Saturday, 23 October 2021

120,000 More Croatian Residents to Get Free Supplementary Health Insurance

October the 23rd, 2021 - As many as 120,000 Croatian residents are set to get free supplementary health insurance (dopunsko) provided to them by the state. These individuals are overwhelmingly pensioners.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as of December the 1st, 2021, as many as 120,000 Croatian residents, primarily pensioners, will receive a supplementary health insurance policy from HZZO at the expense of the state.

At yesterday's session, the Croatian Government accepted Silvano Hrelja's proposal to amend the Law on Voluntary Health Insurance, which raises the income threshold on the basis of which Croatian residents are entitled to the state to pay for their supplementary health insurance, so, in the future, the threshold per household member will be two thousand kuna, and for a single person it will rise to two and a half thousand kuna.

This represents an increase in both categories by more than 400 kuna, or 25 percent compared to the current census, and Croatian Health Minister Vili Beros explained that in the future, an additional 120,000 Croatian residents will, as stated, receive a supplementary HZZO health insurance policy at the expense of the state. The state budget will have around one hundred million kuna per year taken out of it as a result.

The fact that the Croatian Government is ready and willing to accept Silvano Hrelja's proposal could be inferred from the fact that among the MPs who signed the support for sending legal changes to the parliamentary procedure were numerous HDZ members, and Minister Beros himself said that this sets a more appropriate threshold for the most socially sensitive in our society.

Hrelja's support from the Croatian Government has already resulted in the previously announced intervention in the area of ​​family pensions, which the Government has included in the national recovery and resilience plan, taking place two years earlier than originally envisaged, which should bring a 10 percent increase to pensions for more than 200,000 retirees as of the year 2023, Novi list writes.

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