one who was raving at the dialect poetry nights in the park. 

Join the digital revolution and steal a march on the others - here's how

Earlier this summer, I met a very nice Russian/Ukrainian couple from Munich. They had been living in Jelsa for three months from April 1 - June 30, and they wanted to return for the same dates next year, renting our apartment. They took Croatian lessons, were active in the community. Their day consisted of an early swim and coffee, then online office work in Munich. When they closed their laptops, they went for another swim and then went shopping for food or out to dinner. Working in Munich, spending in Jelsa. You can read much more about this and why Croatia is perfectly poised to take advantage of an industry which will have an estimated 1 billion digital nomads by 2035

A little like being first with Run Croatia Week, why not do something bold. Talk to the regional and national authorities and offer Jelsa as the first digital nomad island destination in Croatia. Invite 50 nomads to come for a month with free accommodation (max two from each country) and then work hard to make them happy. They will tell friends, fellow nomads, and their social media posts and hashtag #DigitalJelsa will give Jelsa great exposure. Get some funding to open a Jelsa co-working space, so people can get their business done while here if they need to. 

Highlight the strong bonds over the years through stories

The relaxed family destination in the Dalmatian wine capital. Tourism these days is so hurried, as people rush from place to place. If Jelsa really is the relaxed family lifestyle destination - and it is - then let's tell some stories which highlight that. Bring out the warmth and the love of those tourists who have been coming for 20 years and more. Talk about the friendships made, and let the people who can present Jelsa the best have their say - the tourists totally in love with Jelsa. A relaxed family lifestyle in the Dalmatian wine capital with loyal and happy visitors. They are your best ambassadors. 


Develop ties and tourism with the other Jelsa... in Norway

Did you know that there is one other Jelsa outside Croatia - a fishing community in Norway? Over seven years ago, when Norwegians were coming in greater number to Croatian Jelsa, I thought that this would be a cool way to develop tourism ties between the two Jelsas. And so I wrote to them, and received a reply:

"Some time ago I received an e-mail from the tourist office in Suldal. I understand that they had received a mail from you, but unfortunately I have not read your mail myself. I am sorry you had to wait so long for an answer, but here it is. I am a teacher at the local school in Jelsa, Suldal. Our school is quite small, 19 pupils (six to twelve years old) and four teachers + one head master.

"It would indeed be nice for us to get to know people in the Croatian city called Jelsa.  As far as I know the name is not used anywhere else. As I teach English, it would be nice if I can ask my pupils to write letters to children in Jelsa, Croatia, and that we can learn something about your country and city." 

Excited, I replied, copying the then Mayor and tourist board director. The teacher never got a reply. Worth trying again?

Family destinations need content for kids 

Just something to think about. 


(Photo credit Paolo Buncuga)

Za Krizen procession and tradition - a huge opportunity

The Holy Week Za Krizen (Behind the Cross) procession on Maundy Thursday is one of the most incredible traditions in Croatia. It has taken place year on year for 500 years, and the honour to carry the cross is significant.  The actual procession is not meant for tourists but it is quite a spectacle and attracts more tourists every year, and my interview with a former cross-bearer was extremely interesting and educational

You can learn about the whole process of becoming a cross-bearer in this excellent Hvar TV video above. Well worth the time. 

With such an incredible heritage and procession, why not make some kind of exhibition about it for the town's tourism? There are so many Catholic visitors, and other denominations would be curious as well. And rather than have the 22km path of the procession only used once a year, why not make it available to those who perhaps want to do part or all of the route at another time of year. Information boards along the way is more content to the tourism offer. 

Tell the story of Dalmatian wine and make it accessible to tourists

The Dalmatian wine capital needs to tell its story. A wine museum and tasting place would be excellent content, especially on those rainy days...  

Sailors tell me Jelsa and its bays is one of the best places on the Adriatic - who else knows?

Nautical tourism has great potential, and it has yet to be fully realised. I am not a sailor, but I was intrigued by this response from a friend:

The bays and coves around Jelsa, from Smočiguzica on the West to Pokrivenik on the East. For those of us who have our small boats in Jelsa, there is an amazing choice of really beautiful places for the typical "day sailing" trip. I've been practically everywhere around the Adriatic and you will very rarely find an "akvatorij" as nice and enjoyable as this one.

One more little thing to add to the relaxed family lifestyle in the Dalmatian wine capital. 

Please build a new website

It was almost finished three directors ago.  

Reengage with Belgrade - a strong Jelsa tourism bond

The relationship between Belgrade and Hvar fascinates me. Before the war, Hvar was one of the most popular destinations for the Serbian elite. The now ruined Belgrade Resort east of Jelsa provided so many lasting memories for thousands of Belgrade children, whose love of Hvar turned them into lifelong island tourists before the war stopped all that. 

