In cooperation with the Women's Studies Center Zagreb, Dubrovnik Libraries will organise a two-day event under the name of "Marija Jurić Zagorka - 60 years later" which includes two thematic lectures.
The first lecture, "Zagorka and the Women's Question: the 100th Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote" will be held on Thursday, May 11, at 19:00 at the National Library. The lecturers, Ana Pavlic and Sandra Brbor, will talk about the beginning of the struggle for gender equality in Croatia, while referring to the big role Zagorka's works played. Along with an analysis of her political activism and her advocating for emancipation of women in the legal, educational and economic fields, special attention will be paid to Zagorka's story about the first women's political demonstrations.
Marija Juric Zagorka was the first female journalist in Croatia, born in 1873, and to this day her work remains some of the most read writing in Croatia. It is a real shame that none of her novels have been translated into English, even though two German translations of the her most famous books exist: The Witch of Gric (1995) and Malleus Maleficarum (1972).