Monday, 4 July 2022

Croatian Eurozone Accession: Filling ATMs With New Currency Challenging

July the 4th, 2022 - Croatian Eurozone accession is looming, with the date on which the kuna will be sent to the history books being marked out as the 1st of January, 2023. There are a lot of practical and logistical issues to now tackle, and filling the country's ATMs with euros instead of kuna is just one of them proving to be a challenge.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, rapidly approaching Croatian Eurozone accession requires very many adjustments. While there won't be much work in the conversion of cashless payments, cash payments bring a series of challenges for everyone - from people to banks, companies and shops, reports HRT.

Most of the total of Croatian 4,700 ATMs, which are of course all active during the winter months, will have to be adapted for euro banknotes in the very last weeks of December, making them unavailable for Croatian kuna withdrawals.

Filling ATMs with euro banknotes will be an extremely demanding job operationally speaking. In most ATMs, certain parts will have to be physically replaced.

"The whole process of adapting Croatian ATMs starts with the adaptation of the cassettes themselves, in which the banknotes come out, since the euro banknotes have different dimensions than the kuna banknotes have. As we have a lot of ATMs across the Republic of Croatia, this is going to be a rather long-term process where all the ATM cassettes should be adapted,'' explained Tihomir Mavricek, executive director of the Cash Sector of the Croatian National Bank (CNB).

The problem is that at most of Croatia's ATMs, the adjustment to euros means that they will not be available for the withdrawal of kuna for a certain number of days, and the uncomfortable timing comes in the form of it being just before the Christmas season where there are significantly increased levels of consumption. On top of that, not all ATMs will be ready for euros by the date of Croatian Eurozone accession, ie the 1st of January, 2023.

"During the month of December, we'll visit more than 60% of the ATMs maintained by our company in the field, and prepare them to work with the new currency. The first euros will be available to people for withdrawal at certain ATMs in Croatia as early as January the 1st, 2023, according to the criteria of regional coverage and the frequency of use of those ATMs, which are determined by the banks," the Payten company announced.

Not all ATMs are equal, however, and those within the OTP banka system can be remotely ''induced'' to pay out either kuna or euros.

"All of our ATMs will be in operation for withdrawing money every day during the month of December, and at the same time they'll be ready to pay out euros from January the 1st, 2023," OTP banka announced.

Despite intensive preparations, it will still be technically impossible to avoid days without interruption of withdrawals of kuna or euros at most ATMs as Croatian Eurozone accession gets closer, but the CNB has assured that everything related to this process must be published and made accessible to people on the banks' official websites.

"Even if we're in a situation in which not all ATMs are available for euro withdrawals, people don't need to worry about it, since during the first two weeks following Croatian Eurozone accession it will remain possible to pay for things in both kuna and euros in shops, while merchants are obliged to return the rest in euros, of course, wherever it's possible to do so," explained Mavricek.

While cash payments during the last weeks of December and the first weeks of January will be difficult for many people, POS systems and card payments should continue being carried out without any interruptions or issues.

For more on Croatian Eurozone accession and how it's going to affect daily life, make sure to keep up with our politics and lifestyle sections.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Iberia Croatia Flights Boosted at End of July, Running Daily from Madrid to Zagreb, Split, Dubrovnik

July 4, 2022 - The latest flight news to Croatia as Iberia Croatia flights are boosted from Madrid to Zagreb, Split, and Dubrovnik, running daily by the end of the month! 

Spanish airline and OneWorld alliance member Iberia has increased the number of flights to Croatian airports this month, reports Croatian Aviation

Compared to June, Iberia offers a greater number of weekly operations to three Croatian airports from its main hub in Madrid this month. Namely, Iberia will increase the number of operations to Split and Dubrovnik at the end of July, and for now, daily flights to these two cities have been announced in August.

Between Madrid and Zagreb, Iberia plans to operate a total of 14 return flights in July, and flights are available three times a week, on Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. From July 30, flights are available daily until the end of August.

Between Split and Madrid, Iberia currently operates on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and from the end of July, an increase in weekly operations has been announced on this line as well, from the existing 3 to a total of 7 flights per week (daily)! 

Unlike Split and Zagreb, Iberia already operates daily to Dubrovnik Airport, and 7 flights per week are planned until the end of July. Since the beginning of August, the Spanish airline has offered two daily flights on this route (14 per week), but there is still a possibility of reducing the announced number of flights on this route for August. 

