Thursday, 28 February 2019

5th Annual Medical Tourism Conference in Zagreb: Meet the Speakers – Ognjen Bagatin

February 28, 2019 - Another important international health tourism conference is coming to Croatia. As previously reported on TCN, the 5th Annual Medical Tourism Conference will take place in Zagreb on March 13-14. TCN catches up with one of the keynote speakers, Ognjen Bagatin, CEO of Bagatin Clinic in Zagreb (and also now in Split). 

The 5th Annual Medical Tourism Conference will take place from March 13. How important is the choice of Zagreb for medical tourism in Croatia?

We are delighted that the conference will be held this year in Zagreb after the successful 2018 event in Berlin. 

Croatia is at the beginning of a potentially incredible medical tourism story, with many experts of the view that it has the potential to be in the top 10 countries in the world for health tourism within 10 years. One of the biggest challenges we face is visibility in the global market. Conferences such as MTCE are extremely important for Croatia, and we look forward to giving our international guests both an amazing conference and an incredible and warm Croatian hospitality experience. 

There seems to be an increasing number of health tourism conferences in Croatia. What makes this one stand out?

Conference organisers EuroEvents always put on excellent conferences, and they have a great international reputation. Just looking at the quality of the superb list of speakers is really exciting, and my Croatian roots are looking forward to welcoming Joe Sweet from Cleveland Clinic, for example – Cleveland Clinic's CEO Tomislav Mihaljevic is Croatian. 

The focus of this year's conference will focus on how to win international patients in the era of digitalisation and globalisation. MTCE is a very interactive platform, which allows practitioners and leading experts to share, discuss and build strategies for future growth. In addition to the conference, the B2B workshop on day 3 should be particularly productive. 

You yourself are a speaker at the conference. 

Yes, that's correct, and it is an honour to share such a platform with such an array of accomplished and influential speakers. My subject will be “Facing the problem of the lack of a suitably skilled workforce.” 

As you know, Croatia is sadly facing another wave of economic emigration due to lack of opportunity here. Finding the appropriately skilled staff can be a challenge, but the potential of a successful medical tourism industry here has the potential to partially reverse that dynamic, and offer challenging and fulfilling futures for thousands. 

What do you hope to gain from this conference yourself?

Bagatin Clinic is striving for excellence in all areas of the medical tourism experience. We are a young buy dynamic clinic which is expanding rapidly, but we also have much to learn. The chance to interact with such a quality field of speakers, and to network with other international stakeholders can only be a good thing. The fact that the conference is being held in Croatia is one more page in our medical tourism story. 

Some people may be surprised to hear that Croatia is being touted as one of the rising stars of medical tourism. Tell us why and a little more about the potential. 

There are so many reasons why Croatia is an ideal destination for medical tourism. Our very best private clinics and hospitals compete on the world stage. For example, the only place in Europe where you can take the new Mayo Clinic-sponsored OneOme pharmacogenetic test is in Zagreb. 

Croatia has a health tourism tradition dating back 150 years, and we offer outstanding and affordable care in dentistry, dermatology, cosmetic surgery, eye surgery and stem cell therapy, to name a few. Many of our surgeons are internationally acclaimed, and equipment is state of the art. 

Add to this the fact that Croatia is a safe and stable country in the EU within easy reach of all European capitals, and where English is widely spoken. A country with a strong tourism and wellness tradition, where the culture, heritage, climate and gastronomy make it an ideal place to recuperate after treatment. Our potential is enormous. 

In order to move forward, we need to be more united and focused on the goal of developing the country brand of medical tourism. Looking to Malaysia, there is a shining example of how to achieve this. The recent Health Spot Croatia conference was an important step in this direction, bringing all the important stakeholders together to build a strategy. The EuroEvents MTCE conference compliments that nicely, and I am really looking forward to a successful event.

Ognjen Bagatin is CEO of Bagatin Clinic, one of Croatia's leading clinics and named last year as the best dermatology clinic in Europe. In addition to the main base in Zagreb, Bagatin Clinic opened its doors in Split earlier this month

TCN has a limited number of discounted tickets for the 5th Annual Medical Tourism Conference, priced at 600 euro including VAT if purchased by close of business tomorrow. Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

For more information about the conference, visit the official website.

For more about health tourism in Croatia, visit the dedicated TCN page.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Bagatin Clinic is Open for Business in Split!

January 21, 2019 - We’re starting the new year with some big news - and we think you’ll like it. Remember when we announced that the best dermatology clinic in Europe and leading medical tourism ambassadors the Bagatin Clinic would soon be opening their doors in the heart of Dalmatia? Well, today is the big day, and the Bagatin Clinic has realized one of their biggest projects - they are now open for business in the Dalmatian Capital of Split! 

Namely, from Monday, January 21, 2019, the Bagatin Clinic’s arms are open to a new clientele. The people of Dalmatia now have the chance to embrace the famed clinic’s business tradition and culture they have nurtured for years, and delight in their knowledge, skills, and innovations at a new location in the Dioklecijan Hotel & Residence, within the Split House of Health. 

