What's On This Month?

Why Croatia is the Perfect European Destination - Hvar and Split the Stars of the Article

By Ivana 19 September 2015
A new article about "Why Croatia is the Perfect European Destination" appeared few days ago at the British ClickStay website and their Facebook page.

The article is super positive about Croatia and mentions Hvar town on several occasions as one of the most popular coastal cites.

"If you want old town squares, bustling street markets, city expeditions and museums, both Zagreb and Dubrovnik boast culture, arts, music, architecture and an atmosphere that builds throughout the day and fills the streets every eveningt. On the flipside, Croatia’s popular coastal cities of Split and Hvar can provide you with the yacht harbours, stunning beaches, snorkelling expeditions and sailing trips. The best of both worlds!"

The only thing I wonder about are those 5 kn taxi boats to Pakleni islands and the 1 dolar glass of fine Croatian wine. Although I am not saying this is not what the author of the article experienced when visiting Hvar, Split and the rest of Croatia, but for the rest of us, a glass of the fine Criotian wine could cost a bit more, the same goes for the taxi boats to Pakleni islands.

Other than that, great promotion of Hvar, Split, Zagreb, Dubrovnik and National Parks.

hvar fortress view

Read the whole article here.