In total, 58 return flights are available on Iberia's routes between Madrid, Dubrovnik, Split, and Zagreb in July, mostly with A320 aircraft, which in the fleet of this carrier have a capacity of between 136 and 171 seats. In July alone, more than 18,000 seats are available on the mentioned lines! 

Before the global pandemic, Iberia operated in the winter months to Dubrovnik and Zagreb, but after the end of the lockdown in Europe, the lines operated as seasonal. 

For more on flights to Croatia and other travel announcements, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Croatian Fuel Prices to Shoot Up Again Unless Government Intervenes

July the 4th, 2022 - Unless the government once again steps in quickly with some measures to mitigate the harsh blow to the pockets of this country's drivers as inflation drags on, Croatian fuel prices are set to shoot up yet again this week.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, according to unofficial information from HRT, eurosuper could cost around 16 kuna, and eurodiesel more than 16 and a half kuna unless the government intervenes this week. The Economy Minister recently said that the decision will be made after the weekend, and the Prime Minister announced a session of talks within the government on the subject for Monday.

Eurodiesel on Croatian motorways currently costs 14.57 kuna per litre, and Eurosuper 95 costs 14.06 kuna. A litre of basic Eurodiesel costs 13.08 kuna at fuel stations that are not on the motorways.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has also announced the possible introduction of fuel vouchers if the situation fails to calm down.

"The introduction of fuel vouchers is possible this autumn, we're leaving that possibility open, but the government still has other tools at its disposal," Plenkovic said. "As for the vouchers, they'll go to those with lower incomes, and this is something that we have to do qualitatively and according to certain criteria," he added.

The head of the distributors' association: We're going to close the pumps on Tuesday if the government doesn't do something.

Armando Miljavac, the head of the Association of Small Oil Derivatives Dealers, says that on Tuesday, he will close the country's fuel stations if the government doesn't step in and do something. The association brings together more than sixty small dealers who manage about a hundred fuel stations throughout Croatia. "I don't know what to tell you. We're not very happy with this, these decisions should have been made already but here we are, we're still faced with uncertainty,'' said Miljavac for Index.

"If there is no decision on Tuesday that is acceptable for normal operations and the continuation of operations, we've decided to close the fuel stations. We've been trying to cope with this for eight months, we've exhausted all our reserves, the price differences have broken down...", continued Miljavac, adding that he wonders what will happen in autumn and states that things aren't looking good.

Economy Minister Davor Filipovic, We're considering all measures, there'll be a decision made today.

Minister Filipovic also commented on whether or not the government is preparing new measures ahead of Tuesday to try to tackle rising Croatian fuel prices, given the fact that further price hikes are expected. In an interview with Media Servis, Filipovic stated that there are still options when it comes to excise duties.

"We're considering all possible measures, so all options are on the table at the moment. We still have a few options when we talk about excise duties. We'll make a decision that will be beneficial, which will be satisfactory at this moment, but only when we see what the prices are going to actually be in the end,'' he explained, adding that decisions will be made today.

Fuel vouchers were announced as a longer-term measure to help the socially disadvantaged.

"This situation is so volatile that we can't predict what will happen in the next two weeks. Maybe in the next two weeks we'll have to react differently, not to talk about what the situation is going to be like come autumn. Vouchers are in the plan and they're scheduled to start sometime in autumn, but I'll talk more about the details when the time comes," said Filipovic.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Neglected Croatian Erdody Castle to be Renovated by INg-GRAD

July the 4th, 2022 - Croatia is full of impressive castles and palaces from various periods throughout its turbulent history and over many changes of state and governing body. The Croatian Erdody Castle has sadly been in a state of neglect since the 1980s, but it seems all that is about to change for the better.

The Croatian Erdody Castle is located in Kerestinec and is the oldest remaining building in all of Jastrebarsko, which isn't too far from the City of Zagreb. It was initially constructed by the Erdody family from which it draws its name. This two story structure which has sadly been left to rot to an extent is a first category monument with its Renaissance fortified elements still impressive to this day, despite its general state. 

Way back in the year 1565, a man who was working very hard on the construction of the structure which was then surrounded by a moat, Petar II Erdody, was awarded the noble title of count. By the time 1575 rolled around, the castle had been quite significantly expanded and given a new lease of life, with works on it continuing on and off until the late 16th century.

