Friday, 3 December 2021

Croatia Logs 4,521 New COVID Cases, 53 Deaths

ZAGREB, 3 Dec 2021 - In the past 24 hours, Croatia has registered 4,521 new cases of coronavirus and 53 related deaths, the national COVID response team reported on  Friday.

There are currently 31,649 active cases, including 2,400 hospitalised patients, 313 of whom are on ventilators, while 26,494 people are self-isolating.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a total of 623,776 cases of the novel coronavirus have been registered and the death toll has climbed to 11,096 while 581,031 people have recovered from the contagion, including 5,422 in the past 24 hours.

To date, a total of 3,489,551 tests have been conducted, including 12,073 in the past 24 hours.

As of 2 December, a total of 4,201,709 vaccine doses have been administered, with 54.18% of the total population or 64.63% of the adult population having been vaccinated.

A total of 2,198,680 people have received at least one dose while 1,960,066 people have been fully vaccinated, which is 57.87% of the adult population.

For more news, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Croatia Logs 5,502 New Coronavirus Cases, 51 Deaths

ZAGREB, 27 Nov, 2021 - In the last 24 hours 5,502 coronavirus cases and 51 COVID-19 deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national crisis management team said on Saturday.

There are 34,553 active cases, including 2,506 hospitalised patients, of whom 324 are on ventilators, while 28,272 persons are self-isolating.

To date 3,424,751 persons have been tested for the virus, including 13,372 in the last 24 hours.

Croatia has registered 599,977 coronavirus cases to date as well as 10,695 related deaths and 554,729 recoveries, of which 5,629 in the last 24 hours.

To date 53.43% of the total population has been vaccinated against COVID-19, including 63.77% of adults, 56.85% of whom have completed vaccination.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Croatia Logs 65 COVID-Related Deaths, 5,614 New Infections

ZAGREB, 20 Nov, 2021 -  In the past 24 hours Croatia has registered 65 COVID-19-related deaths and 5,614 new infections, the national COVID-19 response team said on Saturday.

There are currently 34,882 active cases of the infection. A total of 2,542 COVID patients are hospitalised and 320 of them are on ventilators. As many as 27,969 people are in self-isolation.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic in February 2020, there have been 566,118 registered cases of the contagion and 10,243 people have died.

A total of 520,993 people have recovered, including 5,640 in the past 24 hours.

To date, 3,339,432 people have been tested for COVID-19, including 12,823 in the last 24 hours.

52.04% of total population vaccinated

As of Friday, November 19, a total of 3,963,116 doses of vaccine have been administered, with 52.04 per cent of the total population, or 62.14 per cent of the adult population, having been vaccinated.

As of Friday, 2,111,804 people have received at least one dose and 1,889,974 have been fully immunised, which is 55.85 per cent of the adult population.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Croatia Confirms 6,315 New Coronavirus Cases, 66 Deaths

ZAGREB, 13 Nov, 2021 - Croatia has registered 6,315 new coronavirus cases and 66 COVID-related deaths in the last 24 hours, the national coronavirus response team said on Saturday.

Currently, there are 39,995 active COVID cases in the country, including 2,107 persons who are being treated in hospitals, 269 of whom are on ventilators. A total of 29,246 people are self-isolating.

Since 25 February 2020, when the first infection was confirmed in the country, 534,601 people have been registered as having contracted the novel virus, of whom 9,840 have died and 484,766 have recovered, including 6,100 in the last 24 hours.

To date, 3,260,469 people have been tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including 14,404 in the last 24 hours.

As of 12 November, 3,817,390 doses of COVID vaccine have been administered, and 49.88 per cent of the total population, or 59.63 per cent of the adult population, have been vaccinated. A total of 2,024,193 people have received at least one dose and 1,851,543 have been fully vaccinated, which is 54.73 per cent of the adult population.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Friday, 12 November 2021

Croatia Registers 6,449 New Coronavirus Infections, 53 Deaths

ZAGREB, 12 Nov (Hina) - Over the past 24 hours, Croatia has registered 6,449 new cases of the coronavirus infection and there have been 53 related deaths, the national COVID-19 crisis management team said on Friday.

The number of active cases in Croatia currently stands at 39,846, including 2,086 patients in hospitals, 251 of whom are on ventilators, and 30,252 people are in self-isolation.

To date, a total of 3,246,065 people have been tested, including 15,067 in the last 24 hours.

A total of 3,790,884 vaccine doses have been administered, and 49.1% of the population has been vaccinated, including 59.20% of adults, of whom 54.55% have been fully vaccinated.

For the latest news, CLICK HERE.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

COVID Certificates Will Be Valid a Year After 3rd Dose - Jutarnji List

ZAGREB, 11 Nov, 2021 - Those who have received the third dose of the vaccine, got infected with COVID-19 even after getting vaccinated with two doses or got infected for the second time will receive a COVID certificate that will be valid one year after the last event, the Jutarnji List daily said on Thursday.

