Dubrovnik Blog

Palm Sunday – Bring Your Olive and Palm Branches for a Blessing Ceremony

Palm Sunday, popularly known as Cvjetnica, is celebrated as a beginning of the “Big Week’, that is a week before one of the most important Christian feasts that celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead. Cvjetnica feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels

The feast procession will commence on Sunday at 10 a.m., April 9th, in front of the St. Blaise’s Church, where the participants will bring olive and palm branches for a blessing. The palm branch symbolizes the same palm branches that crowd scattered in front of Jesus when he rode into Jerusalem. As palms are not to be found everywhere in the world due to the different climate, people gradually replaced a palm branch with a branch of native trees, such as an olive tree in Southern Croatia. After the blessing, the participants will attend a Holy Mass at Dubrovnik Cathedral where the mons. Mate Uzinić will offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