It was rebuilt once again periodically during the 18th and 19th centuries, and fully refurnished in the early 20th century. It has since been left to the often cruel hands of time and the elements, and is absolutely due a revamp before it is lost entirely.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Mladen Miletic writes, a contract was signed recently in Jastrebarsko between the mayor, Zvonimir Novosel, and the INg-GRAD company, which will enable the start of works on the restoration of the neglected Croatian Erdody Castle.

The deadline for the execution of the works is 480 calendar days from the date of the introduction of the contractor to the work, and the total value of the works stands at a massive 108,194,041.60 kuna excluding VAT.

Due to market disruptions caused by the global coronavirus pandemic and then by the war in Ukraine, that sum exceeds the total value of the castle renovation and revitalisation project, which in accordance with the Grant Agreement, amounts to 73,639,686.93 kuna, of which 49,503,626.59 kuna is being co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, while the amount of 24,136,060, 34 kuna bas been provided by Jastrebarsko itself.

It's worth noting that despite constant interventions throughout time, as touched on above, the Croatian Erdody Castle has been in a state of disrepair since the late 1980s.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated lifestyle section.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Direct Osijek-Split Train Introduced... But the Journey Lasts 13 Hours

July the 4th, 2022 - A direct Osijek-Split train line has been introduced, much to the delight of many, but it's worth noting that in typical Croatian style, the journey will last thirteen hours and sleeping wagons have as such been made available to passengers.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, after more than thirty years, a direct seasonal train line to Split and Sibenik from continental cities has been introduced. Croatian Railways (HZ) announced some details, referring to affordable trips and the fact that ''fast'' overnight trains will run along this line. The price of a return ticket is about 300 kuna.

The first train of the season left a couple of days ago for Split, and the journey lasts thirteen hours.

The train left Osijek at 20:00 and went via Nasice, Virovitica and Bjelovar. It was joined in Zagreb by wagons from Vinkovci. If you decide to travel on the new direct Osijek-Split train then you'll need to travel about half an hour longer. Croatian Railways have made sure that the passengers who decide to take this night train have a place to sleep and eat, meaning the train boasts a restaurant.

Slavonians are happy that after more than thirty years, they will once again be able to travel on a direct Osijek-Split train line. However, it would be much better if the trip were a little shorter, which is difficult to expect due to the state of the tracks at the moment. The first seasonal night train from Osijek and Vinkovci to Split arrived on Saturday at the Split railway station 83 minutes late due to technical difficulties in Zagreb, and about three hundred passengers eventually disembarked.

The train will run from Osijek and Vinkovci to Dalmatia every day until August the 29th, 2022.

"The last direct Osijek-Split train ran back in the nineties, and with this project we tried to connect the whole of continental Croatia again. That's how we connected all five Slavonian counties to Dalmatia and enabled people to travel by rail in this way," said Zeljko Ukic, President of the Board of HZ Putnicki Prijevoz/Croatian Railways Passenger Transport.

Passengers heading down from Eastern Croatia to Split left from two locations - on Friday evening at 20:00 from Osijek and also from Vinkovci. They were then transported via Bjelovar along a part of the newly built railway (Gradec-Sveti Ivan Zabno).

Ukic apologised to passengers and journalists who were present for the delay that occurred due to difficulties connecting the two trains in Zagreb. "I hope that we will eliminate these issues and that such delays will not occur in the future," he added.

According to the timetable, the train will leave Osijek every day at 20:00 and should arrive at its final destination in Split at 08:42 the next morning. It will leave Split at 22:06, and should arrive in Osijek at 11:36.

Since the announcement of this new direct Osijek-Split train line, an encouraging 2,500 tickets have been sold, and according to the Croatian Government's decision, train transportation will be made free for people under nineteen years of age.

For more, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.

Monday, 4 July 2022

A Michelin Experience Inside il Ponte - Bridge Connecting People, Food and Wine

July 4, 2022 - On the outskirts of the small but mighty UNESCO city of Trogir, one will find a hidden gem - il Ponte. Take a moment to peek inside and you will find a gastronomic adventure! 

A wooden bridge, connecting the old town to il Ponte, is found just a few steps away. This bridge is key for movement and connection in the town and was the inspiration for the name of the restaurant, translated to Italian. 

