March 29, 2020 - The official website has a new service in English - a comprehensive coronavirus daily update.
5.900 tests have been conducted.
Starting 00:01 Thursday, March 19, a new series of measures takes place to ensure stricter social distance and reduce the possibility of spreading the virus among population. Please be reminded to comply with received personal hygiene instructions and to keep social distance between individuals: a distance of 2 meters is required to be kept indoors and a distance of 1 meter outdoors.
All non-essential activities are closed in order to protect senior citizens and those chronically ill – as far as it is possible.
We remind you that the best defense against this virus is to maintain personal hygiene and avoid close contact. Therefore, these measures forbid all activities with large number of people in close contact and gathering of more than 5 people.
The wide range of facilities and stores are not closed to ensure normal supply of food and goods. Freight traffic and supply lines operate regularly. An agreement with countries in our neighborhood has been reached to ensure supply and transportation.
Employers are required to organize work from home for their employees, arrange teleconferences, cancel all business trips and forbid workers with acute respiratory illness from coming to work.
The local civil protection headquarters will be in charge of implementing new measures.
A temporary ban on the movement of civilians across borders is also enforced, with an exception of healthcare professionals, elderly care professionals, cross-border workers, police officers, civil protection teams, military personnel, international military personnel, passengers in transit. This permission will need to be granted individually.
Croatian citizens will be allowed to return to the Republic of Croatia and EU citizens will be able to return to their countries of origin.
All facilities allowed to operate will have to comply with the measures given by the Croatian Institute for Public Health. Croatian Institute for Public Health will issue transport recommendations valid at the national level.
It is highly important that people in self-isolation strictly follow the given instructions on self-isolation.
As of Wednesday, March 18, special measures, which will take effect over the next 30 days, will have a significant impact on the elderly as the most vulnerable group. The measures aim to protect the elderly citizens from infection.
Remember: the best protection is to follow all given prevention measures and to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
You can find all materials, conferences and announcements on official Youtube channel here.
Afternoon conference for Saturday, 28th of March (yesterday) is available here.
For the latest official information from the Koronavirus.he website, click here.
For the latest TCN coverage of COVID-19 in Croatia, visit our dedicated section.
March 29, 2020 - A look at the history of pandemics and what we can learn and apply to the current coronavirus pandemic. TCN's Aco Momcilovic interviews Mirko Sardelic PhD.
Interviewer: Aco Momcilovic, psychologist, EMBA, Owner of FutureHR
Interview with Mirko Sardelic, PhD, Research Associate at the Department of Historical Studies HAZU, Honorary Research Fellow of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions (Europe 1100-1800) at The University of Western Australia; formerly a visiting scholar at the universities of Cambridge, Paris (Sorbonne), Columbia, and Harvard.
Intro: The world is facing one of the biggest global crises of our lifetime. Many individuals are feeling that this is an unprecedented event that will have a major impact on their lives and society. And we are definitely on the verge of a new era; the future will be quite challenging. Therefore, this is a good time to reflect and observe this current situation in the historic context. How much do we know about similar situations, and is there something we can learn and apply to this situation? Some of the answers and comments will hopefully be provided by my friend and history expert – Dr Mirko Sardelic.
Q1: In written history, do we have records of similar pandemics? How many of them were on a comparable level to this Coronavirus situation?
Human history is quite rich when it comes to pandemics. The one we are experiencing today – from what has been known so far (though we must be aware that the pandemic has just started) – may arguably appear as a much milder version of what must have been happening during medieval and early modern plague epidemics. The Justinian plague (541-542 AD) killed millions of people in the Mediterranean zone and beyond. The plague of 1340-50s (known as the Black Death) killed more than 100 million people worldwide, reducing the world’s population by one quarter, and cutting the population of Europe in half. For the next several hundred years deadly outbreaks and epidemics of plague-ravaged helpless humanity in every decade. The last recorded plague in Europe was in 1815. In no time, the first recorded major cholera pandemic started in 1817, and by 1823 had killed millions spreading from India to Southeast Asia and towards Turkey and south Russian lands. There were five major pandemics of cholera in the 19th century alone. In short, every generation has experienced or at least heard of terrible deaths by microbiota. (the Croatian language keeps the phrase used for horribly filthy places one should avoid by all means: ‘kuga i kolera’ – meaning plague and cholera: our folk immortalized the two in this superlative of the adjective ‘filthy’.) Nonetheless, the fact that there were so many horrifying epidemics does not mean we should underestimate this one, as it looks quite serious.
Q2: First scientific data indicates that COVID 19 is more lethal than ‘ordinary’ flu, and estimations of the death rate range between 1 and 3.5% usually. While still counting the number of infected in hundreds of thousands, and the number of dead in tens of thousands, it is clear that numbers are going to be high. But again, it seems that they were nowhere close to the devastating epidemics that raged before. What were the deadliest diseases we had in the past?
What the world knows by the name of Spanish flu (that had very little to do with Spain) infected ca 500 million people – which means almost every third inhabitant of Earth was infected – and it took approximately 50 million lives. One might estimate that the death rate was ca 10%, although this number varied, e.g. some native American communities were almost completely wiped out, most probably because they had never been exposed to similar viruses to which Eurasian populations have acquired some resistance. The Bubonic plague’s death rate was approximately 50% and many contemporary sources claim it was more merciless with younger people. One should, however, bear in mind that the diet, hygiene and overall standard of 14th-century people was quite modest and inadequate, by any contemporary criterion. Very recent Ebola outbreaks had mortality rates ranging from 20 – 70%, but have never developed into a pandemic, due to the nature of the virus that can survive for only a short time outside bodily fluids. It seems that there is often a kind of balance between the contagious and deadly aspect of a virus – but it is epidemiologists who should be explaining this.
Q3: Modern science, and the context of the world in the 21st century, will, fortunately, limit the damage of any disease. It seems that it is very hard for us to imagine the context in which people lived before, without modern medicine, scientists and other tools that we use today. Can you picture that for us?
As the Black Death raged, in October 1348 King Philip VI of France required the medical faculty of the University of Paris to provide an explanation of the plague and its origins. Their response in the Paris Consilium was that the plague had been “caused by a conjunction of the planets Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars at precisely 1:00 pm on 20 March 1345.” In words of a contemporary, Belgian astronomer Simon de Couvin (also called de Covino), who first used the term Black Death: “For Saturn is excessively cold and dry, and as a result is a corrupter of human life”. Once the ‘celestial’ cause was determined, the second step followed: getting rid of the bad air. Ancient scholars Galen and Hippocrates had warned of dangers associated with bad air. It could be the product of swamps, piles of corpses, decaying animals and vegetation, human and animal waste, and stagnant air. Medieval towns had laws against anything that stunk, believing that stink kills. The physicians made a good observation: the dreaded disease transferred through “contagious conversation with other people who have been infected”. Also, objects there were ‘infected’ by the sick were also marked as dangerous.
Imagine this: the Black Death creeps into a town, taking away ca 50% of the population. The only prevention available are staying away from bad air, strict isolation, and prayers. No effective cures are available, even more, no hopes of a non-celestial cure. There is some hope that it would eventually go away though, but there is no reasonable expectation that scientific institutes might come up with vaccines or new-generation drugs. There is no real-time news with epidemiologic advice, no electricity, no running water, no trained medical personnel (in the modern sense), no respirators. On the contrary: there are scarce amounts of food (if any), of light, of heating. Deaths – often quite violent – were omnipresent, even without pandemics. People were cut by sabers of invaders and pirates, factions of social and religious strives carried on brutal executions of their adversaries. In the 16th century, German medical student Felix Platter reports that he rode past a place where “pieces of human flesh hung from the olive trees”. People quite often transposed verbal fights into cutting flesh in duels or violent pub brawls. On top of that, the plague had such disgusting symptoms: the bubonic variant had terribly swollen lymph nodes in the neck and armpits, while the septicemic variant saw its patients vomiting, bleeding from the mouth, nose, and rectum; the extremities got black. All that produced more decaying and more bad air – horror for all senses!
Physicians, surgeons, apothecaries, but also many self-proclaimed healers came up with advice and dozens of remedies, with hundreds of ingredients. In major cities, a stuffed crocodile once hung from the ceiling of best apothecaries in Europe: a symbol that they do something extraordinary and that they have the best-imported ingredients. On the other hand, in the country, the rural folk put more trust in their ‘healers,’ ‘root-wives,’ ‘cunning women’. Most of them had an elementary knowledge of natural processes and wide experience, which meant they could help much in certain matters. Authorities tried to forbid the practice of folk healers – some say it was hard to distinguish between the healer and the witch. Nonetheless, most of these women had an important role as midwives, especially in the times of plague.
Q4: Surprisingly but even today we have anti-vaxxer movements, and other groups who believe in ‘weird’ remedies for illness, like vitamin C or garlic. Is it fair to assume that this way of thinking was standard in the past centuries? What did people then believe it would cure them?
One should have respect for ‘folk’ remedies and prophylactics, such as garlic, lemons (ie. the vitamin C-rich foods), honey, brandies, ginger, and a range of others – as accumulated experience shows they are helpful to an extent. My great-grandmother always mentioned chicken broth as a sort of universal healing concoction. The ancestors taught her that – many generations cooked bone broths. Nutritionists’ analyses showed that those broths rich in calcium, magnesium, collagen, and gelatine are indeed beneficial for some processes in our organism. The tradition has preserved what the collective experience considered as good, and this should be respected. Nonetheless, what should also be very much respected is that there were individuals and groups of scientists who dedicated a lot of their time to research the causes of human illnesses, their treatment, and improvements in the standard of human life. The same is with technology: not only can we indicate the presence of a certain virus/bacterium, but also their size, structure, and weaknesses are known.
You have mentioned the anti-vaxxer movement. As a psychologist, you are well aware of what the fear of the unknown can trigger among people. Emotions are often wonderfully helpful. They direct attention to key features of the environment, optimize sensory intake, tune decision making, prepare behavioural responses, facilitate social interactions, and enhance episodic memory. However, emotions can be quite counterproductive as well, especially when they are of the not-adjusted type, intensity, or duration for a given situation. Because of their nature, vaccines – being fluid with an invisible portion of ‘germs’ that we should rather be exposed to in a controlled environment – might produce fear in some. However, we are also aware that many things that are seemingly invasive help us and save human lives on a daily basis: surgical removals of malign tissue or insertions of coronary stents are just some examples. Fear of death is another tremendously powerful drive: it paralyses reasoning and makes people take otherwise unthinkable actions.
Fear is a mechanism of alerting oneself that the danger is present and that protective measures need to be taken. Fears come in all shapes, sizes (intensities), and durations. Plague (with a good reason) triggered the fear of death, the one that is horrific and that lingers. What were medieval people prepared to do to cure the plague? As one can imagine: everything, literally. One of the most prescribed drugs for preventing and curing the plague was called theriac, the monopoly of which was in hands of Venetian apothecaries. Many variants were known, but it usually took some 60 ingredients and 40 days to process. The key component was roasted viper flesh. ‘Common’ ingredients included honey, the meat of wild beasts, and dried scorpions. Nonetheless, some special ingredients could include nothing less but a ground mummy. And, like good whiskey or rum, the best theriac had to age 12 years. A literary image finds buboes as representations of death literally attached to life. Those would burst on their own in the second week of infection, or the surgeons would drain them.
Surgeons also let blood from their patients, either by incisions on their veins or using leeches which were unpleasant but painless. On their own, the patients tried aromatherapy, eating gems crushed in powder, smeared themselves in in numerous creams, balsams (some of which contained even feces), vinegars, onions, animal parts – no need to elaborate, just use your imagination. One remedy for bubonic plague was quite popular at least from the times of the legendary Islamic physician and philosopher Ibn Sina (in Europe known as Avicenna) from the early 11th century. Live chicken, with some feathers plucked, was held against buboes. It was believed that in this way the chicken would pull the poisons from the buboes into itself. If a chicken died in the process, it had to be replaced with another, which was repeated until one survived the procedure. This ‘live chicken treatment’ was practices for several hundred years, well into the 17th century.
In medieval and early modern Europe doctors knew that there was not a definite cure for the plague, and therefore many of them did not even want to get near the infected. There were priests who refused to give absolution to dying plague victims. This led to the appearance of the plague doctors, hired by cities, and covered in raven-like masks with long beaks. The masks ‘protected’ not only from bad air – which was the heart of disease – but also from the deadly gaze of the dying, which was also feared. For that purpose, there were herbs, spices or vinegar in the beak. These doctors cared for the sick, coordinated the removal of corpses, and registered deaths. One of the most notable was Michel de Nostredame, later called by the Latin variant of the name, Nostradamus – who lost his first wife and both their children to the plague of 1534. Apart from these who could not do much, miracles were expected from St Rocco and St Sebastian, patron saints against the plague.
Q5: After every major event of this kind, there were smaller or bigger shifts in the societies. Usually, it got better in some way. What were the changes after the biggest historical epidemics? What were the economic and political consequences?
Societies learn – or, I would rather say – experience things for themselves. Everyone learns better from one’s own experience. During this pandemic, we will remind ourselves what it means to take prophylactic measures (prevention), how efficient quarantines are, and how (un)disciplined people can be in the times when extreme measures are needed. People are often reckless, which can prove costly. Also, coping with the fear of the unknown can lead to either paralysing effects or, on the other hand, ignoring the threats. This is the moment where experts need to guide and create balance.
Late medieval plagues led to improvements in the way medicine is practised and perceived. ‘Remedies’ provided by alchemists proved to be inefficient, even dangerous and lethal. Mediterranean coastal cities started using lazarettos – specialized complexes of buildings where the quarantine was performed. (The word quarantine came from the Venetian word for the number forty, as that was the number of days after which it was considered safe to bring out goods or people without fear of some latent incubations). The first quarantine was established by the maritime Republic of Dubrovnik (Ragusa) in 1377, as a result of a need for safer continuation of trade.
The 19th-century epidemics caused big leaps in medical science. One of the fathers of epidemiology, English physician John Snow, traced the source of a cholera outbreak in 1854 in London. Cases of chicken cholera and anthrax led Louis Pasteur, French biologist, to promote several life-saving practices in disease prevention. He created the first vaccines for rabies and anthrax, and is credited for many other important discoveries. What was known as the third plague pandemic (that began in Yunnan, China in 1855, and was active till after WWII), that killed dozens of millions of people in China and India alone, attracted bacteriologists who sought after the causes of the disease. In 1894 Swiss-born French Alexandre Yersin and Japanese Shibasaburo Kitasato isolated the bacterium (named after the former, Yersinia pestis). The cause of plague finally got identified.
Therefore, I would say the medical and technological discoveries have made a huge difference. It took humanity thousands of years to learn how to prevent and treat plague; then, starting from the 19th century, it took a century, then decades to make some breakthroughs. The HIV virus took many millions of lives, but it took decades to be put under control. In the 21st century, one may count that vaccines and successful treatments for new diseases will be available within several years, possibly even less, which is a tremendous improvement. One can see the progress in real-time!
As far as the economic consequences are concerned, I am sure that the likes of Joseph Stiglitz experience difficulties when it comes to global prognosis. From a historian’s point of view – in the long-term, humankind recovers, in all its activities – no doubts about that. When it comes to Croatia in the short-term, things could be worrying though. Many things look quite gloomy now: businesses struggle already, and we are not even in the peak of the pandemic; 20% of the GDP is tourism-based; one of the crucial trade partners, Italy, is on her knees, and so on. These challenges will need to be addressed by economists and politicians in the coming months and years. Both short-term and long-term strategies are much needed.
Q6: What was the response of people and rulers/governments during epidemics? What do you think we could use from past experience and implement in today’s way of thinking?
It is important to avoid the negative sides, i.e. abuses in channelling fear. For example, during the Black Death in some Northern European countries, people noticed that Jewish communities (due to their good hygiene practices) had fewer deaths than others. This led to antisemitic movements in some countries; many Jews were persecuted, even massacred, in spite of the efforts of Pope Clement VI who tried to protect the Jews against allegations that they had their hands in the plague outbreak. In our times many Chinese must have experienced quite unpleasant situations. As far as rulers and governments are concerned, history does record protective measures concerning the economy, public health and safety. On the other hand, again, there have always been (more or less successful) attempts of rulers to seize more power – as extreme situations require extreme measures. We should all be aware of what happens to our civic freedoms during, and especially after, the pandemics. Even more importantly, we all need to do our best to keep the fear down. History has shown that unleashed fear can sometimes be as dangerous as the initial danger itself.