I understand the post-war animosity between Serbs and Croats, and if that was the whole story, then I could understand that. But if you walk the streets of Belgrade in winter, you will often bump into more people from Hvar than you would on Hvar. One Hvar restaurateur even takes his restaurant to Belgrade each year for Days of Hvar Cuisine in Belgrade. It is a huge hit - here is the Hvar TV report from a few years ago when I also visited. 

I interviewed Jasminka Vekic, owner of Restaurant Saran, the host restaurant in Zemun, and she spoke of her love for Hvar and her childhood days in Jelsa

In 2011, some 16 years after the war, the Croatian National Tourist Board was the main sponsor of the Belgrade Tourism Fair, the largest in the region. Last year, there was not a single tourist board from Croatia with an official stand. When I asked CNTB why, I was informed that Serbia was no longer a strategic market. 

It could be a very good market. As Hvar's restaurateurs will tell you, Serbian guests like to spend. They are also very close, and there is a great chance to catch them as regular year on year visitors. 

Conclusion: The future of Jelsa tourism is very healthy if those who run it want it to be

Enough. I went on far longer than I intended. While many may be feeling the pain of this season and the poor quality tourism, the problems are actually very easy to fix and without too much investment. I hope that at least some of the suggestions above may have some merit. 

The rest, dear Jelsa, is up to you. 

To learn more about Jelsa, here are 25 things to know.  




Saturday, 27 July 2019

Is Anyone Having a Record Tourism Season in Croatia? Oh, Yes - Ante from Hvar Tours

July 26, 2019 - As the Ministry of Tourism restricts access to the transparent and award-winning eVisitor statistics system and last available statistics pointing to another record season, many destinations are reporting the exact opposite. So is anyone having a record season in Croatia? 

The debate on the 2019 Croatian tourism season continues while we wait for the Ministry of Tourism to restore access to its real-time tourism statistics programme, eVisitor, I decided to feature some businesses who are having a record season while so many are complaining. What were they doing differently, and what are their thoughts on the direction of Croatian tourism. A reminder first of what the UNWTO said about eVisitor when it gave Croatian tourism chiefs a prestigious award for the programme, for which congratulations:

eVisitor is a unique online information system that provides insight into tourist traffic and accommodation capacities (commercial and non-commercial) in Croatia. It generates statistical reports and marketing indicators in real-time (i.e length of stay, location, gender, age, country of residence, type of facility, destination, etc), which enables more efficient monitoring of tourist traffic and revenues, allowing better control over the collection of accommodation fees creating a synergistic effect of all Croatian tourism stakeholders and contributes to ensuring their competitiveness.

Can we have access back please?

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A few days ago, I posted on my Facebook wall that I was looking for any tourism businesses who were indeed having a record season to be featured on TCN. Although it is the peak season and people were busy, I was expecting a few replies. I received just one reply, which you can read below (the offer is still open, details at the bottom of this article). 

Meet Ante Lacman of Hvar Tours and Intours who is enjoying his record season. He nicely explains how he is doing so well when others are not, and he offers a few thoughts on the direction of Croatian tourism. Fasten your seatbelts. 

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1. Tell us a bit about your business and what you do?

My name is Ante Lacman. I am the owner and co-owner of two DMCs.One is the regional leader and is regionally based - Intours DMC -  and specialises in MICE (meetings, incentives, conference, events), also PCO….With offices in Ljubljana, Split, Dubrovnik and Montenegro we work and cover the entire region. 

The second DMC, my “precious”, my “firstborn child” is Hvar Tours DMC, a local story, exclusive tailor-made programs with personal care and character. A destination experience programs with the Hvar Tours DMC signature. Simply put, I love my home, and everything that makes it so special; landscape, lifestyle - in my way of course, people - at least my circle of people that are charismatic and in some way the essence of this beautiful island. Each year there’s less and less of them..The bottom line is we put our guests, clients in touch with all that and them, without fabricating… Genuine authentic experiences.

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2. Lots of people are complaining about a terrible season - how is it for you?