Bagatin’s superior 5-star service will shine in departments specializing in dentistry, cosmetology and aesthetic dermatology. Their status as the best dermatological clinic in Europe in 2018 ensures the best possible approach, the expertise of their staff and state-of-the-art technological equipment for all skin changes, but also in erasing signs of aging with the help of the best anti-aging treatments, with an emphasis on injectables. 

The Bagatin Clinic prides themselves in boasting nothing but the highest quality of service together with state-of-the-art technology which is implemented in all treatments and procedures. You can find the latest technology in their dental offices with specific treatments available within the Laser center. The Bagatin surgical department will begin by offering smaller surgical procedures and examinations, though they will soon expand their range of our services. 

Meet the Bagatin Split team: 

Doctor Zlatko Kljajić is a specialist in otorhinolaryngology, a subspecialist in audiology and an expert in different methods of facial rejuvenation. In the last few years, he has continued his education in the field of aesthetic medicine, too.  Kljajić is the author of several published scientific papers in both Croatian and international magazines, and he has recently received a quality acknowledgment for 2018 according to the portal With his expertise and irresistible charm, he perfectly complements the Bagatin team.

Doctor of dental medicine, Nastja Asanović, is an expert for aesthetic and functional solutions in prosthetics. After obtaining her postgraduate specialist degree in the field of dental implantology, she received further training by attending various symposiums and congresses. In her work, special attention is devoted to the individual approach to each patient in her desire to give them a perfect smile. 

Matea Jakić is a certified cosmetologist for body and facial treatments. Through numerous education programs, she has gained certificates in the fields of cosmetology, derma-cosmetics and non-invasive medical methods and has completed the Reviderm Academy which focuses on a comprehensive approach to facial skin care. She is most looking forward to everyday communication with the patients and the results achieved to the satisfaction of each patient. 

Katarina Kalebić is the Head of the Bagatin Clinic in Split. Kalebić boasts a Master’s Degree in Economics and vast experience in working with foreign investors. She has participated in establishing and managing a renowned dental clinic where she perfected her leadership and organizational skills. 

Karmen Radić will be the first friendly face to greet you at the Bagatin Clinic. Karmen’s warm welcome will ensure the most enjoyable experience at the Clinic - and we promise her smile and reliability will make each of your appointments seamless. 

The Bagatin Clinic strives for continuous education, professional training and investment in their growth and development, which places their team of doctors and medical staff among the very best. Better yet, Bagatin's reputation of providing the best medical care received its latest endorsement last month when 11 of their doctors were declared the best in 2018 by the portal

Chosen by the patients themselves, Bagatin’s best includes:


Jolanda Kanižaj-Rajković, and Snježana Kramarić,


Josip Lovrić,, surgeon

Maxillofacial surgeon:

Tomica Bagatin,, plastic surgeon of head and neck

Oral surgeon:

Krešimir Doblanović


Zlatko Kljajić, 

Plastic surgeon:

Dinko Bagatin,, plastic and reconstructive surgeon


Ivan Sertić,, Marin Radić, te Majda Plišić,

Specialist in dental prosthetics:

Mirna Munitić, 

“We are especially pleased with the recognition coming from our patients. Only then you can be sure you are doing the best you can and that someone recognizes your efforts. All of my colleagues and I always strive to provide our patients with the best possible care and dedicate them our undivided attention before, during and after their stay at the Clinic. This acknowledgment is an additional motive for the future and for keeping the gold standard we have set,” said Tomica Bagatin.

Doctor Dinko Bagatin added: “What is most important for us is the feeling of long-term trust we share with our patients, and this acknowledgment is precisely an indicator of that. I am particularly pleased that this tradition continues for several years now and we certainly plan to keep this continuity. Congratulations to all of my colleagues on this acknowledgment and I thank our dear patients from the bottom of my heart!”

The new Bagatin Clinic is located within the Dioklecijan Hotel & Residence, a luxurious hotel with a rooftop pool and a spectacular panoramic view of the city, sea and the islands. Located at Kranjčevićeva 45/1 in Split’s Gripe district, the new Clinic is just a 15-minute walk from the city center, Diocletian’s Palace and attractive beaches. The Hotel & Residence has 52 comfortable and spacious rooms with balconies where Bagatin’s clients and patients can stay while visiting Split.

If you’re interested in booking a treatment in the new Split location, you can contact Bagatin via e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., phone +385 1 4610 225, or via the chat on

Or, visit the new Bagatin Clinic from today, January 21st! 

Thursday, 20 September 2018

“If Croatia Puts Aside Politics and Ego, It Will Speed Up Its Growth”

Ognjen Bagatin on how to stop the emigration and bring diaspora back to the homeland.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Strengthening Diaspora Ties: Ognjen Bagatin on 3rd Croatian Diaspora Congress

June 18, 2018 - with the 3rd Croatian Diaspora Congress just 11 days away, some thoughts on the chances of strengthening the bonds between the diaspora and the homeland from one of the drivers of change, Ognjen Bagatin. 

Monday, 12 March 2018

Croatia's New Crop of Entrepreneurs Take New Approach with Diaspora in Australia

March 8, 2018 - A new breed of Croatian entrepreneur is reaching out to the diaspora. A press release from Bagatin Clinic in Zagreb.

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