In my opinion, one thing is for sure: there are no limits. The dimension of viruses is measured in nanometres (10-9), while the distance from Earth to Sun, for example, is measured in gigametres (109). There are so many worlds in-between these 18 powers of scale, and this is not even half of the spectrum. The same is with history – history has seen pretty much everything: millions of years, the evolution of animals and societies; projects that fell victim to greed, fear or egoism; achievements that were built on hope, bravery, enthusiasm, joint efforts. History can teach a lot, but often, for various reasons, it does not put its lessons into full effect. Maybe this is because it’s huge and inert, while our brains prefer swift stimuli, quick(er) solutions, and palpable outcomes. Nonetheless, one important lesson is that nothing is impossible, and that things can go in uncountable directions. They have led us this far, to this scenario, out of gazillion possible ones, (among other factors) thanks to people who invested their time, resources, and lives into making our existence enjoyable, interesting, and way safer than they have ever been.
An ordinary human couple experiences everyday struggles in decision-making, let alone those of societies. Generally, most of them want to be healthy, enjoy personal freedom and experience economic prosperity. We have seen that humans can achieve pretty much anything they want. There are just two questions (to start with): At which rate? And at what cost? There were some ethical dilemmas behind the curtain: should one ‘sacrifice’ the lives of the old and immunocompromised (who are the most likely victims of the present pandemic) in order to recover the economy more quickly? The pros were suggesting that the damaged economy would lead in numerous job cuts, which again leads to poverty, depression, ‘killing-us-slowly’ scenarios. On the other hand, what can be more human than taking care of the most vulnerable members of our society: the young, the elderly, the sick, the fragile? These are the times when solidarity, unselfishness, and caring come in.
Finally, can it be done respecting the equilibrium of our eco-system? Let us not forget: humans are unique eco-systems as well: our viruses, bacteria, and fungi live in our cells, in our gut, on our skin. Their number is measured in trillions (a million millions). We might have affected them significantly, but it is still hard to say what would be the long-term result of tampering with what has undergone millions of adaptations, millions of mutations. Exposure to some viruses resulted in some of the most fascinating animal and human mutations, and evolutions. The story of humans and viruses continues: we have gone through so much together.
For the latest on coronavirus in Croatia, visit the dedicated TCN section.
ZAGREB, March 29, 2020 - Police have established 865 cases of self-isolation violations and there have been 3,290 reports, Interior Minister Davor Božinović said on Saturday, adding that all those who violated self-isolation would be fined.
"We are entering a critically important period in the next few weeks. We must endure this regime", he said at the afternoon press conference of the national civil protection authority, which called on citizens to stay home despite the nice weather.
"Most citizens behave in line with the instructions. The situation at farmers' markets and specialised shops is good. We've had no reports of violations of epidemiological measures," Božinović said, adding that the decision to reopen those shops as of today "seems to have been a well-considered measure."
He said the government had launched a programme for everyone wishing to donate for the fight against COVID19, including money, food and medical equipment, and that all official and relevant information was available at
Reporters were told that 20,070 people are self-isolating, including 3,135 close contacts of positive patients and 542 medical staff.
The head of Zagreb's Fran Mihaljević Infections Diseases Hospital, Alemka Markotić, said Croatia was recording what other countries were too, an increasing number of COVID-19 patients who are elderly and have chronic conditions.
She said there had been no new patients on ventilators since this morning but that more were to be expected.
Asked if politicians were violating coronavirus measures, for example those visiting the parts of Zagreb damaged in a recent earthquake with dozens of advisors and journalists, Božinović said "the public's daily focus should not be only on coronavirus."
"We have constant consultations with epidemiologists who have recommended that we reduce contacts for the safety of the people who work in the (national civil protection) authority and journalists," he said, adding that politicians should show by example how one should behave.
More coronavirus news can be found in the Lifestyle section.
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 28th of March, 2020, templates for the retention of packages and shipments have so far been able to be arranged and completed exclusively at post offices and at a charge. Croatian Post has now changed this in the face of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Here is Croatian Post's statement translated into English and transmitted in full:
''In order to make it easier for recipients of packages who are currently unable to reside at their addresses (for example, citizens of parts of Zagreb who were forced to leave their homes due to the earthquake), Croatian Post has provided a free redirection and package retention service. To use the service, you just need to fill in the form on the website:
This is another measure by which Croatian Post, during the coronavirus epidemic, ensures that consignments are delivered to recipients, wherever they are. Users may request that postal items be delivered to another address within the same county (the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County are now viewed as one entity) or be kept safe at the post office.
In order to ensure continued service to citizens during the coronavirus crisis and in the coming period, the number of post offices still operating has been reduced. This will ensure that we always have a group of standby employees and all cities and municipalities will continue to have post offices available. Local changes were first notified to local government representatives. Information on the working hours of post offices is available at:
We'd like to thank citizens for their support and understanding.
Croatian Post, in accordance with the instructions of the competent authorities, is adjusting its operations and taking all measures to reduce the possibility of the epidemic spreading and to ensure business continuity. We provide our employees with protective and disinfectants, and the way our postmen and post offices work has changed.''
Make sure to follow our dedicated section for rolling information and updates in English on coronavirus in Croatia.
March 29, 2020 - As the world obsesses with graphs and charts, how does the coronavirus curve in Croatia look like for daily new cases?
As a species, our habits have changed in the last few weeks, and things we used to do at will are no longer possible, and our attention - no, obsession - has turned to things that never used to concern us.
Charts. Graphs. Statistics. Updates. Refresh.
I am sure that we have all spend some time on the Worldometer coronavirus page, a website whose traffic is a reflection of the times.
In just 6 weeks, the site has gone from 10,000 in Alexa ranking to into the top 200 most-visited websites on the planet, according to Alexa stats.
The graphs of the global picture are truly terrifying.
So how does the coronavirus chart in Croatia look?
The official website has details of the cumulative cases of daily cases and recoveries.
And was the first to track the individual cases on a day to day basis.
It is just 32 days since the first case of coronavirus was recorded in Croatia.
A lifetime ago.
At time of writing, there are 657 cases recorded in Croatia, with the biggest daily number at 91 on March 27, 2020. This number came down to 71 the next day. Today's numbers should be announced at the 14:00 press conference.
The daily coronavirus curve in Croatia looks much, much more encouraging than in many other countries, and after a slow start, the emergency response of the Croatian authorities has been outstanding.
So outstanding in fact that Oxford University research published this week showed that Croatia had the most stringent measures of all to restrict travel in a bid to contain the virus.
Time will tell if these efforts were enough to save Croatia from the tragedy unfolding in Italy, Spain, and other countries.
For now at least, the coronavirus chart in Croatia offers some comfort. Long may it last, and kudos to those who are working so hard in these exceptionally challenging circumstances to keep COVID-19 at bay.
For more on the coronavirus crisis in Croatia, follow the dedicated TCN COVID-19 section.
April 3, 2020 - A Croatia COVID-19 overview of the latest health, travel and stats news on the coronavirus crisis, with live updates in English, powered by
There are currently 1079 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 68 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 92 patients have recovered. An eighth person has died. 39 patients are on ventilators. There are 979 active cases.
You can now track the progress of the curve of cases and recoveries on the official homepage. (You can also follow it into the English version here, which has less content but covers the essential information).
Note that is now mapping cases by county instead of town/city. will update their map after the 14:00 CET daily press conference.
Index also has a very useful breakdown of cases by town and city. Please note that these numbers may not correspondent to the total number, as the locations of some cases are usually confirmed later. We will update this information as we get it.
Index has now added two more stat counters - unemployment numbers and a more detailed look at the curve with new cases by day. .
More than 53,236 people are dead from the virus, which originated in Wuhan City, China. Over 1,016,310 cases have been confirmed globally. USA has the highest number of recorded cases (245,373) and Italy the highest number of deaths (13,915) deaths.
UPDATED: April 2, 2020 - 08:00 CET - With apologies in advance if the translations are not perfect. With very limited resources and plenty of pressure, we are trying to get the updates done as quickly as possible, so a little help from Google Translate is necessary. We thank you for your understanding.
17:15: Croatia is among the most successful countries fighting COVID-19 so far. More on Index.
17:13: In the first quarter of this year, 47 applications were received in Croatia for the use of investment support from the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts, with the planned creation of 686 new jobs, the ministry announced on Friday.
Of these, 39 applications are for small and medium-sized enterprises, with an estimated investment value of more than HRK 500 million, with the planned creation of 551 new jobs. The remaining 8 applications are related to large enterprises, with an estimated investment value of almost HRK 1 billion, with 135 new jobs planned.
Thus, the total planned investment amounts to almost HRK 1.5 billion, with the planned creation of 686 new jobs, the statement said.
16:45: HRT is slapping itself on the back for being the most-watched television broadcaster. They forget to mention that they are broadcasting the nation's school lessons. More on Index.
16:00: At today's conference, Alemka Markotic described the testing procedures in detail. More on Index.
15:54: CES Director General Krunoslav Capak commented at today's National Crisis Headquarters press conference if there were any major coronavirus focus areas in Croatia. More on Index.
15:53: Gospic Mayor Karlo Starcevic announced at a news conference on Friday that part of the costs of entrepreneurs covered by the work ban would be irrevocably taken over by the City of Gospic, totaling HRK 1.5m.
This is the amount planned in the budget for 2020 to support entrepreneurship, and given the new situation, it is being diverted for liquidity, that is, for running costs.
15:40: A police officer from the Bjelovar area is the sixth person confirmed to have a coronavirus infection in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County, civil protection staff said on Friday.
In the headquarters, five people were tested for the virus in the last 24 hours, and one finding was positive, namely the police officer.
Employees of the Health Center and Bjelovar General Hospital were presented with protective visors, made by the staff of the County Institution for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities "Souvenir Arbor" and members of the city's Community of Technical Culture.
Protective visors can be used multiple times, and today they have been handed around 20, which is only the first part of the shipment.
"The coronavirus pandemic is a test for all of us, and together we can do far more," said Mayor Damir Bajs.
15:20: Police have recorded a total of 1,053 cases of violations of self-isolation and 45 cases of violations of the decision to operate catering establishments, Interior Minister and Head of the National Civil Protection Headquarters Davor Bozinovic reported on Friday.
14:54: Four new COVID-19 cases have been reported in Koprivnica-Križevci County, bringing the total number of infected to 16, with two people being discharged from hospital treatment and according to the protocol so far, they are in home self-isolation for 14 days, said to Ratimir Ljubić, Chief of the Koprivnica-Križevci County Civil Defense HQ, at a press conference today.
14:53: Google data reveals drastic changes in Croats' habits due to the coronavirus. Read more on Index
14:30: Markotic commented on the condition of the patients:
"As for people on ventilators, there are no changes in our clinic compared to yesterday. One person is on a ventilator, we do not know if he is COVID-positive. Professor Zovak declared that he was positive," Markotic said.
Capak followed.
"Everyone who has been in social contact with Zovak for the past 48 hours will be in isolation," Capak said.
The figures for health care workers were reported: 145 employees who are employed in the health care system who are positive. These are eight pharmacists, 10 dentists, 8 administration staff, 61 medical doctors, 44 nurses.
"Some of these doctors have been transferred to their families. To my knowledge, none of them are seriously ill. Everyone is looking forward to returning to their jobs," Beros said.
"As of this afternoon, companies seeking e-passes will be able to do so in bulk. The company submits it to the competent ministry through an application," Bozinovic said at the end.
14:24: The Headquarters commented on drive-in testing:
"For this week, this headquarters, through various formats, has been considering what options are available to put this important segment of our economy into operation, which is not easy. However, the issue of individual solutions and ways of solving them are all discussed here. Drive-in is something that Capak put on paper a few days ago as a topic to talk about," Bozinovic said.
Alemka Markotic said that there is one percent of false positives and false negatives in all tests.
"The test is never taken on its own. The purpose of the doctors doing the diagnostics is to know the complete picture and then the findings are interpreted. As for the tests themselves, for all those labs that came through the ministry, they were supervised. The tests are not all the same," Markotic said.
14:20: "One person in our clinic is on a ventilator, but we're still waiting for the results of tests to be positive for the coronavirus," said the director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic 'Dr. Fran Mihaljevic' Alemka Markotic.
14:18: Numbers in Croatia by day
14:12: Beros commented on the situation in Split, and especially the criticisms that came from Dalmatia.
"We will never stop emphasizing the importance of self-discipline. This mustn't happen again in Split. The only way to end the pandemic is to act responsibly," he said.
14:06: There were 86 cases of violations of self-isolation.
Bozinovic said that since the Headquarters had enacted measures, there had been 45 violations. In Split - Dalmatia, 14 cases were reported. There are 10 cases in Zagreb County. These are the two counties with the most such cases.
"None of us enjoy these measures. But if we liberalized them, the situation would not be under control," Minister Bozinovic said.
"On the one hand, health comes first, and only those who have to travel need to travel. We have issued over 192,000 e-passes electronically. 100,000 every day. Thus, epidemiological measures make no sense. I urge employers to be strict about issuing passes. About 4500 requests for passes have been rejected," Bozinovic said.
14:00: National Civil Protection Headquarters press conference:
Health Minister Vili Beros announced that in the last 24 hours, Croatia has 68 new patients. A total of 1,079 cases have been confirmed in Croatia.
Another person has died at KB Dubrava. The fatality is a woman who was born in 1935 and had several chronic illnesses.
There are currently 39 patients on ventilators and 92 recovered, or four more than yesterday.
13:21: There are no new coronavirus cases, the number of patients in the Karlovac County is still 70, Chief Anđelko Ferek Jambrek reported. There are 31 positives in Pregrada, 14 in Krapina, 8 in Hum na Sutli, 4 in Zabok, 4 in Oroslavje, 2 in Donja Stubica, and one each in Jesen, Radoboj, Jesen, Desinic, Krapinske Toplice and Petrovski.
13:15: "In Karlovac County, 24 people have contracted the coronavirus. Unfortunately, one person has passed away and we have one new case. It is a close contact, a family member of an already ill person who has previously been in self-isolation. In Karlovac OB, 7 people are hospitalized, 14 are under home treatment and 1 is being treated at the Infectious Diseases Clinic in Zagreb. The condition of patients in Karlovac General Hospital is stable. 44 contacts with those infected are still under administrative control."
13:15: Međimurje County has no new cases and, with two infected, is the county with the fewest cases in Croatia, Matija Posavec reported.
12:51: There are no new cases in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County since yesterday, a total of 51 people are infected, four have recovered, and several more are expected to be declared healthy, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters on Friday.
12:30: KBC Director of the Sisters of Mercy Mario Zovak is positive for the coronavirus, he confirmed in a telephone interview. He feels good and is in isolation. More on Index
11:44: According to a query from parents, the Clinic for Pediatric Diseases at Klaiceva said on Friday that emergency pediatric surgical activities are being performed at the facility within the Joint Emergency Hospital Admission, with all related diagnostic activities.
11:36: In the area of Split-Dalmatia County, there are 13 more coronavirus-positive cases - Split 3, Solina 4, Muć 2, Kaštela 2, Sinj 1 and Otok 1. These are mostly home contacts with an infected person. Among the infected are 2 health care professionals, one from KBC Split and one from the NZJZ. All new cases are in good general health. Out of the total number of infected, 40 are health professionals, according to Split.
11:08: Sibenik police are closing the promenade for the weekend, they will monitor Riva and Bacvice in Split. More on Index
11:01: Seven new cases in Osijek-Baranja County. They were all in isolation. In total, 81 are positive, six of them are on ventilators.
10:54: "Given that sunny and warmer weather is announced on the weekend, we would like to draw our attention once again to the measures in force. This Decision applies to restricting movement on streets, squares, waterfronts, parks and all other public areas where a large number of people can move and rest.
Once again, we urge you not to stay in large numbers in all public areas where more people can move and stand.
We know that Žnjan, Bacvice and the waterfront of Split were the favorite places for citizens to gather, but in this situation, you cannot stay in these public areas. Especially not in large numbers because then you are not able to adhere to the rules on the distance between persons," the Split police said.
10:52: There are no new COVID-19 patients in Virovitica-Podravina County, the Civil Protection County Headquarters reported at a news conference on Friday.
10:51: In the Vukovar-Srijem County, there are three new coronavirus cases, all three from Nustar and family members of a previously hospitalized patient, and a total of 17 patients in the county, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported Friday.
10:49: Closing of the promenade through St. Anthony's channel in Sibenik
"The promenade through the St. Anthony's channel will be closed on the weekend. Since it has been observed that in some places in our area there is a significantly increased risk of COVID-19 transmission, and in order to reduce the possibility of further spread of the disease, The promenade through the St. Anthony's channel will be closed on the weekend. We urge citizens to respect this decision and thus contribute to their own safety and the safety of others," the Sibenik police said.
Another case has been reported in the county. There are 31 in total, 20 of them on Murter.
10:19: "We have two new positive cases, one result came last night, one this morning. There are 10 in total," said Stjepan Bosnjakovic of Brod-Posavina County.
