Island News

Planet of the Snakes: Checking out Stari Grad's Great New Kids Attraction

By 4 July 2016

A unique and rather unusual attraction has arrived in Stari Grad for the summer, the first time such an exhibition has been put together in Croatia.

Welcome to Planet of the Snakes, a rather fine collection of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes from all over the world. 

Mambas, cobras, vipers - they are all here, all housed in a collection of specially adapted boxes adapted as much as possible to the indigenous environment from which the snakes originate - Asia, Africa, South America. 

I am not a snake person at all, but as soon as Total Hvar Junior heard of the exhitibion, there was only one place we were going after dropping Auntie Tina at the ferry. 

The exhibition, housed at the school in Stari Grad (across the harbour from the old town, entrance round the back next to Stari Mlin), is open daily from 10:00 to midnight (from 10:30 on Sundays) until September 3.

A rather fabulous collections of snakes, including a look at how snake skeletons looks, both extended and curled up.  Now compare it to the picture above the skeleton for the living equivalent. 

The sands of Africa. There were wide little eyes, as our expert guide took us from box to box, explaining the particular attributes of each snake. 

It was certainly a colourful collection, and for an educational tour, ten out of ten. I even heard one child ask where he could buy a book on snakes to further his knowledge.  

As one would expect for such an exhibition, getting all the permits for such an exhibition was not straightforward, but everything is now in place, and the exhibition is now in place, safety of course paramount.  

A really impressive - and colourful - international collections, and for the exhibition owners, a moment of relief after all their hard work, for this is their first exhibition ever, and they deserve your support after all their efforts and preparation.  

Some amazing facts, including one snake that has a strike speed of up to 200m per second (with a  range of about 5 metres). You have no chance! 

And under expert guidance, a chance for the kids to truly interact with the snakes. 

Total Hvar Junior managed to get her hands on four snakes during the hour we spent there - and it would have been longer if lunch was not waiting. A really engaging activitiy for the kids. 

And it will not be our last visit. Wednesdays is snake feeding day. complete with specialist gloves.  

And there are various tools used in the snake-feeding process - different tools for different snakes. It sounds like a fascinating excercise. Exact feeding times will be posted on the Planet of the Snakes Facebook page, with the entry included in the standard ticket price - 20 kuna for kids, 50 kuna for adults.


A chance to make some new friends up close...

Really interesting addition to the kids activity scene on Hvar this summer. Why not pay it a visit?
