Korcula Blog

Discover Vrnik, Beyond the Restaurant and the Beaches

By 4 September 2018

I could literally go to Vrnik every single day I'm in Korčula.

And I have been going there regularly, not every day but a few times each year since I've had the opportunity to do so. But never before have I gone with the purpose to explore, discover it, see its nooks and crannies. Yesterday was finally the day. The weather was odd, not too convincing that we should go take a swim, but still nicer than the past two days, so we stopped at Vrnik - not off to the beach side, but right in the center of the life on the island, near the church and Vrnik Arts Club restaurant (a lot was said about it on these pages already).

First, you'll see the bocce court (of course, first you'll see the church, but I kinda avoided the general, oft-photographed places), with replica original bocce balls made from the stone, as they were in the past: IMG 20180904 160640


Then, just a short walk inland, you'll discover that there's a bridge over a gorge on the island. The gorge doesn't really seem that bad, and I can't say it's really noticeable from the coast, and it's there, and a foot-path has a charming little bridge:

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You'll also notice that there are a lot of old, wonderful, amazing-looking old houses on the island, ruined and uninhabited, and that's something that makes me sad, because it's too bad we're letting this magical place get so beaten up by the time, and not doing enough to stop the deterioration:

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I mean, literally, can you imagine a more perfect vacation house than this might be if proper work was done on it:

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Even before you decide to go and search for the quarry (as instructed by the amazingly designed sign, that leaves no room for questions of any kind), you'll see the remnants of former stone-extracting practices on the island:

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The quarries themselves are not huge, but they are impressive, especially when you think about all the work that was done by diligent people of Korčula in the past by hand, as none of the modern wonders of technology was available to them when the quarries were operational and when white stone of Vrnik was extracted from them:

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Vrnik, a magical place where everyone's in a good mood, where old balls become pots for the plants and where there's enough magic for trees to support huge boulders!

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Tagged under: korcula vrnik