10:13: Minister Beroš will be at the Zadar press conference, as he visited the Zadar hospital. There are three new cases in Zadar, bringing the total to 50 people. The Civil Protection headquarters sent a container and a tent to be mounted in front of the Zadar Hospital.
One newly infected person is attached to the Biograd hospital, two others are not attached. There are 19 patients in the hospital. Three of them are in poor condition, two of them ended up at the Intensive Care Unit, one patient has been there before.
"Each of us can do something for ourselves. I came to support everyone here. We are all together, we will give certain solutions. I appeal once again to the citizens to stick to the measures, because that is the only way we will return to a normal life. There are times when the elderly are more likely to contract the disease, but a slightly younger population has emerged that is severely ill. I advise young people to be responsible because they may have a more severe clinical picture.
I said that there was an increased responsibility on doctors and all staff. I appeal to all healthcare professionals who are responsible for ensuring that they continue to be so, and everyone else.
Once the epidemic is over it will draw a line and analyze who did what and how it worked.
We are doing everything we can to ensure an adequate number of respirators, we do not have a magic wand, but if they act socially responsibly, I hope the need for them will be no more than what we plan."
10:03: Mladen Novosel: How is it possible that tourism employers have fired people?
Mladen Novosel, head of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Croatia, complained that the unions were unable to participate in the negotiations on the first set of measures and that only two months ago a campaign was launched by employers seeking to relieve them of giving to the state so that they could give more to workers, to preserve them because there was not enough of them.
"And when the crisis came overnight, this was all forgotten. If the goal was to preserve jobs and one economic integrity and complete payroll for workers, then it is improbable that over 400,000 workers would receive only that minimum wage! If HRK 40bn burst into the economy, if companies with business problems and a drop of 20% will receive HRK 4,000 per worker and contributions, how is it possible that they will not pay the worker a full wage? There, in making these decisions how and who will help, the overall control over the use of funds was missing," Novosel said.
More on Index
10:03: A doctor at Split's Križine Hospital, which houses critically ill coronavirus patients, was angered and provoked by the indiscipline of fellow citizens. He recorded a video which was published on social media.
More on Index
9:58: New infection data should be published in Zadar at about 10 am.
9:19: There are no new cases in Istria today. "Of the 28 swabs tested, all were coronavirus negative (COVID-19). There are no new patients, and three patients have been cured. In the County of Istria, we have a total of 7 cured," the Istrian County Civil Protection Headquarters said this morning. 29 new samples were taken due to suspected coronavirus (COVID-19) and submitted to a laboratory in Zagreb," Glas Istre writes.
8:42: The Minister of Administration, Ivan Malenica, urges employers to ask for passes only for employees traveling outside the place of residence, there is no need to ask for everything, he adds. It urges citizens to seek passes only in emergencies to relieve the civil protection headquarters system, he said this morning on the program Good Morning, Croatia on HRT.
8:35: Today's press releases from the Krapina-Zagorje County Civil Protection Headquarters will be at 11:00. There are 70 cases in that county so far.
8:28: The Croatian government has also secured a repatriation catamaran for the return of Croatian nationals from the Italian port of Ancona, with departure scheduled for Sunday, April 5th.
8:27: "We have enough ventilators, and I believe that no patient has had a fatal outcome due to a deficiency of ventilators. I am sure to tell you that there are no hospitals in the world that have enough ventilators for something like this happening now.
The best prevention is keeping up with epidemiological measures. It is an opportunity to say a big thank you to Croatian society. The number of infected depends on us.
We do not know what consequences COVID will have on humans. We don't know much about this virus."
8:20: At least 1658 people lost their jobs in one day. Read more on Index
8:19: In Zapresic, parents took their children to play in the cemetery
A bizarre example from Zapresic where parents took their children to the cemetery to play in the sand. "This is unacceptable behavior. So far there have been no cases among children, but now we have an increasing number of cases among children, there have been several deaths in the world. People of middle and younger ages shouldn’t think they are not at risk. We have 5 people between 35-45 years old on ventilators, they are seriously ill. We must not play. In the war, we all sat closed in for months, which we cannot now endure for a while in the comfort of our own home, with all that we have.”
8:17: Alemka Markotic, Director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic "Dr. Fran Mihaljevic", Davor Bozinovic, Minister of the Interior, and Krunoslav Capak, Director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health answered questions last night.
Capak said no one knows and cannot say. "We tried to model situations with the speed of virus transmission, population sensitivity, and concluded that the epidemic would peak in a few weeks. Then it would start to decline after the standstill phase. We estimate that these figures may be more favorable for our country in early June; that in early June the numbers of the sick and those in self-isolation could be favorable for Croatia,” Capak said.
Markotic said: "Let us take care of our children, ourselves, our grandparents," and she had a special message for people in Dalmatia to stay home. "If people in the south stay home, we might have a season.”
8:00: There were 48 new cases yesterday, half than the day before, which, according to the Minister of Health, is optimistic but said we couldn’t relax.
The death toll has increased to seven after a 90-year-old man died in Dubrava KB, one person is more on a ventilator, bringing the total to 35, and 88 or 15 more recovered than the day before..
There are currently nine sick police officers, and 57 doctors, 10 dentists, 53 nurses and technicians, six pharmacists and eight administrative staff infected among healthcare professionals.
06:35: Today's numbers will be announced at the 14:00 press conference and updated shortly after on TCN.
06:30: Welcome to today's live feed. We start the day with 1,011 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 48 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 88 patients have recovered. A seventh person has died. 34 patients are on ventilators. There are 916 active cases.
Some useful TCN articles on what you need to know.
Croatia Travel Update - overview of borders, flights, ferries, new travel restrictions
Croatian Government Opens Donation Fund.
What is Open and What is Closed?
Igor Rudan: Why We Must ALL Stay Home For at Least 1 Month
A Behind the Scenes Look at Running TCN in the Corona Era
(Live updates provided by Index)
As of midnight on March 19, 2020; crossing the border of the Republic of Croatia is temporarily restricted. Croatian citizens and residents will be allowed to return to Croatia, which means that they may go to the country where they work and reside and must follow the instructions and measures of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) upon their return. These measures went into effect at 00:01 on March 19, 2020 and are valid for 30 days. More information and exceptions here.
For the latest Croatia travel advice in these uncertain times, click here.
Also as of March 19, 2020; it is compulsory to strictly adhere to anti-epidemic measures and strict social distance measures. A strict measure of social distance requires avoiding close personal contact at a distance of at least:
The anti-epidemic measures required according to this decision include a ban on holding all public events, gatherings of more than 5 people in one place and the suspension of all retail and trade activities. EXCEPTIONS and details can be found here. These measures were strengthened today March 21, 2020. Residents are being ordered not to leave home except to get food or medicine.
*Follow this page for updates on the coronavirus in Croatia from Total Croatia News.
*Follow this page for updates on the Zagreb earthquake in Croatia from Total Croatia News.
UPDATES FROM April 2, 2020
18:28: IDS President Boris Miletic on Thursday expressed his satisfaction that the Government had accepted the measures proposed by IDS two weeks ago, and 'although not all our requests have been adopted', he said, "we can still be satisfied ".
"The government needed to respond more quickly. What we learned from the countries that were the first to be hit by the coronavirus epidemic is that rapid and decisive responses have yielded the best results. We should apply this approach to the economy as well, which we tirelessly emphasized from day one of this emergency." the IDS president said.
18:27: The Ministry of Agriculture reported on Thursday that the European Commission has backed Croatia's request regarding the issue of financial support for fisheries, severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic crisis.
"Intensive cooperation with the EU institutions and Member States has resulted in a package of measures proposed by the European Commission, which includes support for the implementation of a temporary cessation of fishing activities and the award of compensation to freshwater and marine fish farmers and shellfish for temporary suspension or production reductions for the epidemic of Covid- 19, "the statement said.
18:23: The president of the Independent Croatian Trade Union, Kresimir Sever, said that the Government's package of measures is good, but that it also carries a lot of questions and that many problems still need to be resolved.
17:51: The largest Pula roundabout at the entrance to the city in support of the fight against coronavirus has been illuminated in yellow, thus symbolically pointing to the 'yellow-black flag', which is an international mark of quarantine on ships, the city of Pula announced.
17:44: About seven days after the trip to Turkey, which saw more than 160 people from all over Croatia, it turns out that 11 passengers were infected with the coronavirus. That number has climbed to 42 in the last few days.
Among them are several people infected in Istria who have been in hospital for three weeks. More on their story on Index.
17:30: Two coronavirus positive people are employed at Makarska Vodovod. One worked in the financial department and the other in a warehouse.
17:27: Mayor Branko Dukic also spoke about the situation in Zadar:
"There are never enough warnings and calls for adherence to measures to prevent and stop the spread of coronaviruses. Today, due to the irresponsible and selfish behavior of individuals, we have seen what is NOT allowed - to gather in closed catering establishments. With every risky behavior and violation of measures adhered to throughout Croatia, such individuals primarily endanger their own and their loved ones' health.
I understand everyone who finds it difficult to be indoors, I have not spent as much time in my entire life as I have in recent weeks, but I cannot understand that we are playing so easily with the health and lives of ourselves and our loved ones. Whichever state and whichever city tried the 'will not be me' tactic ended in disaster. Young people are literate online, can see pictures and news from Italy. Have them call their friends in Milan or Bergamo. Let's not play with this. Let's stay home! ".
17:25: Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic told Zagreb residents that city services and the City of Zagreb are behind them in rebuilding their homes damaged in the recent devastating earthquake, but that the City does not want to participate in a knee-jerk project under any circumstances.
He said that reconstruction after the earthquake in Zagreb is primarily the task of the City of Zagreb, the government and its citizens.
"We do not want to participate in a project that is knee-jerk reaction regardless of the upcoming election.
16:50: Beros mentioned illegal cafes operating in Dalmatia.
At today's conference of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, Health Minister Vili Beros said that in Zadar, Sibenik and Split, young people are gathering in cafes, "especially cafes with tinted glass, drink and have fun," though information from the Split police did not confirm this.
"In the last three days, the Split-Dalmatia County Police Department did not observe violations of the Decision on measures to restrict social gatherings, work in commerce, services and holding sports and cultural events, which came into force on March 19, 2020. In the area of the Split-Dalmatia County Police Department, we have identified 30 violations of the Decision above, of which 14 were catering establishments," the Split police said in response to an inquiry by Index.
16:30: At the end of March, more than 143,000 people were registered in the unemployment register of the Croatian Employment Service (CES), and in the last 15 days alone, 13,264 unemployed persons were registered, 12,260 of them directly from employment. CES data show.
16:17: The Croatian Parliament on Friday will discuss the first group of laws from the Government's package to assist the economy in the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, i.e., legal solutions relating to finance and the tourism sector.
16:15: The government has restricted the use of funds from the state budget for 2020 to extrabudgetary beneficiaries and prohibited them from recruiting, to optimize the use of limited fiscal potential.
15:45: Hundreds of Croats are returning home from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Sweden on Saturday at their own expense for Croatia Airlines' commercial flights, said head of Croatian diplomacy Gordan Grlic Radman.
15:40: Why do the national headquarters have different numbers? Capak explained to more on Index
15:29: No one should travel unnecessarily, and this also applies to travel within the country, Interior Minister and head of the National Civil Protection Headquarters Davor Bozinovic said Thursday.
"The message from epidemiologists and the Civil Protection team is clear. Without need, no one needs to travel, and this also applies to domestic travel. The Ministry has put in place the issuance of e-passes that enable long-distance communication, and by midday Thursday, 12,736 were issued," he said.
15:21: Heads of diplomacy of 30 NATO members will seek to improve co-operation at their first virtual meeting in history on Thursday so that the current health crisis does not become a security crisis, Croatian Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said ahead of the meeting.
"After 11 years of Croatia's membership in NATO, today we will have a video conference for the first time, and for the first time in the history of NATO," Radman Grlic said in front of MVEP.
15:20: Zagreb citizens have been invited over Facebook to go out to their balconies and windows and whistle against Bandic tomorrow at 7 pm
15:18: Two more cases confirmed in Sisak-Moslavina County, where a total of 17 people have contracted the coronavirus so far.
The County Civil Protection Headquarters announced that two infected people were fully recovered.
After two consecutive findings of the virus proved negative, they were both released home.
There are four patients in the isolation unit of Sisak General Hospital "Dr. Ivo Pedisic" and 11 of them are undergoing home treatment.
15:15: The Archbishop of Zagreb, Cardinal Josip Bozanić, sent pastoral guidance on the Holy Week liturgical celebrations, the celebration of the sacraments of Holy Confirmation and Holy Communion, and other pastoral issues.
15:00: Dalmatia is becoming a growing problem. There, more and more people violating the measures prescribed by the headquarters, and in many places around the city, young people gather in cafes. Capak showed a graph showing the highest number of infected people in Split-Dalmatia County.
14:30: The Civil Protection Headquarters in Novalja, Pag, is, to say the least, in an unusual situation. The now-former chief of HQ was infected with the coronavirus, and his successor and much of the city government is in isolation. Novalja points its finger at the former Chief and his wife as the culprits who brought the disease to this small town, but in all likelihood, the whole confusion is the result of a combination of several unfortunate circumstances. Read more on Index
14:00: National Civil Protection Headquarters press conference:
Health Minister Vili Beros announced that there are 48 new cases confirmed in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of patients to 1011. One more person has died, bringing the number of fatalities to 7.
"The good thing is that the number of patients on ventilators did not increase. We need to be aware that these are all seriously ill patients. I pray to all who have not yet realized that these are serious illnesses that can end up fatal. I know that Split wants to be first in everything, but not in the number of patients with the coronavirus. I know that Zadar wants to be the first in the world in many things, but not in the coronavirus. I urge people in the south to take action," said Alemka Markotic, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic 'Dr. Fran Mihaljevic'.
The Minister of Health expressed sharp criticism to some members of Zadar's youth, who he said were gathering in tinted glass cafes and socializing. "It's not responsible behavior," Beros said.
"The fact that we have half the number of yesterday is an extremely favorable situation and we want to keep it that way," said the head of the HZJZ, Krunoslav Capak.
He also criticized the behavior in Zadar, saying that in ten days, the consequences of such behavior would be known.
"We do not intend on imposing some kind of strict police control because the vast majority of citizens adhere to the decisions of the Headquarters," said Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic.
"The virus is here, we are repeating it for the thousandth time. Irresponsible behavior will be sanctioned," Bozinovic said.
13:50: Mayor of Split Andro Krstulovic Opara confirmed at a press conference that three Banovina employees are positive for the coronavirus.
"Following epidemiological procedures, seven employees are in self-isolation. Based on the Ministry's order, we divided the work of the services into two teams, working 15 days each. There are 154 employees in one team," said the mayor.
The sick workers are home, feeling well and have no major problems, and Cian has disinfected all the premises of the city government.
Today, there are 18 new patients in the county, eight from Split, four from Solin and one from Trogir, Podstrana, Hrvace, Dugi Rat, Makarska and Baska Voda. At the moment, we have a total of 146 infections in Split-Dalmatia County, of whom 38 are health care workers. There are 144 health care workers in self-isolation, which means that two of them came out. Currently, 40 patients are hospitalized at KBC Split, seven of which are on ventilators. Three are from Dubrovnik-Neretva County, three are from Šibenik-Knin, and one is from Split-Dalmatia. At present, we have 2033 people in self-isolation," Dr. Zeljka Karin said at the beginning of the conference.
13:22: A Solin doctor organized a family get-together in self-isolation?
At a press conference of the Split-Dalmatia County Headquarters, reporters asked the director of the Public Health Institute, Zeljka Karin, if she had any information about the corona party in Solin. The journalist claimed that one person had organized a family get-together in self-isolation and that the people who had been together were now positive for the coronavirus. She added that it was organized by a doctor and asked if there would be sanctions for such behavior.
"If other facts are determined, then that lunch you are talking about is followed by other procedures, other services that will then sanction it. My answer is we have identified the facts that we have determined and so have we acted.
13:20: Karlovac General Hospital organized a nose and throat swab for Covid-19 testing from patients' cars, a roundabout has been formed in front of the hospital, and citizens can come for testing only with the recommendation of a doctor and notification the day before. More on Index
13:08 Deputy Chief of Civil Protection of Koprivnica-Križevci County Melita Ivancic confirmed that there are no new coronavirus patients in the County of Koprivnica-Križevci. So, there are still 12 cases total. KTC has set up grocery delivery from its stores so that customers do not have to go to the store and endanger their own and others' health at the time of the coronavirus pandemic, reports epodravina.
13:04: The Civil Protection Headquarters of Požega-Slavonia County held a press conference confirming another case in the county. So far, three COVID-19 positive persons have been confirmed, one is in the General County Hospital in Požega, and the other two have been isolated at places of residence, the county's website said.
