Island News

What Happens When Hvar Children See Real Snow?

By 14 January 2017

The kids were starting to hate me.

Of all the promises I made to them about our new life in Varazdin, I was confident that I could deliver on the horse-riding, but 200% convinced I could deliver on the promise of snow. Lots of snow.

But when I showed them a gorgeous video on TCN of Dubrovnik under snow, they just looked out of the window and pointed at the green grass in the garden. Daddy, you promised... 

And so I had. A little despondent, I arose the next morning for a day's business in Zagreb (side note - how about this? Neighbour lift to the bus station at 07:30, bus to Zagreb at 08:00 arriving at 09:30, last bus home at 22:10 - PERFECT!), hoping to find a sea of white outside. Green, green grass. 

In Zagreb, there was rain as I entered a bar for five consecutive meetings, and when I finally moved on to the next meeting elsewhere, Zagreb had been transformed into a snow paradise. Well, perhaps not for the drivers on the roads. And when the last bus to Varazdin got me in about midnight, the waiting taxi took me through white streets, with snow ploughs at work. Daddy had delivered on snow - and how!

Entering our street, it was not difficult to figure out where the Hvar kids lived... Three snowmen in the neighbour's garden, and another in ours. 

And, in a nice touch, Daddy's bench got some company too. Still plenty of time for the kratke rukave dress code, although I will concede that life with a woolly hat does keep the temperature regulated. 

The snow continued today, with glorious Dalmatian sunshine (which I also imported) - a perfect winter setting. The Hvar kids are VERY happy - let's see how long that lasts when they start trudging through the snow to school from Monday... 

Tagged under: hvar snow hvar
