Zagreb Blog

City of Zagreb Development Strategy for the Period up to 2020 Adopted

By 29 September 2017

The Development Strategy was adopted at the third session of the City Aseembly held on September 28.

At the proposal of the Mayor of the City of Zagreb, the Development Strategy of the City of Zagreb for the period up to 2020 was adopted at the third session of the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb held on September 28, 2017. Head of the City Office for Strategic Planning and Development of the City, Ms Sanja Jerković, presented the Strategy's proposal to city councilmen and councilwomen.

Development Strategy of the City of Zagreb for the period up to 2020 is the main planning document of the regional development policies for the City of Zagreb, and the obligation for its development and adoption is set out in the Law on Regional Development of the Republic of Croatia. The coordinator and the institution in charge of document drafting is the City Office for Strategic Planning and Development of the City, as the appointed Regional Coordinator for the City of Zagreb, and all of the city's administrative bodies, companies, institutions and associations, as well as the public, civil and scientific sectors have also actively contributed to the process.

The fundamental purpose of this document is to identify the City's development challenges and ways to optimise the use of its valuable resources and the potential that will enable a more efficient, better quality and more balanced development of the City as a whole and generally contribute to the achievement of the defined city vision - Urban Incubator of Sustainable Concepts, Entrepreneurship and New Values.

The development strategy defines the general guidelines of sustainable socio-economic development of the City of Zagreb through the following six goals: a competitive economy, development of human resources, environmental protection and sustainable management of natural resources and energy, improving urban quality and functions of the CIty, improving the quality of life, and improvement of development management systems. The six strategic goals will be fulfilled through priorities and measures listed in the Action Plan, which is a separate implementation document of the Strategy.

The Development Strategy of the City of Zagreb for the period up to 2020, in addition to ensuring the viability of the appropriate strategic basis for the current programme, also provides the basis for a new strategic planning system for the upcoming period after 2020.

You can access ZagrebPlan, the previous version of the Strategy, here.

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