12:56: Zabok General Hospital Director Tihomir Vancina said there were no new coronavirus cases since yesterday. "There is a great tendency for swabs to be taken in Zagreb, while results from the KZZ will come 30 hours after swabs are taken, which makes our work very difficult. There are 6 isolation units in the emergency room where triage is performed for patients due to suspected COVID 19 and in 6 sections we have 10 patients. Two more patients are coming in," Vancina said, not knowing if the patient was positive or negative though they should be kept away until the situation was clarified, writes. One infected person is in a more serious condition and is likely to be transferred to Zagreb and to a ventilator.
12:49: The Civil Protection HQ of Brod-Posavina County press conference was held today and there are still 8 coronavirus-positive people in the county, 7 of whom are active, SBonline reports.
12:47: Varazdin County has no new patients for the third consecutive day. In total, they have 24 cases still and 6 cured.
12:13: The roundabout that was made for the COVID ambulance near the lower building of the Karlovac hospital today started for drive-in coronavirus testing, Radio Mrežnica reports. "Patients must notify the day before. There are indications when a sample is taken - contact, fibrillation and the rest, and then people are checked, and a sample is sent to Zagreb for analysis," explained hospital Director Dr. Ervin Jancic.
12:10: There are six coronavirus patients at Vinkovci County General Hospital, one of whom is in serious condition, confirmed the head of that health institution, Krunoslav Sporcic, adding that among health professionals, two doctors were positive.
11:58: A press release from Split. Mayor Opara also present:
The conference will include:
Željka Karin, Director of the NZJZ
Blazenko Boban, Prefect
Marko Serdarevic, Deputy Chief of the PU SD
Nino Vela, Chief of SCZ ST
11:53: There are two new cases in Dubrovnik-Neretva County.
11:49: Bakeries in Vukovar-Srijem County can work from 6am to 5pm today
11:43: Sberbank introduces a three-month repayment delay, i.e., a moratorium on customer loans, which have been repaid so far, with an extension of the loan repayment period by three months, the bank announced today.
During the moratorium, clients will not have to pay annuities.
11:37: Five people with the coronavirus were reported in Zagreb County today, which means that there are 80 cases in the county, according to the County Institute for Public Health. So far, 8 people have recovered and one has died.
The institute urged residents of Zagreb County to obey the instructions of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, as only responsible behavior can reduce the spread of the coronavirus infection.
11:34: Danish retailer JYSK and Croatian sleepwear manufacturer Hilding Anders are helping health systems across Croatia.
In order to assist hospitals and to further protect staff and patients in the fight against the coronavirus, JYSK, in collaboration with HESPO mattress manufacturer Hilding Anders, has jointly provided the necessary products to help equip hospitals and convenient epidemiological facilities in Zagreb, Osijek and Split, the company said. They provided more than 2,000 products, including mattresses, pillows, quilts, sheets, and other sleeping products, they said.
11:32: The credit rating agency Fitch downgraded Croatia's outlook from positive to stable yesterday afternoon, while maintaining its credit rating at BBB-.
According to the explanation, Fitch expects the economy to decline by 5 percent this year, with a sharp decline in the tourism sector by 50 percent due to strong travel restrictions in Europe due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Read more on TCN
11:25: INA donated HRK 250,000 each to the Infectious Diseases Clinic Dr. Fran Mihaljević and the Health Center of the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. Dr Ivo Pedisic Sisak General Hospital and the Red Cross received HRK 100,000 each. The Special Hospital for Chronic Pediatric Diseases in Gornja Bistra and the Croatian Institute for Emergency Medicine received HRK 50,000 each. Donations will be used to procure protective health equipment, medical supplies, disinfection devices and supplies, and medical equipment and devices needed to care for patients and to facilitate the organization of emergency services. The Rebro Pediatric Oncology Foundation received HRK 200,000 for equipment of pediatric hematology and oncology, and HRK 100,000 for the Pediatric Department at the Pula General Hospital. Also, INA donated HRK 50,000 to the Kamensko Association, which sews cotton masks for the Association of the Blind, DVD Selce, the homeless, users of kitchens and homes for the elderly, while the Technical School of Rudjer Boskovic from Vinkovci donated HRK 10,000 to make visors on 3D printers that the school will donate to Croatian hospitals.
In order to help repair the damage caused by the Zagreb earthquake, INA donated HRK 250,000 to the "Together for Zagreb" campaign and another HRK 100,000 to the Zagreb Children's Disease Clinic, Ina said.
11:23: One new case in Šibenik-Knin County.
11:23: In Virovitica still two infected, though it hasn't spread yet. Read more on Index
11:16: Bozinovic spoke about personal, driver and car registration. He said that he hoped that this would change in the future, and that the things that had been introduced during the pandemic would be implemented, concerning the use of the Internet when issuing various documents.
11:07: In order to increase the safety of citizens affected by the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Civil Protection Directorate, the Regional Office for Civil Protection Osijek, to control the implementation of measures by the Civil Protection HQ of the Republic of Croatia, implemented a central aerial surveillance system using drones. More on Index
10:59: Osijek Press Conference: 74 total coronavirus-positive. A total of 90 tests were done. 11 new positive results. 9 are from Osijek, one from Valpovo and one from Belišće. Two people do not know the source of the infection. It is a clear instruction to everyone that there is no movement. The situation is still serious. The virus can be obtained anywhere if you move too much.
"We received only one report of violating self-isolation measures and by our verification, we found that another person was not at the address they should be at," said the police chief.
10:59: Doctors reveal symptoms, treatment in Karlovac. More on Index
10:49: One entire Solin family infected: They accuse us, and the virus has spread at mass. More on Index
10:44: Bolt, the European platform for the provision of on-demand transport services, launches a delivery service in Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, Zadar and Dubrovnik as of Thursday. The Bolt Delivery service is designed for deliveries to be delivered on the same day, and even within just one hour, such as clothing, books, home supplies, game consoles, documents, etc.
10:32: Two new coronavirus cases have been identified in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County over the past day, with newly infected family members previously infected and in self-isolation, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported. More on Index
10:30: Details on new cases in Istria have been published. More on Index
10:20: A priest in Solin has revealed this morning that he had received a test and was positive. "I've been in isolation for a week with the effects of fever. Dalmacija Danas reported that a woman cleaning the church and four members of her family are also positive.
09:56: A press conference from Zadar is coming soon. There have been 39 (37 + 2) cases so far. 10 new cases in Zadar County, the number increased to 47 plus two people from Lika-Senj County. This is expected. We have 749 people under observation. The six new cases are from some in the Biograd hospital. Biograd is not quarantined because only five have been infected in Biograd, they have remained in other places in our county."
09:45: Health Minister Vili Beros gave a wide-ranging interview on television this morning. A TCN report.
09:37: Two newly diagnosed coronavirus cases were recorded in Istria. The total number of positive cases so far on COVID-19 is 74, of which two are deceased, according to Glas Istre.
08:10: Health Minister Vili Beros is currently giving a television interview on N1. Full story on TCN soon.
07:58: In coordination with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, the Government of the Republic of Croatia has provided commercial repatriation flights to Croatia Airlines to allow Croatian nationals temporarily in the Italy, Portugal, Spain and Sweden to return to Croatia, the government said this morning.
07:22: Dragan Primorac on Good Morning Croatia talked about wearing masks. "Masks retain droplets when we cough and speak. This is important in preventing the spread of the infection to others. It also helps to avoid touching the mouth and nose and thus prevents infecting ourselves as we constantly touch the face," he said. "It's hard to predict anything. The rise in temperature and humidity has an impact on the spread of the infection. And when will this be over, it's hard to say," said Primorac.
07:15: TCN has started a new series talking to expats in Croatia called Foreigner Self-Isolation in Croatia: Do You Feel Safer? In the first 24 hours, we have already published 11 excellent submissions from citizens of Mexico, USA, Singapore, Romania, Germany, UK , Spain and Argentina, with many more in the pipeline in the coming days. You can see them all on this link, and if you are a foreigner sitting this out in Croatia and would like to contribute, please see the submission guidelines under each interview.
07:14: At the following border crossings with Bosnia and Herzegovina traffic is suspended:At the following border crossings with Bosnia and Herzegovina traffic is suspended: Svilaj, Gejkovac, Pašin Potok, Bogovolja, Kordunski Ljeskovac, Lička Kaldrma, Bili Brig, Aržano Pazar, Dvorine, Cera, Jovića Most, Sebišina, Slivno, Podprolog, Unka, Vukov Klanac, Imotica, Slano, Hrvatska Dubica, Gabela Polje. The latest travel advice in English from HAK is here.
06:40: Index has updated the unemployment statistics - another 1,358 jobs lost yesterday.
06:35: Today's numbers will be announced at the regular 14:00 press conference.
06:30: Welcome to today's live feed. We start the day with 963 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 96 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 73 patients have recovered. A sixth person has died. 34 patients are on ventilators. There are 729 active cases.
UPDATES from April 1, 2020
19:59: Crisis Chief Maja Grba Buljevic said it was possible that if the virus disappeared during the summer, it could return in the fall or winter. Read more on Index
19:44: Two new hot spots have emerged. Markotic sent a message to Dalmatia.
Asked if there was room to panic, given that we recorded 96 new cases in 24 hours in Croatia, Markotic replied that "no panic was needed".
"Panic is somewhat negative, but it should be reasonable. We need to see where and why this larger number appeared. We have identified two things. A trip to Turkey and an increase in southern Croatia," Markotic said, reiterating her plea to citizens, especially now to those in the south, to comply with all precautionary measures.
"We cannot otherwise protect this system, which we have all been very good at protecting together so far," Markotic said, adding that a large number of people are "very smart and well" adhering to the measures.
18:47: In the afternoon, a result from Zagreb confirmed COVID 19 in a bank employee from Pozega who had returned from Turkey on March 16, 2020, and whose mother was admitted to the Pozega hospital on Monday for suspected coronavirus, which was confirmed, reports The mother is in hospital in Pozega for treatment while her daughter has been given 14-day isolation in the family home since she has not developed any symptoms so far and is feeling well. The results of bank colleagues are negative. The total number infected in Požega-Slavonia is 3.
18:10: Plenkovic, presenting new economic measures, said that he has a salary and a pension for March, and that "we will see further".
18:05: PM Plenkovic presents the second package of measures for the economy. The measures include write-offs and tax deferrals for businesses and workers' compensation of HRK 4,000. Read more on Index
17:45: Another employee of the Split Emergency has the coronavirus. It is the seventh emergency worker positive for the coronavirus.
17:18: Step-by-step instructions on how to get an e-pass issued. Read more on Index
16:40: After the second case of coronavirus infection in the Virovitica-Podravina County was confirmed on Wednesday, police from the local police have also announced additional controls within the county, asking citizens for help in identifying infected contacts.
15:50: Erste Bank announced that it has started implementing measures to ease the current situation for citizens and companies, and the measures relate to the temporary suspension of activation of compulsory payment instruments, deferral of loan repayment and new financing of businesses in the form of loans for liquidity and working capital.
"Based on the Government's conclusion and the recommendations of the Croatian National Bank, Erste Bank has adjusted its operations and started implementing measures aimed at helping citizens and businesses more easily overcome the negative impacts associated with the coronavirus epidemic or the aftermath of the Zagreb earthquake," the statement said.
15:45: After it was announced on Wednesday morning that two new cases of coronavirus infection were reported in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, two more cases have been confirmed this afternoon, and the number of patients in the county rose to 43
15:35: A man from the Slatina area posted a video on Facebook threatening riots after his self-isolation measure expires.
He was arrested yesterday, and after being questioned, he was released after receiving criminal charges for threatening behaviour. More on Index.
15:05: Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic to unveil a new package of economic assistance measures to counteract the impact of a coronavirus pandemic.
The presentation will take place at 5pm, at the Government Headquarters in Banski Dvori.
15:02: A girl from Istria lied about being a doctor and working at a hospital in Pula. She told people lies about the coronavirus. More on Index.
15:02: First case of coronavirus recorded in Makarska.
15:01: At a press conference, Capak commented on Croats who traveled to Turkey and became infected there.
15:00: A man from Istria urging people to violate the terms of the agreement in a Facebook group has received a criminal complaint.
14:30: Index has updated its daily chart of new cases.
14:26: Citizens are just as afraid of the coronavirus as they are about losing their jobs, according to a Hendal survey conducted on a representative sample of 500 people. Read more on Index
14:25: Retirees stood in front of the banks today, the banks sent them an important message.
The Croatian Banking Association (HUB) advised pensioners to make the most of cash withdrawals from ATMs on the day of payment of pensions, and to visit branches only if necessary.
In a statement, the HUB recalls that all banks in Croatia have temporarily suspended fees for cash withdrawal transactions by debit cards at ATMs outside their own ATM network, and ATMs are provided with sufficient cash and are available at all times.
14:24: Two border guards have the coronavirus. They were in contact with migrants. Read more on Index
14:16: Capak said that the curve is on a slight increase, today it has experienced a 'peak' and that they are not thinking about loosening the measures.
"The measures will be loosened when we have a few days in a row, likely 5 days in a row when we have a drop," said Capak.
14:15: As for violations of leaving the city of residence, more than 6700 attempts have been registered so far. The police did not impose penalties, except in some hundred cases because they had been subjected to self-isolation measures," said Minister Bozinovic.
14:12: Minister Beroš commented on the highest number of cases in one day and the increased number of tests.
"In Croatia, we are fortunate to have experts who have implemented a new testing system at the Infectious Diseases Clinic within a week. This knowledge and experience was passed on to regional centers and institutions such as the Croatian Health Institute and the Zagreb Public Health Institute, which provided testing. These are the circumstances that help us fight the infection.
In terms of growth, this means that the measures that are prescribed must be taken most seriously and acted upon accordingly. It is a guarantee that we will succeed. If we ignore the instructions due to good weather or results, our results may be worse. It is a good time to revisit what is needed, and that is to follow the instructions that the headquarters prescribe," said Beros.
14:10: E-passes will be used from April 6, said Davor Bozinovic.
14:09: For the time being, the Clinic has 18 patients on a ventilator, one of which is at ECMO. For now, most of those not on the ventilator are in good condition. For the most part, they are mild to moderate. We have a few patients on the border that will get worse, but there are also some where some improvement has been achieved on the ventilator. Positive cases in children are also slowly emerging, with a mild picture of the infection," said Alemka Markotic.
14:08: "We're in a good position right now. We don't know what stage of our game we are in. This should mean that there is no relaxation. We must continue to implement the measures strictly and act responsibly, as this is the best way to prevent the spread of infection.
Thank you for the support the staff receives. The whole nation is on the field playing the game against the coronavirus for the health of the nation. We need to follow the instructions," said Beros.
14:05: Head of the Croatian Health Institute Krunoslav Capak says that there 53 doctors, 6 pharmacists, 10 dentists, 44 nurses and technicians and 5 administrative staff in the health system have tested positive.
14:03: "If we look at the number of patients and the total number of patients tested, 12.52 percent have tested positive. At this point, there are still 6 fatalities, which means that in the last 72 hours, no one has died from the coronavirus. There are 34 patients on ventilators, while 73 have been recovered, six more than yesterday.
We currently have 1.5 deaths per million inhabitants. In Italy, it is 192, in Spain 175, in Sweden 18 deaths per million inhabitants. We are happy for now. This is not a reason to relax because it should not be. We continue to ask you to act responsibly," said Beros.
14:00: Health Minister Vili Beros reported 96 new cases in Croatia in the last 24 hours. So far, a total of 963 people are infected in the country, 7680 people have been tested.
13:57: The National Civil Protection Headquarters press conference begins at 2 pm
13:32: There are no coronavirus patients in Sisak-Moslavina County, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters, reports.
In the General Hospital "Dr. Ivo Pedisic" Sisak, in an isolation unit, three previously ill patients were accommodated, and 10 patients were undergoing home treatment. Currently, there are 13 proven positive patients in the county while two others have recovered. It was determined that two police officers from the so-called "corridor" a police formation.
13:26: In the area of Split-Dalmatia County, 29 more people are coronavirus-positive; from Split - 14 people, Solin - 6 people, Dugopolje - 3 people, Marina - 1 person, Hrvace - 1, Dugi Rat - 1 person, Makarska - 1 person, Imotski - 1 person and Kastela - 1 person. These are mainly people in self-isolation who have been in contact with previously confirmed patients.
On 1.4.2020 a total of 128 people are infected with coronavirus in the area of Split-Dalmatia County. All are infected with good general health. Of the total infected, 33 are healthcare professionals; of which from the Institute for Emergency Medicine - 7, NHIF - 3, Health Center - 1, KBC Split - 5, private pharmacies - 1, private dentists - 15 and private specialist offices - 1.
