The locals have their own way of having fun while the tourists are taking 100 photos per minute in the Old Town and they are eager to share it with others, because everyone knows that shared laughter is the best tool for the social cohesion. It all started with setting up a Facebook page "Uzivo sa dubrovackih ulica" ("Live from Dubrovnik streets") with an idea of posting some funny photos from the streets in Dubrovnik: whether to show a tourist who does something completely ridiculous and never seen before in Dubrovnik or a local who creatively found his own way of dealing with the everyday stress, such as an innovative method of how to get out of the summer traffic jam.
We rounded up the best of the best, prepare to laugh hard!
1. Playing tennis in the parking lot, why not?
2. Drying Clothes in front of the shopping mall. China what?
3. God save Croatia! And this driver, please.
4. It is illegal to drive around without the license plates. A very literal take on it.
5. Luxury tourism
6. Omnia mea mecum porto. (All that is mine, I carry with me. - Cicero)
8. When you are too cheap to pay for a hostel
9. Mr. Borat paying us a visit
10. Surfing in a storm on Stradun!