Upon entry, you will find a beautiful summer courtyard that leads to the main hall and outdoor glazed terrace, all overlooking the sea and old town. If you dare, peek downstairs, where you will find an intimate wine cellar below sea level! This corner is the perfect opportunity to appreciate endless Croatian wine labels.


Ivan Ivanisevic

Once you've had the opportunity to wine and dine at this captivating location, the experience can be rounded off by walking upstairs to a 4-star ** luxury room waiting for you. 


Ivan Ivanisevic

The focus placed on the cuisine is Mediterranean - based on seasonal ingredients and traditional dishes with a modern twist. The ingredients are procured by local farmers, butchers, and fishermen.  




Chef and co-founder of il Ponte, Stjepan Vukadin is a young ambitious man, who has been prominent in the culinary world for some time as one of the best young chefs in Croatia. He always highlights that ingredients always have to be fresh, local, and prepared with respect. In addition to past Michelin recommendations, he is also a member of the jury of Masterchef Croatia –  a world-renowned culinary TV show. 


Within the first six months since opening its doors, il Ponte has had the honor of receiving a Michelin recommendation for 2022 - Michelin guide Croatia and also been awarded in Gault&Millau guide for 2022 with 2 toques (14,5)

After speaking to the head Chef Stjepan, he has made it clear that his work is underlined by his passion and love for food. He is immensely proud that the Michelin guide has recognised this hard work and passion and looks forward to continuing this journey further. 

This Mediterranean fine dining gastronomic experience and getaway is one not to be missed!

For more, check out our lifestyle section.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Zadar Airport Traffic: 20% Increase in 2022 Expected Compared to 2019!

July 4, 2022 - Zadar Airport traffic is expected to increase by 20% this year compared to the record-breaking 2019!

The increase in the number of passengers at Zadar Airport in June continued on the first weekend of July, reports HRT.

Namely, the airport has estimated that the season will end with 20% more traffic than the record 2019, before the pandemic. The terminal was crowded rom early Sunday morning. Ivan Skelin, head of the traffic and operational sector of Zadar Airport, said that traffic in June was better than ever, that is, the record 2019.

Zadar Airport expected around 7,500 passengers on 28 scheduled planes on Sunday, Ivan Skelin, manager of the transport and operational sector of Zadar Airport, told HRT. He adds that about 20 smaller aircraft are also expected.

"From Friday to Sunday, there are 95 airliners, and the total number of passengers could be around 22,000 or 23,000," Skelin said.

For now, traffic at Zadar Airport in June, with 173,000 passengers, is better than the record 2019 at the same time.

"In July and August, we expect 30% more passengers than in June, which means around 220,000 passengers in July and the same number in August. This year will surely be a record year, about 15-20 percent more than 2019," Skelin pointed out.

When asked if there were flight cancellations considering that some airlines have problems due to a lack of workforce, Skelin said that Zadar Airport does not have such problems.

"All over Europe, there is a labor shortage problem due to the fact that they laid off several people. It's hard to get them back. Schooling lasts quite a long time, 2-4 months," Skelin said and spoke about when there could be problems during the summer, and when a better situation is expected.

"Our main carrier is Ryanair with 75% of the total business and it has no cancellations for now," he added.

He confirmed that tenders for seasonal jobs at the airport are still open.

For more on flights to Croatia and other travel announcements, make sure to check out our dedicated travel section.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Basketball World Cup Qualifier: Croatia Is Out After 79:81 (34:43) Loss to Finland

Last chance blown despite 8 point lead with less than 2 minutes to play

July 3, 2022 - Excitement for Croatian basketball fans all over the world started already prior to jump ball in Rijeka. An hour before the game at Zamet Sports Center against Finland was on, it was not clear yet if the result would even hold any value for the host team. In order to even have a slight chance to reach the next round, Croatia had to cheer for Slovenia to win in Sweden. For the second time, Sweden was not lucky in a last-second decision game. Slovenian NBA star Luka Dončić drew a foul with 4 seconds to go and a one-point lead, scored both his free throws and Ludvig Hakanson’s desperate 3-point-attempt missed its target on the other side.


Not only did Sweden lose the game 81:84 (41:41) but were reminded how they became victim to Croatia in the only game the checkered team had won in this competition so far. On February 28th, Sweden could have just lost to Croatia in the last seconds of regular time and would have held a direct comparison advantage after winning the first game by 6 points 3 days earlier. Then they could have again lost the game closely with the last throw of overtime, but they tied the game to then lose the second overtime by seven points and gave Croatia the chance tonight to reach the next stage with a victory over Finland. The decision in tonight’s game came again with the last possession.