146 health professionals are in self-isolation and there are currently 8 people quarantined at the Zagreb Hotel. Currently, there are 2430 people in Split-Dalmatia County in self-isolation.
13:25: Varazdin County reported no new positive cases in the last 24 hours.
13:16: The County of Bjelovar-Bilogora is at the bottom of the Croatian counties in terms of the number of cases, with only 5 cases confirmed so far.
13:12: Chief of the Koprivnica-Križevci County HQ, Ratimir Ljubić, revealed today that there are four new cases in the county, bringing the total to 12. These four newly infected persons are contacts of previously infected persons from the county. Six people are being treated at the hospital and six are at home in quarantine. The first infected person will soon be released from the hospital, reports.
13:10: Head of the Civil Protection Headquarters of Krapina-Zagorje County Anđelko Ferek-Jambrek reports that there are 5 new coronavirus cases in the County, compared to yesterday.
"In the area of Krapina-Zagorje County, 65 people are positive for the coronavirus, including 53 with residence in the county. According to municipalities and cities, the current situation is: 30 positive people in the City of Pregrada, 14 people in the City of Krapina, 8 people in the area of Hum na Sutli Municipality, 4 persons in the Zabok area, 3 persons in the city of Oroslavje, 2 persons in the city of Donja Stubica, 1 person in the Jesenje Municipality and 1 person in the Radoboj Municipality," said Ferek-Jambrek
13:06: The first coronavirus case in the city of Makarska and the second in the Makarska Riviera have been confirmed today. According to information from Makarska today, a positive result was found in an employee of a public city company, who complained of symptoms last week. After that, the premises of the city-owned company were disinfected, and 15 employees had been self-isolated since that day.
13:03: The results found by all COVID-19 test subjects in the morning were negative. So far, 8 positive cases have been reported in Brod-Posavina County, of which one person has passed away, so that there are 7 positive patients in treatment in the separated units of the town's General Hospital.
12:55: In Vukovar-Srijem County there are a total of 14 cases. The case confirmed today is a doctor from a hospital in Vinkovci.
"Among these 14 people, 5 are health professionals, 3 are from primary health care and 2 are from Vinkovci County Hospital. Out of 14 patients, 8 come from 4 families with 2 patients and these are family contacts, which were the source of infection. Currently, 6 people are hospitalized in Vinkovci and none in Vukovar.
Out of 6 persons from Vinkovci County, 1 person is critical but is not on a ventilator, 2 people are stable and 3 people are weaker. One person was discharged from the hospital as a negative. So far, besides the sick, we have recorded 148 contacts that were put into self-isolation, of which 74 are health care workers and 5 are non-health care workers but employed in health care," said the director of the Institute of Public Health of the Vukovar-Srijem County, Kata Krešić.
12:45: According to the data of the Zagreb County Institute of Public Health in the area of Zagreb County, until Wednesday 01.04 by 11:00 a.m., 75 people had been confirmed coronavirus-positive, according to Zagreb County.
12:30: A second case has been confirmed in the Virovitica-Podravina County, a press conference by the County Civil Protection HQ said on Wednesday.
12:15: According to the data of the Epidemiological Service, 19 patients with coronavirus have been registered in Velika Gorica. That's two more than yesterday, according to the VG portal today, while awaiting total data for Zagreb County. The Headquarters announced that in a day or so, testing for the coronavirus could be done on a drive-in basis.
12:13: Oncology patients from Zagreb hospitals contacted Index after the Zagreb earthquake with information that they could no longer receive chemotherapy and radiation. According to the document we received today, Minister Beroš also requested comments on therapy. Read more on Index
12:10: After Karlovac, Zagreb and Dubrovnik get drive-in testing. As the director of the Public Health Institute of the Croatian National Tourist Board, Mato Lakic, answered the question of DuList today, 'drive-in' testing will be introduced in Dubrovnik. "We are doing training for 'drive-in' testing of the staff of the Dubrovnik Health Center in order to introduce this testing method here, and we are also in negotiations with the health centers of Korcula and Metkovic. to go with it," said Dr. Lakic.
11:54: There is one new case in Karlovac County, so the total number of cases is now 23.
11:39: There are no new patients in Istria County for 48 hours and there are 72 cases in total, 4 have been cured. There is one case under the age of 20, revealed the press conference.
11:19: In the area of Dubrovnik-Neretva, there are two new cases. Among them is a nurse. A total of 41 people are coronavirus-positive.
Director of OB Dubrovnik Marijo Bekic also addressed the press.
"We had a case of a patient from Metkovic who came to OB Dubrovnik yesterday, it was a misunderstanding, she will be ordered this morning. A total of 11 were hospitalized in OB Dubrovnik, two patients are in intensive care. One of them is positive for Covid 19, for the other we are still awaiting a result. It is about persons of average age 75. Three patients who are in Split remain unchanged. Furthermore, two staff members of OB Dubrovnik are positive. In addition to the case of the doctor we discussed earlier, there is one nurse, "said Bekic, who added that there are 14 nurses and six doctors in self-isolation, the Dubrovnik daily
11:15: The Voice of Entrepreneurs initiative on Wednesday estimated that the announced that the Croatian Government's second package for economic assistance, expected this week, is "very close to the list of ten requests" they sent to the Government ten days ago.
11:00: Osijek press conference on coronavirus. "I thank the media for passing on accurate information to citizens. We have new instructions for issuing passes to citizens who have land, vineyards, gardens, outside their city of residence. Passes will be issued to such. I can say that we are quite disciplined, expect a climax. We are doing a really good job, and together with all of you, I urge you to continue listening to our instructions," said Mayor Anusic.
"We have 63 people positive, an increase of 6 people. 5 were in self-isolation. Only 1 person living in Osijek, on the outskirts of the city is new. Her contacts are already being processed. There are 497 people in self-isolation."
10:56: Minister of Administration Ivan Malenica presents the e-Pass service within the Shared Services Center from 11 am, which connects the Ministry of the Interior, the Tax Administration, the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute (HZMO), the health system and the Civil Protection Headquarters.
10:27: In Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, there are three new cases, bringing the total to 49. All of the new cases were in contact within the family and were in self-isolation. Epidemiologists at PGZ do not have a single case of a person who does not know the source of the infection. Channel RI reminds that there are three women on ventilators at KBC Rijeka and according to the latest information, all three women, two from Pula and one from Rijeka, are stable.
10:21: "With the coordination of the HDZ, SDP, Živi zid, MOST and HNS councilors - the Liberal Democrats in the County Assembly of Karlovac County, it was agreed that the compensation of county councilors for March would focus on the procurement of protective equipment to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID -19) "The intention is to allocate the money thus collected to priorities in hospital health care facilities in the Karlovac County area that are currently functionally integrated," the Karlovac County website said.
10:13: Five new coronavirus cases have been reported in the Šibenik-Knin County, four of which are from the Murter area, the County Civil Protection Headquarters announced today. The total number infected in the county is now 29.
10:04: New data from Zadar. "There are 4 new cases this morning, bringing the total to 39 in the county. Today, a new pass is being introduced. All requests will be sent through the Headquarters."
656 people are in self-isolation. As of yesterday, 20 are new in self-isolation. There are no patients under 19 years old, ages 20 to 30 there are 6 patients, ages 30 to 40 three patients, ages 50 to 65 there are 15 patients, ages 65 to 80 six patients, and from 80 to 100 there are five patients.
There are 17 patients in the hospital, one patient is still in serious condition and undergoing intensive care. 62 health workers at Zadar General Hospital are in self-isolation.
10:03: Out of 16 samples sent for analysis on Monday, all are coronavirus negative (COVID-19). There are no new patients, and another person has been healed, the Istria County Civil Protection Headquarters reported on Wednesday morning. Another 63 samples were taken Tuesday for suspected coronavirus (COVID-19). The findings are expected today or tomorrow, reports Glas Istre.
9:50: AM METRO Cash & Carry Croatia will pay a reward of HRK 1,000 to all employees of its sales centers to thank them for their contribution and dedication during an emergency.
9:42: "The general measure was not to gather a large number of people in a public space.
Police watch in all cities, the problem occurred in Split, where two women protested loudly, and then a citizen came at the police. They were not reported for walking but for violating law and order. It is a measure about not gathering a large number of citizens in one place," Police Chief Nikola Milina told N1 television.
"The citizen treated by the police had absolutely no objection to the behavior of police officers," he added.
"I have not yet received a full internal control report. As I heard with the Chief of Internal Control, police officers have not acted against the rules of the profession. There is only verbal altercation between persons and police officers and police officers will be warned.
This was, in the beginning, a disparagement and disrespect for police officers who tried to monitor enforcement. There was no problem in any city, only this case in Split."
9:38: "There are no new patients in Nasice and all the tests, for which we have obtained results, are negative," said the director of the Nasice Simic General Hospital.
"The patient is well, now for the third day without temperature and we can say that the situation is stable. Lung inflammation is still present, but everything is under control and the oxygen is satisfactory. The other three positive patients are still well, they are self-isolation from this side, everything is under control, we have also received other samples of testing, patients and staff, and all of them are negative, which can really make us happy. A few more are still at home because their self-isolation period has not passed," Hrvoje Simic told
9:34: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Umag Mayor Vili Bassanese decided to halve the salary for himself and his deputies in the next three months, and 11 percent for all employees of city administration and city-owned institutions, i.e., to reduce pay from 4500 to 4000 kuna.
9:33: Instructions have been posted on as to who is eligible to receive a pass to go to the island. Read more on
9:25: Kaufland opened in Slavonski Brod, which closed yesterday because one employee was infected with the coronavirus.
9:13: Since they started monitoring on March 13, the Vukovar-Srijem Police Directorate has received a total of 167 reports of violating self-isolation measures, and identified 41 violations of self-isolation measures. Read more on Index
8:50 Head of HJZJ Krunoslav Capak appeared on Good Morning, Croatia on HRT. "No dramatic news is to be expected, we have reached a balance. In accordance with the epidemiological situation, we loosen or implement new measures. We are considering that people have their other needs, we will try to alleviate everything."
"The burden of diseases in the world is not related to infectious diseases. We have predominantly been dominated by chronic non-communicable diseases in the world. And the public health of the world is focused on those diseases. There is crucial importance to proper nutrition, weight, non-smoking. Now we have a different situation. Now the priority is this infectious disease.
Of course, getting fresh air is crucial to our health. But if we group together, if we have social contact, that is how the infection spreads. The only way we can prevent it from spreading is to not have these social contacts. It is clear to me that this is confusing. It is healthy to stay outside, but if you are not in social contact. Distract yourself, don’t socialize with people. Be by yourself or keep a distance of two meters. I'm not closing down Maksimir, Jarun, the parks, but you have to keep your distance. Walking with family members - it's impossible to maintain that social distance, and it's normal that if everyone is healthy, they can be together.”
8:44: The number of unemployed is exploding. Track the progress on Index
8:16: "The fact is that the number of cases is increasing and not exponential. But we must not relax. Experts say that for 5-7 days, we should have a downward trend so that we can say that the measures have reached the largest number of people. We are thinking about some things we could loosen, but we are not at that stage yet,” Bozinovic told HRT.
08:06: The Minister of Interior Davor Bozinovic has made s a guest appearance on HRT. "At this point, the only measure is social distancing and maintaining hygiene measures. There is no vaccine, no medicine, and prevention is the only effective response."
About the measures
"I think it has become obvious that the majority of citizens have understood the necessity of all these measures. There are, however, citizens who still underestimate it. They think that if they do not see the enemy there - a very wrong assumption which can be very costly globally. We see that there are a lot of breakthroughs in the healthcare system "
"The more restrictive each individual is, the less the institutions need to respond. The ideal scenario would be for everyone to adhere to the measures, but we know that is not the case."
About passes
"A presentation of the new e-pass will be held today, linking institutions relevant to the issuance of passes. In order to know at all times who was issued and to prevent self-isolation from traveling through Croatia and spreading the infection."
07:55: "It is difficult for believers to take measures taken against a pandemic, but if they were not related to religious gatherings, we would have to impose them on our own for the sake of faith and love for our neighbor," says Bishop of Dubrovnik Mato Uzinic answering Hina's questions about the consequences of those measures. on the spiritual life of believers.
07:29: The director of the Croatian Employers Association Davor Majetic made a guest appearance on Good Morning Croatia on HRT. "The first good measure was HRK 3250 for workers. Now 80 per cent of companies are not working. Once the headquarters says that we can work again, no one knows how many companies will be able to start their own business, "he said.
"We are asking for all expenses to be frozen during this hibernation. Activities are now being prepared for when we exit this coronavirus period. We then need to have deferred loans and some other measures to be able to function at all. We will have at least two years of this business corona ..." he added.
07:00: Index has updated the daily unemployment stats - another 1,019 jobs lost since yesterday.
06:45: So what is it like running a news portal in the corona era? TCN's Paul Bradbury with his thoughts in this video report for R+.
06:30: There are currently 867 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 77 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 67 patients have recovered. A sixth person has died. 32 patients are on ventilators. There are 729 active cases.
UPDATES from March 31, 2020
18:15: The civil protection headquarters of the City of Dubrovnik on Tuesday banned construction work on the islands for anyone who does not have permanent residence there, unless it is necessary for public works to protect the lives of citizens.
The decision was made after warnings and appeals from residents of the Elaphite Islands about the work on a hotel on the island of Kolocep..
Staff are reminded that the works themselves are not explicitly prohibited, but public transport in regular coastal shipping is an epidemic for people who do not have permanent residence on the islands.
17:02: Finance Minister Zdravko Maric said on Tuesday that the focus of another package of government measures to help the economy with coronaviruses would be to secure liquidity and safeguard jobs.
"In relation to the first set of measures, we still do not know the key variable: by which time this will all go together. However, the idea is in the wake of the measures we have taken so far - again, the focus is on securing liquidity and preserving jobs," he said. is Maric ahead of a meeting of coalition partners in government.
16:33: Police in Vrbovsko caught a 25-year-old man trying to get out of town with a forged pass.
16:20: As of Tuesday morning, the number of infectionsin the County of Brod-Posavina has increased by four, and so far eight people have been infected, including one woman, an oncological patient, said Chief of the Brod-Posavina County Civil Protection Staff Stjepan Bosnjakovic.
At a press conference, Ante Cvitkovic, director of the Brod-Posavina County Public Health Institute, said that the new patients are already known contacts. One person has traveled abroad, and three are close contacts of people who have been positive before. Two are middle-aged, one is older and one is younger, Cvitkovic said.
"The epidemiological processing of all contacts is continuing. When it comes to contacts of people who are positive, there are about eighty of them, but colleagues are also processing new cases, so we will see how many will be tomorrow morning. Another twenty negative findings have been received," he said. Cvitkovic and local broadcasts cannot be ruled out.
16:03: In the area of Virovitica-Podravina County, the first case of a coronavirus infected has been confirmed, a press conference of the County Civil Protection Headquarters said on Tuesday.
"This is a middle-aged female currently under quarantine. Her condition is stable, she has a slight clinical picture. The epidemiology profession has taken all the usual measures, which means that we have detected all its contacts," said the director of the Institute of Public Health, epidemiologist Miroslav Venus.
16:02: The Municipality of Omisalj becomes the first municipality in Croatia with a completely transparent budget. More on Index.
15:38: Joining the initiative from the Voice of Entrepreneurs, Young Restaurateurs of Europe (JRE) Croatia, which brings together 14 reputable restaurants, including 4 Michelin-starred, has publicly expressed the need and necessity for effective economic measures to preserve jobs and reduce economic impact. crises caused by the virus.
15:30: Self-isolation violations have been identified, with more than 3,000 reported, Interior Minister and Head of the National Civil Protection Headquarters Davor Bozinovic reported on Tuesday.
15:15: Another coronavirus-infected person in Požega-Slavonia County is an elderly woman who was admitted to a hospital in Pozega yesterday, and is the mother of a daughter who was on a trip to Turkey, Mayor Alojz Tomasevic confirmed at a press conference at the County Civil Protection Headquarters on Tuesday.
An elderly patient confirmed to be infected with coronavirus was admitted to a hospital in Pozega on Monday. "The person did not leave anywhere. She was in contact with her daughter, who was traveling in Turkey from March 9 to March 16 and who showed no signs of illness," Tomasevic said.
14:50: In Karlovac County for the second day in a row there are no new cases, so from the County Civil Protection Headquarters on Tuesday they praised the citizens for adhering to the protective measures, because in order to beat the virus, it is important to stop the rapid growth of the number of patients.
Otherwise, a total of 22 people have been infected in the county so far, one of whom has died, nine in Karlovac hospital, two in Zagreb and ten being treated at home.
14:25: Alemka Markotic said that we now have some more severely ill and respiratory patients. "This is expected, and we have more people with chronic illnesses and older people. There are currently no critical ones on the respirator, but these are conditions that can change in a short time. We hope they can still overcome this crisis and recover," she said.
