Two groups of enthusiasts got together to rid the seabed of the Račišće Bay on Korčula.
"Račiško srce" Association and LumbardaBlue Diving Center from Lumbarda joined forces and organized the community action which had the goal to clean the seabed of the wonderful Račišće Bay.
Unfortunately, we all know that there is a lot of garbage and different kinds of debris in our sea, and there's only one way of getting rid of it: divers need to go down and bring all that garbage out. And that's exactly what the divers from Lumbarda did in Račišće last week, while at the same time trying to get as many young people from Račišće interested in diving, and maybe considering bringing their diving club to Račišće in the future as well.
The whole event also had a fund-raising side to it, as the Račiško Srce Association organized the sale of hand-made cakes for the association of the parents of the special-needs kids. Diving Centre LumbardaBlue also participated, as they gave a small gift to everyone who donated to the cause.
The event was a success, as numerous bags of garbage were taken out of the sea, but the organizers say that a lot of it is still down there, so the plan is to have a similar even in the spring, before the start of the next tourist season.