Finland has surely been the big surprise in this group and had only lost a single game against Sweden. The Northern European team is being led by 25-year-old NBA talent Lauri Markkanen who averages a double-double with 22 points, 11 rebounds and despite his 213cm is also the team’s leader in assists with 4 per game. 


The guest team had the better start and was up 2:14 only 4 minutes into the game before Croatian coach Damir Mulaomerović brought outside shooter Toni Perković who immediately thanked him with 2 successful tries and opened up some space for Bojan Bogdanović who added another 6 points. Croatia was able to close the gap almost completely despite giving Finland a lot of second chances and went into the second quarter 17:21 behind. 

During the second quarter, the guests continued to control the game both below the baskets and from the outside and were able to increase their lead to 34-43 at half-time. NBA star Bojan Bogdanović still seemed to suffer from jet lag after already having shown little to no impact in the previous loss against Slovenia on Thursday.


Whatever Damir Mulaomerović said to his team during the break, it worked. The 2500 spectators saw a team fully focused on both ends of the floor. Croatian champion and finals MVP Roko Prkacin brought the energy to the team that was missing in the first half. With dunks, rebounds and a lot of heart, he inspired all his teammates to a last big effort which led to Croatia’s lead just before the 61:60 at the end of the quarter.


The energetic game continued and the intensive defense by both teams led to an unusual amount of offensive fouls for both teams. The veteran trio Zubac, Bogdanović and Hezonja managed to carry their team to an 8-point lead with only 2 minutes to play. The atmosphere was fantastic but unfortunately the game was not over yet. Finland was able to turn the game around because Zubac, Bogdanović and Gnjidić missed an unbelievable 7 of 8 free throws before the game and all hopes were gone.


While Finland and its top-scorer Markkanen (19 points, 7 rebounds) have qualified for round two and will now very likely be able to participate at the 2023 World Cup in Japan, Philippines and Indonesia, the Croatian team around Bogdanović (21 points) Zubac (21 points) and Hezonja (13 points) will need to watch the event at home on television.

Referees: YILMAZ, Yener (Turkey), HOROZOV, Martin (Bulgaria), CALATRAVA, Fernando (Spain)

Result by quarters: 17:21, 17:22, 27:17, 18:21


Sunday, 3 July 2022

Unique Museums in Croatia to Add to Your Travel Itinerary

July 3, 2022 - You may have some empty spaces left in your travel itinerary, and a great way to fill them is with a dose of culture, history, and information about the place you're visiting. Here are some unique museums in Croatia that will amaze you and your family.

Visiting museums never seems to fail as a plan during your trip. No one likes that feeling of coming home and thinking that you didn't learn anything about the destination you visited. Let's see, it is not mandatory to do so, but in a country with so much history and folklore like Croatia, not going to at least one museum is missing a great opportunity to enrich your trip.

Sinjska Alka museum

I remember it was a beautiful morning on October 31st last year, and it was my parents' wedding anniversary. In an unprecedented act of randomness, I suggested doing something other than staying home in Split and, instead, take a ride somewhere in the county. We chose Sinj, which we had never visited before. We knew little or nothing about the great history that preceded this town just 40 minutes away. My parents knew the figure of Our Lady of Sinj, but we were unaware of the origin of her devotion. While there are many ways to learn about the history of a destination, and today the internet can surely make it easier, one place, in particular, helped us fully understand the greatness of Sinj and its importance in the country's history.


Image: Sinj Tourist Board

The most curious thing is that we came across the Sinjska Alka museum when we were just about to leave. The Sinjska Alka museum is a very modern information center that not only tells the story of Sinj in a detailed and interactive way but also celebrates its traditions and folklore. For those not too familiar, one of the most spectacular military feats was achieved in Sinj, in which no more than 700 inhabitants managed to protect the city from around 60,000 Ottoman soldiers in 1715 during the Venetian-Ottoman war. For this reason, that feat has been celebrated since then on the first Sunday of August, through an equestrian competition called the Sinjska Alka, in which competitors must try to point their spear at a hanging metal ring (alka). It is one of the most important cultural events in the country, and surely visiting the museum is a great introduction if you plan to attend. 