Berosh went on to say that this was a new disease and that we were just learning about it. "We have formed a team of employees to keep track of all the new developments. The overall health status in Croatia is in line with everything we know before. There is no mutation in the virus among our population," he said.
14:15: Alemka Markotic commented on the impact of antimalarials on treatment. "There is information that there may be benefits, but there is no clear information on this. There are various ideas constantly coming up that could be used, the pressure is to start using biological drugs, one has to be very careful because they affect the immune system. No new news about the vaccine, ”she said.
"Information is emerging that there is stigmatization of the sick and people in self-isolation. This must not happen. We can all become infected. Patients have their rights. When they are ill, they need to be helped by the whole environment so that they can recover as soon as possible.
As for the age structure of the infected, it has not changed from the beginning. "We have 41 people under the age of 20, 101 who are over the age of 70, 50 to 59 is the most common age structure and 40 to 49 after that," Capak said.
When asked how many nurses are in self-isolation, Capak said: 50 doctors are positive, 10 dentists, 41 nurses, 5 pharmacists and 7 administrative staff. 1200 people are in self-isolation in the healthcare system.
14:07: There are currently 867 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 77 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 67 patients have recovered. A sixth person has died. 32 patients are on ventilators. There are 729 active cases.
There are no new deaths.
Krunoslav Capak reported that a post-earthquake analysis was conducted. "The trend of newcomers shows a slight upward trend," Capak said.
Minister Bozinovic said that she had sent the staff instructions on the implementation of measures related to agriculture. "Garden centers and nurseries selling agricultural materials can operate with the obligation to respect the shop opening hours and with all protection measures," he said.
"Nobody is left alone in this trouble, not even Zagreb. Firefighters from 10 cities have come to help Zagreb firefighters and will remain there until April 7. I thank them," Bozinovic added. Seven police officers have confirmed a coronavirus, Bozinovic said.
"As for the violation of self-isolation, 970 cases were identified and there were over 3000 reports," the minister added.
"You could hear Minister Malenica's address this morning explaining the system we are testing. It is a networked system where, in a simplified way, passes will be issued electronically for leaving cities. Now, issuing will start that way," Bozinovic said.
13:39: So far, 15 people have contracted the COVID-19 disease in Sisak-Moslavina County. Two people were completely healed, had two consecutive negative lab findings and were discharged home. At the hospital, there are three patients in the isolation unit and 10 patients undergoing home treatment. So there are currently 13 proven positive patients.
13:35: "We are informing the public that two new cases of COVID-19 infection caused by coronavirus have been reported in the area of Koprivnica-Križevci County. These are contacts of previously positive persons with coronavirus, persons of good health with milder symptoms and under medical supervision. This has increased the number of coronavirus infected people in the county to a total of eight cases.
So far, 109 samples have been sent for epidemiological and infectological examination, of which only eight are positive, confirming that the epidemiological picture of the County of Koprivnica-Križevci is still very good and that all contacts of infected persons are timely registered and placed under adequate health surveillance, "the county reported.
13:35: The number of newly infected coronaviruses has not increased in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County since last Saturday. There are still 5 cases of infection in the county, with two in Čazma and 3 in the town of Bjelovar, the county said.
13:33: For the second consecutive day in Karlovac County there are no new patients, which means that the number of cases in Karlovac County is still 22. Zagreb. A total of 207 people were tested. "It is important to note that the situation in all three hospitals in the Karlovac County area is stable, which shows the high conscientiousness and discipline of our citizens. For example, there were 50 examinations at Karlovac General Hospital yesterday, 46 in Ogulin," Karlovac County press conference announced.
13:18: The picture so far, or at least part of it. Official numbers coming at 14:00 press conference.
Zadar County - 5 new. Total 33
Lika-Senj - 2 new. Total 3
Dubrovnik-Neretva - 5 new. Total 39
Osijek-Baranja - 11 new. Total 57
Vukovar-Srijem - 2 new. Total 13
Istarska - 0 infected. Total 72
Primorsko-goranska - 7 new. Total 46
Šibenik-Knin - 1 new. Total 25
Split-Dalmatia - 9 new. Total 97
Posavina - 4 new. Total 8
Virovitica-Podravina - 1 new. Total 1
Varaždin County - 0 new. Total 24
Krapina-Zagorje - 5 new. Total 60
Zagreb County - 2 new. Total 65
Međimurje - 0 new. Total 2
Požega-Slavonia - 1 new. Total 2
Karlovac - 0 new. Total 22
Bjelovar-Bilogora - 0 new. Total 5
Koprivnica-Križevci - 2 new. Total 8
Sisak-Moslavina - 1 new. Total 15
13:17: The Civil Protection Headquarters of Požega-Slavonia County announced that we have one new infected person. They have a total of 2 cases in the county.
12:51: Coronvirus testing in your car has been introduced in Zagreb. More on Index.
12:50: There are no coronavirus infected in the Međimurje County and only two people who remain in the hospital are still infected and their health status is stable, Mayor Matija Posavec said at a press conference.
12:46: According to the data of the Zagreb County Institute of Public Health in Zagreb County on Tuesday 31.03. by 11:00 am, 65 people had been diagnosed with the disease caused by the new coronavirus. Compared to yesterday, there are 2 more people. The Zagreb County Institute of Public Health has 8 outlets in its area, which are visible below. Each outlet processes data for the city headquarters of the outlet and surrounding municipalities. The Sveta Nedelja is the only town that does not have its own branch office, but the data are processed at the Samobor Branch, Zagreb County said.
12:30: A total of 60 coronavirus infected persons were recorded in the Krapina-Zagorje County area on March 31, 2020 at 10:00 am. Compared to yesterday's press conference of the Civil Protection Headquarters and the County of Krapina-Zagorje County, 5 new coronavirus positive individuals were recorded. Newly registered persons come from the City of Pregrada (4) and the Municipality of Radoboj (1), the County announced.
12:26: No new cases of coronavirus infection have been recorded in the County of Varaždin in the last 24 hours, leaving the total number of patients still at24. The total number of people who recovered also remained unchanged, namely six. There are 18 people at the Varaždin General Hospital for treatment. All people undergoing treatment are currently in good general condition, Varaždin County reported
12:25: Today, a press conference of the Civil Protection Headquarters of Brod-Posavina County confirmed four new cases. In Brod-Posavina County, there are a total of 8 infected persons, while 7 of them are active.
12:02: Split just has a cut. Today, until 11 o'clock in the counties there are 9 new patients, seven from Split, 1 from Solin and 1 from Sinj. So far, four young children and 29 healthcare professionals have been infected. A total of 2415 people are in self-isolation. 31 patients are in a hospital in Split, five on a respirator in serious clinical condition. They are from Sibenik and Dubrovnik.
12:00: A logistics center has been set up in Jastrebarsko in the warehouses of the Civil Protection Directorate for the distribution of protective equipment for all users in the Republic of Croatia who implement health protection measures against COVID-19. During this day, regional civil protection headquarters have organized transport to move equipment from Jastrebarsko to hospitals, health centers, public health services, emergency medical services, police, sanitary inspection, armed forces and all operational civil protection forces in the field.
11:52: GEN-I will reduce the price of electricity for all its household customers for a period of three months, the company said. "As the first electricity supplier in Croatia, we are reducing prices at a time when many households are in a difficult situation. We hope that our example will lead to all businessmen who are able to do this today, not only in the energy sector. Now is not the time for pursuing profit and self-interest, but for solidarity, "said Dr. Robert Golob, CEO of GEN-I.
11:37: Another person infected has been registered in the Šibenik-Knin County. The total number thus rose to 25.
11:30: In accordance with the recommendations of the Croatian National Bank, a contactless payment of up to HRK 250 is possible in the Lidl retail chain as of March 31, instead of the previous HRK 100. Customers will be able to make payments without a PIN up to HRK 250 with the cards of all banks. The decision was made to reduce the chances of infection with coronavirus, and taking into account the advice of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia and the Institute of Public Health, which include minimizing movement and contact, and avoiding touching objects and surfaces exposed to the virus, said Lidl.
11:27: In the County of Primorje-Gorski Kotar, there are 7 new cases, which isa total of 46 cases, reports Channel RI. A large part of the newly infected are from Opatija. Of the seven new patients, three are foreign nationals.
11:25: Two new cases have been confirmed in the Novalja area, which is the third case in Lika-Senj County, confirmed the Chief of Civil Protection Vice Nekic. According to initial information, these are two elderly people, and their health status will be known later, Nekic said.
He also said that the Headquarters is working on general coordination with the national headquarters and with the local headquarters in cities and municipalities and that all measures against the spread of the new coronavirus are being implemented. In the County of Lika-Senj, the first case of infection was on the 20th of this month, when a young man from Senj fell ill but developed a milder dose.
The Constitutional Court announced that it is closely monitoring everything that the competent authorities do to combat the coronavirus pandemic and that there is no need at this time to act "within the meaning of its constitutional powers". More on Index.
11:23: Preserving the liquidity of businesses, retaining jobs or jobs, securing the supply chain and tax breaks are some of the measures needed to help the economy in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic, the American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia (AmCham) announced.
11:13: Regional Express reports that there are no newborns in Istria this morning. Data will be released throughout the day.
11:08: There are 5 new infected in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County which makes a total of 39 cases.
11:02: In Osijek-Baranja County, there are 10 new positives. That's a total of 52 cases. As of yesterday, there is another patient on the respirator as well as the first medical practitioner to be positive. There are two positive coronavirus cases in the police department and 18 in self-isolation.
10:50: Two more coronavirus positive in Vukovar-Srijem County, bringing the total to 13.
Public Notary Offices will work with emergency cases from 9 a.m. to 12 noon during the coronavirus epidemic, and will also communicate with them via telephone, email and communication applications, the Croatian Notary Chamber said Tuesday.
10:36: Thanks to reports from citizens, the Istrian police have identified four new cases of violations of self-isolation, two in the area of Umag and one each in the area of Pula and Porec, and a total of 60 violations and measures to protect against the spread of the epidemic have so far been recorded in the county.
10:00: "There are five new cases related to the Biograd Hospital in the county and two are from Lika-Senj County, they had been traveling to Turkey. A total of 33 have been infected in the county.
The two from the County of Lika-Senj are a married couple. As for the five new ones related to the Biograd Orthopedic Hospital, it is about one doctor, one patient and their contacts. There is still no local transmission in Biograd, so there is no need for quarantine, they said at the cross-section.
The age range of infected in the county ranges from 19 years to 82 years.
10:10: Zadar County - 5 new. Total 33
Lika-Senj - 2 new. Total 3
10:00: Zadar press conference
09:30: The headquarters of Split-Dalmatia County have announced a press conference at midday.
09:30: Capak said 44 doctors and 10 dentists were infected and about a thousand health workers were in isolation.
09:20: Krunoslav Capak answers questions about coronavirus. More on Index.
08:54: The Croatian Employers Association, which claims to be an independent association that promotes the entrepreneurial spirit, has established the HUP-Coordination of Non-Food Trade and Shopping Centers. According to their statement, the retail and wholesale sector in the Republic of Croatia employs almost 207,000 people, 90,000 of whom are employed in the non-food trade and another 30,000 in the non-food trade activities, such as supply, maintenance, cleaning, advertising and a number of others. The Coordination proposes that Jurica Lovrinčević, CEO of Pevex, be appointed to the Crisis Headquarters for the Economy of the Government of the Republic of Croatia as a representative of the non-food trade and shopping centers directly and indirectly employing more than 130,000 employees, which is almost 10% of the total employment in the Republic of Croatia. More on Index.
08:17: Beros: Our destiny is in our hands
"We have introduced measures for self-protection of citizens early on and we are glad that citizens are respecting the measures. That is why our curve of increasing patients is still linear," the minister said, saying that "our destiny is in our hands".
'' If we act responsibly, the number of people who are ill may decrease from day to day. It's all up to us, to me, to all of us,'' the health minister said.
08:15: "Croatia has been monitoring the situation in Italy from the beginning, and we started prevention even before the virus came to Croatia," Nela Srsen said, reporting from Italy for HRT. She said they did not take the situation seriously enough in Italy. "Some countries have results that, according to all other experts, are not credible. Italy has a fairly old population. 60 percent of mortality is among patients with three pathologies and more. "Each country has its own statistics," she said when asked if people were dying from coronavirus or coronavirus added to an underlying cause. "This is a great lesson not only for Italians, but for humanity," she said.
08:00: Making Science Sexy: Igor Rudan's Incredible Video Series: Survival, the Story of Global Health (TCN article)
07:45: Today's numbers will be updated at the 14:00 press conference, the new regular time for daily updates. We will update this feed with the latest news as soon as we can after that.
07:30: The show "Good Morning Croatia" hosted the Head of the Crisis Headquarters of the Ministry of Health Maja Grba-Bujević. She said they were getting their first information at 8 a.m. and that no information about new infections was available now.
"It's hard to say if we are on the cusp of the epidemic. I'd say we haven't reached it yet, but we seem to be heading in the right direction," she said.
"If you have been in contact with an infected person, your family doctor should be contacted by telephone. He will refer you further to COVID testing centres, where you will be examined. Tests if necessary are already to be done in these dispensaries," said Grba-Bujevic. "This is a dangerous thing, this is an epidemic. There is no room for violations. They have been introduced for the benefit of all of us," she said of violators of self-isolation.
"If some have been in contact with more people, do not bring clothes into the apartment, indoors, shoes should also not enter the house. As for food, there is no great need, do not overdo it and put food in, say, a microwave. . Masks, ok, if you feel good about it ... There are patients who have to go to therapies to the hospital, let these people wear masks .. I saw a woman walking a dog with a mask on its face, it really doesn't make sense, "she advised Dr. Grba-Bujevic.
We were pleased with yesterday's data, there were 12 more recovered than the day before, we did not have the worst outcomes, which is a great pleasure. "We think we had a very good epidemiological day yesterday," she said. She believes that we are well on our way if we continue to adhere to the measures.
07:30: Index has updated the daily new unemployment figures - 1,153 more job losses yesterday.
07:00: A behind the scenes look at Croatia's response to the double disasters of the Zagreb earthquake and coronavirus, as Robert Tomic Zuber follows PM Plenkovic and Health Minister Beros in the latest Al Jazeera Balkans episode of Revizija.
)6:45: TCN's Joe Orovic on How Did Murter Get Coronavirus?
06:30: Welcome to today's live update. There are currently 790 officially confirmed Croatia COVID-19 cases and 77 new cases since yesterday afternoon. 64 patients have recovered. A sixth person has died. 27 patients are on ventilators. There are 729 active cases.
UPDATES from March 30, 2020
17:40: Due to the coronavirus situation, measures will not be taken against foreigners prescribed by the Aliens Act, the police said in a statement. (More on Index)
"Due to the current situation caused by the new coronavirus, a certain number of foreigners on a short stay (stay up to a maximum of 90 days for a period of 180 days) are unable to leave the Republic of Croatia for objective reasons within the time limit prescribed by the Schengen Borders Code."
17:15: Some TCN articles today so far:
Sisak Hospital First in Croatia to Fight Coronavirus with Robots
UNICEF Delivers 4 Tonnes of Protective and Medical Equipment to Croatia
New Economic Measures Will Be Comprehensive and Robust
17:00: Health equipment (protective masks, gowns and goggles) have been sent to Split from a distribution center in Jastrebarsko, which recently arrived in Croatia from China, Split-Dalmatia Prefect Blazenko Boban reported.
"This equipment came from China thanks to the Government of the Republic of Croatia, and today 55,000 surgical masks, 13,400 FS P2 masks, 4,050 surgical robes and 1360 safety glasses were sent to our county," Boban told Radio Split.
He pointed out that this equipment will be sufficient for the time being and will be distributed primarily to health institutions in the county - Clinical Hospital Center, Ambulance Service, Public Health Institute, Health Center.
"We will leave something for the operating units - the police, the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, firefighters and private concessionaire physicians. County and private pharmacies will get their share," Boban said.
16:36: There are still no coronavirus cases in one Croatian county. Namely, Virovitica-Podravina County does have any infections. To date, 38 tests have been made, 33 tests have been negative, and five are awaiting results, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported today, noting that entry into the Virovitica hospital area will be tightened further.
16:35: Bozinovic commented on the arrest of two Split women, one of whom is a journalist.
"We are aware that each individual perceives measures differently. The police have their own instruments; they have internal controls. The police here are an institution we can rely on, which also visits the streets and markets and places of public gathering, and when it sees a larger group gathering, the police will give a warning. Not to train rigor, but to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. At this point, six police officers are positive for the coronavirus. No one has to worry about the police complying with the law because it does, and if we find that someone acted contrary to the law, they will be sanctioned," Bozinovic said.
