Zagreb Blog

Saturday, 30 September 2017

Rules of Saturday Lunch Ritual in Zagreb

Saturday lunch has been a cult event on the Zagreb restaurant scene since the '90s.
Saturday, 30 September 2017

Works on Renovating Legendary Corso Coffeehouse Finally Start

The works should be finished by spring 2018.
Friday, 29 September 2017

City of Zagreb Development Strategy for the Period up to 2020 Adopted

The Development Strategy was adopted at the third session of the City Aseembly held on September 28.
Friday, 29 September 2017

Asbestos Found in 26 Zagreb Schools and Kindergartens

Zagreb schools and kindergartens are facing serious asbestos problems.
Friday, 29 September 2017

Winner of Zagreb Burger Festival Announced

More than 170,000 visitors decided that the Best Burger Award should go to Mason Burgers & Stuff from Istria.
Thursday, 28 September 2017

Zagreb En Plein Air: Paintings by Marc Dalessio

Scenes of Zagreb painted outdoors.
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