However, the IT part of the job has not been entirely figured out so citizens cannot receive new certification with the new duration date just yet, the daily wrote, citing the Croatian Public Health Institute. Until this is resolved, only old COVID certificates will be available.

The duration of COVID certificates has already been extended in Croatia once, in September, from six to 12 months, but citizens are now more frequently opting for a booster.

Experts claim that there is no doubt that the third, booster dose, as well as an infection after inoculation or a new infection significantly increase immunity, possibly even longer than a year, the daily wrote.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Monday, 8 November 2021

Croatia Logs 1,242 New COVID Cases, 46 Deaths

ZAGREB, 8 Nov, 2021 - Croatia has logged 1,242 new COVID cases in the past 24 hours and 46 people have died as a consequence, the national COVID-19 response team reported on Monday.

There are currently 1,888 hospitalised patients, 246 of whom are on ventilators.

There are currently 29,265 active cases in the country and 24,255 people are self-isolating.

To date, a total of 3,184,660 tests have been conducted, including 3,703 in the past 24 hours.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, a total of 502,569 people have become infected with the novel coronavirus and 9,546 people have died as a consequence while 463,758 people have recovered, including 3,931 in the past 24 hours.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 7 November 2021

Finance Minister and Bridge Party Leader Test Positive for COVID-19

ZAGREB, 7 Nov 2021 - Finance Minister Zdravko Marić has been found to be positive for COVID-19 after undergoing a test at the weekend, the government announced in a press release on Sunday.

Marić underwent a test after a member of his family had developed symptoms of the infection. His test returned positive, after which epidemiologists have ordered him to stay in isolation for ten days.

The minister "is feeling well and for now, he has no symptoms of the COVID-19 disease. He will stay in isolation and perform his duties from home while following orders from his doctor and epidemiologists," the press release said.

Marić, as well as other cabinet ministers, were vaccinated against COVID-19 early this year, and would soon receive a booster dose, following recommendations by the Croatian Public Health Institute, government spokesman Marko Milić said, adding that several cabinet ministers had already received the third dose of vaccine.

Milić appealed to all citizens to get vaccinated if they had not done so yet because the vaccine protects against serious forms of the disease. He also appealed to people who had received their second shot six months ago or longer, especially the elderly or those immunocompromised, to get a booster dose as soon as possible.

He recalled that Deputy Prime Minister Boris Milošević and Labour Minister Josip Aladrović, who had become infected even though they had been vaccinated, had overcome the infection with very mild symptoms.

Also, the opposition Bridge party leader, Božo Petrov, said in an interview with Nova TV on Saturday evening that he was positive for COVID-19. "Two or three days ago I found out I was infected. I had symptoms, I called my doctor and did a PCR test, which showed I was positive," he said.

For all you need to know about coronavirus specific to Croatia, make sure to bookmark our dedicated COVID-19 section and select your preferred language.

For more on politics, follow TCN's dedicated page.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Croatia Logs Highest Number of New COVID Cases in One Day

ZAGREB, 5 Nov 2021 - In the past 24 hours Croatia has registered 6,932 new coronavirus cases and 36 deaths, the national COVID response team reported on Friday.

That is the highest number of new cases yet in one day since the outbreak of the pandemic. The record until now was 6,310, which was registered on Thursday.

There are currently 28,541 active cases in the country, including 1,711 hospitalised patients, with 231 hooked on ventilators.

At the same time, there are 26,362 people self-isolating.

Since the start of the epidemic in Croatia in 25 February 2020, there have been 490,074 cases and 9,400 people have died as a consequence. A total of 452,133 people have recovered, of whom 3,983 in the past 24 hours.

To date, a total of 3,155,683 people have been tested, including 15,079 in the past 24 hours..

As of Wednesday evening, a total of 3,658,686 vaccine doses have been administered, with 47.57% of the total population or 56.94% of the adult population having received at least one dose. On 4 November, 17,038 doses were administered. A total of 7,798 people received their first shot of vaccine on Thursday..

A total of 1,990,471 people have received at least one dose of a vaccine while 1,811,801 are fully vaccinated, or 53.57% of the adult population.

For more news, CLICK HERE.

Sunday, 31 October 2021

Croatia Registers 3,319 New COVID-19 Cases, 22 Deaths

ZAGREB, 31 Oct, 2021 - Over the past 24 hours Croatia has registered 3,319 new cases of the coronavirus infection, as well as 22 related deaths, and the number of active cases today stands at 25,138.

There are currently 1,418 COVID patients in hospitals, 170 of whom are on ventilators, and 32,398 people are self-isolating.

To date, a total of 3,106,745 people have been tested, including 8,717 in the last 24 hours.

A total of 3,615,769 vaccine doses have been administered, and 47.10% of the total population or 56.41% of the adult population has been vaccinated.

As at 30 October, 1,911,239 people have received at least one shot, and 1,797,683 people have been fully vaccinated, which accounts for 53.17% of the adult population.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

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