Island News

Stari Grad Best European Destination Nominee: 8. Skor

By 7 January 2017

34 days to go until final voting for Best European Destination 2017 on the European Best Destinations website, and we continue our photo appreciation of Croatian nominee, Stari Grad, an historic town with some gorgeous squares, including one rated by the Stari Grad Tourist Board as one of the top five things to see in the town:

"Of the numerous small squares in Stari Grad, the most picturesque is Škor. Almost like a theater coulisse (which it is during the summer cultural events), this square was formed later, during the 17th /18th centuries from a stretch of shallow water, where there was once a shipyard, which was covered and the square took its name from this (škor from škver, in the Dalmatian dialect, means shipyard). Working-class houses with picturesque luminari (roof windows) as well as sulari and skalinade (stone terraces with staircase) which are typical in Dalmatia close the curved space where the mythical Dalmatia lives."

One of the best times to visit is when the Hvar Wine Association are presenting their excellent wines, accompanied by live music and a gorgeous traditional Dalmatian setting. Check it out in the video below.

Tagged under: stari grad
