Island News

Divine Bays of Hvar: Mala Stiniva Gets Its First Song (VIDEO)

By 25 June 2017

One of the things I have appreciated most about running Total Hvar over the years has been the contact with people from all walks of life that the site has generated. 

Hvar is such a special and diverse island, and it really has something for everywhere, with different people visiting for different reasons. And everyone has their favourite place. 

There has been contact from regular readers, some more famous names in Croatian society, as well as a mass of foreign tourists wanting to get information or contribution their little snapshot of the Hvar experience. Many thanks for all your interest and contributions, much appreciated. 

And from the media of course. 

One of the most fun media appearances I did was a couple of years ago, when HRT contacted me to film a piece about a fat Englishman living on Hvar for an hour-long prime time special about Jelsa.

And that is when I met Koraljka, the very fun (and a little crazy) reporter with whom I spent a great afternoon filming. We stayed in contact pst filming of course, and it is good to see her love of Hvar continuing. Her special place is the delightful bay of Mala Stiniva, just north of Jelsa, a place she visits each year with five friends. And they have put their love for this magical bay to song and video. Love it.

A tribute to the beauty of Mala Stiniva - Hvarovanje. 