Read more on Index
16:20: Croatian Radio and Television (HRT) posted on its Facebook profile HRT Vijesti on Saturday, March 28, calling for citizens to donate to the Croatian government due to the coronavirus pandemic. They called it "ACTION 'Croatia against the Coronavirus'".
Recall that citizens of the Republic of Croatia pay at least HRK 23 billion annually for public health.
16:15: The Faculty of Organization and Informatics of the University of Zagreb (FOI) has joined the action of 3D printing visors for the protection of medical staff, coordinated at the national level by the Croatian Student Union.
16:00: Split-Dalmatia County Headquarters reports that ten new cases of the coronavirus have been reported. Now 91 people are infected in this County.
15:04: Index added a map of the number of cases by day
14:45: Krunoslav Capak explained what would happen if 1000 people came out of self-isolation. You can read more on Index
14:15: Krunoslav Capak justified his statement yesterday that the measures will last until early June.
"I made my personal assessment yesterday about when I think that the measures may be terminated. This may be wrong, the measures may be terminated earlier and maybe later. That was my assessment. That is an assessment of several of us," said Capak.
"The few of us talking have concluded that the beginning of June is a date when they may have a more favorable picture. This is purely a personal assessment," Capak said.
14:14: reports:
"A total of 790 people infected with coronavirus was recorded on Monday in Croatia. 64 people recovered. Six deaths have been recorded. 6404 tests have been conducted." Read more on
14:05: There are 77 new cases in Croatia, bringing the total to 790.
"We have 77 new patients from 1 pm yesterday. There are a total of 790 patients. 6404 tests done. 6 people have died, 27 are on ventilators. 64 have recovered, which is 12 more than yesterday," Beros said.
14:00: In the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, 37 people are coronavirus-positive, and as of yesterday, one person had contracted the disease, two had recovered and two who were on ventilators were in a stable condition, the press conference revealed.
13:50: Vilim Ribic, president of the Matice Union, replied to Gordana Deranji, head of the HUP.
Gordana Deranja, president of the Croatian Employers Association, critically recalled a few days ago the views of public sector unionist Vilim Ribic regarding the approach to solving the private sector economic problems related to the coronavirus pandemic, and told him that he would not allow 150,000 jobs in the private sector to disappear again.
Ribic responded to her in a statement today. Read more on Index
13:54: Koprivnica-Križevci County Chief of HQ Ratimir Ljubić announced three more cases in the county, bringing the total to six cases. "The news is not good, we have three positive citizens. The number is not small, but the situation is stable. At this moment, 639 are in self-isolation, of which 38 were direct contacts," said Ljubić.
13:48: The press conference of the National Civil Protection Headquarters is scheduled at 2 pm to provide the latest information on coronavirus in Croatia. Yesterday, 713 people were coronavirus-positive. Six people have died.
13:40: Deutsche Welle journalist Andrea Jung-Grimm wrote about her journey home to Bonn from Istria. Read more on Index
13:16: According to a report from Zagreb County, one baby was born last night in an ambulance outside Mercury Hospital. Read more on Index
13:10: The Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) has launched a tender worth HRK 14 million to fund research into infectious diseases caused by the coronavirus, as well as research into the social aspects of the pandemic and its impact on the education system.
"In the extraordinary, and for all aspects of society, challenging circumstances caused by the COVID-19 virus, the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), as part of its mission, and with funding from the Ministry of Science and Education, supports research groups that can contribute to addressing the biggest research challenges currently facing the global coronavirus pandemic, with the aim of saving lives and preserving the health and well-being of the population in the Republic of Croatia," the Ministry of Science and Education said in a statement.
13:06: The Diocese of Sisak has donated a respirator worth almost 190,000 kuna to Dr. Ivo Pedisic General Hospital to assist medical staff in the fight against the coronavirus.
13:05: By decision of the Mayor of Rijeka Vojko Obersnel, due to the suspension of kindergarten and primary school teaching, from 16 March 2020, the City of Rijeka exempts parents/guardians from paying for kindergarten services and extended and full-day primary schools for children. Those who do not attend these programs will only pay for the days when children use the service, the city of Rijeka said.
13:04: Croatia Airlines' entire flight schedule is currently reduced to flights from Zagreb to Frankfurt, Brussels, Amsterdam and London due to the coronavirus pandemic, the airline said.
12:58: Two new cases in Dubrovnik-Neretva County today, bringing the total to 34, announced the County Civil Protection HQ.
12:57: Health officials announced on Sunday that 1,228 coronavirus-infected patients have died in the UK. By Sunday morning, a total of 127,737 people had been tested, 19,522 of whom were coronavirus positive.
12:36: There are no new cases in Šibenik-Knin County so far. The total number of cases is 24.
12:34: There are no new cases in Karlovac County today, keeping the total at 21.
12:33: A New York Croat, Aleksandar Bulajic from Pula, spoke to Glas Istre from the focus of the pandemic in the US and briefly described the current state of affairs in the state of New York. Read more on Index
12:23: Vukovar-Srijem County counts one more coronavirus-positive person since yesterday. As of Monday, there are ten in total. The newest case is a doctor who was hospitalized, the County Headquarters reported.
12:18: In Zagreb County, another person is coronavirus-positive, bringing the number to 63, the County announced today.
12:06: In the Krapina-Zagorje County area, five new cases were recorded, bringing the total to 55, the press conference revealed.
11:48: PIK Vinkovci has invited small farmers to apply for the purchase of their products, which will be marketed to Konzum, the company announced.
11:45: In the area of Varaždin County, two people are newly infected. There are 24 in total
11:41: There are no new cases in Međimurje County. In Međimurje County, where two positive cases were confirmed last week, all health care facilities are undergoing intensive work, and a new organization has been introduced to separate COVID-19 dispensaries, county officials said Monday.
11:32: The town of Sinj announced that they still have one new infected person.
"Since the latest information received by the Civilian Protection Headquarters of the City of Sinj this morning at 9:00 am regarding the situation regarding the occurrence of new patients in the City of Sinj, In the meantime, new information has been received. hours, and according to the Headquarters, they update through local epidemiologists or other sources as they come from the field, that is, they come from testing institutions.
Therefore, according to the information subsequently provided by the CZ Headquarters of the City of Sinj, from the County Civil Protection Headquarters, a new case of coronavirus emergence was confirmed in the Sinj area, so that the total number of infected currently climbed to four of our fellow citizens. Other information will be notified to the public in a timely manner as this information arrives at the HQ, "Sinja announced on its official website.
11:24: The president of the Croatian Banking Association, Zdenko Adrovic, spoke to HRT about a state guarantee scheme that allows banks to defer repayment of loans to households at risk of a coronavirus epidemic. More on Index.
11:23: There are two new infected people in the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, which means that there are 34 cases in total.
11:19: Two Banovina employees are infected in Split. "Two of our colleagues, after mild symptoms of the disease over the weekend, were tested and found positive on COVID-19. I have a duty to inform you about it. Our colleagues are well, I heard from them, and everything in this kind of epidemiology has been undertaken situations may need to be taken. It is possible that some of us will be contacted by the epidemiological service," Split Mayor Opstara Opara told Dalmacija Danas.
11:15: "According to data available in the Sinj area for the sixth consecutive day, and in fact, seven days after the first cases of infection occurred - there are no new cases. The number of patients still remains on three, and they are stable. They are in daily contact with the area epidemiologist, and the epidemiological situation in the field is actively and promptly monitored. for the life and work of the citizens of the City of Sinj. New information will be provided to the public in a timely manner," the Sinj headquarters announced in an announcement on the official website of the City. However, about an hour ago, from the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Split-Dalmatia County, they sent a statement stating that there were 10 coronavirus patients in the Split-Dalmatia County: 5 in Solin, 2 in Split, 2 in Dugi Rat and Sinj 1.
11:09: The Osijek-Baranja Police Directorate has 1 police officer positive and 11 in self-isolation.
10:59: What will travel and tourism look like after the coronavirus pandemic? Some predictions and answers to this question are given by Zoran Pejovic of Paradox Hospitality, a hotel management consulting firm in Split. His thoughts are transmitted by Total Croatia News, which brings news from Croatia in English. Index version. TCN version.
10:50: As confirmed by the Brod-Posavina County Civil Protection Headquarters today, another person has been infected with coronavirus in that county. It is the fourth person in that county.
10:34: In Split-Dalmatia County, there are 10 new cases: Solin 5 Split 2, Dugi Rat 2 and Sinj 1. The general health of the patients is stable. In total, there are currently 81 coronavirus positive people in Split-Dalmatia County; of these, 26 are healthcare professionals. At the moment, a total of 128 health professionals are in self-isolation, the headquarters reported.
10:30: Three more cases have been reported in Istria, the Istria County Civil Protection Headquarters reported.
10:25: Press conference of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County begins. "There were no new cases over the weekend, there is one more this morning. I believe this ban will produce results," Komadina said. There are a total of 37 cases, 2 people have recovered in the area of PGZ.
10:00: The Zadar Headquarters Conference begins.
"As of Friday, we have 7 newly infected people. Which is a total of 28 at the county level. A hospital in Biograd was disinfected yesterday morning. The National Headquarters sent us equipment, masks, gowns and goggles."
"878 people are in self-isolation, 784 have expired self-isolation, and as of yesterday, 110 new people in self-isolation. Of the 28 infected, 16 are affiliated with the Biograd Hospital: 6 patients and their contacts and 4 health professionals and their contacts."
One patient is in the intensive care unit and her condition is difficult. Two doctors are positive in Zadar hospital. In total, 26 doctors and 31 nurses at the Zadar hospital and 4 non-medical staff are in self-isolation.
In the last 24 hours, there were violations of self-isolation measures by 4 persons, 5 detentions and warnings due to people being on the street. 71 people did not have a valid pass and were returned from police checkpoints in the county.
A Zadar pediatrician has been tested twice and is negative, but it must remain in isolation for 14 days.
09:38: A 10 am press conference of the Zadar headquarters is scheduled.
09:36: A press conference will be held in Varaždin on the functioning of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the City of Varaždin and the implementation of new infection control measures.
09:30: Boris Vujcic: Croatia Will Spend €17 Billion in Reserves in Event of Escalation (TCN Article)
09:27: Mate Rimac comments on the situation at Rimac Automobili during the coronavirus pandemic. More on Index.
09:00: Pulmonologist Sasa Sric told N1 television that he believes that Croatia will avoid the Italian scenario because in Croatia coronavirus did not enter the health care system as it did in Italy and because our citizens started to respect the stricter measures unlike Italians who still do not respect them today.
"It is certain that the measures will be extended. Maybe until June, as announced by the headquarters. The hardest period is coming over the next three weeks. It is not a time for panic, it is a time for responsibility and caution," Srić said.
09:00: Today's press conference will be at 14;00, which will be the new daily time. New numbers will be announced then.
08:40: Zagreb Software Company Aids Scientists with Virus Spread Simulation (TCN article)
08:30: Employers' Association Demands New Measures to Save Croatian Economy (TCN article)
08:20: Epidemiologist Kaić, in an interview on HRT, commented on the arrival of an infected man at a hospital in Pula for examination. He said that, as far as he knows, the man had pneumonia and was therefore sent for X-rays. He adds that it will happen that people come to health facilities without knowing they are infected.He said that, as far as he knows, the man had pneumonia and was therefore sent for X-rays. He adds that it will happen that people come to health facilities without knowing they are infected.
He also said that it was not known how contagious those who had no symptoms were, and are infected. "It's still a mystery," he said.
"Restrictions on movement should be maximized," Kaić said.
07:53: In total, 69 people have been infected in Istria and two have died. As of yesterday, Istria has its first recovery - rumoured to be a man from Labin. Momjan and Nova Vas, each with one case, are new Istrian sites on the coronavirus infected map since yesterday, reports Glas Istre.
07:48: Krapina-Zagorje County Civil Protection Headquarters announced that it will publish new data on the situation in the county at 11 am.
07:39: Police Chief Nikola Milina told HRT this morning that five police officers have been infected so far, 104 are in isolation. He added that 35 of them have come out of self-isolation.
07:15: Mate Rimac posted on his Facebook profile that Xiangyang is sending 20,000 masks to the Croatian Red Cross.
07:10: We are delighted to welcome back Joe Orovic to TCN. Currently living on the island of Iz but with roots in New York, Joe's first piece since his return is a must-read - Did I Just Recover From The Coronavirus?
07:07: There is now an official Koronavirus YouTube channel, where you can see yesterday's press conference.
07:05: A look at those all-important curves.
07:00: Welcome to tdoay's live updates on the COVID-19 situation in Croatia. We start the day with official numbers of 713 cases (Index is reporting 715), 6 fatalities, 52 recoveries, with 26 patients on respirators. The new numbers are expected at the press conference at 14:00.
UPDATES FROM March 29, 2020
21:18: Numerous citizens across Croatia have responded to calls from social networks to go out to windows and balconies at 8pm and to sing and play the song "My Homeland" in honor of all services dealing with coronavirus and earthquake.
21:00: A man from the Vukovar area who returned from abroad a week ago has tested positive for coronavirus, the Vukovar-Srijem County Civil Protection Headquarters reported.
They state that the sick person is feeling well, has mild symptoms, has been in self-isolation and has not been in contact with other persons for the past week.
Epidemiological processing is ongoing and due to mild symptoms, the person remains in isolation, according to the headquarters, adding that he is the ninth person to be infected with a coronavirus in Vukovar-Srijem County.
20:12: A charter jet departed for Istanbul from Zagreb on 9 March. It carried 167 passengers from all over Croatia.
Passengers returned a week later, March 16, on a combined flight from Antalya to Zagreb. A few days later, it appeared that a portion of the passengers were infected with the coronavirus, More from 24 Sata.
19:52: "There are no newly infected persons in the area of Split-Dalmatia County since the 6 newly infected coronaviruses in the rest of the day. A total of 71 people are positive for coronavirus in Split-Dalmatia County: Split, 52, Solin 5, Kastela 3, Sinj 3, Podstrana 3, Vrlika 1, Hvar 1, Dugi Rat 1, Brela 1 and Hrvaca 1 ", Split Headquarters reported.
19:42: HZJZ Director Krunoslav Capak said he expects the coronavirus situation could calm down in early June. More on Index.
18:59: Another person in Istria is coronavirus positive and hospitalized at Pula General Hospital so that a total of 70 people are infected with the virus in the Istrian peninsula, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported tonight.
According to the data from the County Civil Protection Headquarters, 12 more swab samples were sent to the Dr. Fran Mihaljević Clinic for Infectious Diseases from the Istrian County on Sunday.
Meanwhile, as the director of the General Hospital Dr. Irena Hrstic confirmed on Sunday morning that one of the first infected people in Istria to be hospitalized at the Infectious Diseases Unit has been cured.
18:42: Three new cases of coronavirus have been identified in Karlovac County today - two were reported earlier by the County Civil Protection Headquarters, and a third case was confirmed in the evening.
It is a patient from Ogulin who has been in close contact with a sick nurse.
Earlier, it was officially reported that 15 Ogulin medical staff were in self-isolation because of contact with a sick nurse, and Headquarters spokeswoman Ivana Rumenovic Novinic told Hina that eleven tested medics who were in direct contact were tested and none have been infected.
"It is important to note that of the three newly ill people, two had close contact with the already ill, one was outside Croatia and that all three had been in self-isolation before," she said.
In Karlovac County there are 22 infected persons: 17 from Karlovac, three from Ogulin, one from Duga Resa and one deceased patient is from Karlovac
18:25: Igor Rudan Explains What Went So Wrong With COVID-19 in Italy (TCN article)
17:50: Croatian winemakers from Međimurje will be able to reach their vineyards in Hungary, despite measures taken by the country at the border due to the coronavirus epidemic, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjato announced on Sunday.
He agreed on a cross-border crossing with his Croatian counterpart Gordan Grlic Radman, reports Hungarian news agency MTI.
17:25: Alemka Markotic, the Healthcare Heroine Trying to Save Croatia from COVID-19 (TCN article)
17:01: Mirko Sardelic PhD Interview: History of Pandemics: Lessons to Apply to Corona Crisis (TCN article)
16:54: Restricting Human Rights is Out of the Question, Says Božinović (TCN article)
16:49: Medical Team Flown from Zagreb to Lithuania to Help Croat Troops (TCN article)
16:47: What does quarantine life in Madrid look like? Index spoke to a 32-year-old Rijeka native who has lived in the Spanish capital for eight years. Read more on Index
16:29: The air in Croatia is of very poor quality. The Department of Public Health warns: Don't be outside.
The air quality in Croatia is still very poor quality and the concentrations of particulate matter are in a slight decline. The Public Health Institute “Dr. Andrija Štampar" continues to recommend that citizens avoid all physical activity outdoors."
