Sunday, 14 November 2021

50% of Total Population, 60% of Adults Vaccinated

ZAGREB, 14 Nov, 2021 - On Saturday 28,170 people were vaccinated against COVID-19 in Croatia, including a record-high 19,198 with the first dose, the Institute of Public Health (HZJZ) said on Sunday, adding that 50.35% of the total population, including 60.18% of adults, have received the first dose to date.

On Saturday 2,359 persons received a second dose and 6,613 a booster shot.

HZJZ director Krunoslav Capak called on the rest of the population to get vaccinated, notably those with chronic illnesses.

The City of Zagreb has the highest number of people who have received the first vaccine dose, 58.9% of its total population, including 70.6% of adults, as well as the highest number of people who have completed vaccination, 53.2% of its total population, including 64.1% of adults.

Also, 87.65% of those aged 70-74 have received the first dose, as have 74.8% of those aged 65 and over. In the latter age group, 69.6% have received two doses.

Bjelovar-Bilogora County has the lowest number of vaccinations, with 42.1% of its population having received the first and 37.9% two doses, followed by Zadar County with 42% and 38.9%, respectively, Šibenik-Knin County with 42.4% and 39.3%, and Split-Dalmatia County with 42.5% and 38.2%.

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Sunday, 14 November 2021

Croatia Logs 4,151 New Coronavirus Cases, 41 Deaths

ZAGREB, 14 Nov, 2021 - In the last 24 hours 4,151 coronavirus cases and 41 COVID deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national crisis management team said on Sunday.

There are 38,631 active cases, including 2,219 hospitalised patients, of whom 277 are on ventilators, while 27,658 persons are self-isolating.

Croatia has registered 538,752 coronavirus cases to date, including 9,881 fatalities, while 490,240 persons have recovered from COVID, including 5,474 in the last 24 hours.

To date 3,271,631 persons have been tested for the virus, with 11,162 in the last 24 hours, and 50.35% of the population has been vaccinated, including 60.18% of adults, of whom 54.91% fully.

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For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Plenković: More Than 2 Million Citizens Have Been Vaccinated

ZAGREB, 13 Nov, 2021 - Prime Minister Andrej Plenković on Saturday repeated his appeal to all citizens to get vaccinated and called on those who refused to do so to get tested.

Speaking at a press conference, Plenković said that the number of people vaccinated so far has exceeded 2 million and that today the proportion of people who have received the first dose will most likely reach 60 per cent of the adult population and 50 per cent of the total population.

"Everyone has the right to protest, but what we are advocating is common sense, notably the view of medical professionals, doctors and scientists," the prime minister said. He added that people who do not want to get vaccinated can get tested very quickly and obtain a COVID certificate.

"We respect the people who are responsible and who have been vaccinated. And those who have not, we appeal to them to get vaccinated and to get tested," he said.

Plenković said that the Fitch Ratings agency had taken into account the vaccination rate when it upgraded Croatia's credit rating on Friday. "Ratings agencies watch what we do as a society, whether we stand in solidarity with one another, whether we are responsible, whether we understand what's going on." 

Commenting on the message from Croatian Roman Catholic bishops that citizens should not be coerced into getting vaccinated, Plenković said that the bishops should be asked whether they should have publicly called on people to get vaccinated.

He said that Pope Francis was clear in his statement when he appealed to people to get vaccinated.

"I believe that many of our bishops have been vaccinated, considering their age and the availability of the vaccines. As for freedom, it cannot be the reason not to respect the people who have been vaccinated," the prime minister said.

Asked whether he would meet with protesters against COVID certificates, he said he did not get the impression any of them wanted to talk with the government, and that peaceful protests were held to express an opinion.

"We live in a democracy. If anyone wants to talk, they can contact us and say what the problem is. I would like to see what it is about through dialogue," the prime minister said.

Peaceful protests against the introduction of mandatory COVID certificates for public-sector workers and people visiting state and public institutions, were held in several cities across the country on Friday evening. In Zagreb, protesters rallied outside the government building in St Mark's Square.

Commenting on the criticism from President Zoran Milanović regarding the transport of bishops by a Croatian Navy vessel, Plenković said he could not see the problem.

"This was about the ordainment of Bishop Vidović (on Hvar island). The Military Ordinariate had asked the defence minister in writing to arrange transport and the minister approved it. Is it a crime? It's not. Did the state collapse? It didn't," he said.

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Saturday, 13 November 2021

Croatia Confirms 6,315 New Coronavirus Cases, 66 Deaths

ZAGREB, 13 Nov, 2021 - Croatia has registered 6,315 new coronavirus cases and 66 COVID-related deaths in the last 24 hours, the national coronavirus response team said on Saturday.

Currently, there are 39,995 active COVID cases in the country, including 2,107 persons who are being treated in hospitals, 269 of whom are on ventilators. A total of 29,246 people are self-isolating.

Since 25 February 2020, when the first infection was confirmed in the country, 534,601 people have been registered as having contracted the novel virus, of whom 9,840 have died and 484,766 have recovered, including 6,100 in the last 24 hours.

To date, 3,260,469 people have been tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, including 14,404 in the last 24 hours.

As of 12 November, 3,817,390 doses of COVID vaccine have been administered, and 49.88 per cent of the total population, or 59.63 per cent of the adult population, have been vaccinated. A total of 2,024,193 people have received at least one dose and 1,851,543 have been fully vaccinated, which is 54.73 per cent of the adult population.

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For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Record-High Number of People Vaccinated Against COVID on Wednesday

ZAGREB, 11 Nov, 2021 - A record-high 27,261 persons were vaccinated against COVID-19 in Croatia on Wednesday, including 16,747 who received the first dose, the highest number since early June, the Public Health Institute (HZJZ) said on Thursday.