Nikola Tesla House Memorial

Nikola Tesla is surely one of the most influential people in the history of mankind, and the recognition that was perhaps lacking at that time is beginning to be regained over time. However, few know where to go if they want to learn more about one of the most outstanding geniuses who walked the earth, and that is that Tesla was everywhere. Not many may know it, but Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, located in Gospić in Lika-Senj County, in what is now Croatian territory. The house where he grew up remains on the same site and has been converted into a memorial and museum, where visitors can learn more not only about his inventive side, but learn more about his humble origins and childhood.


Photo: Jose Alfonso Cussianovich/Total Croatia News

I had the pleasure of visiting the Nikola Tesla memorial center a few weeks ago, and one of the first things that crossed my mind was how easy one could visit it, and how easily we miss it. If you are going from Dubrovnik, Split, Šibenik or Zadar to Zagreb, and vice versa, then you cannot miss the opportunity to visit the birthplace of Nikola Tesla. If you are on the E71 highway, make sure to take the exit for Gospić. In Smiljan, not only will you find a very modern and brilliantly organized house museum to get to know Tesla better, but you will feel very special and inspired just by being there. At least that was my experience.

Medvedgrad castle

Those in the Croatian capital will quickly notice that there is enough history in it to even find some time to explore the surroundings. However, we encourage you to fit Medvegrad Castle into your itinerary, even if it means sacrificing other ideas. Not only are we talking about one of the best views you can get of Zagreb, but Medvedgrad Castle is not like other medieval fortresses you have visited before. In addition to the fact that the castle is very well preserved, you will be in for a big surprise once you enter the south tower of the castle.


Image: Medvednica Visitor Center

After three years of renovation, the visitor center was finally reopened to the public at the end of October last year and the result is spectacular. Visitors have the opportunity to learn interactively not only about the history of the castle but also about the entire area that comprises the Medvednica Nature Park. The interior of the tower has been designed in such a way that visitors, both adults and children, can easily engage with the cultural, historical, and natural values of the place. As a bonus, close your visit by climbing to the top of the tower, an unbeatable viewpoint to enjoy a wonderful panorama.

Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka

We hope it is not too late to post this disclaimer, but it is worth mentioning that we are not ranking museums, nor are we ignoring others in the same city. We say this because Rijeka is where many very interesting and unique museums are located, like the PEEK&POKE computer museum among them. In this list, we want to mention Rijeka's Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral, and although almost all large coastal cities have a maritime museum, the one in Rijeka can boast of having a very valuable possession.


Image: Rijeka Tourist Board

Many know the tragic story of the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912, but few are familiar with the story of the Carpathia, the first ship to come to the aid of the hundreds of passengers waiting to be rescued. The Carpathia has just left New York for Rijeka, and on the fateful night of the Titanic's sinking, she changed her course because she was the closest ship to her. The Carpathia managed to rescue 712 people among the 2,200 passengers and crew and arrived back in New York with the rescued on April 18. Shortly after, the Carpathia returned to her normal duties and docked in Rijeka on May 8, where she received a standing ovation from the crowds for her heroic feat. An 18-year-old Croatian steward from the Carpathia crew collected one of the discarded life jackets, donating it to Rijeka's Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral in 1938. After some time in storage, the life jacket was restored and exhibited to this day, thus becoming one of the most treasured items in the museum.

For more on travel in Croatia, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Sunday, 3 July 2022

Tesla & Friends Event to Take Place Between the 9th and 11th of July

ZAGREB, 3 July 2022 - The Tesla & Friends event will take place in Zagreb from 9 to 11 July and will include the presentation of annual awards and a conference on smart and innovative cities. 

The event is organised by the Nikola Tesla - Genius for the Future association to mark the 116th anniversary of the birth of the famous scientist and inventor and the ninth Nikola Tesla Day, the day of science, technology and innovation.

It will open with a demonstration of Tesla's experiments at the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum. In the evening of the same day, 9 July, a multidisciplinary performance called "Magnetic Field of Play" will be held, and Tesla's image will be projected at the fountains near the National and University Library.

On 10 July, Tesla's birthday, commemorative programmes will be held at the Nikola Tesla Monument and the Hotel Esplanade, where annual awards will be presented in three categories. A conference on smart and innovative cities will follow at the Croatian Chamber of Commerce on 11 July and will include a panel discussion on sustainable waste management.

For more, check out our lifestyle section.
