Even though we live in a mobile phone era and we don’t need phones to connect to the Internet anymore, most people still like to have a good old landline phone in their home, so getting a package deal including phone and the Internet is the best choice. There are several options to choose from in Croatia, including Amis, Iskon, Terrakom, H1, Bnet, Optima, HT, and Vip.
Most operators require signing a contract for a period of 12 or 24 months, which sometimes gets you an additional discount over a certain period of months. Your options also depend on the place where you live, because an operator’s infrastructure might not cover your neighbourhood, especially if you live in the countryside. When you visit each operator’s website, you’ll find the maps showing you whether or not your neighbourhood/apartment is in their range. Broadband speed also varies depending on the operator.
Below you can find some of the best deals for each operator.
169 kn/month (flat Internet, flat calls to all Croatian landline phones, flat calls to Vip and Tomato mobile phone users) at Bnet
169,99 kn/month (20-50 Mbps flat Internet, 1,500 to all Croatian landline phones) at Iskon
175 kn/month (20/0.75 Mbps flat Internet, flat calls to Croatian landline phones) at Optima
189 kn/month (flat Internet, 55 min to Croatian landline phones) at Terrakom
199 kn/month (50/50 Mbps flat Internet, 1,500 min to all Croatian landline and mobile phones, as well as to landline and mobile phones within the EU ZONE) at Amis
199 kn/month (flat Internet, flat calls to Croatian landline phones, 2,000 min to Croatian mobile phones, 500 min to EU landline phones at 0.28 kn/min) at H1
225 kn/month (flat Internet, 60 min to HT landline phones) HT
260 kn/month (30 GB of Internet, flat calls to Croatian landlines and mobile phones, 500 min to EEA countries) at Vip
If you want TV as well, there are package deals including phone, TV and the Internet, and they are usually around 50 kn more expensive than the prices listed above.
You can find more information about these deals on Amis, Iskon, Terrakom, H1, Bnet, Optima, HT, and Vip.
A great site for comparing prices, which is available only in Croatian, is Procjenitelj troškova.