Never better. We are breaking every record since we opened! In some moments we were praying for a bit of relaxation. My team, the people “who run the show” needs to be fresh, relaxed in order to provide the best out of their personal character. 2018 season was a year of disappointment and well as an “eye-opening” period in the context of some of the associates, experiences and direction I want to take further with my Hvar Tours DMC. You can’t imagine how people around us are not creative, and all they can invent is just a copy-paste process…

When we started with the Blue & Cave tours in 2005/2006 there was nobody.. When we started with Hvar wine tours in 2006 there was nobody…. Now, there’s lots of flies around the sh*t…And up to 2018 each year I made, two, three steps forward just to make and perceive my product as different from competitors; I would invest time and money into new programs and then either your competitors copy-paste you, former associates whom we helped to grow their business go behind your back to current suppliers who also forgot who launched them and put the on the map o destination experiences, and they in hurry, don’t understand that getting to a 100% occupancy ratio is at least middle terms process of 3-.5years which has its own rules of how to get to a certain level. 

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Luckily and in the past 2 years, we have filtered a really good team of suppliers - local hosts who literally leaned and gave us entirely to invent, create & book their services, venues, experiences exclusively through us. This is how we process and control the quality of service and assuring constantly the same standard of delivered service.

We bring business and the business environment we both (us and suppler) agree - for example, massive crowds, mainstream places published on every God Damn guide is not where we go and prefer…For example we want our guests to meet hosts - crazy winemaker who is at the same time TOP chef and is creating just for us authentic, extinct  grape varieties that you can not try in any other place that his home, try medical wines paired with the medical food(oh’ you will hear soon about it). we want them to do some crazy things they can not do in their homes, like swimming and wine tasting at the same time, or wine tasting in the cave underwater, or go with the master museum custodian on the tour at the backstage of our Hvar history etc, etc….

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We provide different thematic tours, provide small niches within the regular category tours, immerse history though a nice, healthy and interesting way  - for example see our latest Island Hvar Olive Adventure - Pick Your Own and Make Your OwnCrazy locations, originality is the direction we set and successfully are sailing towards. The end, well we hope we’ll never reach it. Those ones who share the same mindset and philosophy we invite to join us on the amazing journey. We promise it will never be boring…There’re some new tours to  be launched very, very soon - I wish Don LaFontaine here with his preview guy voice here ha ha ;))))

3. What services in particular are proving popular?

As mentioned, we provide exclusive, tailor-made Hvar Tours DMC signature programs… Without any false modesty, I’m proud to say that we are the leading destination experience provider when it comes to tours that are connected with the culinary, gastronomy, wine…Especially wine tours. Above all are of course sea experience programs. 

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4. Why do you think so many people are complaining?

Ah, wrong mindset mainly from the authorities that create laws and rules - government, ministry, the national tourist board and their local staff who are 99% political appointments. Then it just trickles down to the people that are part of the machinery. I was warning about the manpower, noncreativity or copy-paste process problem 10 years ago.

And look what we have now. Instead of having specialised schools for tourism - because whether we want to admit or not - this is the only way for prosperity and some kind of development, in every coastal place like Umag, Rovinj, Opatija, Rijeka, Krka, Pag and down the south, including our proven professionals from different tourism branches - Zirojevic, Rudi Štefan, Bibich Alen, GM and sales director successful hotel companies, marketing like B&Ž,  - as who could not only teach but crucially INSPIRE kids and people to stay in Croatia and become  TOP chefs, or top waiters, sommelier, GM, experts in their fields ..What we do!”? We don’t give a, ah You know….I would close borders for two years and go through an entire reorganisation reset; professional & private, restoring the nature. Which in a way would create a demand for Croatia. Imagine, just sending seductive photos of places, food... Hm, I'll think about it and might come up with an essay. 

We make huge numbers on private tours through Hvar Tours DMC, I bring at least 25-30 MICE  groups to Hvar , read PRE & POST SEASON. ! I do not want to bitch and give tutorials and explanations on how, etc - but do you think has anybody asked me and said how we can improve it! What can we do to support  You to make it even more successful. Once I asked, and I got "I'm sorry......."

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5. Are you happy with the direction of Croatian tourism? What would you improve?

Mindset!!!! Everybody would like to get rich with few drops of sweat!  And it’s just doesn’t go that way …

OK for some places in Croatia to be orientated to  massive/resort category of tourism, but in 99% I would turn to small, boutique, family tone...As it's proven in fact to be the right course. Small, boutique, family there’s always some kind of story, experience, connection that makes guests interested and gives him a feeling of being at a unique position and place. Look at social networks, that’s why they exist ;))))

For example restaurants, maximum 5,6 tables so that you can pay attention equally to every table in terms of food, service, communication. For example, one of the most popular, and fastest-growing restaurants in Hvar in last the two years has the following philosophy; owner - one of my childhood best friends -  is a diver catching fish during the morning, and top chef in the evening. He makes traditional meals like octopus salad but like not any other(I will not reveal secret;) but also has some signature meals you will not find anywhere else in Hvar and on planet earth. In general, when I look at the restaurants from Montenegro to Istria, there are lots of similarities. Only a few of them have made changes, only a few. Because they have guts and courage to step out with forward-thinking, by being creative, their main mojo is creating something original, to make them self-distinctive from others. Not money….Don’t get me wrong, we all work for money, but we live & serve for gratitudes/applause and maximised experience. At least that's how I look at this…In this scenario, guests will want to take a part of that, and pay really well for the experience.

