Korcula Blog

It's Always Easy to Blame Someone Else - but Sometimes it's US!

By 13 July 2018

Whenever there's discussion of how to deal with loads of garbage on the Croatian coast, it's always stated as an absolute fact that all of that garbage comes from elsewhere, and that people in Croatia had nothing at all to do with creating it, and are just tasked with the clean-up!

We've written about it before, as have the others, our wonderful beaches being covered in waste coming from the south with the currents, but one person has decided to show that it's not always just "someone else's" fault.


Gordana Dragojević, living in Vela Luka, took it upon herself to photograf some of the garbage seen around Vela Luka, to show how the garbage she has seen is basically just ours, and we can't really claim to be any better toward the sea upon which we swear.


Gordana says that, wherever she dives, she sees the same thing: plastic and glass bottles, sandals (that usually has a sad story of one sandal being lost attached to it, if I may add!), those horrible plastic bags, as well as car tires (!), pipes etc. Most of those are Croatian products, so we can't say that all of the garbage comes from Albania or Montenegro. She published her photos to raise awareness of the problem, as well as influence local people to act differently. We'll just add that the same can apply to tourists, who are also known to behave like none of this is any of their problem.


(translated and adapted from an article on https://www.otoci.eu/korcula-cije-je-nase-smece-fotogalerija/ by Maja Jurišić)