"After increasing PM10 levels in Zagreb, Osijek, Sisak, Kopački rit and Zoljan near Našice were observed on Friday, March 27, their observed air concentrations today are in a slight decline. Increased PM10 concentrations in the air are the result of desert sand from the Karakum Desert in Central Asia," reported Dr. Andrija Štampar.
16:03: Director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic Alemka Markotic said that anyone on a ventilator has a severe form of the disease, and most of them may be critical. It is mainly related to the elderly, so once again, she warned that the elderly and chronic patients stay safe.
Markotic noted that compared to a few weeks ago, the number of people tested had increased several times, and announced that a new 15-minute rapid test, which had been applied in several European countries, would be tested soon.
If successful, it will be additional testing assistance, and additional infrastructure will be mobilized for more testing, she said.
"I received an email today that we would be able to get about 10 tests to see if they were of good quality. That would be additional help with our diagnostics," she said.
15:54: The Croatian Employers Association has issued a statement calling for new measures to save the economy. You can read more on Index
15:40: Six new cases have been confirmed in Zadar County today, totaling 27 cases so far, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters.
15:20: A China Eastern Airlines flight from Shanghai has landed with the arrival of 12.5 tons of medical equipment needed to fight the COVID-19 virus.
This is the first flight to arrive from China with equipment needed by the healthcare system and all services.
With the arrival of 10 tons of protective gear on the flight from Shanghai to Frankfurt last night, 20 tons of protective masks, protective suits and goggles were provided. The equipment will be transported from Frankfurt to Croatia today.
14:56: Two new cases have been identified on the island of Murter, where the number of infected has risen to 17, with a total of 24 people in Šibenik-Knin County.
14:47: In Vukovar-Srijem County, another person tested positive for Covid-19, so now there are eight in total, the County Civil Protection HQ reported on Sunday.
The Headquarters state that the man was from the Nuštar area near Vinkovci. In addition to his positive test, five negative findings came from KBC Osijek, where tests were conducted.
Epidemiological findings are ongoing.
14:42: A total of 13 citizens have tested positive in Velika Gorica, with more than 200 people in self-isolation. The city again urges its fellow citizens to comply with the prescribed measures.
14:30: The official website now has a detailed report in English on the main events of the day. Read more on TCN
14:00: Currently, a total of 713 coronavirus-positive people have been confirmed in Croatia and 52 have been cured. So far, six people have died, the Croatian Civil Protection HQ confirmed at a press conference.
The National Civil Defense Headquarters press conference began at 2 pm. There is only one public address scheduled today.
Minister Vili Beros said:
"As of yesterday at 3 pm, according to the latest data, 713 people are infected in Croatia, there are 56 new cases, and 5900 tests were performed.
The death toll is 6. A man at the Dubrava Clinical Hospital passed away this morning. Otherwise, he was in poor condition, which was further complicated by Covid-19.
The current situation is satisfactory due to the work of the HQ, but also the responsible behavior of citizens," Beros added.
A plane is expected to land from Shanghai to Zagreb with equipment at 2:20 pm, Beros said. It carries 13 tons of protective gear.
"All those who are on ventilators have a severe form of the disease, most of them can be critical,” said Alemka Markotic.
Krunoslav Capak explained that specialized shops could be opened only in the closed part of the markets, by anyone who can meet the hygienic conditions.
Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said the National Headquarters is now making decisions that county headquarters must implement.
He said that the critical point was the earthquake in Zagreb because a large number of citizens left the city, and some of the citizens went outside Zagreb, some of which went to the coast where health facilities are weak in winter. He said that's why the ban on movement was enacted.
"Of course, it does not occur to anyone to restrict human rights. But people are increasingly aware that this is an extraordinary and extreme situation," Bozinovic said.
Bozinovic said that the coronavirus was confirmed last night in security guards at a prison in Split, and that some of the people in contact were in isolation. The situation is under control.
Bozinovic said that 99 police officers are in isolation at the moment and that four police officers are infected.
"At the moment, 99 of them are in self-isolation, 25 have already come out of self-isolation, and four have tested positive."
13:12: In Dubrovnik-Neretva County, one new case was confirmed. It is the wife of a man who tested positive yesterday. That county currently has a total of 32 cases.
12:56: The Osijek-Baranja County HQ announced that in the last 24 hours, three new cases were recorded, while the total number of patients in that county is now 44. There are 13 patients in KBC Osijek, four of whom are on a ventilator, but their condition is stable. There is one person at the hospital in Nasice.
12:49: Two other people in the Zagreb County have tested positive for the coronavirus, bringing the total to 62, the County Civil Protection Headquarters reported Sunday.
Citizens are urged to follow the instructions of the Civil Protection Headquarters of the Republic of Croatia, because only by responsible behavior can we reduce the spread of coronavirus infection. Everyone must be aware of the responsibility for their own health, the health of their families and their fellow citizens.
12:29: In the last 24 hours, another coronavirus infection was confirmed in Varaždin County, as well as another recovery, and the number of currently hospitalized patients is still 17, according to the County Civil Protection Headquarters.
Chief Robert Vugrin reported that a new case had been confirmed in Varaždin County in the last 24 hours, and the total number of patients is now 22.
"We have also confirmed a new case of recovery, bringing the total number of recovery patients to five. There are 17 people undergoing treatment at Varaždin General Hospital," said Vugrin.
So far, a total of 275 people have been tested in Varaždin County, 44 of which have been tested in the last 24 hours, and there are 2340 under self-isolation, the statement said, adding that in the past 24 hours, the Varaždin Police Department has recorded 4 cases of violating self-isolation measures and 69 cases of movement without a valid pass.
12:05: Split-Dalmatia Headquarters press conference is underway.
A doctor of oncology from Split KBC tested coronavirus-positive.
A total of 71 people are coronavirus-positive in Split-Dalmatia County, including 21 healthcare professionals.
"There are six new patients compared to Saturday afternoon, a total of 71 people have tested positive, of which 21 are health workers," said Dr. Željka Karin, director of the Public Health Institution of Split-Dalmatia County.
"When in doubt, I urge everyone not to rush to the doctor's office immediately, but always call their doctor who will decide on the next steps. If there is a suspected infection, the person should report to the hospital on Mertojak," Karin said.
"In Split, 24 people are hospitalized, three are on ventilators, one is in a serious clinical condition, but all three are life-threatening. Others have mild or moderate symptoms," said Dr. Julije Meštrović, director of KBC Split.
11:57: A correctional officer from Split has tested positive, Slobodna Dalmacija reported in its print edition. His wife, who works at the Split County Court, was previously confirmed to be infected. Three prisoners from the Split jail were transferred to Zagreb's Remetinec on Friday night after a hunger strike over conditions in prison before a correctional officer was known to have coronavirus.
11:32: In Medimurje, there are no new cases; all tests conducted on doctors were negative.
11:22: A Look at the Coronavirus Curve in Croatia and the Daily New Cases (TCN article)
11:17: Croatian Post Changing Operations: Allowing Free Package Retention (TCN article)
11:11: A doctor in Split hospital has also been infected, Index reports. He spoke to Index.
11:01: 865 Cases of Self-Isolation Violations Established (TCN article)
10:53: In Istria, four newly cases have been confirmed. One patient was recovered.
10:06: 10:06 The Vukovar-Srijem headquarters has confirmed a new infection case in that county. The number of infected people in Vukovar-Srijem County has increased to seven.
09:15: The Split-Dalmatia County Civil Protection Headquarters has scheduled a press conference for noon.
08:30: Index has updated its daily unemployment map.
08:05: The regular press conference of the National Civil Protection Headquarters, which is normally held twice a day, at 9am and 4pm, is scheduled today for 2pm.
08:00: Welcome to the live updates on March 29, 2020. We start the day with 657 cases, 5 fatalities and 49 recovered.
March 29, 2020 - HNK Hajduk Split and fan charity ‘Bilo Srce’ have joined forces to launch the ‘Breathe as One’ campaign for KBC Split.
HNK Hajduk’s statement in full:
“Aware of the moment we are all experiencing, the importance of combating the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic and ultimately the impact of the pandemic on the Club's functioning, HNK Hajduk and the Hajduk Fan Charity “Bilo Srce“ are launching the "Breathe as One" campaign to equip the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at KBC Split, which serves the care of the most severe coronavirus infected patients.
HNK Hajduk, its first team and club employees have already raised the funds needed to buy two sterilizers, which are currently most necessary to the employees of the Split hospital. The original intention was to raise funds to purchases ventilators, but due to the length of the delivery time, in agreement with the KBC Board, the idea was dropped.
Excess funds from buying the sterilization devices will be donated for the second part of the action, in which we invite all our fans, veterans, sponsors and all the big-hearted people who are able to participate in the fundraising campaign to equip intensive care (beds, monitors, pumps, suctions and all the other equipment necessary to function in these most difficult moments).
We want to help KBC Split and our entire community to ensure that all those who need it receive the highest quality healthcare in the fight against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
According to his or her ability, anyone can make personal payments to the account listed below, especially for humanitarian purposes:
IBAN: HR9124070001500328067
Model: 00
Call number: 00
Description: Humanitarian action
In advance, we thank everyone for their contribution, solidarity and demonstration of social responsibility, and in the interest of all of us and our loved ones, our fellow citizens and all those who unfortunately will not be able to avoid hospitalization.
Let's breathe as one: Hajduk and Bilo Srce for KBC Split! #ostanidoma”
Follow TCN's live updates on the coronavirus crisis in Croatia.
March 29, 2020 - The City of Split has a clear message for citizens during the coronavirus crisis in Croatia - STAY HOME!
Split-Dalmatia County currently has 52 coronavirus cases, a number that will likely change after the Croatian Civil Protection Headquarters press conference on Sunday. Behind Zagreb and Pula, Split has the third-highest number of infections, which includes citizens from Brela to Solin.
In contrast to the first days of the new measures banning gatherings in public areas, the citizens of Split, meanwhile, have been quite disciplined. They also seem to be adhering to the restrictions on moving between cities, which was announced earlier this week.
I did an article the other day outlining my shopping experience at Spar in the Firule neighborhood, which is otherwise bustling with grocery stores, bakeries, and cafes. On Thursday, however, the neighborhood was a ghost town, with citizens strictly following the hygiene measures in place by supermarket chains and pharmacies. You can read more here.
Apart from the constant warnings about the importance of sticking to these measures, there is no doubt that the disciplined citizens of Split have helped to control the spread of the virus in the city.
And now, the citizens of Split will be reminded to stay home thanks to an illuminated #oSTanidoma (‘Stay Home’) light display set up on the west side of the Riva, at the end of Marmontova. The ‘ST’ is cleverly capitalized as the abbreviation of the city's name.
The City posted a photo of the new sign on their Facebook page Saturday night, and as Dalmacija Danas learned, the winter decorations were donated to Split by Zima, reports Dalmacija Danas.
It didn't take long before Mayor Andro Krstulovic Opara posted his thoughts on Facebook. The Mayor shared the photo with a short message: Thank you for staying home!
We can only hope this new attraction doesn't attract groups of Instagrammers.
To read more about lifestyle in Croatia, follow TCN’s dedicated page.
As Suzana Varosanec/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 28th of March, 2020, the largest Croatian non-food chain, Pevex, has now opened all five of its shopping centres in Zagreb with mandatory restrictions on the number of people in each centre depending on its size.
Pevex (formerly Pevec) will adhere to all the measures still in place so as not to create crowds and to make sure enhanced hygiene and the organisation of work are properly applied in order to respect social distancing.
Pevex CEO Jurica Lovrincevic says they have made it possible to pay in twelve installments for about 86,000 customers - mostly small businesses and trades - through membership of the Pevex Partner programme.
"We've taken on the cost of financing interest and fees for twelve installments with respect to all 86,000 of our partners on ourselves, these are small businesses and artisans. We need to be as flexible as possible in these new conditions,'' Lovrincevic said, adding that they're cooperate with most domestic manufacturers of cement, plaster, tile and other materials needed for construction, and that the centres will also remain open on Sundays between 08:00 and 14:00.
The ban on the operation of construction equipment stores in Zagreb and Krapina-Zagorje was quickly lifted following the earthquakes to facilitate the reconstruction of damaged structures at the request of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce Construction Association.
Mirjana Cagalj of the aforementioned association emphasised that more than 25,000 earthquake damage claims have been submitted, and all of these facilities will need rehabilitation to some extent or another.
"I personally went out into the field immediately after the earthquake and I know full well the extent of the damage. That's why I'd like, once again, to invite our construction companies, equipment manufacturers and citizens to contact us, and we'll help them in coordinating the reconstruction,'' said Cagalj, praising the understanding of the Civil Protection Headquarters, which reacted promptly and lifted the ban.
According to the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK), this is a real opportunity to incorporate Croatian materials into damaged buildings and houses, thus helping the citizens affected by the earthquake, as well as our own companies in the construction sector.
"That's why we'd like to invite domestic manufacturers of building materials, paints and varnishes and all other equipment needed for damage repair to become more actively involved in the reconstruction action, and we urge citizens to buy Croatian products as much as possible," Cagalj said.
Follow our business page for more.
As Index writes on the 28th of March, 2020, Croatian scientist Ivan Đikić addressed the media with a recording and a text explaining the current state of the fight against coronavirus. He cited eight things that he urges people to respect and enforce.
"Croatia is entering the most critical phase of its fight against coronavirus, and citizen participation in this fight is crucial. After speaking with the Minister of Health, Professor Vili Beroš, I'd like to make a statement to the Croatian public highlighting the expert facts that are important to overcome this pandemic as soon as possible," he writes.
"Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) spreads extremely rapidly and unpredictably and causes the COVID-19 infection with higher mortality in the elderly and in chronic patients. But no generation is fully protected from the infection and in some cases young people die, especially those suffering from other diseases.
Although great efforts are being made to find drugs, there is no effective cure for coronavirus yet. It will take about a year of investment and careful testing before we have a safe and effective vaccine for widespread use,'' he warned.
Croatia has so far prevented its uncontrolled spread.
"In Croatia, we have so far succeeded in preventing the uncontrolled spread of coronavirus through proper public health measures. However, the situation in the last week indicates a greater local spread of the virus throughout Croatia and a significant, unwanted, ''entry'' of the virus into hospitals," the scientist noted.
He then went on to say that earthquakes and extensive hospital damage are an additional challenge to be dealt with.
"The aftermath of the massive earthquake that hit Zagreb that has caused shock and injuries to residents, and the enormous material damage in many hospitals poses an additional challenge for the health care system, but for all of us, too. Despite all of this, based on the experience of countries that have already managed to fight coronavirus (China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan) we can also apply their insights to the current situation in Croatia, so I urge that:
We follow the advice of the Civil Protection Headquarters - It's of the utmost importance that we all: avoid contacts, stay home, disseminate accurate information and protect the sick and the elderly.
We unify - Members of the Civil Protection, healthcare professionals and all people - only together will we succeed.
Be motivated - If we all follow the guidelines given to us and support the healthcare system, it's very likely that we will suppress the spread of the virus within 4-6 weeks and gradually reduce the isolation measures (this estimate has been based on data from China). That's why the maximum motivation of all residents is necessary for us to succeed.
Tse more frequently - The World Health Organisation recommends intensifying testing measures and detecting new cases of coronavirus on time. The procurement of modern instruments and the opening of more accredited laboratories throughout Croatia must be a priority for current investments.
We need to protect the economy and socially vulnerable people - Solidarity with those at risk, concrete financial investments, and the better organisation of the economy in these times of crisis is necessary. In this regard, a number of proposals have been put forward by economic experts.
The education of residents - Education is crucial for long-term success - during isolation measures, information being spread and the education of the general public (through short TV messages, internet networks, media programmes, expert advice) are all necessary. We need to send out short, clear and understandable instructions to the general public.
Be innovative - I appeal to young people because they can be the drivers of new ideas, internet solutions, practical help for the sick and elderly, and be promoters of change in society. For example, young people may be involved in the work of mobile teams to assist with the testing and care of elderly and chronic patients.
We need to put our science and technology to good use - Consideration should also be given to introducing serological tests that detect a person's immunity to coronavirus (by measuring IgM and IgG antibodies) specifically for healthcare professionals. We need to make more use of local knowledge and technology of institutes across Croatia.
We will surely win this war against coronavirus, but the question is how fast we can do it, and how much human and economic losses are implied. The answer to this important question depends on all of us.
As I emphasised: only through action and human qualities such as knowledge, responsibility, cooperation and solidarity can we succeed in this fight. I believe that Croatia and the people in it have the necessary qualities to see to it that we will overcome this coronavirus pandemic,'' concluded Đikić.
Make sure to follow our dedicated section for rolling information and updates in English on coronavirus in Croatia.