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Wages - for God sake, pay your people, workers properly because without them you are nobody!!! Talk to them, they might share some nice ideas with you, reward them for that! Don't do or treat anybody differently than you would your own children. 

When we came to wages - I have one maybe weird explanation and solution for improving the general mindset in Croatia, until the moment the teachers in schools will not have at least 1.500 - 2.000 EUR per month than do not expect any progress in any sense and meaning of our mentality, mindset, environment, raising children, emigration and birthrate.

Learn more about the services of Hvar Tours on their official website

Are you having  record season in Croatian tourism and would like to be featured in this series. Please contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Subject - Record Season. 

Friday, 26 July 2019

RokOtok by RibaFish: The Most Heartwarming Project in Croatia in 2019

The incredible RokOtok swimming marathon hit Jelsa on July 24, 2019 and had TCN in tears. Here's why.

He made me cry four times within 24 hours of our first meeting. Grown men - he 48, me 50.

And that was without mentioning the number of times I cried with laughter. And they were many. 

And - yes, I have to admit at the tender age of 50 - he changed me in the one hour we were together. 

And he is changing and influencing many, many more people as he embarks on the most heartwarming project in Croatia this year.  

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Full disclosure. I had no real idea who this blogger Ribafish was until a few days ago. I knew he was a popular blogger and was much loved, and so there was probably some instinctive jealousy due to that, but for some reason, Ribafish was off my radar. When Kolegica Iva asked if she could write an article about his incredible project to swim to the 50 inhabited islands of Croatia, I agreed immediately as I was in the middle of something else. 

And then a friend messaged me to say that Ribafish was coming to Jelsa next and I could meet him if I wanted to. So we scheduled some cold ones and an interview at 19:00 a few days ago at The Office. 

With a couple of hours to go before our scheduled interview, I decided to find out who exactly WAS this Ribafish, and what intelligent questions could I ask?

A man who had me crying tears of pain and laughter just a few hours later. 


I read Iva's article to get up to speed - what on earth was this RokOtok project about anyway?

And when I discovered the background, I REALLY wanted to meet him. We met on the square at The Office, and I think we even hugged, before taking a celebratory photo at the Aslej Instagram attraction. 

And then we talked, and the tears started to flow (internally during our interview, externally the next day).  

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For Ribafish's project is both emotional and full of positivity, injecting hope, support and family unity with his wonderful project. A project for all generations. 

As I understood from Iva, Ribafish suffered a terrible tragedy recently when his 12-year-old son, Rok, died. While Rok was still alive, Ribafish told Rok that he did not have the money to take him to Disneyland, but he could take him to all of the 50 inhabited islands of Croatia - natural beauty and natural living. They had visited 8 by the time of Rok's tragedy. Ribafish decided that he wanted to fulfil his promise to his son, whose ashes he spread in the waters of their favourite beach on Korcula. 

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And so the project RokOtok was born. Over a period of three summers, Ribafish would swim between the 50 inhabited islands, 17 this year and next, 16 in the final year. At his side the whole time would be Rok, whose ashes are in the Adriatic with him. 

The swim was one thing, but at every destination, Ribafish would meet with local kids and their parents and talk of the need for better understanding between parents and children, the importance of the environment, and the healthy benefits of spending more time with family and nature and less with gadgets. His message is simple, genuine and heartfelt. 

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So why did I cry four times within a day of meeting him, in addition to laughing out loud several times during our meeting? I REALLY encourage you to watch the video interview below, the best TCN has done so far - and that had nothing to do with TCN. 

My first internal tears were when he told me about the circumstances of the death of his 12-year-old son. I have a lovely daughter who is the same age. Unimaginable what he went through. 

My second internal tears were when he talked of his time with his son and those special moments - had I done the same for my girls? Shamefully, no. I needed to become a better parent. 

My third internal tears were when I asked him about his favourite spot and favourite memory, and he talked of that and his determination to honour his promise to Rok. 

And the fourth real tears came the next day. 

I am blessed with a truly wonderful wife and two incredible daughters, as well as the best punica in Croatia. I am not the best Dad in the world, but also not the worst, but I am pretty liberal, and I am grateful to my wife and her mum for the way our girls have turned out. 