Also yesterday, 3,527 persons received a second dose and 7,347 a booster shoot.

Croatia has administered 3,759,981 vaccine doses to date, with 1,990,925 persons receiving the first dose and 1,707,700 two doses, while 61,356 persons have received a booster shot.

To date 49.06% of the total population has been vaccinated, including 58.67% of adults.

The City of Zagreb accounts for the highest number of persons who received the first dose, 57.6% of the capital's total population and 69.2% of adults.

Zagreb also has the largest number of persons who have completed vaccination, with 52.6% of its total population and 63.4% of adults.

The HZJZ called on those who have not been vaccinated, notably those most at risk, to do so as soon as possible.

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Thursday, 11 November 2021

Croatia Logs 6,987 New COVID Cases, 66 Deaths

ZAGREB, 11 Nov, 2021 - In the last 24 hours 6,987 coronavirus cases and 66 COVID-19 deaths have been registered in Croatia, the national crisis management team said on Thursday.

This is the highest number of deaths in a day since 28 December, when there were 68.

There are 38,089 active cases, including 2,008 hospitalised patients, of whom 257 are on ventilators, while 28,346 persons are in self-isolation.

To date 3,230,998 persons have been tested for the virus, including 16,448 in the last 24 hours, and 49.06% of the total population has been vaccinated, including 58.67% of adults, of whom 54.33% fully. 

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Monday, 8 November 2021

Association: Resistance to Vaccine Due to Disinformation on Social Networks

ZAGREB, 8 Nov, 2021 - The president of the Croatian Association for the Promotion of Patients' Rights, Jasna Karačić, said there was great resistance to vaccination and distrust of the profession in Croatia due to disinformation on COVID-19 that was spreading on social networks.

Disinformation is spreading on social networks much faster than scientific information is spreading. This is also present in other countries, but in Croatia it is pronounced the most in the entire EU, Karačić told Hina.

She said one should listen to experts, but the problem is also in the way the national COVID-19 crisis management team is communicating, since they do not send accurate messages to the public.

"First they made a mistake when they called on people to get vaccinated, and people thought the vaccine protected 100% so they could stop behaving responsibly," Karačić said.

The government obviously has no control over anti-vaxxers, nor its citizens, who were in a dilemma about vaccination, and gave up, for example, because they did not receive the necessary information even after they had submitted a request over the official website, she said.

There will be increase in chronic and oncological diseases again

The problems of other patients have escalated during the pandemic, they have limited access to health care because many hospitals are denying them regular health care due to COVID patients. In a situation like that, many patients had to go to private doctors, so the private health sector profited from the crisis, Karačić said.

"Other European countries ensured doctor consultations for their chronic patients, and they didn't only devote themselves to COVID patients. That is why last year's problems will happen again now -- there will be an increase in chronic and oncological diseases, so the number of deaths from other diseases, which could have been prevented, will double," Karačić said.

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Sunday, 31 October 2021

Croatia Registers 3,319 New COVID-19 Cases, 22 Deaths

ZAGREB, 31 Oct, 2021 - Over the past 24 hours Croatia has registered 3,319 new cases of the coronavirus infection, as well as 22 related deaths, and the number of active cases today stands at 25,138.

There are currently 1,418 COVID patients in hospitals, 170 of whom are on ventilators, and 32,398 people are self-isolating.

To date, a total of 3,106,745 people have been tested, including 8,717 in the last 24 hours.

A total of 3,615,769 vaccine doses have been administered, and 47.10% of the total population or 56.41% of the adult population has been vaccinated.

As at 30 October, 1,911,239 people have received at least one shot, and 1,797,683 people have been fully vaccinated, which accounts for 53.17% of the adult population.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Croatia Again Logs More Than 4,500 New COVID-19 Cases, 30 Deaths

ZAGREB, 30 Oct, 2021 - In the last 24 hours, Croatia has registered 4,547 new coronavirus cases and 30 patients have died, the national coronavirus crisis management team said on Saturday.

There are currently 25,153 active cases, including 1,330 hospitalised patients, of whom 175 are on ventilators.

Currently 34,838 people are self-isolating.

Since the first registered case of the infection on 25 February 2020, a total of 467,029 people have become infected and of them, 9,198 have died.

A total of 432,678 people have recovered, including 3,115 in the last 24 hours.

So far a total of 3,098,082 people have been tested, including 12,203 in the last 24 hours.

A total of 3,610,412 vaccine doses have been administered, with 47.03% of the total population having been vaccinated, that is, 56.33% of the adult population.

A total of 1,908,486 people have been vaccinated with one shot and 1,795,287 have received both shots, while 113,899 have received the single-dose Jannsen vaccine, which is 53.10% of the adult population.

For more on COVID-19, follow TCN's dedicated page.

For more about Croatia, CLICK HERE.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Fuchs: Schools Won't Function Normally Until Sufficient Number of People Vaccinated

ZAGREB, 29 Oct 2021 - Science and Education Minister Radovan Fuchs warned on Friday that life would not return to normal and schools would not be able to function normally until a sufficient number of citizens got vaccinated against COVID-19, noting that his ministry was carefully following the situation in schools.

"There will always be someone in self-isolation unless a sufficient number of citizens get vaccinated," Fuchs said during a visit to Župa Dubrovačka.

Asked about the situation after the school break next week, Fuchs said that he would be able to answer the question only if he knew how the epidemiological situation would unfold but that nonetheless it seemed that "something has changed in citizens' attitude" as more were willing to get vaccinated.

He dismissed the remark that the quality of education could be compromised, stressing that the experience of last year showed that the distribution of online classes was even and that his ministry was following decisions made by local COVID-19 response teams and had a very good data base on the number of students and teachers currently ill or in self-isolation.

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