Korcula Blog

Korcula by Drone: A Gorgeous Tourist Champion from the Air

By 7 October 2018

It has been another great season on Korcula, with a major highlight being last week's presentation by Vecernji List's Tourism Patrol for Korcula as this year's tourism champion.

The island is getting more coverage than ever before, both in international column inches (The Financial Times the latest to glow about the land of Marco Polo) and from tourists posting their videos and photos of this gorgeous island online. With the arrival of affordable drone technology, Korcula is more accessible than ever, and parts of the island which were previously inaccessible to cameras are now there to be discovered. Drone technology in particular has produced a number of great videos from above in recent years, and here is another to ease you into a lazy Sunday morning while dreaming of your next island holiday in Dalmatia. 


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