I don't insist on many things in the household, but I came back from my time with Ribafish, and I insisted that the girls go the following morning when Ribafish would be talking about the things mentioned above. I saw the look in their eyes - here we go, Dad has met someone again... 

But they went as I requested, and they apparently came home enthused and inspired, the same way I had been. One daughter explained how impressed she was not only by the quality message, but also by the fact that Ribafish had one way of talking to the kids and one to the adults. That is when I cried a little externally. Here is a humble and simple man dealing with his pain, but providing so much positivity and healthy messages for all generations. An agent of change.

He changed me a little, as I am sure he has changed many, many others. 

And long may it continue. 

Learn more about the RokOtok project on the official website where you can donate to support it. Or follow the latest events on Facebook

Friday, 26 July 2019

Hotel Palace Elisabeth Through the Eyes of Interior Designer Oto Blaha

July 25, 2019 - The finishing touches are being applied to Palace Elisabeth, hvar heritage hotel. Meet the man who is applying them, interior designer Oto Blaha.  


Palace Elisabeth, hvar heritage hotel has already been listed in Architectural Digest as one of the best hotels in the Mediterranean for design lovers, among top hotel brands like Four Seasons and Rocco Forte. 

The project is assigned to one of the leading architecture firms in Croatia Agro Inženjering, led by architects Zoran and Neda Balog, while the hotel’s interior is designed by renowned interior designer Oto Blaha. Below are a couple of words from Oto Blaha regarding his most notable works and the significance of Palace Elisabeth.

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1. Tell us a bit about yourself, your previous projects and some of your most notable works?

I am an interior designer and an academic painter and have finished my MA in Art at the Prague Academy. I started working at a small French shop in Prague, owned by Marie Borenstein who was an important influence in my early career. This way I got introduced to other smaller projects; designing coffee shops and restaurants. This brought me to many larger projects in different locations, for example Prague, Greece, Switzerland and in St. Barths in the Caribbean.

The project that I am especially proud of is the Chateau Mcely, a renowned luxury Spa Hotel near Prague. in addition to now, Palace Elisabeth, which I hope will be the highlight of my career.

2. Where do you draw your inspiration, do you have a particular signature style?

In order to start on a project, you have to have a particular theme and a story behind to support what you are creating. Since I am in charge of the hotel design and interior, I am pleased that in addition to this I am able to combine this aspect with my love for painting and really create something unique.

When it comes to style, I would say that my style is definitely more classic instead of modern. In my opinion, classical things tend to last longer and cannot easily become outdated.

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3. How did you prepare for this particular project? 

When I first arrived at Hotel Palace, it was a classic three-star hotel with great potential. I took many photos and got a good feel of the space. When I got home, I did the initial sketches, which evolved over time to the final design which you can see on the hotel renderings. Moreover, I studied the history of the island and the history of the hotel, including its significance for the city of Hvar. I also learned that the hotel was built under the generous patronage of Empress Elisabeth of Austria (Sisi), so this was also a factor that directed me in this particular direction, when we talk about “classic style”. Sisi’s lifestyle was a true inspiration in this project, and I have incorporated in the hotel’s design some special details that you can associate with her.

4. How is this project different from others that you have done previously?

This is surely one of the biggest projects I have worked on in the past years. The hotel itself is a unique building with great historical importance to the city of Hvar. And to be a part of its story now during its refurbishment is very satisfying since I feel I am becoming a part of Hvar’s rich history.

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5. As part of your unique signature, you are painting each room by hand; how challenging is this for you?

This project is demanding; however, it is truly unique. I am pleased to be creating something different in each one or Palace Elisabeth’s 45 rooms and suites. By having an arch above the bed, we receive a lot of space in that area where we can really create something distinctive; and of course, this will be the stunning sites, historic buildings and landscapes of Hvar island.

6. Do you believe that hand-painted murals give added value to the hotel and why?

Not many hotels have this special touch and have each room painted by hand, so this is surely something will set Palace Elisabeth apart from others in Croatian hospitality. Most hotels have canvases hung to the bedroom wall, which can also look nice. However, I believe that hand-painted murals give added value to the entire hotel experience. Today, everything is often mass-produced, so I am sure that people will appreciate this unique addition to their room.

7. What preparation was needed beforehand – how did you prepare the wall and what type of paints are you using?

After many years of experience on different and unique projects, some details I simply love to keep as my little secret.

To learn more about Palace Elisabeth, check out the official web page

To learn more about the island of Hvar, check out the Total Croatia Hvar in a Page guide

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