Island News

All the latest news from Hvar

Sunday, 10 April 2016

A Film Crew was in Velo Grablje Today

The shooting of "The Eight Commissioner" started today in Velo Grablje on Hvar, informs Faros news and shares several pictures from the location.
Sunday, 10 April 2016

New: Hvar to Vis and Back by Boat

Starting in June, there will be a new boat connection between Hvar town and Vis. Twice a week in June and at least four times a week in July & August, will the Galijula, a boat owned by the Ames Trips - Komiža company making day-trips to both Hvar and Vis possible.
Sunday, 10 April 2016

The Plans of the Governement Regarding Suncani Hvar and other Tourism Assets - What will be Privatized?

(photo: Croatian National Television) Eleven years after the public-private partnership contract between the Suncani Hvar Hotels and Orco Property Group, the Luxembourg investor is definitely leaving Croatia. It was a turbulent relationship with an initiated arbitration and a pre-bankruptcy settlement due to several lawsuits on both sites. The majority owner of the Hvar company with almost 62 percent will become a Slovak investor.
Sunday, 10 April 2016

25 Reasons to Visit Jelsa in 2016. 6. The Super Fast Seaplane Connection

There are certain things you have to make peace with, when living on Hvar. Most of them are related to the Dalmatian way of life, which prefers the right moment over some fixed schedule. I believe, this is one of the reasons, why tourist feel very relaxed here, while on their holiday.
Saturday, 9 April 2016

Women′s Network for Future of Europe: Workshop on Hvar Next Week

I received an interesting call from the president of the Trim Association Ljubica Dijanošić from Vrboska  couple of days ago. Ljubica, together with her daughter Tena are preparing a workshop to take place in Vrboska, Stari Grad and Jelsa next week.
Saturday, 9 April 2016

Hvar Kids Day 2016

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