Sunday, 30 June 2019

Rocks & Stars Festival Wows at Cave Romane Once Again!

June the 30th, 2019 - It was another huge success at this year's opening night of the Rocks and Stars festival at Cave Romane on Saturday the 29th of June, 2019.

The festival, which is organised by Medulinska Riviera and RTL Music with great support of the Medulin Municipality and the Tourist Board of Medulin, is now in its second year and looks set to continue for many years to come. Each year at the opening event, a cheque is presented by the organisers and their partners, this year under UNICEF's wings to help fund the Pula General Hospital and future mothers and their kids. After all the introductions, it was time for the music to begin with the classical crossover cellist Ana Rucner from Zagreb.

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 As the clear blue skies descended it was left to the 4 Tenors to shine under the stars and entertain the capacity crowd at this truly unique setting.

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 As well as singing a variety of songs together each member of the 4 Tenors, Đani Stipaničev, Filip Hozjak, Vladimir Garić and Marko Pecotić also sang solo.

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The 4 Tenors, as well as Ana Rucner proved a huge and very popular success. The festival runs from the 29th of June, 2019, until the 17th of July, 2019.

For more information on the festival and to check out their up and coming events, the website to go to is and their Facebook page is R&S at Cave Romane.

The Total Croatia News concert and music photographer David Gasson will be covering as many of these events as possible and you can see more of his work at his music website


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